Franchisee and Consultant Training Procedure - Lice Squad


Franchisee – Train the Trainer

TLC Training & Orientation

Table of Contents

1. Overview of HR Paperwork and TLC Training Requirements 3

2. Prepare Consultant Files and TLC Training Materials 5

3. TLC Training Day 5

4. Consultant Kit 6

5. Post Training & Records Maintenance: 7

6. Consultant Files 7

TLC Consultant Training Process

All documentation needed for training purposes are located on the website in the Franchisee Login area (Franchising Tab). Changes to the documentation are not permitted without permission of the Franchisor and Lice Squad Canada Inc.

1. Overview of HR Paperwork and TLC Training Requirements

The following chart is a suggested time lines for the paperwork & training requirements process:

|Documentation & Materials |Time Frame |Disbursement/Notes |

|Application for Employment |Sent to successful candidates prior to TLC|To be returned either prior to or brought to TLC Training Date.|

| |Training Date. Can be completed online. |If completed online, Head Office will forward to Franchisee. |

|Privacy Policy |Sent upon receipt of resume and |To be returned prior to telephone interview or any further |

| |application. |disclosure to candidate, hard copy to be brought to TLC |

| | |Training Date. |

|NDA |Sent to prospective candidates prior to |To be returned prior to telephone interview or any further |

| |telephone interview. |disclosure to candidate, hard copy to be brought to TLC |

| | |Training Date. Forwarded to Head Office for signature. |

|Access to System Training Materials (Must be|Minimum 1 week prior to on-site training. |TLC Manual provided at on Training Date |

|set up through Head Office) | | |

|Lice Squad “Written Test” |Accessed online. |To be returned either prior to or brought to TLC Training Date |

|Vulnerable Sector Police Screening Letter |Sent to trainee asap. |Some jurisdictions require a letter from employer verifying |

| | |need for Vulnerable Sector Police Check. |

|Image Release |Completed at on-site training. |TLC Training Date |

|Sub-Contractor Agreement (Contract) |Can be reviewed online and signed on TLC |Copy to be sent to Consultant as soon as all required |

| |Training Date |signatures are obtained. Forwarded to Head Office for |

| | |signature. |

|Copies Driver’s License/Vehicle |At time of TLC Technical Training or ASAP |May be scanned and emailed prior to or brought to TLC Training |

|Insurance/Professional | |Date for copying |


|Credit Card Info or signed UNDATED cheque |At time of TLC Technical Training or ASAP |To be brought to TLC Training Date or sent in ASAP |

|for Consultant Materials Security | | |

|Documentation & Materials |Time Frame |Disbursement/Notes |

|Void Cheque for Payroll |At time of TLC Technical Training or ASAP |To be brought to TLC Training Date or sent in ASAP |

|Training Materials Issued |At time of TLC Technical Training |Remain the property of Lice Squad Canada and/or it’s Franchisee|

| | |and must be returned upon request |

|Photo ID Certification and Consultant Kit |Upon completion of all training |Remain the property of Lice Squad Canada and/or it’s Franchisee|

|Issued |requirements including supervised mobile |and must be returned upon request |

| |services* (*may be issued earlier at the | |

| |discretion of issuer) | |

|Payroll Information Sheet |Void Cheque or Banking Info |To be brought to TLC Training Date for completion or sent in |

| | |ASAP |

|Setup in CRM (if applicable) with Trainee |Upon completion of TLC Technical Training |Status remains until all training requirements are completed at|

|Status and access to "Training Service | |which time changes to full Consultant status. |

|Requests" and contact information provided | | |

|to Consultant Trainers | | |

|Field Training Requirements |Within 2 weeks of TLC Technical Training |If required, Consultant Trainer to accompany new trainee on |

| | |‘in-home’ visit. New Consultant Progress Report can be |

| | |completed. |

|Receive Photo of Trainee's Mobile Kit and |With 2 weeks of TLC Technical Training |Receive photo mockup of an “in-home” session and uniform. |

|Uniform | |Evaluate and provide feedback to Trainee. |

|Setup full Consultant status in CRM (if |Upon completion of all training |Activation of Consultant status. After 3 months of |

|applicable) and payroll information entered.|requirements including supervised mobile |satisfactory independent service, TLC Certificate will be |

|If not on CRM, payroll information provided |services* (*may be issued earlier at the |issued. |

|to Payroll Officer |discretion of issuer) | |

|TLC (Technical Lice Certification) |TLC Certificate as well as Per Dieum (if |Remains the property of Lice Squad Canada and/or it’s |

|Certificate Issued |applicable) issued |Franchisee and must be returned upon request |

|Within 3 to 6 Months |- Will depend on number of service hours |Applicable Remuneration Increase and/or Bonus may be given |

| |completed | |

|Annual Review Conducted |- Annual performance review | |

|Bi-Annual TLC Certification and Photo ID |Conducted on or before the 2 year |As outlined by current process implemented by Head Office. |

|replacement |anniversary date of original TLC |Seal to be issued by Head Office upon successful completion |

| |Certification |which should be affixed to Original TLC Certification. New |

| | |photo Head Shot of consultant to be supplied to Head Office for|

| | |issuance of new Photo ID |

2. Prepare Consultant Files and TLC Training Materials

Prepare a file for each person. Refer to the Consultant Document Tracking form for a full list of requirements:

Prepare training materials including:

• TLC System Training Manuals

• Consultant Kit to show as a sample

• Mock-up of a mobile service setup or kit is desirable

• Lice samples

• Lice Squad Products

• Lice Removal clients or volunteers (can be one or two of the trainees but remember to switch around so all get the “hands on” experience)

A list of required materials is provided in the TLC System Training Manual.

