Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland

The purpose of the Work Plan Template is to break down the goal setting process into smaller, more actionable steps. This template helps with outlining what is needed to accomplish each goal (collaboration, resources, due date or frequency, anticipated obstacles and solutions). The goals can be listed first and then ranked in order of priority in the 1st far left column. Two examples of a completed work plan for one goal are included below.

|[pic] |REMEMBER: |

| |Use SMART goal setting: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Trackable & Time Bound |

| |Ensure that goals are linked to one of the 4 R.H. Smith School of Business strategic goals, in addition to the department’s strategic plan and goals. |

| |Track progress made throughout the year to stay on target with both work and professional development goals. |


|Rank |Goal & Sub Tasks |Collaboration Needs |Resource Needs |Date Due or |Anticipated Obstacle |Solution |Progress Made |

|# | | | |Frequency | | | |

| |Goal |Each staff member gives me |Binder, tabs, ruler, marker, Excel|4th Tuesday of each |Not receiving expense reports|Set up electronic reminder| |

| |To be more organized and help |receipts and expense report |spreadsheet. |month. |and receipts on time from |on calendars for each | |

| |department stay on budget by |using university and Smith | | |staff members. |staff member for the | |

| |reconciling receipts and expenses |School policy copies by the 3rd|Time during a department meeting |Complete binders by | |Thursday prior and on the | |

| |monthly and annually. |Tuesday of each month. |to review the budget categories |6/3/11. | |due date. | |

| | | |and process with the staff. | | | | |

| |Sub Tasks | | | | | | |

| |Create budget binder with tabs for | | | | | | |

| |each member of the department. | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |Review expenses from last year to | | | | | | |

| |agree upon budget categories. | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |Create a tab for each department | | | | | | |

| |member. | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |Develop Excel spreadsheet with | | | | | | |

| |budget categories. | | | | | | |


|Rank |Goal & Sub Tasks |Collaboration Needs |Resource Needs |Date Due or |Anticipated Obstacle |Solution |Progress Made |

|# | | | |Frequency | | | |

| |Goal |Confirm MarCom’s timeframe for |Request to be put on department |Phase I: Complete |Not receiving various lists |Put together one page, | |

| |Organize all communication for |brainstorming, reviewing, and |meeting agenda to get feedback on |and present initial |on time from colleagues. |“What’s in it for my | |

| |bi-annual conference. |helping implement communication|communication strategy and |plan by July 1, | |colleagues to participate | |

| | |plan. |schedule period check-ins with |2011. | |list” and provide easy to | |

| |Sub Tasks | |department. | | |use format for generating | |

| |List all points of communication or |Determine various departments | |Phase II: | |list. | |

| |various tools needed, including |to partner with on generating |Set up recurring meetings with |Edit plan by August | | | |

| |direct email, social media, Smith |participant lists and interest |committee members to continue to |5, 2011 | |Ask colleagues what | |

| |School and U of MD websites, etc. |to promote conference and |inform committee on progress of | | |obstacles they face in | |

| |Review list with supervisor to |determine how much lead time is|communication strategy and to ask |Phase III: | |producing the participant | |

| |uncover any gaps. |needed to get list. |for their ideas. |Implement plan from | |list to be proactive in | |

| | | | |October 7 – February| |removing obstacles. | |

| |Create a timeline for getting |Learn about conference content,|Budget for signage and formal |3, 2012. | | | |

| |communication written, approved, and|tagline, and key speakers from |thank you notes. | | |Send electronic reminder 1| |

| |sent out. |going to conference committee | |Phase IV: | |week & 3 days before | |

| | |meetings. Ask for the subject, | |Evaluate plan by | |deadline. Follow up in | |

| |Develop core list of potential |“communication” to be put on | |March 2, 2012. | |person, if needed. | |

| |participants listed by audience. |all conference committee | | | | | |

| | |agendas. | |Share results by the| | | |

| |Determine how we will evaluate the | | |end of March. | | | |

| |effectiveness of the communication. | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |


|Rank |Goal & Sub Tasks |Collaboration Needs |Resource Needs |Date Due or |Anticipated Obstacle |Solution |Progress Made |

|# | | | |Frequency | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

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| | | | | | | | |

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