




One note: Don't copy and paste from this document into Aweber. The spacing, font, etc... will all get messed up. Don't copy and paste from this document into Aweber. This document is just for reference and education. We've highlighted a few sections on each of the emails. These are the parts of the email that you need to customize with your own story. There are comments to the right of the document that will give you pointers on what to edit and ideas on what types of things to put into your story.

? Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved.


Congratulations - and welcome to my world. My name is *Your Full Name*, and I'm the one who's going to open your eyes to the very harsh realities that are keeping you stuck, stressing out about money, robbing Peter to pay Paul and living paycheck to paycheck... And I'm going to show exactly how you too can break away from the spell and finally live the life of freedom and prosperity you and your family deserve. So I hope you're ready to take a deep dive down the rabbit hole, because what I'll reveal to you in the next few days might shock you... ...but it'll prove to be immensely profitable for you - IF you've got the guts to swallow a large dose of harsh reality. For now, I need you to "whitelist" the email address INSERT PROFESSIONAL EMAIL ADDRESS HERE. And if you're using Gmail, make sure you have it delivered to your "important" folder. Trust me, you won't want to miss any of the eye-opening TRUTHS I'll be sending your way. One more thing...

? Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved.


If you don't mind, I'd like to take a quick second to share a little more about my story with you: In 2009, I began this feverish search for some sort of way to make an income with an online business (really no idea what I was looking for or who to trust). I spent YEARS floundering around trying this system and that... buying just about every "online business course" you can think of. Saying it was rough doesn't really do it justice. I would stay up late into the night and wake up brutally early before work, just slaving away on my business. 4 hours of sleep a night... for months... And one night I woke up with intense chest pains and went into full panic mode. My wife drove us to the hospital (I still remember seeing her tearing up as I was laying on the table and that's when it hit me)... Long story short... the doc said my body was shutting down due to all the stress and lack of sleep. But I was DESPERATE... Find out what I did in tomorrow's email. Talk soon, *Your First Name*

P.S. In case you missed it or weren't able to watch, click here to watch Dave's short video!

? Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved.


Hey again... Yesterday I mentioned how "desperate" I'd gotten with my never-ending search to try to create a profitable online business... And to be honest, I would stop at nothing to figure this damn thing out (excuse the language). Day after day after day... I'd be learning code, building a website, "launching" some social media campaign... They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting di erent results. I may have been slightly insane ;) But at every juncture it felt like I was "turning a corner." It didn't look like much on the outside (especially to friends, family, etc...) but it sure felt internally like I was moving forward. The problem? The results just weren't there. It FELT like forward motion... but my BUSINESS and BANK ACCOUNT were still bankrupt. I guess you could say I was ramming my head into a wall. Over and over again. (But the turning point was coming, I just didn't know it yet... find out what it was tomorrow). See ya tomorrow, *Your First Name*

? Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved.


Hey FIRSTNAME, If I can be candid for a sec... When I had my "what now" moment a few years back and I was in a real scary spot both from a health perspective and from an emotional perspective... It was actually a lot worse than I described. Why? Because... beneath the health issues that had surfaced was a mountain of self-doubt and anxiety that I didn't know what to do with. It wasn't bad enough that my "business" was really a "hobby" and that I'd been trying for years to generate some sort of income online. But every single day that passed felt like a "ticking time bomb" of failure, ready to implode in my face. Back then, NOBODY ever took me by the hand and just said, "Do this, NOT that" until I reached success. I don't know where you're at right now with your finances or your dreams, but I know I put my dreams on the back burner for years because I didn't have any legitimate reason to bother dreaming. But what I discovered (through a little help of some amazing mentors)... was this: It wasn't my fault. I had never been shown how it all works. I wasn't really plugged into the community and teaching I needed in order to get the results I was looking for. Well, I'm here to tell you today... once and for all... that if you've been clicking around, looking for a way to start an online business for yourself (whether dropshipping, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, a liate marketing, consulting, selling webinars, etc)...

? Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved.


... and you've found it to be complicated and confusing... IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT, EITHER. ? You just haven't been shown the right information, YET. ? You just haven't been given the right leadership, YET. ? You just haven't been part of an "insiders club," YET. What exactly am I talking about? Stay tuned for tomorrow's email to learn about the ONE THING that's turning the lives of many people upside down, and could be the answer you've been searching for. See you tomorrow, *Your First Name*

? Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved.


Hey again, Today could be the day where absolutely everything changes for you. Big claim? Let me back it up... Over the past few days I've let you in to my internal world and we've explored my years-long struggle with building an online business. The shame, the self doubt... it's all very real. And di cult to re-live. But today, I want to share with you a video (and a person) that really turned things around for me. At the height of my anxiety and stress, watching this short video created a shift inside me that changed everything.

? Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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