Book a suitable room for the training. A Lice Squad Clinic (LS CLINIC) is the ideal location however, a space in your home office, or a rented room at a public library, community centre, or business resource centre will do.

The training session will last approximately 7 hours so you may also want to supply refreshments.

3. TLC Training Day

All Lice Squad Consultants and Franchisees owners must be trained and certified in the TLC (Technical Lice Certification), Lice Squad’s own removal system. We have made this training process easy to follow and implement into your business.

The following suggested schedule of activities is a guide to effectively train and certify your operators so that each client receives that same quality care which they have come to expect from Lice Squad Canada.

The following chart is a suggested agenda for on-site TLC Training & Orientation:

| | | |

|SECTION |CONTENT |Approx. Time |

|1. Greetings |Greet your new Consultant(s), introduce yourself by providing details of your background | |

| |with Lice Squad Canada and have each trainee introduce themselves. |10 Min |

|2. Forms Collection |Collect paperwork trainees have brought with them and complete outstanding paperwork. | |

|& Housekeeping |Present an Overview of the training session, timing and breaks. Take head shot for photo |30 Min |

| |IDs. | |

|3. Service Protocol |Review and discuss service protocol as outlined in TLC System Manual. | |

| | |1 Hr |

| |BREAK | |

|4. Key TLC Components |Interrupting the life cycle on the head and in the home environment; Importance of ‘all over| |

| |comb out’ and final Nit Pick; Sanitation Protocol; Session notes; Combing & Follow-up | |

| |responsibilities. |30 Min |

|5. CRM Training |Walk through the entire CRM site, showing how the consultant would move through the | |

| |different resources within the site. | |

|OR | |1 Hr |

| | | |

|Scheduling & Invoicing |Discuss how client appointments are scheduled, details of invoice completion and payment | |

| |processing. | |

| |LUNCH BREAK |1 Hr |

|6. Hands On Training |Conduct two mock up service sessions including: completion of Consent Form; screening; | |

| |diagnosis; use of Robi Comb; enzyme application/soak; all over comb out & nit pick; pack up;| |

| |invoicing/paperwork; payment processing. |3 Hrs |

| |BREAK (Between Mock Up Sessions) | |

|7. Wrap Up |Kit Completion and final paper work. Assign Kit. Dismiss. | |

| | | |

| |TLC Certificate numbers and Photo IDs are controlled through Head Office. Please contact |30 min |

| |Head Office to be issued the next available number(s) in sequence. | |

4. Consultant Kit

Once the Consultant has satisfactorily completed at least two supervised in-home visits or one in-home and one clinic visit and both the Consultant Trainer and the Consultant feel ready to begin work, provide products for sale during in-home visits and provide the Lice Squad Consultant or franchisee with their start up kit. (The start-up kit list is located in the LS TLC System Training Manual.)

5. Post Training & Records Maintenance:

- Receive and file photo of mock “in-home” setup and uniform from consultant.

- If necessary, have them perform an “in-home” service visit with a Consultant Trainer.

- Conduct performance reviews at six months and then annually. After two years consultants will need to recertify in the TLC System, by performing self-study tutorials (either online or book study) and then perform an evaluated practical session (can be done by Skype of a similar remote program).

- TLC foil and replacement photo ID will be issued from Head Office once successfully completed (Franchise should supply Head Office with names, dates and a new photo head shot for the photo ID)

- Dates of expiry for Vulnerable Sector Screening (two years from date of issue), driver’s license, auto insurance and credit cards on file should be recorded and monitored and replacements requested, as appropriate.

- Recommended that Consultants complete a Record of Attestation annually stating current status of Vulnerable Sector Screening.

- Consultant contact information should be reviewed periodically and updated as needed

- Inventory of product and supplies should be maintained regularly, with periodic (monthly or quarterly cycle counts being conducted by Consultant and forwarded to office). Inventory Count Sheet available in TLC Manual.

6. Consultant Files

Consultant files are confidential and should be kept in a locked cabinet. Police checks should be renewed every 2 years with a ‘status’ letter signed every year. You will also require Consultants to provide you with insurance and driver’s licence renewal information.

A final word on training your team….

Ongoing training and support is an important part of maintaining a quality Consultant. Practice early follow up with clients on Consultant performance (See New Consultant Progress Report). Correct mistakes so they do not turn into bad habits.

Your business and its success is truly based on the quality of the people that you surround yourself with. Your Consultants are an important asset to your business and can make or break your reputation and profits if not trained properly and great respect and care. Always be available to help and offer support and advice.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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