Managing to Achieve QAD Goals

Design Document

Managing to Achieve XYZ Company Goals

Prepared by


One Cielo Vista Place

Monterey, CA 93940


Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Business Need Underlying Development 3

Course Goals and Learning Objectives 4

Target Audience 6

Learning Context 6

Training Deliverables 7

Training Development Timeline 8

Module Design 9

Preliminary Agenda 10

Course Roadmap 11

Introduction 11

Introduction 12

Module 1: Norms of Management Behavior 13

Module 2: Achieving XYZ Strategic Goals 15

Module 3: Setting and Managing Expectations 18

Module 4: Communicating 20

Module 5: Decision Making 22

Module 6: Financial Skills 25

Module 7: Presenting Plans to Achieve Goals 27

Module 8: Delegating 29

Module 9: Coaching for Performance 32

Module 10: Developing People 34

Summary 36


|Purpose |Project Manager, XYZ Organization Development Specialist, contracted with Darryl L. Sink and Associates, Inc. |

| |(DSA) to redesign the three-day leader-led Management Forum @ XYZ training program. The purpose of the redesign |

| |was to focus the course on XYZ strategic goals and priorities. Course topics and materials were to be revised, |

| |added, or deleted according to whether or not they helped build manager skills to achieve XYZ goals. |

Business Need Underlying Development

|Project purpose |Starting in 1998, top XYZ leadership defined a set of five year strategic goals for the company. These goals are |

| |supported by first year priorities. |

| | |

| |The strategic goals are reviewed and updated annually as necessary. In practice, adjustments to the five year |

| |strategic goals have been minimal. Alterations to first year priorities, however, occur each year to keep the |

| |company aligned with the five year goals given various changing business conditions. |

| | |

| |In order for XYZ to meet its strategic goals, managers at all levels must direct their efforts and the efforts of|

| |their subordinates toward meeting the company goals. |

| | |

| |Training managers to use proven communication, decision making, delegating, financial, coaching and other skills,|

| |within the context of achieving company goals, will result in higher quality and more consistent manager |

| |performance, more productive subordinate performance, and more effective progress toward XYZ strategic goals. |

Course Goals and Learning Objectives

| Goals |The goals of the Management Forum @ XYZ: Managing to Achieve XYZ Goals course are to increase managers’ ability |

| |to: |

| | |

| |Achieve first year priorities and five year strategic goals. |

| | |

| |Understand the financial impact of their actions, in order to help XYZ meet its financial goals. |

| | |

| |Coach, review, develop, and retain valuable employees. |

| | |

| |Make timely and effective decisions and delegations in support of XYZ goals. |

|Key learning objectives |At the end of the training, learners will be able to: |

| | |

| |Module 1: Norms of Management Behavior |

| |Identify and describe the norms of management behavior as they apply to XYZ managers. |

| | |

| |Module 2: Achieving XYZ Strategic Goals |

| |Identify and describe XYZ Five Year Strategic Plan Goals and current First Year Priorities. |

| |Formulate a subordinate supportive goal/priority for a given work unit that fully aligns with XYZ goals and |

| |priorities. |

| |Develop a communication plan to effectively communicate XYZ strategic goals/priorities and specific work unit |

| |goals/priorities to team members. |

| | |

| |Module 3: Setting Expectations |

| |Apply the method for setting and managing expectations to typical work situations. |

| | |

| |Module 4: Communicating |

| |Identify and apply effective communication strategies and methods. |

|Key learning objectives, |Module 5: Decision Making |

|continued |Identify different decision-making styles and when best to utilize them. |

| |Analyze who should make decisions, based on a balance of chance of error and consequence of error considerations.|

| | |

| |Module 6: Gaining Financial Skills |

| |Identify and apply effective financial strategies and methods. |

| | |

| |Module 7: Presenting Plans to Achieve Goals |

| |Formulate a subordinate supportive goal/priority for a given work unit that fully aligns with XYZ goals and |

| |priorities (recapitulated from module 2). |

| |Develop a communication plan to effectively communicate XYZ strategic goals/priorities and specific work unit |

| |goals/priorities to team members (recapitulated from module 2). |

| |Present your communication in a manner appropriate for your work team. |

| | |

| |Module 8: Delegating |

| |Write a plan that identifies work to be delegated that is not now delegated. The plan should include: |

| |What to delegate, |

| |Who will be involved, and |

| |What check points and controls will be established. |

| | |

| |Module 9: Coaching for Performance |

| |Explain how employee performance supports achievement of XYZ goals. |

| |Conduct a coaching session using the recommended guidelines. |

| | |

| |Module 10: Developing People |

| |Use the development planning worksheet to formulate and record career development plans for employees. |

