Learning Unit B6 – Labour Practices (7 hours), IE MK

|UNIT B6 |



Introduction B6

Section B6_1 Employees’ Health and Safety

Section B6_2 Good Working Conditions

Section B6_3 Team Work Concept

Section B6_4 Human Capital Diversity

Revision B6

|Section |Activity |Estimated time |Score |

|Introduction B6 |1 |10 |10 |

| |2 |20 |20 |

| |TOTAL |30 minutes |30 |

|Section B6_1 |3 |20 |10 |

|Employees Health and Safety | | | |

| |4 |30 |30 |

| |5 |15 |25 |

| |6 |10 |25 |

| |7 |25 |20 |

|Section B6_2 |8 |15 |10 |

|Good Working Conditions | | | |

| |9 |30 |20 |

| |10 |10 |10 |

| |11 |25 |15 |

|Section B6_3 |12 |20 |10 |

|Team Work Concept | | | |

| |13 |10 |5 |

| |14 |25 |20 |

| |15 |15 |20 |

|Section B6_4 |16 |20 |15 |

|Human Capital Diversity | | | |

| |17 |30 |40 |

| |18 |40 |40 |

| |19 |5 |5 |

| |20 |15 |20 |

| |TOTAL |360 minutes |340 |

|Revision B6 |21 |5 |5 |

| |22 |15 |20 |

| |23 |10 |5 |

| |TOTAL |30 minutes |30 |

Introduction B6

Activity 1 Estimated Time: 10 mins. Score: 10 points

Read the text below. Then choose the correct answer A, B or C.

Can an organization in the twenty first century environment afford not to be socially responsible? A short answer is “Not for long”. Above and beyond the responsibility of business to act legally and morally is this very prevalent, undeniable, and practical

Potentially the most abstract type of Corporate Social Responsibility, labour practices beg the question: are employees fairly and ethically treated? This question comes into play more with corporations that operate in other countries. 

Corporate Social Responsibility is not only beneficial for the greater good of a community, but it also has amazing benefits for business employee’s overall happiness. Employees who participate in CSR are more likely to stay at their jobs longer, feel a stronger connection to their co-workers and feel more satisfied in their day to day tasks.

Making sure that your company is using labour practices is another way to demonstrate social responsibility. Not only within your own facility, but by not allowing or supporting manufacturers that produce goods through sweat shops or dealing with companies that are not doing what they can to preserve the environment.

When a corporation is involved in helping one or more organizations, it helps your employees respect the company and be more satisfied with their jobs. Employees like to feel they are associated with a company that is making a difference to the community or world. They feel proud to tell others where they work and the various drives the company is involved in.

Socially responsible companies relating to Labour Practices:

1. improve safety and health of employees,

2. provide good working conditions for their employees,

3. motivate their employees by “working experiences” and involving them in the whole process,

4. promote teamwork concept,

5. create work environment that embraces diversity in human capital (promote work-life management),

6. raise health and safety management levels across the group through promotion of global health and safety management,

7. provide health and productivity management.

Single choice – one correct answer - 2 points per correct answer

Question 1

Who are CSR's Labour Practices beneficial for?

A. only community

B. only employees

C. both community and employees

Question 2

Which is NOT a key element of Labour Practices?

A. promoting teamwork concept

B. using energy saving light bulbs

C. providing good working conditions for their employees

Question 3

Employees who participate in CSR are more likely to ________________.

A stay at their jobs

B. leave their jobs to help the community

C. request more sick leaves

Question 4

Employees like to feel they are a part of a company that is ________________.

A. selling cheap products

B. making enough profit

C. making a difference to the world and community

Question 5

Following Labour Practices principles you should ________________.

A. support manufacturers that produce goods through sweat shop

B. avoid cooperation with companies which do not obey Labour Code

C. deal with companies that are not doing what they can to preserve the environment

Activity 2 Part 1

Part 1 - Estimated Time: 10 mins. Score: 10 points

Read the definition. Choose the concept which is being defined from the scroll down menu.


1. A person serving a special training period in preparation for admission to full status as a skilled tradesman.


a pensioner

an apprentice worker

an active employee

2. Work done as an occupation that takes up a significant period of one’s life and

employment history.





3. Someone who does not come from the country where they are working.




migrant worker

4. Degree to which an employee feels that their job compliments and supports their quality of life as opposed to reducing it.


work-life balance

health and safety

occupational stress

5. An organised communication activity that aims to give more detailed information on a topic.




awareness raising campaign

6. Stress related to workload, schedule, office politics, workplace conflict and inherently stressful activities such as dealing with complaints from dissatisfied customers.





7. Situation where an individual is relating him- or herself to others.


health and safety

social processes


8. This person provides cost savings and staffing flexibility while ensuring you’re in compliance with safety regulations.


safety manager

union representative


9. Responsibility towards someone or a task.





10. Non-wage compensation such as insurance, housing allowances, commuting expenses or wellness programs.



employee benefits

active employment

Activity 2 Part 2

Part 2 Estimated Time: 10 mins. Score: 10 points

Match the terms with their definitions.





|Terms |Definitions |

| |Employees at work, as distinguished from retired or laid-off employees |

| |Young workers employment that might interfere with their educational opportunities or be|

| |detrimental to their health or well being |

| |The person working for somebody else. |

| |Processes, procedures and safety equipment to make a job healthy and safe. |

| |A legally required statement of a company strategy, consisting of their objectives to |

| |attain a safe working environment, their responsibilities, and the arrangements for |

| |implementing the strategy and achieving their aims. |

| |Supportive learning relationship between a caring individual who shares his/her |

| |knowledge, experience and wisdom with another individual who his willing and ready to |

| |benefit from this exchange. |

| |A company which focuses on community involvement and charitable giving as well as |

| |community engagement |

| |When two or more people get together to achieve a specific goal.  |

| |A full-time representative of a local union whose job it is to represent trade union |

| |members in a particular company/profession. |

| |It refers to the full lifecycle of a product or process, including material sourcing, |

| |production, consumption and disposal /recycling processes.  |


|Terms |Definitions |

|ACTIVE EMPLOYEES |Employees at work, as distinguished from retired or laid-off employees |

|CHILD LABOUR |Young workers employment that might interfere with their educational opportunities or |

| |be detrimental to their health or well being |

|EMPLOYEE |The person working for somebody else. |

|HEALTH & SAFETY |Processes, procedures and safety equipment to make a job healthy and safe. |

|HEALTH POLICY |A legally required statement of a company strategy, consisting of their objectives to |

| |attain a safe working environment, their responsibilities, and the arrangements for |

| |implementing the strategy and achieving their aims. |

|MENTORING |Supportive learning relationship between a caring individual who shares his/her |

| |knowledge, experience and wisdom with another individual who his willing and ready to |

| |benefit from this exchange. |

|RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS |A company which focuses on community involvement and charitable giving as well as |

| |community engagement |

|TEAMWORK |When two or more people get together to achieve a specific goal.  |

|UNION REPRESENTATIVE |A full-time representative of a local union whose job it is to represent trade union |

| |members in a particular company/profession. |

|VALUE CHAIN |It refers to the full lifecycle of a product or process, including material sourcing, |

| |production, consumption and disposal /recycling processes.  |

Section B6_1 Employees’ Health and Safety

Activity 3 Estimated Time: 20 mins. Score: 10 points

Read the text. Then decide whether the sentences are true or false.

1 point for each correct answer

Towards the end of the 19th century, it was not uncommon for European companies to have their own social and societal programmes. However, when increasing legislation came to protect workers and to guarantee the wellbeing of civilians, at the end of the 20th century, a new era of growing interest in CSR began.

CSR is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.

The UK is recognised internationally as a leader in the field of Safety and Health. It has in place a set of comprehensive laws encompassed in the Health and Safety at Work and a generally supportive workforce and employers.

But how exactly is Safety and Health of employees related to CSR? According to Zwetsloot and Starren (2003) organisational activities that benefit both Safety and Health and public safety contribute to CSR. Safety and Health activities that benefit public safety, such as increasing the security in a shopping mall, also contribute to CSR. Safety and Health, therefore, is an important element of the social dimension of CSR. Via CSR, it is possible to integrate the Safety and Health policy at a strategic level of the organisation. Integration of Safety and Health aspects in CSR contributes to public appreciation, which is a main result field and essential for business success. Safety and Health in CSR will also lead to benefits in terms of added value for reputation, work productivity, consumer loyalty and share value. Sanders and Roefs (2001) stress that a good integration of Safety and Health in CSR will foster the image of a good employer. This improves its position in the labour market, making it more attractive to potential recruits as well as encouraging loyalty from existing employees. Six factors were identified as core safety and health indicators. These were: whether a director was named as health and safety champion; the level of reporting of health and safety management systems; the number of fatalities; the lost-time injury rate; the absenteeism rate; the costs of health and safety losses.

Therefore, safety and health forms an essential aspect of CSR. In recent years, many initiatives have started at the level of organisations, of branches, of countries and even across countries’ borders. In considering the impact of business on wider stakeholders, employees are amongst the first stakeholders considered by the CSR movement. This is the main reason why all of the major reporting guidelines and declarations of CSR principles include employee relations.

It is important to inspire businesses, especially SMEs, to improve their way of integrating safety and health into their business strategy and operations.

