Name: _________________________

Part One: Perspective Writing

The first assignment in this course is a combination creative writing and visual interpretation piece. You will assume the perspective of a character from either “The Masque of the Red Death” or “The Lottery” and write 350-500 words in the chosen character’s voice on one of the following options:

A) The Judge’s decision – Assume the role of the judge if Mrs. Delacroix were put on trial for the murder of Tessie Hutchinson. Consider and evaluate her state of mind and whether she was in control of her mental faculties (and therefore responsible for her actions) or should be found responsible for her actions. You’re the judge, so you should pretend that you have already heard a case presented against her and her defense. You must state whether she is found guilty or innocent of the murder of Tessie Hutchinson and provide your reasoning.

B) Letters from the Inside – Place yourself in the position of the one lone guest that survives Prince Prospero’s masquerade! Share your experience and your perspective to a loved one who was not invited inside, assuming they are still alive.

C) Diary Entries – Imagine that you are a character from “The Lottery” and it is now 20 years after the death of Tessie Hutchinson. Write a minimum of three separate, dated diary entries that effectively summarize what has happened since that time. Does your town still practice the lottery or has it been abolished? What is your character’s opinion on this practice or how has it affected his or her life?


• Typed and printed

• 350—500 words

• Make specific references to incidents in the story

• Be written in the first person (i.e. using the personal pronoun “I”)

• Use specific phrases or diction used by the character you’ve selected and/or that is consistent with what your character might say or do.

• Be as creative as you want and include information that may not be mentioned in the story so long as it is believable and convincing!

Part Two: Movie Poster

Your assignment will also include the visual component of a movie poster for your story. This may be accomplished using Photoshop or a similar program. The purpose of this task is to grab the attention of someone who has not read the story by presenting an interesting image that supports the text. You must include a title for your movie, and also provide a one line slogan that will engage the public, i.e. “Your mind is the scene of the crime” – Inception.


• The work must be original. You can source images from the internet, but then you must include links to the images.

• You must have a title (NOT the title of the chosen story) AND a tagline.

• The poster must incorporate the visual elements of the horror genre as discussed in class.

Due Date: ____________________________

ENG3U Perspective Writing Rubric Name: _____________________________

|Knowledge and |Insufficient |Level One |Level Two |Level Three |Level Four | |

|Understanding |6.0 8.0 |10.4 11 11.6 |12.4 13 13.6 |14.4 15 15.6 |16.8 17.8 19 20 |K / U |

|▪ Demonstrates knowledge of literary |▪ demonstrates insufficient |▪ demonstrates limited |▪ demonstrates adequate |▪ demonstrates considerable |▪ demonstrates thorough | |

|text with an understanding of ideas, |knowledge of the text, ideas, |knowledge of the text, ideas, |knowledge of the text, ideas, |understanding of the text, ideas,|understanding of the text, ideas,|___ |

|themes, and concepts |themes, and concepts |themes, and concepts |themes, and concepts |themes, and concepts |themes, and concepts |20 |

|Thinking |9.0 12 |15.6 16.5 17.4 |18.6 19 20.4 |21.6 22.5 23.4 |25.2 26.7 28.5 30 |T |

|▪ Formulates and refines an idea that|▪ idea is inadequate and/or |▪ formulates a limited idea |▪ formulates a developing idea |▪ formulates a reasonable idea |▪ refines an idea that addresses | |

|addresses the prompt |does not address the prompt |that refers to the prompt |that addresses the prompt |that meaningfully addresses the |the prompt with insight | |

|▪ Integrates specific and compelling |▪ provides inadequate, |▪ provides limited supporting |▪ provides some supporting |prompt |▪ integrates substantial and | |

|evidence from the text to support |inaccurate, and/ or |evidence which is frequently |evidence, but is occasionally |▪ integrates considerable and |compelling supporting evidence | |

|critical response |irrelevant supporting |vague or inappropriate |vague or inappropriate |convincing supporting evidence |▪ shows thorough analysis and |____ |

|▪ Explains, analyses, and |evidence |▪ provides limited explanation |▪ provides explanation and |▪ shows considerable analysis and|skillful synthesis of ideas |30 |

|synthesizes ideas, themes, and |▪ insufficient explanation of |of ideas |shows some analysis of ideas |synthesis of ideas | | |

|concepts |ideas and/or mere plot | | | | | |

| |summary | | | | | |

|Communication |9.0 12 |15.6 16.5 17.4 |18.6 19 20.4 |21.6 22.5 23.4 |25.2 26.7 28.5 30 |C |