Target Audience

|Approach |This training will be offered to all XYZ managers worldwide. The following characteristics are generalizations |

| |about this large and diverse group: |

| | |

| |Personnel: |

| |Learners are full-time and permanent. |

| |Learners are highly intelligent business professionals managing the gamut of technical, research, advisory, |

| |administrative, and management work. |

| |Learners are a mix of long-time XYZ employees and recent acquisition employees. |

| |Learners require high credibility from the instructor, a clear understanding of the value the instruction |

| |provides them, efficient information presentation, and humor or creativity in classroom activities. |

| | |

| |Location: Learners are located in various countries, worldwide. |

| | |

| |Language: Many languages are native to the learners in this group, however a working knowledge of standard |

| |business English is expected of learners attending the course. |

| | |

| |Previous related training: Most learners will have attended Leadership Academy 1 and 2. |

Learning Context

| |Class attendance will be approximately 16 to 24 learners. |

| |Classrooms will be equipped with tables in a U shape, with the facilitator positioned at front of class. |

| |Break out areas will be available. |

| |Lectures are PowerPoint driven (except for the Zodiak finance game). |

| |Flip charts and white boards will be available. |

Training Deliverables

|Important note |

|Please confirm that the bulleted items in the “Pre-study material” paragraph cover everything we discussed for inclusion in the learner |

|pre-study. |

|Pre-study material |Required preparation |

| |Learners will be advised approximately ten days before the start of their class that they must do the following |

| |pre-work: |

| |Find the XYZ Five Year Strategic Plan on the XYZ intranet and read it. |

| |Find XYZ First Year Priorities for the current year on the XYZ intranet and read them. |

| |Select their single most important First Year Priority and bring to class any planning materials they have |

| |prepared relative to that priority. |

| |Read SMART goals materials (to be sent to learners). |

| | |

| |Suggested preparation |

| |Learners who do not have experience dealing with financial statements may find Finance Essentials, a XYZ on-line |

| |course, helpful as a pre-study. |

|Instructor guide |The instructor guide will contain content, logistical materials, and a presentation outline to support course |

| |delivery by subject matter experts. |

|Participant workbook |The participant guide will contain course content, activity materials, and worksheets for use by learners during |

| |class, and after class as a reference. |

|Visual media |The visual media for this course will consist of PowerPoint slides. |

|Instructional activities |The course will contain a variety of instructional activities, selected to best present content, to stimulate |

| |participation, to encourage exploration and practice of new skills, and to afford learners confirming and |

| |corrective feedback. |

| | |

| |Descriptions of activities are included under each module topic. |

|Assessment |In the Course Summary module, learners will complete a Kirkpatrick Level 1 XYZ Training Evaluation Form and a |

| |formal written assessment test. |

Training Development Timeline

|Important note |

|The table below is intended to show significant dates in the training development timeline. The dates currently populating the table are |

|estimates. |

| |

|Please provide accurate dates as soon as they become available. |

|Date |Milestone |

|Monday, January 26 |XYZ receives design document for review. |

|Thursday, January 29 |XYZ specifies design document changes. |

|Monday, February 2 |Janet begins sending modules for review and approval by XYZ (2-day review and return cycle). |

|Wednesday, February 25 |All course materials complete. |

|Monday-Tuesday, March 1-2 |Dress rehearsal/walk-thru of new and revised course materials. |

| |Janet attends via conference call. |

|Friday, March 5 |Electronic copies of camera-ready course materials delivered to XYZ for reproduction. |

| |XYZ reproduces class materials. |

|Monday-Wednesday March 15-17 |Run class. (Class coincides with Monday morning manager meeting.) |

| |Janet attends in person to finalize Leader Guide. |

|Monday, March 29 |Final version of Leader Guide delivered to XYZ. |

Module Design

|Module elements |The module elements below describe the components of each module in the Management Forum @ XYZ: Managing to |

| |Achieve XYZ Goals training. |

|Introduction |This component prepares participants to learn. It stimulates interest and provides the rationale for the specific |

| |module contents. |

|Learning objectives |People learn best when they are given unambiguous objectives. The learning objective for each module is clearly |

| |defined and stated at the beginning of each module. |

|Presentation and |During these sections of the course, information, definitions, demonstration of proper techniques, examples and |

|demonstration |explanations will be presented by the subject matter expert-instructor and augmented by slides. |

|Instructional activities |One of the ways information turns into instruction is by allowing people to work with new information and/or to |

| |practice new skills. A variety of instructional activities throughout the course provides the practice that helps |

| |participants build for themselves an understanding of course content – and also adds variety and interest to the |

| |instruction. |

| | |

| |Activity debriefing and assessment |

| |Practicing new skills is not enough. During activity debriefing segments, participants are provided insight into |

| |correct solutions and receive reinforcement of key points. This component aids in training transfer to the work |

| |environment. |

| | |

| |Instructors will assess learner performance as demonstrated in class by correct execution of objectives in applied|

| |activities. |

|Summary |This section of each module reminds learners of the learning objectives they have just worked on and helps to |

| |transition to and tie-in the next learning topic. Repeated use of the course roadmap will support this process. |