Guidance material, as with any material targeted at businesses, needs to be as simple as possible – for example, ‘the 5 key risks and how to manage them. For SMEs, these should be written in a way that takes account of their realities – less emphasis on systems, more on what to look out for and what to do about it in simple, achievable terms.


1. TRUE FALSE Companies did not have any health and safety policies in the 1890s.

2. TRUE FALSE CSR labour practices are mainly based on legal regulations.

3. TRUE FALSE In CSR approach companies interact with their stakeholders on voluntary basis.

4. TRUE FALSE Norway was recognized internationally as a leader in the field of Safety and Health of employees.

5. TRUE FALSE It is very important to demonstrate openness towards employees.

6. TRUE FALSE According to Zwetsloot and Starren (2003) organisational activities that benefit both Safety and Health and public safety contribute to profit making

7. TRUE FALSE Integration of Safety and Health aspects in CSR contributes to public appreciation, which is a main result field and essential for business success.

8. TRUE FALSE Companies which follow CSR approach in labour practices attract more employees.

9. TRUE FALSE Considering the impact of business on stakeholders, institutions are amongst the first stakeholders considered by the CSR.

10. TRUE FALSE Integration of Safety and Health aspects in CSR does not require strategic approach.

Activity 4

Part 1

Estimated Time: 5 mins. Score: 15 points

Read the items and select the ones related to employees’ health and safety.



□ getting employees up and active

□ involving employees in safety planning

□ buying business class for employees who travel by air

□ talking regularly with employees

□ providing training to employees

□ creating a plan to promote workplace health and safety

□ offering possibility of flexitime and work from home

□ providing the right safety equipment

□ reducing workplace environment stress

□ using mechanical assistance

□ booking only 5 star hotels for employees who go on a business trip

□ keeping supervisors updated about the unsafe conditions

□ keeping crisis exits which are easily accessible

□ using tools appropriately

□ providing employees with a company car

□ getting aware of the surroundings

□ managing stress at workplace

□ providing physical and mental space for breaks

□ offering work overtime at peak seasons

□ promoting and fostering social connections

Part 2

Estimated Time: 25 mins. Score: 15 points

Read the short texts. Then choose the correct heading for each text from the scroll-down menu.




Each text with a scroll down menu displayed on a separate screen


Scroll down menu

Providing physical and mental space for breaks

Talking regularly with employees

Managing stress at workplace

Providing training to employees

Using tools appropriately

Most of the employees are not fit and healthy because of their busy schedule, which includes long working hours, work-pressure and conflicts with co-workers or with the boss of the organization. All these can lead to some illnesses or depression. This does not only affect employees’ professional but also personal life. So, instead of waiting to get unfit, it is better that employees start taking care of their health, by taking regular breaks, eating and moving appropriately. Work should be scheduled in such a way so that employees can find time for their leisure activities, rest, family and hobbies.


Scroll down menu

Using tools appropriately

Getting aware of the surrounding

Managing stress at workplace

Providing physical and mental space for breaks

Talking regularly with employees

There are many employees who do not are about surrounding hazards. But, it is important to observe your co-employees working conditions. Once you get to know about the particular hazards that occur at your workplace, it will help you in reducing the risk and allow you to take the precautionary steps.


Scroll down menu

Managing stress at workplace

Providing physical and mental space for breaks

Keeping crisis exits which are easily accessible

Talking regularly with employees

Using tools appropriately

Employees should take appropriate precautions while using machinery or any other tools, instead of taking any shortcuts. Taking shortcuts is one of the biggest reason behind workplace loss. It’s a biggest safety risk to use scaffolding as a ladder or one tool instead of another for a particular job. So, it is always recommended to use the correct tools and reduce the opportunity of workplace injury.


Scroll down menu

Talking regularly with employees

Keeping crisis exits which are easily accessible

Providing training to employees

Creating a plan to promote workplace health and safety

Managing stress at workplace

In case there is an emergency, employees will need to leave the workplace as quickly as possible. It is also advised to keep clear usage of equipment shutoffs which might stop you from performing at emergency.


Scroll down menu

Using tools appropriately

Keeping supervisors updated about the unsafe conditions

Getting aware of the surroundings

Managing stress at workplace

Providing physical and mental space for breaks

It is important that employees inform their supervisor about the hazards or risks which occur at workplace. They are legally obligated to ensure whether their employees work in a safe environment or not. If not, they have to examine the conditions carefully and create safe working environment for employees.


Scroll down menu

Managing stress at workplace

Keeping supervisors updated about the unsafe conditions

Getting aware of the surroundings

Using mechanical assistance

Providing physical and mental space for breaks

Whenever an employee wants to carry or lift up some heavy equipment they should use a conveyor belt, crank or forklift. There are lot of risks involved, if an employee tries to lift something which is heavier, it can affect their weighing capability and can lead to some muscle displacement or other injury.


Scroll down menu

Getting aware of the surroundings

Reducing workplace environment stress

Providing physical and mental space for breaks

Promoting and fostering social connections

Providing training to employees

Long-term stress can lead to depression and concentration problems. The main reasons for getting stressed include extended working hours, excess of work, insecurity of job or bad relationship between colleagues and management. Employees should report such situations to their supervisors, talk about the problems they are facing and ask them for support.


Scroll down menu

Providing physical and mental space for breaks

Promoting and fostering social connections

Providing the right safety equipment

Using tools appropriately

Creating a plan to promote workplace health and safety

It is essential for the employees to wear appropriate protection equipment tools during work. The equipment includes earplugs, earmuffs, hard hats, gloves, full-face masks, safety gloves and a lot more which is required by law and must be worn while working. They will protect the workers from against various incidents that might occur at workplace.


Scroll down menu

Getting employees up and active

Creating a plan to promote workplace health and safety

Involving employees in safety planning

Talking regularly with employees

Providing training to employees

Employers must identify hazards in the workplace and take steps to eliminate or minimize them. Therefore a comprehensive plan should be developed which should then be communicated to the employees. All employees should have access to a first aid kit.


Scroll down menu

Getting employees up and active

Creating a plan to promote workplace health and safety

Involving employees in safety planning

Talking regularly with employees

Providing training to employees

Proper training is necessary for all employees, especially if there is a risk for potential injury associated with a particular job. Employers should provide written instructions and safe work procedures so they can check for themselves if the employees are unsure of a task or have forgotten part of their training. Regular training helps us to ensure that the employees perform their job properly and safely. If an employer does not provide correct training they can be held liable for the incident which could have serious consequences.


Scroll-down menu

Talking regularly with employees

Keeping supervisors updated about the unsafe conditions

Creating a plan to promote workplace health and safety

Keeping crisis exits which are easily accessible

Using tools appropriately

Employers should meet regularly with their staff to discuss health and safety issues. They should encourage them to share their ideas and thoughts on how to improve safety in the workplace.


Scroll-down menu

Reducing workplace environment stress

Providing physical and mental space for breaks

Offering work overtime at peak seasons

Promoting and fostering social connections

Involving employees in safety planning

Employers should empower their workers to “own” safety by involving them in safety planning. The more an employee understands and takes ownership of the safety plan, the more engaged he/she will be.


Using mechanical assistance

Keeping supervisors updated about the unsafe conditions

Getting aware of the surroundings

Getting employees up and active

Talking regularly with employees

Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent illness. A healthy mind and body will always have a big effect on preventing illness at work. Employers can rearrange the workplace by providing bike racks and places for people to freshen up after exercise. Encouraging people to setup exercise clubs and occasionally initiating a walking meeting, where instead of the boardroom they have a meeting in the park while going for a walk would be a good idea.


Scroll-down menu

Keeping supervisors updated about the unsafe conditions

Promoting and fostering social connections

Getting aware of the surroundings

Using mechanical assistance

Providing physical and mental space for breaks

Since most people spend eight or more hours daily in their workplace, it’s important for people to socialise. This simple strategy has shown to help improve the physical health of workers. For instance, they aren’t sick as often, recover more quickly from surgery and aren’t as depressed. In turn, they are able to work and perform better.


Scroll-down menu

Employees need physical and mental space for breaks

Getting employees up and active

Creating a plan to promote workplace health and safety

Involving employees in safety planning

Getting aware of the surroundings

Spending eight hours a day in one place is stressful enough. When you can’t get away from the hustle and bustle, it can really wreck your nerves. One way around this is to have a special quiet place to get away. Providing this in the workplace can help improve employees’ health, both mentally and physically. You can make it a mandatory thing or an option for workers to take a “me time” break.


Part 1

Estimated time: 10 mins Score: 20 points

|In your business... |Yes, definitely. |Partly |No |

|...are the employees encouraged to do some kind of sport? | | | |

|...are the employees involved in safety planning? | | | |

|...are there frequent talks with the employees concerning health and safety at| | | |

|workplace? | | | |

|...is there a plan to promote health and safety at workplace? | | | |

|...do employees keep the management informed about their safety needs? | | | |

|...are employees aware of surrounding hazards? | | | |

|...is there any space where employees can relax without being disturbed? | | | |

|...are social relationships maintained? | | | |

|...is employees’ stress reduced to minimum? | | | |

|...are employees able to plan their breaks at work by themselves? | | | |



Interactive comments


Your score is _______(the number of points should be displayed). Your company is following the right path as far as employees’ health and safety is concerned. The employees may feel really safe at workplace. Their mental and physical health is well taken care of so their productivity will be increasing. They also feel responsible for their own safety so the number of work related accidents will definitely decrease.


