PROFESSIONAL GOAL - University of Virginia



My immediate goals were fairly general, but all related to the success of my students. As with most people, one of the reasons I became a teacher was the desire to affect the lives of others. I want them to see that they have the ability to be a great generation. My responsibility in their lives is to make sure that my students are getting the best education possible so that they can succeed in whatever they choose.

Honestly, I feel that any great teacher training workshop would help me in this endeavor. Any time that a teacher can learn about new educational theories and practices, they will be able to become a more effective teacher. The world of education is ever-changing. New theories and practices come and go. Without learning of these changes, I cannot discover those that may be superior. In order to become a more effective teacher, I have to discover for myself how those superior theories and practices can be used to help my students become the future leaders of our county.

My most important short-term goal is a little more selfish. Ever since I taught, I have always wanted to be a department chairperson. In any school district, the department chairperson has considerable influence over the direction that education takes within the department. In addition, in my school, the current chairperson is in charge of setting up and overseeing all of the community service, mentorship, and business field experience students. This position appeals to me because the chairperson is still able to interact and assist students, and is also able to become more involved with


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the community, something that is becoming increasingly important in education. As a leader in the school, it is important that the department chairperson maintain open communication with the community in order to maintain support of the school as a whole.

I believe that the K-12 and postsecondary school leadership focus of this graduate program with be extremely beneficial to me in reaching my goal of language department chairperson. Right now I do not have the knowledge that I need for the administrative side of this position. I know that if I am to become the department chairperson, I would need to know more about the managerial and organizational aspects that are required to be successful. I am confident that there are facets of this position I know nothing about. Through this program I hope to gain an insight into the administrative facets and become proficient in the organizational process.

My final goal, which is a long-term goal, is to become a college professor. As a language teacher, I have a degree that allows me to do more than what some people refer to as "just teaching". I have since determined that I really enjoy teaching, and that the educational world is more appealing to me than the business world. At some point in my life, I would like to be a college professor. The difference between teaching high school students and college students appears great. Although some of the students are only one year apart in age, the maturity and focus of college students is alluring, and will probably become more so as my life progresses.

Although I have some experience with teaching adults, I know that it will be important for me to learn the challenges that come with teaching at a postsecondary level. I am hoping to gain more understanding of these


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challenges through my training. It will be important for me to learn the different learning styles of adults, and how the postsecondary environment affects the education process.

As a language teacher, I must stay up to date with the latest technology. As most people know, teaching is an extremely time consuming occupation. My need for flexibility in time is great and I feel that an on-line program will help fill that need. Therefore I look forward to the flexibility that comes from an on-line environment.

As I look back over this goal statement, I am pleased that I had to write it. I knew in the back of my mind that I had several things I wanted to accomplish in my lifetime, but I had never put them down on paper, or thought about how I could reach those goals. Having to write this professional goals statement, however, helped me to realize that I should be working toward my long-term goals as well as well as focusing on what was next. I feel very good knowing that I have learned something already!!!


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