Preliminary Agenda

Day 1

|Timing |Instructor |Activity Description/Objectives |Wkbk |Slides |

|8:30 – 9:00 | |Introduction | | |

|9:00 – 9:30 | |Module 1: Norms of Management Behavior | | |

|9:30 – 10:00 | |Module 2: Achieving XYZ Strategic Goals | | |

|10:00 – 10:30 |30 minutes |Break | | |

|10:30 – 12:30 | |Module 2: Achieving XYZ Strategic Goals, continued | | |

|12:30 – 1:30 |1 hour |Lunch | | |

|1:30 – 2:15 | |Module 3: Setting and Managing Expectations | | |

|2:15 – 3:30 | |Module 4: Communicating | | |

|3:30 – 4:00 |30 minutes |Break | | |

|4:00 – 5:00 | |Module 5: Decision Making | | |

|5:00 – 5:15 | |Day 1 summary | | |

Day 2

|Timing |Instructor |Activity Description/Objectives |Wkbk |Slides |

|8:30 – 8:45 | |Welcome and recap of day 1 | | |

|8:45 – 10:00 | |Module 6: Gaining Financial Skills | | |

|10:00 – 10:30 |30 minutes |Break | | |

|10:30 – 12:00 | |Module 6: Gaining Financial Skills, continued | | |

|12:00 – 1:00 |1 hour |Lunch | | |

|1:00 – 3:00 | |Module 6: Gaining Financial Skills, continued | | |

|3:00 – 3:30 |30 minutes |Break | | |

|3:30 – 4:30 | |Module 6: Gaining Financial Skills, continued | | |

|4:30 – 5:00 | |Finances and XYZ goals activity | | |

|5:00 – 5:15 | |Day 2 summary | | |

Day 3

|Timing |Instructor |Activity Description/Objectives |Wkbk |Slides |

|8:30 – 8:45 | |Welcome and recap of days 1 and 2 | | |

|8:45 – 10:00 | |Module 7: Presenting Plans to Achieve Goals | | |

|10:00 – 10:30 |30 minutes |Break | | |

|10:30 – 12:00 | |Module 7: Presenting Plans to Achieve Goals, continued | | |

|12:00 – 1:00 |1 hour |Lunch | | |

|1:00 – 2:30 | |Module 8: Delegating | | |

|2:30 – 3:15 | |Module 9: Coaching | | |

|3:15 – 3:45 |30 minutes |Break | | |

|3:45 – 4:45 | |Module 10: Developing People | | |

|4:45 – 5:15 | |Course summary and test | | |

Course Roadmap

|Overview |The graphic below depicts the course topics. |


|Introduction |Learners will be welcomed, acquainted with the requirements/features of the learning environment, and introduced |

| |to the course goals and learning objectives. |

|Learning objectives |There are no learning objectives specified for the introduction. |

|Presentation and |Welcome |

|demonstration |Introduce instructors. |

| |Explain class agenda and ground rules. |

| |Introduce course goal and learning objectives. |

| |Ask about completion of pre-work and explain how it supports the learning objectives. Direct learners who have not|

| |completed the pre-work to do so before the next class session. |

| |Conduct circle introduction exercise |

| |Show course “roadmap.” |

|Instructional activities |Circle introduction exercise. (p.6 in current Participant Workbook) |

|Summary |Show the roadmap slide briefly and move to the next module. |

Module 1: Norms of Management Behavior

|Introduction |This brief portion of the course defines the norms of management behavior and features a video presentation about |

| |the norms. The norms are presented as a segue from the Leadership Academy training to this course. |

| | |

| |The concept driving this section is that managers should work to achieve XYZ goals in ways consistent with the |

| |norms. |

|Learning objectives |Identify and describe the norms of management behavior as they apply to XYZ managers. |

|Presentation and |Explain that the norms are the manner in which managers apply XYZ Values and Leadership Practices daily in their |

|demonstration |work units. |

| |Conduct the Norm Recognition Activity (described below). |

| |Confirm norm definitions and explain their origins. |

| |View a 7.5 minute video of Murray Ray, EVP of HR, describing the Norms. |

| |Tell learners that descriptions of the norms, based on the video, are included in their Participant Workbooks. |

| |Conduct Summary Worksheet Activity (described below). |

|Instructional activities |Norm Recognition Activity |

| |Have learners turn to the matching exercise in the Participant Workbooks. |

| |Working as individuals, have learners match norms with the proper definitions. |

| | |

| |Debrief by telling learners that this was just a simple warm-up activity; classwork will become much more |

| |complicated. |

| | |

| | |

| |Summary Worksheet Activity |

| |Introduce learners to the worksheet and explain that these sheets will be used throughout the course at the end of|

| |each topic/module. |

| |Ask learners to write down on the worksheet at least two ideas from this module they don’t want to lose sight of |

| |or forget. |

|Summary |Recapitulate that managers should work to achieve XYZ goals in ways consistent with the norms. |

| |Ask learners to be aware throughout the three days of training how the norms and meeting XYZ goals interact. This |

| |interaction will be pointed out frequently as the class covers the various course topics. |

| |Show the course roadmap. |

Module 2: Achieving XYZ Strategic Goals

|Introduction |This module spotlights the central focus of the course: achieving XYZ goals. It also starts learners thinking |

| |about the single most important priority they brought to class and the manner in which they should communicate |