Your score is _______(the number of points should be displayed). Your company has introduced some measures related to employees’ health and safety but this might be not enough to ensure their total well-being. Probably the measures taken are strictly related to law requirements. It is worth to consider introducing some solutions which will go beyond that. The employees should be more aware of their surroundings and potential risks related to their work. Their health and safety awareness might be limited to standard, everyday routine jobs. In case of an unexpected safety problem the knowledge might be not sufficient enough.


Your score is _______(the number of points should be displayed). The management of the company has to think seriously of creating a comprehensive plan regarding employees’ health and safety and introduce appropriate measures. The management and the employees can work it out together. Without a proper action plan the employees will not feel safe at work, their wellbeing as well productivity may decrease and as result they might be more likely to resign and find another job.


Estimated time 5 minutes Score: 5 points

Read the quotes and match them with the correct action.

Matching activity or drag and drop


|“I think the salsa classes we are offering before lunchtime have been getting on |talking regularly with employees |

|popularity recently. More and more employees want to take part in it.” | |

|‘We have to organize a meeting this week. The new bricks need to be stored in |getting employees up and active |

|special conditions and I am afraid not all of our employees are aware of that.” | |

|“There is one empty room at the end of the corridor. I think we can arrange some |promoting and fostering social connections |

|space where our employees can relax during work. There will be a lot of green | |

|plants, a small fountain and comfortable sofas with soft pillows.” | |

|“One of our employees reported that a fridge is not keeping the right temperature. |providing training to employees |

|He says that the food in the freezer might have gone off. I think we should discuss| |

|it further.” | |

|“What do you think of the idea to spend 15 minutes each morning having a common |providing physical and mental space for breaks |

|breakfast?” | |

Correct answers


|“I think the salsa classes we are offering before lunchtime have been getting on |getting employees up and active |

|popularity recently. More and more employees want to take part in it.” | |

|‘We have to organize a meeting this week. The new bricks need to be stored in |providing training to employees |

|special conditions and I am afraid not all of our employees are aware of that.” | |

|“There is one empty room at the end of the corridor. I think we can arrange some |providing physical and mental space for breaks |

|space where our employees can relax during work. There will be a lot of green | |

|plants, a small fountain and comfortable sofas with soft pillows.” | |

|“One of our employees reported that a fridge is not keeping the right temperature. |talking regularly with employees |

|He says that the food in the freezer might have gone off. I think we should discuss| |

|it further.” | |

|“What do you think of the idea to spend 15 minutes each morning having a common |promoting and fostering social connections |

|breakfast?” | |


As the manager of the company which of the measures discussed in Part 1 and 2 of this exercise would you be willing to take in order to improve employees’ health and safety at work (not necessarily related to existing law).

Activity 6

Estimated Time: 10 mins. Score: 25 points

Read the questions and choose the best answer(s).

Multiple choice, all correct answers are marked in green

1 point for each correct answer.

1. What is the purpose of providing gym classes to employees?

A. To comply with health and safety rules.

B. To increase employee’s well-being at workplace.

C. To improve workers’ performance at work.

D. To show that a firm can afford that.

2. From CSR perspective employers introduce occupational health and safety rules because they want to ______________.

A. protect workers’ safety

B. increase company’s turnover

C. they want to avoid penalty

D. they want to follow modern trends

3. Which statement is NOT related to occupational health and safety?

A. Employees who eat healthily are 25 percent more likely to have higher job performance.

B. Health employees take fewer sick leaves.

C. Employees should take longer lunch breaks to take exercise.

D. Ethnical and cultural diversity at workplace should be encouraged.

4. Healthy and relaxed employees ______________.

A. quarrel a lot at workplace

B. are less willing to take on new tasks

C. take fewer sick leaves

D. work more efficiently and a re more creative

5. Strategies related to occupational health and safety can be applied in ______________.

A. micro businesses

B. small businesses

C. medium businesses

D. big international corporations

6. The concept of safety goes beyond the physical body in ______________.

A. micro businesses

B. small businesses

C. medium businesses

D. big international corporations

7. Developing a smoke-free events policy ______________.

A. is regarded as discrimination of smokers

B. is a good way to promote non-smoking

C. is against the law

D. generates conflicts in the team

8. Some low cost methods to encourage employees to do some exercise include ______________.

A. providing allowance for using public transport

B. introducing a company bike renting scheme

C. organizing charity events with sports contests

D. organizing fun runs or walking tours

9. What facilities can an employer provide to ensure employees’ wellbeing?

A. kitchen facilities

B. a games room

C. a gym

D. a room with relaxing music, plants and comfortable sofas

10. Extended working hours, excess of work, insecurity of job and issues can lead to worker’s ______________.

A. depression

B. burnout

C. increased productivity

D. irritability

Activity 7 Estimated time: 25 mins. Score: 20 points

PART 1 Estimated time: 15 mins. Score: 5 points

Read the three scenarios, then select only one that identifies occupational health and safety good practice.


Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3

5 points for choosing the correct answer


dwp eG Fairhandelsgesellschaft company relies on the partnership with 60 smallholder and small producer groups and promotes environmentally and socially responsible development. The company stands for an end-to-end fair-trade chain from producers to consumers and consciously adopts ecological and social responsibility in its own country.

Reintegration of mentally ill people into the primary job market and training offers for adolescents with learning difficulties or autism help to create meaningful work tasks for more than 50 clients according to their abilities. Global and regional: 40 regional juice blends apple mango offer fair incomes for small producers in Germany and the Philippines as well as the preservation of orchards and biodiversity.


MVG Medienproduktion und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH (GmbH) as a company with ethically motivated goals pursues a value-based management approach of CSR. The core values of competence, performance, fairness and sustainability are firmly anchored in the corporate philosophy and determine every aspect of their entrepreneurial activities.

Due to an environmentally friendly media production with the fully commitment of in-house productions to green paper, carbon-neutral manufacturing and carbon neutral shipping convinced the majority of customers for green media production (and environmentally friendly shipping options) through extensive consulting.

The "Fair Gifts" initiative helped to increase the number of companies that decide to give their business partners food presents from Fair Trade. This does not only actively promote fair trade, but also increases the level of awareness of fair trade products.

During their time at the company, 12% of employees have either already completed a part-time university degree or are currently studying. The study is supported by the company through financial means and/or flexible working time models.


Stefano Pittis set up his own company in 1999 in Mortegliano (UD), after having worked for many years in the construction sector. In addition to constructions from scratch, Stefano Pittis has had a long experience in renovation of inefficient or old buildings.

Mr. Stefano Pittis has a great sense of belonging to the territory where he lives and works and therefore he tries to bring well-being and life quality to his community.

To do so, he focused on energy saving and the use of renewable energy, researching high-quality and with low environmental impact housing solutions. This brings strong work ethics and positive human relationships to this company. Focus on innovation, on the efficiency of the tools used, on the autonomy and growth of his workforce are considered of primary importance. Working with quality means using the most adequate material with the awareness of pros and cons regarding costs. Time and workload are calibrated to the real capacity of the workers. Safety equipment is constantly maintained and regularly checked-up. Safety is not only a law obligation but the best guarantee to continue to be effective and efficient in the future. The methods of managing human resources (training, safety, stability of work relationships, sensitivity, sharing methods, sharing values, trust within the organization, processes of delegation and responsibility) directly affect individual operators’ work quality.

PART 2 Estimated time: 10 min. Score:15 points

Read the scenarios again. Choose the correct company.

Which company...

1. ...promotes environmentally and socially responsible development?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

2. ... constantly maintains and checks safety equipment?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

3. ... calibrates time and workload to the real capacity of the workers?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

4. ... provides consulting to customers of green media production?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

5. ...relies on the partnership with 60 smallholder and small producer groups?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

6. ... introduced the "Fair Gifts" initiative?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

7. ... bring well-being and life quality to his community?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

8. ... reintegrates mentally ill people into the primary job market?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

9. ... focuses on innovation and the efficiency of the tools used?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

10. ... supports employees’ studies?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

11.... believes that safety is the best guarantee to continue to be effective and efficient in the future.

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

12. ... consciously adopts ecological and social responsibility in its own country?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

13. ... provides the most adequate material with the awareness of pros and cons regarding costs?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

14. ... finds competence, performance, fairness and sustainability as determinants of entrepreneurial activity?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

15. ... chooses the methods which directly affect individual operators’ work quality?

A. dwp B. MVG C. Stefano Pittis

Section B6_2 Good Working Conditions

Activity 8 Estimated time: 15 mins. Score: 10 points

Read the text. Then decide whether the statements are true or false

European authorities, wishing both to encourage a particular European social model and to promote good practice in European companies, have taken up the subject of social responsibility with a view to making it better known and ensuring that the way in which enterprises understand its content is as homogeneous as possible. The publication in July 2001 of the Green Paper, designed to promote widespread debate on this subject in Europe, was a key point in this process of seeking a definition of CSR that was shared as widely as possible.