| |that priority to their work unit. |

|Learning objectives |Identify and describe XYZ Five Year Strategic Plan Goals and current First Year Priorities. |

| |Formulate a subordinate supportive goal/priority for a given work unit that fully aligns with XYZ goals and |

| |priorities. |

| |Develop a communication plan to effectively communicate XYZ strategic goals/priorities and specific work unit |

| |goals/priorities to team members. |

|Presentation and |Understanding XYZ goals |

|demonstration |Remind learners of the prework directions to read the XYZ Five Year Strategic Plan and First Year Priorities, and |

| |to select their single most important First Year Priority. |

| |Conduct Defining XYZ Goals Activity (described below). |

| |Present information from the performance planning checklist that describes the requirements managers have to: |

| |Understand company goals (p.59), |

| |Develop subordinate goals that directly support company goals, (p.59) and |

| |Communicate goals to their teams. |

| |Distribute critiquing jobs aids and describe what goes into a good presentation. |

| |Conduct Goals Presentation Analysis Activity (described below) and show video of ecomm member presenting XYZ |

| |goals/priorities. |

| | |

| |Selecting a goal to focus on in class |

| |Quickly recapitulate SMART goals guidelines from pre-work. |

| |Conduct Initial Definition of Learner Priorities Activity (described below). (This will include “testing” of |

| |learner-selected goals against XYZ First Year Priorities and Strategic Goals.) |

| | |

| |Working on a plan to communicate the goal |

| |Explain the goal presentation activity learners will undertake on day 3. |

| |Conduct the Summary Worksheet Activity (described below). |

|Instructional activities |Defining XYZ Goals Activity |

| |Ask learners to name from memory each current XYZ First Year Priority. |

| | |

| |Debrief: |

| |Compare answers with the actual priorities. |

| |Post priorities on wall for reference throughout course. |

| | |

| | |

| |Goals Presentation Analysis Activity |

| |Form three teams. |

| |Assign teams one aspect of the ecomm presentation to analyze (i.e. content, language, presentation techniques) and|

| |provide critiquing job aids. |

| |Show ecomm video of goals/priorities presentation. |

| |Have each team present their analysis/critique. |

| | |

| |Debrief by leading a discussion describing ways learners can use the presentation techniques they observed and |

| |critiqued when they communicate goals to their own work teams. |

| | |

| | |

| |Initial Definition of Learner Priorities Activity |

| |Distribute goal and communication plan templates. |

| |Allow a brief work period for learners to define their single goal/priority for class use. |

| |Ask each learner to briefly describe to the class the priority he/she will present on day 3. |

| | |

| |Debrief: Instructor and class members compare selected goal against XYZ priorities and goals and offer |

| |recommendations (if appropriate). |

| | |

| | |

| |Summary Worksheet Activity |

| |Ask learners to write down on the worksheet at least two ideas from this module they don’t want to lose sight of |

| |or forget. |

|Summary |Explain that every topic and every skill included in the course should be used to further achievement of XYZ |

| |goals. As learners move through the course, they will accumulate information and skills to enable them to speak |

| |about goals effectively and to formulate plans for communicating goals to their work units. |

| |Remind learners that they should rework and refine their selected goals during the next two days as they learn |

| |more. |

| |Tell learners that goal setting and achievement is an on-going and iterative process – in class and in actual |

| |practice. |

Module 3: Setting and Managing Expectations

|Introduction |This module looks at how managers must set and manage expectations relative to work priorities. During the first |

| |activity learners focus on what one manager should do to help his team make progress toward their goals while |

| |dealing with various business changes and challenges during a single fiscal year. |

| | |

| |The concept driving this section is that managers must set clear expectations and manage those expectations in the|

| |face of change through the use of timely communication with all stakeholders. |

|Learning objectives |Apply the method for setting and managing expectations to typical work situations. |

|Presentation and |Describe the focus of this module. |

|demonstration |Share the John Kotter quote. |

| |Explain the four-bullet method for setting and managing expectations. (p.22) |

| |Conduct the Case Study Activity (described below). (p.23-29) |

| |Conduct the Summary Worksheet Activity (described below). |

|Instructional activities |Case Study Activity |

| |Give learners the descriptions of the fictitious work unit and the business changes and challenges that will |

| |impact the unit’s work priorities, assignments, schedules, etc. during five points in the fiscal year. |

| |Divide the class into five teams. |

| |For each time period, ask teams to use the model discussed at the start of this topic to describe what the |

| |fictitious manager should do to set and manage the expectations of his direct reports. |

| |Teams present their recommendations chronologically as the fiscal year unfolds. |

| |Other teams offer comments. |

| | |

| |Debrief: |

| |Ask learners if they’ve had quarters like Terrell’s and if any of the solutions the teams suggested worked for |

| |them. |

| |Summarize/generalize how learners can apply the model to their own work situations. |

|Instructional activities,|Summary Worksheet Activity |

|continued |Ask learners to write down on the worksheet at least two ideas from this module they don’t want to lose sight of |

| |or forget. |

|Summary |Ask learners to identify any information from the previous module (Achieving XYZ Strategic Goals) that applied to |

| |the case study as well. |

| |Suggest that the setting and managing expectations method (and activity/debrief discussion) might have provided |

| |some good ideas for learners to use when they design their own communication plans. |

| |Tell learners that the next module will focus even more closely on communication skills. |