The question of CSR tools becomes more complicated when one addresses small and micro companies, which do not possess the human and financial resources required to produce this formalisation. Today such a proposal comes up against strong reservations on the part of SMEs, which regard this prospect as an additional bureaucratic expense, which does is not really of interest to them. It is significant that organisations representing SMEs have argued for a change of name, suggesting that the concept of CSR be replaced by the term ‘responsible entrepreneurship’, based on the extent of voluntary contributions by SMEs to their local communities. At small firms in the lack of unions and formalised labour relations, when entrepreneurs and employees are interested in lasting cooperation, social dialogue concerning working conditions and social provisions is based on informal relations. ‘Good practices’ of the engagement of small entrepreneurs in local social and cultural activities can be also found when small development is based on local networks of economic, political and cultural actors.

ANSWERS (second screen)

TRUE FALSE European authorities want to promote the concept of social responsibility.

TRUE FALSE The purpose of Green Paper issued in July of 2001 was a legal document which set up very detailed regulations concerning CSR.

TRUE FALSE At small companies, social dialogue concerning working conditions and social provisions is based on informal relations

TRUE FALSE Transparent & open communication is considered as a good practice within working conditions.

TRUE FALSE The question of CSR tools becomes more complicated when one addresses small and micro companies.

TRUE FALSE Big corporations suggested the name of ‘responsible entrepreneurship’ instead of CSR.

TRUE FALSE Not many small companies have formalised labour relations.

TRUE FALSE Small entrepreneurs’ informal engagement in local cultural and social life can be perceived as CSR practice.

TRUE FALSE Micro and small enterprises are not afraid of bureaucracy related to CSR.

TRUE FALSE Micro and small companies are often a part of international networks.

Activity 9 Estimated time: 30 min. Score: 20 points

Part 1 Estimated time: 10 min. Score: 10 points

Read the statements and classify them under two headings.


1. It addresses the employee’s need to feel that what they have to say has value.

2. It includes factors such as lighting and temperature.

3. It is what makes employees feel that they belong in the organization.

4. Having many small lamps for people helps to localize lighting.

5. It is advisable that the workplace can be ventilated with some fresh air.

6. The employees know that what they contribute affects the organization that they are affiliated with.

7. The temperature in a workplace is very important.

8. It is essential for staff to discuss the organization’s philosophy, mission and values to ensure that everyone knows what they’re working for, other than their paychecks.

9. Having open discussions gets people involved and allows them to share their views and perspectives on how to achieve company goals.

10. The workplace should be warm in the winter and cool in the summer, but never too much of either at any time.

|Transparent and open communication |Office environment |

| | |


|Transparent and open communication |Office environment |

|1. It addresses the employee’s need to feel that what they have to |2. It includes factors such as lighting and temperature. |

|say has value. |4. Having many small lamps for people helps to localize lighting. |

|3. It is what makes employees feel that they belong in the |5. It is advisable that the workplace can be ventilated with some |

|organization. |fresh air. |

|6. The employees know that what they contribute affects the |7. The temperature in a workplace is very important. |

|organization that they are affiliated with. |10. The workplace should be warm in the winter and cool in the |

|8. It is essential for staff to discuss the organization’s |summer, but never too much of either at any time. |

|philosophy, mission and values to ensure that everyone knows what | |

|they’re working for, other than their paychecks. | |

|9. Having open discussions gets people involved and allows them to | |

|share their views and perspectives on how to achieve company goals.| |

Part 2 Estimated Times: 5 min. Score: 6 points

Read the statements and classify them under two headings.


1. In an office environment, having plants around can brighten the place up, bringing life into the workplace.

2. Two-way communication allows the managers to clearly communicate to their employees what they need and expect from them.

3. Employees should be able to come to the manager when they need to.

4. A workplace free of distractions can make it easier for employees to concentrate.

5. Employees can come to the manager with problems as well as ideas that can increase profitability.

6. Comfortable seating also contributes to employees’ satisfaction.

|Decor |Openness |

| | |


|Decor |Openness |

|1. In an office environment, having plants around can brighten the |2. Two-way communication allows the managers to clearly communicate|

|place up, bringing life into the workplace. |to their employees what they need and expect from them. |

|4. A workplace free of distractions can make it easier for |3. Employees should be able to come to the manager when they need |

|employees to concentrate. |to. |

|6. Comfortable seating also contributes to employees’ satisfaction.|5. Employees can come to the manager with problems as well as ideas|

| |that can increase profitability. |

Part 3 Estimated time: 5 mins Score: 4 points

Read the short text and then choose SHOULD or SHOULDN’T in each statement.

Even though you’re the business owner, you might not know the nitty-gritty details of every employee’s job. That’s why highly-skilled employees might be your best trainers. You can probably tell which employees are the most competent at their jobs. They’re the ones who complete their tasks on time and with precision. They might be managers. Or, in flat organizations, they might just be highly trusted employees. Ask these employees. They can train new employees or teach continuous training courses. You might give them standard information to teach, or let them create training materials themselves.


The manager ...

...SHOULD/SHOULDN’T thank someone for something they did but weren’t expecting to get thanked for.

... SHOULD/SHOULDN’T speak generally about what he wanted to thank for.

... SHOULD/SHOULDN’T ask highly trusted employees to pass on their skills and knowledge to other employees.

... SHOULD/SHOULDN’T let the employees create training material.

Part 4 Estimated time: 10 mins Score: 0

Think of your own company or the company you work for. Which of the following techniques/ways of behaviour are practiced in your company, which are worth considering to implement, which may not work?

| |Practiced |Worth considering |May not work (why?) |

|People feel they belong to the organisation. | | | |

|Employees have their own small lamps. | | | |

|The temperature in the office can be adjusted. | | | |

|Employees are encouraged to express their opinion on working | | | |

|conditions. | | | |

|There are a lot of nice plants in the office. | | | |

|Employees can come to the manager when they need to. | | | |

|Workers are equipped with very comfortable chairs. | | | |

|More experienced workers can teach junior workers. | | | |

|The manager consults highly trusted workers on potential training | | | |

|programs for newly employed ones. | | | |

|Workers are provided with space to relax. | | | |

All material adapted from:

Activity 10 Estimated Time: 10 min. Score: 10 points

Read the following sentences and decide whether are true or false


TRUE FALSE When an organization cannot afford to outsource employees’ trainings, it can ask more experienced, highly trusted employees to prepare and provide training to newly employed workers.

TRUE FALSE A workplace that is warm in the winter and cool in the summer (moderately) influences satisfaction employees’ satisfaction and improves performance.

TRUE FALSE Managers who effectively communicate clear expectations and responsibilities to their employees will be rewarded with good friendships.

TRUE FALSE Cracking down on social media platforms as a way to encourage productivity can be a serious morale killer

TRUE FALSE Providing good working conditions for employees means positive reinforcement, happiness and gratitude.

TRUE FALSE If an employee feels that they are being not skilled enough for his work, they should request a training from employer

TRUE FALSE One model for improving working conditions under Labour Practices could be considered as free education for company employee’s child.

TRUE FALSE Providing comfortable sofas and chairs can employees lazy.

TRUE FALSE Clearly stated workplace values reflect concern for wellbeing of employees.

TRUE FALSE Communication trainings for employees in small and micro companies encourage closed communication.

Activity 11 Estimated time: 25mins. Score: 15 points

Part 1 Score: 5 points

Read the scenarios, then select only one that identifies good working conditions for employees.


Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3


The company creates an environment for the employees in which they can work efficiently, rest and have flexibility. These measures allow the workers to organize their work and have a better work- private life balance. Parents have a paid leave to attend childbirth classes; there also exists the possibility of telecommunicating to the company temporarily or during taking care of a sick family member or in case of a child’s birth. This consultancy also offers autonomy in the distribution of maternity leave and permission to breastfeed, to allowing workers to adjust their work time to their needs. These measures increase not only workers’ commitment but also their productivity. The employees are also given an opportunity to attend dedicated training courses during working hours.


Classic pastry shop, with café and out-of-home operation. Own organic coffee roasting, own beekeeping, own jam production, regional purchase, seasonal goods, daily fresh products, open daily. It is the company’s understanding to influence steadily and positively our environment. Energy-efficient, ecological company with its own power generation, recording and evaluating all the company’s electrical consumers (e.g. machines, light, etc.) and their partial replacement or elimination. Small wind power plant, photovoltaic system, cogeneration plant for own power generation, LED, motion detectors, energy optimization system, heat recovery system, block refrigeration system and induction cooker led to savings in energy purchasing, big CO2 savings, newer machines. It is a family friendly operation with daily support of three food banks for welfare recipients and the social project. Taking part in charity projects. These activities result in a high commitment of employees with several years of average service of staff, very low sick leave (below 0.7%), positive feedback from the customers and more applications from future apprentices.


This company is a family business combining tradition, modernity and quality with an environmentally friendly sense for many years. They are offering orthopaedic shoes and have created a holistic and extensive offer for their customers. The combination of traditional craftsmanship with health and the environment is the guiding principle of the management. Free participation in the English course in the company, reimbursement of training costs by the company and individual working time regulations support the satisfaction and motivation of employees, thereby improving work-life balance. Moreover, some local activities and charity projects are supported in order to increase product performance as well as positive external communication.