Module 4: Communicating

|Introduction |This module looks at what makes for good communication, what are typical communication barriers, and how learners |

| |can overcome communication barriers. |

| | |

| |Clearly, effective communication is key to achieving goals. |

|Learning objectives |Identify and apply effective communication strategies and methods. |

|Presentation and |Conduct the Defining Best and Worst Communication Practices Activities (described below), including discussion of |

|demonstration |research findings. |

| |Conduct the Defining Strategies for Overcoming Communication Barriers Activity (described below), including |

| |discussion of research findings. |

| |Lead a discussion focusing on the challenges of interdepartmental communications and how to gain cooperation. |

| |Highlight the best practices and strategies formulated earlier that might be particularly applicable to these |

| |communications. |

| |Conduct the Summary Worksheet Activity (described below). |

|Instructional activities |Defining Best and Worst Communication Practices Activity |

| |Ask learners to note on index cards three characteristics of excellent communication. |

| |Working as teams, learners consolidate lists. |

| |Working as a class, learners develop best practices list. |

| |Repeat process for worst communication practices. |

| | |

| |Debrief by sharing research findings to confirm and refine best practices list developed in class. |

|Instructional activities,|Defining Strategies for Overcoming Communication Barriers Activity |

|continued |Brainstorm as a class the barriers to good communication. |

| |Have the class determine by vote the four most significant barriers. |

| |Have teams each take one barrier and develop four strategies for overcoming that barrier. |

| |Have learners present their strategies. |

| | |

| |Debrief: |

| |Share research findings to confirm and refine strategies to overcome communication barriers developed in class. |

| |Recapitulate best practices and strategies. |

| |Acknowledge that nothing works every time, but it can be helpful to have these strategies to consider. |

| | |

| | |

| |Summary Worksheet Activity |

| |Ask learners to write down on the worksheet at least two ideas from this module they don’t want to lose sight of |

| |or forget. |

|Summary |Ask learners to make note of any techniques from this module that they can use when they design their own |

| |communication plans. |

| |Using the course roadmap, tell learners that the next module will focus on decision-making; another skill critical|

| |to achieving goals. |

Module 5: Decision Making

|Important note |

|We are concerned that this module may not solve the management skill needs articulated by Laura and John. Please review this module |

|carefully and verify that the instruction and activities shown below adequately address those needs. If not, please provide more information|

|about the needs. |

|Introduction |This module explores the use of different decision making styles and provides a tool for identifying decision |

| |makers. |

|Learning objectives |Identify different decision-making styles and when best to utilize them. |

| |Analyze who should make decisions, based on a balance of chance of error and consequence of error considerations. |

|Presentation and |Describe what makes an effective decision maker at XYZ. (p.31) |

|demonstration |Present Victor Vroom’s “quality” and “acceptance” factors and his four basic styles/approaches to decision making.|

| |(p.32) |

| |Conduct Decision Making Styles Activity (p.34) and define best uses at XYZ for each style. |

| |Conduct Identifying Personal Styles Activity and identify under-utilized styles for each learner. |

| |Present the Decision Maker Analysis Matrix (see example below) and share several actual XYZ decision making |

| |examples to illustrate proper tool use. |

| | |

|Will require assistance |Refer to an authority other |

| |than yourself |

| | |

|Should not require |May require research or |

|assistance |assistance |

Low Chance of Error High

| |Conduct the Decision Making Activity. (p.37) |

| |Conduct the Summary Worksheet Activity (described below). |

|Instructional activities |Decision Making Styles Activity |

| |Assign a different decision making style to teams of learners and distribute a supply of two colors of Post-It |

| |notes to everyone. |

| |Focusing only on their assigned style, ask learners to take five minutes to individually write down 2-3 examples |

| |of appropriate and 2-3 examples of inappropriate decision making at XYZ on the Post-It notes. They should write |

| |only one example per note. |

| |At the end of 5 minutes, call time and ask them to review their notes with others in their group. Ask groups to |

| |sort out redundancies and to select their top three examples of appropriate decision making and their top three |

| |examples of inappropriate decision making using the following two criteria: |

| |Clearly fits the category. |

| |Shows diversity of types of decisions. |

| | |

| |Debrief: |

| |Teams stick notes on an enlarged model of Decision Making at XYZ matrix and explain their decisions. |

| |Leader offers clarification and/or corrective feedback, if necessary and notes best uses of each style. |

| | |

| | |

| |Identifying Personal Styles Activity |

| |Have tables work as groups. |

| |Each person identifies the decision making style he/she most often uses. |

| |Use the Decision Making at XYZ matrix to record real decision making examples from each learner’s job. |

| | |

| |Debrief: |

| |Each person identifies one or more of his/her less-used styles as a development opportunity. |

|Instructional activities,|Decision Making Activity (modified) |

|continued |Read the scenario. (p.37) |

| |For each of the five messages, teams should: |

| |In one sentence, summarize the key issue or problem from the manager’s point of view. |