Part 2 Score: 10 points

Read the scenarios again. Then choose the number of the scenario 1, 2 or 3 related to the key phrases.


Scenario No.

1 2 3 paid leave

1 2 3 better work-life balance

1 2 3 dedicated training courses during working hours

1 2 3 possibility of telecommunicating

1 2 3 wind power plant

1 2 3 taking part in charity projects

1 2 3 photovoltaic system

1 2 3 reimbursement of training courses


Read the 3 scenarios again. Try to think which of the solutions you could implement in your own company or the company you work for. Try to find at least 3 proposals which could be implemented in your company.

Section B6_3 Teamwork concept

Activity 12 Estimated Time: 20 mins. Score: 10 points

Read the text.

Then read the sentences and choose the correct answer A, B or C.

Employees are a company's most valued asset. This is the premise of a company's obligation to this key stakeholder group with regard to CSR compliance. This means treating employees with respect and offering fair working conditions. It also means establishing fair hiring practices and promoting a non-discriminatory workplace. This improves morale within the workplace and encourages teamwork.

Volunteering together can be a great team building activity. Consider establishing a regular schedule for volunteer events with your team or department. Some companies even set aside a certain amount of hours each quarter for offsite volunteer activities. Creativity thrives when people work together on a team. Brainstorming ideas as a group prevents stale viewpoints that often come out of working solo. Combining unique perspectives from each team member creates more effective solutions. Collaborating on a project creates an enthusiasm for learning that solitary work usually lacks. Being able to share discoveries with the rest of your team excites employees and fosters both individual and team knowledge.

Relying on other people builds trust, and teamwork establishes strong relationships with coworkers. Despite occasional disagreements, an effective team enjoys working together and shares a strong bond. When you put your trust in a coworker, you are establishing the foundation of a relationship that can endure minor conflicts. Without trust, a team crumbles and cannot succeed on assigned projects. Great teams build each other up and strengthen individual members to create a cohesive group.

Team projects encourage employees to feel proud of their contributions. Tackling obstacles and creating notable work together makes team members feel fulfilled. Working toward achieving company goals allows employees to feel connected to the company. This builds loyalty, leading to a higher level of job satisfaction among employees.

Teamwork is not just helpful for employees. It benefits the employer in the long run as well. Employees that connect directly with their workplace are more likely to stay with the company. While employees leaving their jobs often cite a lacking salary, another common complaint is that their contributions do not seem to matter. Teamwork allows people to engage with the company and add to the bigger picture.

Finally, one of the greatest benefits of promoting social responsibility in the workplace is the positive environment you build for your employees. When employees and management feel they are working for a company that has a true conscience, they will likely be more enthusiastic and engaged in their jobs. This can build a sense of community and teamwork which brings everyone together and leads to happier, more productive employees.


1. Volunteering together can be a _______ activity.

A. relationship building

B. team building

C. time wasting

2. _____________ is/are company’s most valuable asset(s).

A. Employees

B. Equipment

C. Money in the bank

3. Treating employees with respect and offering fair working conditions may increase company’s __________.

A. reputation

B .income

C. competitiveness

4. Team projects make employees feel __________ their contributions.

A. jealous of

B. proud of

C. indifferent to

5. Teamwork is not only good for employees themselves but it is also beneficial for __________.

A. the employer

B. business partners

C. their families

6. Teamwork allows people to engage with the ________ and add to the bigger picture.

A. company

B. environment

C. healthy lifestyle

7. When employees and management feel they are working for a company that has a true conscience, they will likely be more ___________________ in their jobs.

A. enthusiastic and engaged

B. reluctant

C. confused and narrow-minded

Text adapted from:

Activity 13 Estimated time: 10 mins. Score: 5 points

Read the companies’ characteristics, tick the ones which identify teamwork concept as most appropriate.


( The great attention to the evolution of technologies and production systems is at the base of the company's strategic choices.

( The adoption of codes of behaviour and management systems requires transparent management of relationships with employees and with customers and suppliers and a timely check on the regularity and responsibility of the implemented codes of behaviour.

( Some of the work includes daily trainings, mentorship and guidance for skill and personality development, including communication skills.

( The company asks suppliers to adhere to an ethical agreement paper, to ensure that Social Responsibility does not remain an isolated phenomenon but becomes "system".

( To achieve excellence in the work, they integrate strong practices in labour recruitment, training, team spirit and retention.

( They often choose a supplier who seems less convenient but a more ethical one.

( The company encourages collaboration, listening and use of social skills among workers.

( The company’s mission is to create a stimulating environment and treat all customers with respect and dignity; to welcome the diversity of the customers as an essential part of doing business.

( The staff is quick to react to contingencies and solve problems, is able to "influence" others positively, to promote the social image of the bar as a place where it is possible to share, discuss, and help each other to face real problems together.

( Suppliers are chosen not only on the basis of the economic convenience of their products but also because of their "ethical" characteristics.

( The company invests a lot on emotions, attention and in show deep understanding of their interlocutors and workers to build relationships.

( The company’s objective is to buy, sell and use products (wherever possible) that enhance the territory and to infuse the value of social responsibility in its workforce.

Activity 14 Estimated time: 25 min. Score: 20 points

PART 1 – 5 mins. Score: 10 points

Tick the endings which refer to teamwork concept.

The correct answers are marked in green


( blends complementary strengths.

( limits an individual.

( makes things more complicated.

( fosters creativity and learning.

( teaches conflict resolution skills.

( makes the decision process really difficult.

( helps practice effective leadership.

( leads to authoritative behaviour.

( increases emotional team awareness.

When working in a team one should...

( discuss benefits of cooperation with one’s group.

( establish clear goals.

( criticize others.

( value cooperation.

( keep good ideas to themselves.

( show openness.

( not listen to other members’ ideas.

( show trust and respect.

PART 2 – 20 mins. Score: 10 points

Read 10 short descriptions related to teamwork. Then choose the appropriate summary of each description from the scroll down menu.

1. A TEAMWORKs well together because team members rely on each other to bring individual talents to the table. By observing the process behind these skills, you can learn how to combine your gifts and become a stronger team.


A. Teamwork fosters creativity and learning.

B. Teamwork blends complementary skills.

C. Teamwork teaches conflict resolution skills.

2. What you have learned from your individual experiences is entirely different from your coworkers. Thus, teamwork also maximizes shared knowledge in the workplace and helps you learn new skills you can use for the rest of your career.


A. Teamwork fosters creativity and learning.

B. Teamwork blends complementary skills.

C. Teamwork teaches conflict resolution skills.

3. Conflicts inevitably happen when you put together a group of unique people. Employees come from varied backgrounds and have different work styles and habits. While these unique viewpoints create the most successful work, they can also generate resentment that quickly turns into conflict. When conflict arises in teamwork situations, employees are forced to resolve the conflicts themselves instead of turning to management.


A. Teamwork fosters creativity and learning.

B. Teamwork blends complementary skills.

C. Teamwork teaches conflict resolution skills.

4. There are a few different types of leaders and studies have shown that some leadership styles are more effective than others. More importantly some leadership styles can actually result in negative performance from teams under such leadership.


A. Teamwork increases emotional team awareness.

B. Teamwork helps practise effective leadership.

C. Teamwork teaches you patience.

5. Part of being a human is having and feeling emotions. While many emotions can lead to a positive and healthy team there are some that can pose a threat to the cohesion of the group. By training your team in matters of emotional intelligence you can help avoid any emotional difficulties or outbursts that could injure the team effort.


A. Teamwork teaches you patience.

B. Teamwork increases emotional team awareness.

C. Teamwork helps practise effective leadership.

6. Before you can work together as a team, your group will need to be made aware of the benefits that can come from teamwork. It's possible that everyone will not be willing to work as a unit and careful examination and explanation of the benefits that teamwork can bring changing minds and building a stronger team.


A. It’s good to explain the concept of teamwork.

B. It’s good to set clear objectives of each team meeting.

C. It’s good to discuss the advantages of working in a team.

7. A good team will have clear cut and very well defined roles and responsibilities for each team member. These will help them to focus on their specific tasks as well as understand what other members are currently working on.


A. It is good to explain the concept of teamwork.

B. It is good to set clear objectives of each team meeting.

C. It is good to discuss the advantages of working in a team.

8. If your team doesn't see the value or believe that working together cooperatively is a wise choice then the team will fail. Whenever you are assembling a team each member must fully believe in and be committed to working together to achieve the aim of that group.


A. It is important to be open-minded to other members’ ideas.

B. It is important to believe in team spirit and cooperation.

C. It is important to show trust and respect to other team members.

9. Team members need to be willing to get to know each other and open up about themselves, so they realised that they all have diverse backgrounds and interests. This helps them to be more open to new ideas and differing viewpoints.


A. It is important to be open-minded to other members’ ideas.

B. It is important to believe in team spirit and cooperation.

C. It is important to show trust and respect to other team members.

10. Team members need to trust each other enough to be comfortable with sharing ideas and feelings. As this trust builds, team members learn to be honest and respectful in their approach to each other. It is important for the team not to focus on who to blame when something goes wrong, instead they need to work out how to fix it and how to learn from the mistake. Constructive feedback and mutual respect rather than blame will help a team achieve results much faster.