| |Set the manager’s primary objective relative to each message – make sure it aligns with XYZ goals and priorities. |

| |Select an appropriate decision making style. |

| |Using the Decision Maker Analysis Matrix, decide who should make the decision. |

| |Teams present their decisions to the class and receive feedback. |

| | |

| |Debrief: |

| |Instructor summarizes class consensus for each of the case study messages, emphasizing alignment with XYZ |

| |goals/priorities, as well as proper style selection and decision maker identification. |

| | |

| |Note: this use of the activity on page 37 does not include setting priorities or developing solutions. Class |

| |content has not addressed these skills. Our proposed use of the activity is limited: the activity tests only |

| |learner ability to see alignment with XYZ goals, select a decision making style, and identify the decision maker. |

| | |

| | |

| |Summary Worksheet Activity |

| |Ask learners to write down on the worksheet at least two ideas from this module they don’t want to lose sight of |

| |or forget. |

|Summary |Overcoming indecision is key to decision making. Getting buy-in and/or making sure everyone is “happy” with a |

| |decision with may not be appropriate for many business decisions. Using the decision making styles information can|

| |help you avoid unnecessary discussions, negotiations, compromises, and delays. |

| | |

| |Also, an essential test for decision making is whether or not XYZ goals and priorities are being served by |

| |day-to-day business decisions. |

Module 6: Financial Skills

|Introduction |This module addresses what managers need to know about finance using the Zodiak instructional game. |

| | |

| |Debriefing discussion questions at the end of the day serve to place financial issues and concerns within the |

| |context of achieving XYZ goals. |

|Learning objectives |Identify and apply effective financial strategies and methods. |

|Presentation and |Present existing course materials. |

|demonstration |Play the Zodiak game. |

| |At the end of the day, conduct Finances and XYZ Goals Activity (described below). |

| |Conduct the Summary Worksheet Activity (described below). |

|Instructional activities |Zodiak Game |

| | |

| |Finances and XYZ Goals Activity |

| |Divide learners into four teams. |

| |Ask each team to develop an answer to one of the discussion questions listed below. |

| |Allow a five minute work period and remind learners to draw from everything they have learned in the class to |

| |formulate their answers. |

| |Have each team present their question and response. |

| |Have the class at large offer further comments. |

| | |

| |Discussion Questions: |

| |How can financial information and what was learned during the Zodiak game be used to support of XYZ goals? (Give |

| |at least two actual examples.) |

| |How can financial issues be communicated to subordinates and other stakeholders? (Give at least two actual |

| |examples.) |

| |What sort of interdepartmental complications arising from financial issues can adversely impact XYZ goals? (Give |

| |at least two actual examples.) |

| |What should managers do to effectively collaborate interdepartmentally over financial matters? (Give at least |

| |three suggestions.) |

| | |

| |Debrief by summarizing responses and offering corrective feedback. |

| |Summary Worksheet Activity |

| |Ask learners to write down on the worksheet at least two ideas from this module they don’t want to lose sight of |

| |or forget. |

|Summary |Summarize the topics covered during the day. |

| |Describe the activities for the evening and/or next morning start time. |

Module 7: Presenting Plans to Achieve Goals

|Introduction |This module revisits the topic addressed in module 2, XYZ Strategic Goals. In this section of the course, learners|

| |will finalize one goal for their subordinate work unit, prepare a plan to communicate company and work unit goals |

| |to their subordinates, and actually present the goals in class. |

|Learning objectives |Formulate a subordinate supportive goal/priority for a given work unit that fully aligns with XYZ goals and |

| |priorities. |

| |Develop a communication plan to effectively communicate XYZ strategic goals/priorities and specific work unit |

| |goals/priorities to team members. |

| |Present your communication in a manner appropriate for your work team. |

|Presentation and |Describe the required deliverables (i.e. work unit goal and communication plan). |

|demonstration |Explain what this module will include and how the time will be used. |

| |Start the Work Period. |

| |After the work period, distribute critique sheets keyed to the XYZ goals presentations and explain the critiquing |

| |process. |

| |Conduct the Learner Presentations Activity (described below). |

| |Conduct the Summary Worksheet Activity (described below). |

|Instructional activities |Work Period |

| |Allow a one-hour work period for learners to help one another (collaborate) as they put the final touches on their|

| |work unit goal/priority and their communication plans. |

| | |

| | |

| |Learner Presentations Activity |

| |Divide the class into two groups that contain both rookie and experienced managers. |

| |Provide a separate room area for each group. |

| |Have rookie managers present XYZ goals and first year priorities; have experienced managers present their specific|

| |work unit goal. (Note: this information is not shared with learners beforehand. All learners will prepare a |

| |presentation including both XYZ and work unit goals.) |

| | |

| |Debrief: |

| |Lead critique sessions. |

| |Stress positive accomplishments by speakers. |

| |Summarize best practices observed during presentations. |

|Instructional activities,|Summary Worksheet Activity |

|continued |Ask learners to write down on the worksheet at least two ideas from this module they don’t want to lose sight of |

| |or forget. |

|Summary |Have groups come together. |

| |Summarize the topics covered during the morning. |

| |Ask learners to share what they learned during the critiquing sessions. |

| |Segue into the next topic by saying that we have covered XYZ goals and defined a work unit goal, now we turn to |

| |topics that will help our people work to achieve these goals. The next topic is Developing People. |

Module 8: Delegating

|Introduction |This module looks at the skill of delegation. |

| | |

| |Entrusting others with responsibility and authority and establishing accountability for results is essential to |

| |XYZ meeting its goals and the success of the XYZ management team. |

|Learning objectives |Key Objective: |

| |Write a plan that identifies work to be delegated that is not now delegated. The plan should include: |

| |What to delegate, |

| |Who will be involved, and |

| |What check points and controls will be established. |

|Presentation and |Conduct Delegation Fears Activity (described below). |

|demonstration |Briefly define delegation, authority, and accountability. Acknowledge the fact that XYZ managers have dual roles: |

| |they are responsible for individual contributor work as well as management work. The skill of delegation cannot |

| |remedy that situation, but it can help managers be more effective and accomplish more toward XYZ goals. |

| |Lead discussion of Why Managers Need to Delegate More. Conclude discussion with perception of leadership at XYZ |

| |needing them to delegate more. |

| |Summarize the benefits of delegating. |

| |Present generic information on what to delegate and what not to delegate while learners take notes. |

| |Conduct Identifying Items to Delegate Activity (described below). |

| |Present information on the psychological and organizational barriers to delegation and how they might be overcome.|

| | |

| |List five requirements for successful delegation, emphasizing clarity, acceptance, establishing effective |

| |controls, and requiring completed work. 10 mins. |

| |Conduct Delegation Planning Activity (described below). |

| |Conduct the Summary Worksheet Activity (described below). |

|Instructional activities |Delegation Fears Activity (5 minutes) |

| |Give each learner a 3”x5” card and ask them to write down one of their fears about delegating responsibilities to |

| |their employees. |

| |Pass the cards around in a clock-wise direction. Learners read every card and put a checkmark in the upper right |

| |hand corner of the card if that fear is true for them, too. |

| |After circulating the cards, each card returns to the originator to hold until the end of the module. |

| | |

| |Debrief postponed until end of module. |

| | |

| | |

| |Identifying Items to Delegate Activity |

| |Divide class into discussion groups of three. |

| |Have groups specify items pertaining to their own areas that can be delegated. |

| | |

| |Debrief: |

| |Call on individuals to present one or two of their ideas for delegation. |

| |Give corrective feedback if the wrong things are picked to delegate or not to delegate. |

| | |

| | |

| |Delegation Planning Activity |

| |Using a planning worksheet, learners select at least two things of significance to delegate and write a plan for |

| |how they will accomplish the delegation. |

| | |

| |Debrief: |

| |Have learners read aloud the cards with the most checkmarks from the first module activity. |

| |Ask learners to reconsider their fears in light of the delegation module. |

| |Instructor leads a brief discussion of a positive, upbeat nature. |

| | |

| | |

| |Summary Worksheet Activity |

| |Ask learners to write down on the worksheet at least two ideas from this module they don’t want to lose sight of |

| |or forget. |

|Summary |Summarize the lesson and give the following tip for delegating that Karl would endorse: |

| |Look at all the work done by your group. |

| |Delete all non-critical items, regardless of who is performing them. |

| |Do this on an on-going basis. |

| |The result will be to make more resources available. |

Module 9: Coaching for Performance

|Introduction |This module discusses the most common way managers improve employee performance – coaching. Good coaching is key |

| |to achieving goals throughout XYZ and is the on-going daily activity managers undertake in preparation for annual |

| |performance reviews. |

|Learning objectives |Explain how employee performance supports achievement of XYZ goals. |

| |Conduct a coaching session using the recommended guidelines. |

|Presentation and |Present the following topics: |

|demonstration |Why it is necessary to focus on performance. (p.45) |

| |How good performance supports XYZ business needs. (p.45) |

| |XYZ’s performance philosophy. (p.47) |

| |Why coach? (p.68) |

| |Coaching and the 5 leadership practices. (p.68) |

| |Identifying coaching opportunities. (p.69) |

| |Coaching and situational leadership. (p.70) |

| |Conduct Instant Gap Analysis Activity (described below). |

| |Present the following topics: |

| |Coaching tips. (p.70) |

| |Giving feedback. (p.71) |

| |Coaching for 9-block performance ratings. (p.71) |

| |Coaching conversation. (p.72-3) |

| |Conduct the Coaching Challenge Activity (p.92). |

| |Conduct Summary Worksheet Activity (described below). |

|Instructional activities |Instant Gap Analysis Activity |

| |Describe gap analysis. |

| |Distribute worksheets. |

| |Ask learners to identify one of their immediate subordinates to be the subject of their instant analysis. (The |