A. It is important to be open-minded to other members’ ideas.

B. It is important to believe in team spirit and cooperation.

C. It is important to show trust and respect to other team members.


Which of the above solutions / concepts do you implement in your workplace as a manager/ as an employee?

Activity 15 Estimated time: 15 mins. Score: 20 points

Part 1 Estimated time: 10 mins. Score: 10 points

Choose the best answer related to teamwork concept.

1. Which concept is not positively related to teamwork?

A. responsibility

B. organization

C. leadership

D. mistrust

2. What does the term teamwork mainly convey?

A. to work well with others

B. to work hard

C. to take on to much responsibility

D. to work intuitively

3. How can teamwork be seen in everyday life?

A. helping an old lady cross the street

B. doing your housework

C. working with others to have the assignment done

D. working out in a gym

4. Is teamwork a valued skill by employers?

A. It’s not a skill

B. Yes, in most jobs.

C. Not at all.

D. Only in some jobs.

5. Which is NOT a characteristic factor of teamwork?

A. The members must trust one another.

B. The members must show mutual respect.

C. The members should keep good ideas to themselves.

D. The members should not criticise ideas they do not agree with.

6. Teamwork is a concept which should be first introduced....

A. in primary schools.

B. in secondary school.

C. at universities.

D. at workplace.

7. A team ______________ needs a leader.

A. sometimes

B. always

C. never

D. hardly ever

8. Good teamwork in an organization may lead to...

A. organizational empowerment

B. company’s bankruptcy

C. decreased productivity

D. major changes in company’s structure

9. When teamwork does not work in the workplace it is necessary to....

A. find someone to blame.

B. change the team structure.

C. introduce some training.

D. change work premises.

10. Team members’ roles...

A. are difficult to define.

B. should be clearly defined.

C. often change.

D. should be assigned by the owner of the business.

Part 2 Estimated time: 5 mins. Score: 10 points

a. Put the stages of group development in the correct order.

performing - following the leader, doing the task

dissolution of the group

storming - lack of roles, chaotic performance

forming – beginning of the life of group

norming – establishing the roles and common rules, planning


forming – beginning of the life of group

storming - lack of roles, chaotic performance

norming – establishing the roles and common rules, planning

performing - following the leader, doing the task

dissolution of the group

b. Choose 5 characteristics of a good team. 5 points

focusing on achieving an aim

cooperation and mutual respect

roles not clearly defined

cooperation for mutual benefits

individual competences

limited communication and interaction

orientation towards success

Section B6_4 Diversity in Human Capital

Activity 16 Estimated time: 20 min. Score: 15 points

PART 1 Estimated time: 10 min. Score: 7 points

Read the text. Then decide whether the sentences are true or false.

When dealing with the social aspect of CSR, most works focus on philanthropy and volunteering – activities that might contribute to the reputation and public relations, but are not viewed as core business practices. Majority of managers, even those managing CSR and diversity don’t always see the connection between the social aspect of CSR and responsibility for people. Managing CSR should mean managing diversity of the employees. It should embrace diversity of the employees which is in the frame of it.

What are the corporate social responsibility issues that need to be managed by organizations which have diverse employees in the workplace?

Diversity can make teams more innovative and flexible and in that way increase their productivity, which can in turn be translated into increased overall organizational performance. Diversity management positively values difference and thus provides a radically new approach to the question of the “different” at work. Managing diversity seems to be a proactive strategy with the aim of maximizing the utilization of employees’ potential. The literature on diversity management suggests several economic advantages of diversifying the workforce. These advantages include a better understanding of local markets and customers, increased ability to attract and to retain the best people, greater creativity, better problem-solving abilities and greater flexibility. Another argument is that valuing differences enhances people’s impression that they are valued for what they are, which in turn leads to higher productivity.

This should motivate companies to become more inclusive and diverse, even in the absence of tools to quantify the impact on employee performance.

Focus on inclusion: First, an inclusive workplace environment is a critical factor in the probability of employee success. In order to give every employee the opportunity to shine, companies should look inward and take steps to minimize the impact of personal biases.

Commit to diversity at all levels: the inclusive mindset needs to permeate the entire company.

Having more diverse talent is likely to make the company more inclusive; being more inclusive can make it easier to attract talent from a broader pool of qualified candidates; the new talent will be less likely to churn, as they become more engaged and can focus on applying their skills; and this in turn will increase company performance by increasing productivity, reducing hiring and training costs, and minimizing the disruptions that arise from unhappy employees.


1. T F Work environment that embraces diversity in human capital can increase productivity.

2. T F Non-inclusive environment is a critical factor in the probability of employee success.

3. T F Diversity management positively values difference and thus provides a radically new approach to the question of the “different” at work.

4. T F Managing workplace diversity seems to be a proactive strategy with the aim of maximizing the utilization of employees’ potential.

5. T F Being more inclusive can make it more difficult to attract talent from a broader pool of qualified candidates.

6. T F Employees become less engaged in companies where social diversity approach has been adopted.

7. T F Taking steps to minimize the impact of personal biases gives every employee the opportunity to shine.

PART 2 Estimated time: 10 min. Score: 8 points

Complete the sentences without looking back at the text. Choose the endings from the scroll down menu.


1. When dealing with the social aspect of CSR, most works focus on ___________.


philanthropy and volunteering

teamwork and engagement

teamwork and volunteering

2. Diversity can make teams more innovative and flexible and in that way increase their productivity, which can in turn be translated into ___________.


getting more respect from business partners

increased trust among employees

increased overall organizational performance.

3. Managing diversity seems to be a proactive strategy with the aim of ___________.


maximizing the utilization of employees’ potential

making employees feel comfortable in the company

making the company more trendy

4. These advantages include a better understanding of local markets and customers, increased ability to attract and to retain the best people, greater creativity, better problem-solving abilities and ___________.


mutual trust

greater flexibility


5. Another argument is that valuing differences enhances people’s impression that they are valued for what they are, which in turn leads to ___________.


better self-esteem of employees

better company management

higher productivity

6. Companies should become more inclusive and diverse, even in the absence of tools to quantify ___________.


the impact on employee performance

previous year expenditure

employees’ work satisfaction

7. First, an inclusive workplace environment is a critical factor in the probability of employee success. In order to give every employee the opportunity to shine, companies should look inward and take steps to ___________.


provide appropriate training

minimize the impact of personal biases

make “different” people exceptional

8. Having more diverse talent is likely to make the company more inclusive; being more inclusive can make it easier to ___________.


outperform competitors

attract unskilled workers

attract talent from a broader pool of qualified candidates

Activity 17 Estimated time: 30 min. Score: 40 points

Part 1 Estimated time: 10 min. Score: 10 points

Read the statements and classify them under one of the headings.


1. Diversity in the workplace is important for employees because it manifests itself in building a great reputation for the company, leading to increased profitability and opportunities for workers.

2. Conflict inevitably occurs in the work environment.

3. Employees who acknowledge others’ differences often also find similarities, particularly when there are common goals – production and quality.

4. Workplace diversity is important within the organization as well as outside.

5. Business reputation flourishes when companies demonstrate their commitment to diversity through and recruiting efforts.

6. Respect for co-workers either reduces the likelihood of conflict or facilitates an easier road to conflict resolution.

7. The ability to resolve workplace conflict minimizes potential liability for employee complaints that would otherwise escalate to formal matters, such as litigation.

8. Workplace diversity preserves the quality of employees’ relationships with their co-workers and their supervisors.

9. An organization known for its ethics, fair employment practices and appreciation for diverse talent is better able to attract a wider pool of qualified applicants.

10. Other advantages include loyalty from customers who choose to do business only with companies whose business practices are socially responsible.

|Mutual respect |Conflict resolution |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


|Business reputation |Conflict resolution |

|1. Diversity in the workplace is important for employees because it|2. Conflict inevitably occurs in the work environment. |

|manifests itself in building a great reputation for the company, | |

|leading to increased profitability and opportunities for workers. |3. Employees who acknowledge others’ differences often also find |

| |similarities, particularly when there are common goals – production|

|4. Workplace diversity is important within the organization as well|and quality. |

|as outside. | |

| |6. Respect for co-workers either reduces the likelihood of conflict|

|5. Business reputation flourishes when companies demonstrate their |or facilitates an easier road to conflict resolution. |

|commitment to diversity through and recruiting efforts. | |

| |7. The ability to resolve workplace conflict minimizes potential |

|9. An organization known for its ethics, fair employment practices |liability for employee complaints that would otherwise escalate to |

|and appreciation for diverse talent is better able to attract a |formal matters, such as litigation. |

|wider pool of qualified applicants. | |

| |8. Workplace diversity preserves the quality of employees’ |

|10. Other advantages include loyalty from customers who choose to |relationships with their co-workers and their supervisors. |

|do business only with companies whose business practices are | |

|socially responsible. | |

Part 2 Estimated Time: 10 min. Score: 5 points

Read the texts and choose the correct heading for each part.

TEXT 1. Workplace diversity fosters mutual respect among employees. Whether employees work in groups or teams comprised of co-workers with varied work styles, or colleagues who represent different cultures or generations, a synergistic work environment becomes the norm. Although an idyllic atmosphere may be difficult to achieve, employees nevertheless recognize the many strengths and talents that diversity brings to the workplace and they gain respect for their colleagues’ performance.