| |subordinate will not be identified by name at any time.) |

| |Ask learners to complete the worksheet focusing on this employee. |

| | |

| |Debrief by telling learners to keep this employee in mind throughout the rest of the module. At the end of the |

| |module, this employee will be featured in another activity. |

|Instructional activities,|Coaching Challenge Activity (modified from p.92) |

|continued |Divide learners into teams of three. |

| |Review instructions for the activity, including role switching and use of checklist. |

| |Ask teams to coach/critique according to the directions. |

| |Keep track of time, so team members have time to switch roles. |

| |Allow a 25 minute work period. |

| |Have each team discuss with one another what they learned or will take back to their next real coaching sessions. |

| | |

| |Debrief by asking each team for one aspect of coaching they saw in the activity and will take back to the job. |

| |Offer additional suggestions, if necessary. |

| | |

| | |

| |Summary Worksheet Activity |

| |Ask learners to write down on the worksheet at least two ideas from this module they don’t want to lose sight of |

| |or forget. |

|Summary |Tell learners that coaching leads directly into the next course topic: developing people. Coaching is a daily |

| |process, but a fairly informal one. Developing people is a formal, organized process we use to make sure our human|

| |resources can achieve XYZ goals. |

Module 10: Developing People

|Important note |

|Please provide feedback on HP Professional Development Planning booklet Darryl provided. Do you wish to use the worksheet for putting |

|together a development plan included in this section of the course or something else? |

|Introduction |This module focuses on defining the acquisition and development of the knowledge, skills, and experience employees|

| |need to meet current and future business, personal, and professional goals. |

| | |

| |Professional development plans help people: |

| |Align personal professional development with corporate goals and needs, and thus move the business forward. |

| |Help employees form their work and career expectations within their employer’s. |

| |Enable managers to more effectively coach and manage for best performance and development. |

| |Ensure employee skills and knowledge keep abreast of evolving industry trends and developments. |

| |Help employees focus on their future. |

| |Help retain valuable and motivated employees. |

|Learning objectives |Use the development planning worksheet to formulate and record career development plans for employees. |

|Presentation and |Describe the benefits of developing employee careers – for the individual and for XYZ. |

|demonstration |Describe developing people preparations: |

| |Review job description (p.63) |

| |Review competencies (p.63) |

| |Review past performance records (p.63) |

| |Identify major organizational goals/projects/tasks (p.64) |

| |Introduce learners to development plan worksheets and describe how to use them. |

| |Conduct How To Develop This Employee Activity (described below). |

| |Demonstrate how to update employee training plans (p. 65) |

| |Conduct Summary Worksheet Activity (described below). |

|Instructional activities |How to Develop This Employee Activity |

| |Divide learners into pairs. |

| |Ask each pair to read the description of “Anna Smith” (p.95) and complete a Development Activity Planning |

| |Worksheet for her. |

| |Allow a five minute work period. |

| |Call on various pairs to present their plans for “Anna.” |

| |Have the class at large offer further comments. |

| |Ask the class to identify which of the current First Year Priorities Anna’s development helps to achieve. |

| | |

| |Debrief by: |

| |Summarizing responses and offering corrective feedback, if necessary. |

| |Suggest that high-performers consider the opportunity for training/ development a significant job search criteria.|

| |Ask learners if they have any personal examples of how development can contribute to retaining valuable employees.|

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Summary Worksheet Activity |

| |Ask learners to write down on the worksheet at least two ideas from this module they don’t want to lose sight of |

| |or forget. |

|Summary |Direct learners to resources behind the online employee training plan program and to other HR resources. |


|Important note |

|Please give us a description of how the formal assessment test will be used in class and after class to assess and record learner |

|performance. These decisions impact test design and may have other important business implications. |

|Introduction |This segment will help learners focus on what they have learned and define for themselves specific actions they |

| |will apply on the job as a result of their new knowledge and skills. |

| | |

| |Additionally, learners will take a formal assessment test at the conclusion of the training session. |

|Learning objectives |There are no learning objectives specified for the summary. |

|Presentation and |Show course roadmap and review topics covered during training. |

|demonstration |Conduct Summary Activity (described below). |

| |Review XYZ resources they may access for help/further information. |

| |Ask learners to complete evaluations. |

| |Thank all participants. |

| |Conduct Assessment Test (described below). |

|Instructional activities |Course Summary Activity |

| |Show and explain use of the personal action plan 3-part form. |

| |Ask learners to refer to each module’s summary worksheets. |

| |Distribute forms and envelopes for supervisors. |

| |Allow a 5 minute work period. |

| |Collect “instructor” and “supervisor” copies (with addressed envelopes). |

| |Learners keep third part. |

| | |

| |Assessment Test |

| |Explain why the test is being given and how test results will be used. |

| |Explain test completion requirements and distribute test. |

| |Allow however much time is required by learners to complete the test. |

| |Remain in room to answer questions, collect tests, and say good-bye. |

|Summary |No summary or additional remarks will be made once the tests are distributed. |








for Performance

Presenting Plans to Achieve Goals

Developing People


Setting Expectations



Achieving XYZ Strategic Goals

Gaining Financial Skills

Norms of Management Behavior





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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