Enhanced productivity

Job promotion

Local community support

Increased exposure

Mutual respect

TEXT 2. The importance of workplace diversity cannot be overstated when it comes to an organization’s ability to reach markets in foreign countries. The appeal of global markets creates two kinds of opportunities for employees: opportunities for promotion and employee development. A global marketplace opens doors for employees with diverse language skills and multicultural understanding to build global profit centers. Employees interested in learning multinational business strategy and who are available for possible expatriate assignments may also find new and challenging career opportunities.


Enhanced productivity

Job promotion

Local community support

Increased exposure

Mutual respect

TEXT 3. A diverse workplace offers more than exposure to employees from different cultures and backgrounds. Employees learn from co-workers whose work styles vary and whose attitudes about work vary from their own. This is particularly true for employees within multigenerational work environments. Traditional-generation workers learn new technology and processes from workers who belong to the tech-savvy millennial generation. Likewise, Generation X employees learn from exposure to the assertive, go-getter work ethic typical of many Baby Boomers.


Enhanced productivity

Job promotion

Local community support

Increased exposure

Mutual respect

TEXT 4. Homogeneous teams are less likely to produce creative, innovative solutions. With a diverse workforce that includes individuals of different ages, genders, sexual orientation, abilities, and cultural backgrounds, the company will overcome challenges through their wealth of experiences and perspectives.


Enhanced productivity

Job promotion

Local community support

Increased exposure

Mutual respect

TEXT 5. Organization's commitment to the local economy can be demonstrated by hiring men and women of different ethnicities of various ages and with varying abilities, from within your local community.


Enhanced productivity

Job promotion

Local community support

Increased exposure

Mutual respect

Part 3 Estimated Time: 10 min. Score: 25 points

Read the texts from parts 1 and 2 and complete the answers.

Choose the correct answer(s). In some cases more than one answer is correct.

1. Diversity in the workplace is important ________.

A. because it helps to build reputation for the company

B. within the organization as well as outside

C. for fair employment practices

2. An organisation known for its appreciation for diverse talent is better able to attract ________.

A. qualified applicants representing different backgrounds

B. loyal customers who appreciate socially responsible approach

C. workers representing different cultural background

3. Employees who acknowledge others’ differences often also find similarities, particularly when there are common goals such as ________.

A. employing as many workers as possible

B. improving company’s image

C. production and quality

4. Respect for co-workers can________.

A. can reduce the likelihood of conflict

B. increase workload

C. facilitate an easier road to conflict resolution.

5. A synergistic work environment becomes the norm when employees work ________.

A. shifts or flextime

B. in groups or teams comprised of co-workers with varied work styles

C. with colleagues who represent different cultures or generations

6. Committed and open minded employees recognize _____________ that diversity brings to the workplace.

A. strengths

B. problems

C. talents

7. The appeal of global markets creates such opportunities for employees as opportunities for ________.

A. promotion

B. employee development

C. travelling abroad

8. From CSR perspective a global marketplace opens doors for employees ________.

A. who are focused on making profit

B. with diverse language skills

C. with multicultural understanding

9. In a diverse workplace employees. ________.

A. are more exposed to different cultures and backgrounds

B. can learn from co-workers whose work styles vary from their own

C. should be afraid of racism

10. Traditional-generation workers ________.

A. cannot learn anything new because they are used to traditional technologies.

B. learn new technology and processes from workers who belong to the tech-savvy millennial generation.

C. are not willing to learn anything related to technological advancement.

11. Homogenous teams ________.

A. are less creative

B. are more likely to produce innovative solutions

C. look at the problems from many perspectives

12. Organization's commitment to the local economy can be demonstrated by hiring men and women from local community ________.

A. of different ethnicities

B. of various ages

C. with varying abilities

Activity 18 Estimated time: 40 min. Score: 40 points

PART 1 Estimated time: 15 min. Score: 5 points

Read three scenarios, then select the only one that identifies work environment that embraces diversity as most appropriate.

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3


As a family-owned company with a long history, Speick produces natural cosmetics with the high-alpine, harmonizing Speick extract - exclusive worldwide. Since 1928, the brand Speick has stood for sustainable corporate management in all areas.

Sustainability is the company’s highest priority and thus forms the focal point in their everyday life. Thanks to committed management, the goal of sustainability is pursued through activities such as: transparent and clear corporate structure, balance of financial resources, responsible use of energy and raw material resources, emissions and waste control, fair trade with all business partners and fair pricing policy. Carinthian alpine farming families pick the Speick plant by hand and thus earn an important income for themselves. Fair trade with farmers is a matter for the company which results in long-term safeguarding of biodiversity in the Nockberge Biosphere Reserve, the long-term socio-economic protection of alpine farming families and the long-term existence of Speick products. Organic product ingredients, environmentally friendly production methods, protection of biodiversity, ecologically sensible packaging, good biodegradability of the products and medium price segment for the largest possible consumer segment lead to the fact that consumers not only appreciate the quality of the products, but also their ecological, economic and social sustainability values.


Coffee Circle represents a new way of trading coffee. They started to give people access to the best coffees in Africa and to sustainably improve the living conditions of coffee farmers and their families through direct trade combined with transparent development assistance.

Responsibility and sustainability are based on transparency and authenticity.

To create this for the coffee market, Coffee Circle has set itself as a core task. They provide customers with transparency about the product in order to make the right decisions and to consume responsibly and sustainably.

When purchasing, customers also choose their own development project in the coffee cooperatives, which is supported by Coffee Circle with 1 Euro per kilogram.

Core topics with measures and results: credibility is proved by project videos which are creating transparency and gaining trust from their customers. Knowledge transfer is provided through workshops with the company’s own "Academy" which results in mature (future) customers who value the product and actively select it. It provides Social Business with a Social Startup Kit educating on social entrepreneurship to inspire and to motivate potential imitators.


BT Burgmann since 1966 has built molding, turning, grinding and induction welding of small parts for mechanical seals. The philosophy of BT Burgmann is to create innovative customised products. The technical know-how, investment in research and development, technologically innovative processes are the guidelines that bring the company to the highest levels in its sector.

BT Burgmann, probably due to the fact that "manual" work has always attracted fewer European workers, has a very high percentage of non-EU workers. This fact brought the company to confront with a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural environment that could represent a "risk" factor in relation to cohesion and internal communication, but which turned to be a great opportunity. BT Burgmann focused on involvement of all staff in the process of business development, giving the same opportunities to anyone, regardless of gender or cultural background. This allows for the development of high technical skills and professional growth of all workers. BT Burgmann has implemented innovative management tools such as the Supply Chain Management and the Kanban method to improve not only work performance but also motivation and cohesion in the group. BT Burgmann applies a business philosophy that underlies the concept of continuous training, communication at all levels, active involvement of all workers in improvement processes. The application of these management tools helped to promote and reinforce a greater internal cohesion, improving integration and group spirit.

PART 2 Estimated time: 15 min. Score:15 points

Read the scenarios again. Choose the correct company.

Which company...

1. ...uses energy and raw material resources responsibly?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

2. ... started to sustainably improve the living conditions of farmers in Africa?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

3. ...has consumers who appreciate ecological, economic and social sustainability values?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

4. ... bases responsibility and sustainability on transparency and authenticity?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

5. ... applied management tools which helped to promote and reinforce a greater internal cohesion, improving integration and group spirit?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

6. ...lets their customers choose their own development project in special cooperatives?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

7. ...organises workshops on knowledge transfer with the company’s own "Academy" which results in mature (future) customers who value the product and actively select it?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

8. ...creates innovative customised products?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

9. ...protects biodiversity?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

10. ... focuses on technical know-how, investment in research and development, technologically innovative processes?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

11. ...is concerned with fair trade?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

12. ...educates on social entrepreneurship to inspire and to motivate potential imitators?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

13. ... applies a business philosophy that underlies the concept of continuous training and good communication at all levels?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

14. ...employs farming families which pick the Speick plant by hand and thus earn an important income for themselves?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

15. ... promotes active involvement of all workers in improvement processes?

A. Speick B. Coffee Circle C. BT Burgmann

PART 3 Estimated time: 10 min. Score: 20 points

Think of your own the business or the business you work for.

Which of the activities are common practice in your workplace? Then read interactive comments.

The scores are as follows:

No – 0 points,

Sometimes – 1 point,

Usual practice -2 points

The score should be calculated and the interactive comment displayed.

|Do you / Does your company... |No |Sometimes |Usual practice |

|1. ... employ people from different cultural background? | | | |

|2. ... employ people of different ages / representing different generations? | | | |

|3. ... employ people with disabilities? | | | |

|4. ... employ people of various sexual orientation? | | | |

|5. ... employ people representing different religions? | | | |

|6. ... provide training on workplace diversity? | | | |

|7. ... involve all workers in development processes? | | | |

|8. ... try to improve integration and team spirit? | | | |

|9. ... give the same opportunities to everyone, regardless of gender or cultural | | | |

|background? | | | |

|10. ... enhance motivation and cohesion in the group? | | | |

Interactive comments:


You have scored _________________ (number of points displayed).

Your company does not show any interest in enhancing any kind of diversity among workers. You should work hard to develop a diversity-friendly attitude. It would be advisable to employ a specialist and provide appropriate training to both the managers and employees.


You have scored _________________ (number of points displayed).

Your company does shows some interest in enhancing chosen aspects of diversity among workers. However, some work needs to be done to develop a diversity-friendly attitude. It would be advisable to employ a specialist and provide appropriate training to both the managers and employees.


You have scored _________________ (number of points displayed).

Your company is coping really well with diversity issues. You can set an example to other entrepreneurs and businesses. Keep going like this and you will outperform your competitors. You have great potential, take care of your workforce and you will get loyal, creative employees who can provide you with many innovative solutions.

Activity 19 Estimated time: 5 mins. Score: 5 points

Read the questions and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

1. What is human capital?

A. The knowledge, skills, and assets of an individual.

B. A training program for employees.

C. The cost of hiring a new employee.

D. A framework that focuses on productivity rather than individual employee satisfaction.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of diverse work environment?

A. increased market share

B. increases productivity

C. improved management quality

D. lower wages

3. Being known for respect and diversity means more _____________ want to do business with us.

A. customers and competitors

B. customers and suppliers

C. young people and multinational companies

D. suppliers and competitors

4. Small and micro companies shall respect _________ as the most significant factor that embraces diversity in work environment.

A. working hours

B. joint lunch

C. empathy

D. family commitments

5. A diverse workforce might ________.

A. expand a company's customer base.

B. increase the loss of clientele.

C. make business less competitive.

D. be a bad marketing move.

Activity 20 Estimated time: 15 min. Score: 20 points

Part 1 Estimated time: 10 min. Score: 16 points

Read the statements and select what is the most appropriate for your personality. Then read the comment.

For each answer the following number of points should be calculated:

(min. 0, max 16)

A – 0 points

B – 1 point

C – 2 points

1. A team member isn’t sure how to tackle a project and asks for your advice. You say:

A. “I’d do it this way.”

B. “There’s no one way to do this, but here are some approaches that have worked in the past.”

C. “Tell me some of the solutions you had in mind.”

2. Your manager gives you a new project and it’s not clear how you should approach it. You:

A. Brainstorm on your own and tell your team what you’ve decided.

B. Brainstorm on your own and ask your team which approach they prefer.

C. Encourage your team to come up with new ideas.

3. You’ve assigned your team a new long-term project with many moving parts and deadlines. To make sure the job gets done, you:

A. Create a timeline of deliverables for your team members and check in with them twice a week to assess their progress.

B. Ask them to create the list of deliverables and check in with them regularly.

C. Suggest they create a timeline with specific, measurable goals and provide you with weekly progress reports.

4. How do you generally approach the annual review process with your team?

A. Yikes! Review time is here already? You race to gather up goals for each team member—start!

B. You hope it goes smoothly—after all, you’ve explained your expectations and held periodic check-ins throughout the year.

C. There won’t be any surprises. Each team member knows exactly what’s expected of him or her, and you’ve held weekly one-on-one meetings all year long so employees can check in and address successes and challenges.

5. A member of your team comes up with a unique idea for a project that she’s really excited about, but has never been tried before. You think it’s promising, but you’re worried your boss won’t like it and will be critical of you for authorizing your team member to move forward. You:

A. Shoot her down. You’d rather not stick your neck out for something that may not turn out perfectly.

B. Tell your team member she can get started on it, but you may have to pull the plug.

C. Tell your team member to go ahead. Have her keep you in the loop and work with her to craft a compelling argument in favor of her project in case you encounter pushback from your boss.

6. You’ve recommended one of your team members for a managerial position, even though she’s never supervised anyone before. Your boss would rather bring in someone more experienced from outside. You:

A. Don’t push it, figuring your boss will have the last word anyway.

B. Arrange for your team member to be interviewed and hope management will be impressed enough to give her a chance.

C. Actively advocate for your team member by providing your boss with tangible examples of what she’s accomplished and explaining how she can help the organization going forward.

7. A project you spearheaded was not as successful as you had hoped, and your boss points this out in a departmental meeting. How do you react?

A. Blame it on factors out of your control.

B. Acknowledge that it didn’t work, saying you don’t understand why—it seemed like such a good idea.

C. Admit it didn’t work, and work with your team to find out what could have been done differently

8. Everyone’s talking about your team’s great presentation. When colleagues congratulate you, you say:

“Thanks, I appreciate that!”

“It was a group effort.”

“I can’t take all the credit—my TEAMWORKed hard to make it happen and I’m really proud of them.”


Mostly A (selected under A)

Inclusive ? Not so much! You’re more about your own agenda than empowering your team.

Mostly B (selected under B)

You’re on the right track, but you still have some blind spots worth paying attention to.

Mostly C (selected under C)

Congratulations! You’re creating an inclusive culture and embracing a diverse working environment, in which employees are more likely to be innovative and better team players. Keep up the good work!

PART 2 Estimated time: 5 min. Score: 4 points

Read the comments below. Choose whether they express inclusive/diverse or non-inclusive/diverse attitude.

1. “We cannot employ Ms Brown as she is over 50. What does she know about new software?”

Inclusive Non inclusive

2. “He has problems with walking. I think we will have to wait for him all the time. That will slow down the whole process.”

Inclusive Non inclusive

3. “I think Ahmed can provide us with lots of interesting information on Muslim religious celebrations. We can start offering services better suited to Muslim customers.”

Inclusive Non inclusive

4. “There are lots of Ukrainian workers in our region. We could open a cultural centre for them.”

Inclusive Non inclusive

Revision B6

Activity 21 Estimated time: 5 min. Score: 5 points

Read the statements describing benefits from CSR practices. Choose five of them which relate to labour practices. Tick the items you have chosen.

Socially responsible companies towards labour practices:


□ contribute to building societies where everyone can enjoy a lifestyle of convenience and comfort

□ improve employees’ working conditions

□ promote the productivity of their employees

□ attract more stakeholders who follow the principles of sustainable development

□ improve safety and health of their employees

□ meet their customers' needs

□ reduce operational costs and find opportunities to revenue generation

□ promote teamwork concept

□ create work environment that embraces diversity in human capital

□ comply more easily with statutory regulations

□ offer training to the community on healthy and responsible consumption

□ provide a broad range of products and services

Activity 22 Estimated time 15 min. Score: 20 points

Part 1 Estimated time 5 min. Score: 10 points

Choose should or shouldn’t for each statement.

A socially responsible company ...

should / shouldn’t respect transparency in their employment policy.

should / shouldn’t engage employees in trainings on labour practices.

should / shouldn’t care about employees safety and health.

should / shouldn’t discourage individuals to add their diverse thoughts on business issues.

should / shouldn’t listen to the employees’ opinions when decisions are taken.

should / shouldn’t discourage emotional team awareness.

should / shouldn’t engage employees in teambuilding activities.

should / shouldn’t prohibit open communication among employees.

should / shouldn’t respect diversity of employees.

should / shouldn’t encourage healthy lifestyle.

Part 2 Estimated time 10 min. Score: 10 points

The scores are as follows:

No – 0 points,

Sometimes – 0,5 point,

Yes - 1 point

The score should be calculated and the interactive comment displayed.

|Do you / Does your company... |No |Sometimes |Yes |

|1. ... respect transparency in their employment policy? | | | |

|2. ... engage employees in trainings on labour practices? | | | |

|3. ... care about employees safety and health? | | | |

|4. ... encourage individuals to add their diverse thoughts on business issues? | | | |

|5. ... listen to the employees’ opinions when decisions are taken? | | | |

|6. ... encourage emotional team awareness? | | | |

|7. ... engage employees in teambuilding activities? | | | |

|8. ... prohibit open communication among employees? | | | |

|9. ... respect diversity of employees? | | | |

|10. ... encourage healthy lifestyle? | | | |

Second screen (recommendations)


You have scored ____ (number of points should be displayed)

Your company significantly lacks proper processes and requires a redesign of training and employee rights.


You have scored ____ (number of points should be displayed)

Your company possesses some of the important factors of human rights in the workplace but does need some work to reach a level that is fair to the employee.


You have scored ____ (number of points should be displayed)

Your company has been doing well to create a fair environment for the employees, but still may require some small changes that were missing from the company objectives.

Activity 23 Estimated time 5 min. Score: 5 points

Choose appropriate category for each quote.


1. “We should install air-conditioning this month. The temperatures have been really high for the last few weeks.”


Improving employees’

Providing good working conditions

Promoting teamwork concept

Diversity in human capital

2. “You cannot operate this machine today. It needs to be fixed.”


Improving employees’ safety

Providing good working conditions

Promoting teamwork concept

Diversity in human capital

3. “Let’s employ Ms Adams. Although she is retired she has a lot of experience in auditing.”


Improving employees’ safety

Providing good working conditions

Promoting teamwork concept

Diversity in human capital

4. “Let’s organize all employees’ meeting in the country. We’ll have a lot of fun playing games together.”


Improving employees’ safety

Providing good working conditions

Promoting teamwork concept

Diversity in human capital

5. “I think renovating a games room will be a good idea. Most of our employees do not use this room because the equipment is really old there.”


Improving employees’ safety

Providing good working conditions

Promoting teamwork concept

Diversity in human capital


Which of the discussed concepts could you introduce in your company / the company you work for? Which are easy to implement? Which would be difficult to implement?




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