|▪ Organizes information and ideas |▪ lacks clear sense of |▪ frequent loss of focus and |▪ occasional lapse(s) in focus |▪ organization is clear, focused,|▪ organizes information and ideas| |

|with clarity and focus |direction and/or has fewer than|logical sequencing of ideas |and/or logical sequencing of |and logical |with a high degree of coherence | |

|▪ Uses language and style |250 words |▪ language and style are |ideas |▪ language and style are |and unity | |

|appropriate to purpose and audience |▪ demonstrates a lack of |frequently ineffective and |▪ language and style are |effective and demonstrate a |▪ language and style are | |

|(diction, voice, sentence structure, |competence in the use of |demonstrate limited sense of |occasionally ineffective, but |considerable sense of audience |sophisticated, well-crafted, and | |

|devices) |language and style and/or has |audience and purpose |demonstrate some sense of |and purpose |engaging with a strong sense of |____ |

|▪ Uses correct language structures of|fewer than 250 words |▪ errors frequently interfere |audience and purpose |▪ errors do not significantly |audience and purpose |30 |

|Standard Canadian English and its |▪ numerous major and minor |with expression of ideas and/or|▪ errors occasionally interfere|interfere with expression of |▪ few errors do not interfere | |

|conventions of grammar, |errors interfere seriously with|frequently weaken impact of the|with expression of ideas and/or|ideas or weaken impact of the |with expression of ideas or | |

|usage, spelling, and punctuation |expression of ideas and/or has |written piece |weaken impact of the written |written piece |weaken impact of the written | |

| |fewer than 2 50 words | |piece | |piece | |

|Application |6.0 8.0 |10.4 11 11.6 |12.4 13 13.6 |14.4 15 15.6 |16.8 17.8 19 20 |A |

|▪ Transfers and applies |▪ insufficient application of |▪ limited application of the |▪ occasional lapse(s) in form |▪ consistent application of form |▪ a thorough command of the form | |

|knowledge of form of written piece to|form of text to the prompt, or |form of text to the prompt |of and application of the text |of the text to the prompt results|of the text and prompt results in| |

|the prompt |misunderstanding of the |results in a written piece |to the prompt results in a |in an effective written piece |a masterful written piece |____ |

| |prompt, results in an |that is frequently ineffective |written piece that is at times| | |20 |

| |ineffective written piece | |ineffective | | | |

|Comments | | | | | |Total |

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| | | | | | |____ |

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ENG3U Horror Movie Poster Rubric Name: _____________________

|Knowledge and |Insufficient |Level One |Level Two |Level Three |Level Four | |

|Understanding |6.0 8.0 |10.4 11 11.6 |12.4 13 13.6 |14.4 15 15.6 |16.8 17.8 19 20 |K / U |

|▪ Demonstrates knowledge of the text |▪ insufficient knowledge of the |▪ limited knowledge of the |▪ adequate knowledge of the |▪ considerable knowledge of the |▪ thorough knowledge of the | |

|with an understanding of ideas, |text, ideas, themes, and |text, ideas, themes, and |text, ideas, themes, and |text, ideas, themes, and concepts|text, ideas, themes, and | |

|themes, and concepts |concepts |concepts |concepts |▪ considerable understanding of |concepts |___ |

|▪ Demonstrates knowledge of the |▪ insufficient understanding of |▪ limited understanding of the |▪ adequate understanding of the|the horror genre |▪ thorough understanding of the|20 |

|horror genre |the horror genre |horror genre |horror genre | |horror genre | |

|Thinking |9.0 12 |15.6 16.5 17.4 |18.6 19 20.4 |21.6 22.5 23.4 |25.2 26.7 28.5 30|T |

|▪ Formulates and refines an idea that|▪ idea is inadequate and/or does|▪ formulates a limited idea |▪ formulates a developing idea |▪ formulates a reasonable idea |▪ refines an idea that | |

|addresses the prompt |not address the prompt |that refers to the prompt |that addresses the prompt |that meaningfully addresses the |addresses the prompt with | |

|▪ Integrates specific and compelling |▪ provides inadequate, |▪ provides limited imagery |▪ imagery is occasionally vague|prompt |insight | |

|imagery from the text to support |inaccurate, and/ or |which is vague or inappropriate|or inappropriate |▪ integrates considerable and |▪ integrates substantial and | |

|visual decisions |irrelevant imagery |▪ provides limited synthesis of|▪ provides synthesis and shows |convincing imagery |compelling imagery |____ |

|▪ Synthesizes ideas, themes, and |▪ insufficient synthesis of |ideas |some analysis of ideas |▪ shows considerable synthesis of|▪ shows skillful synthesis of |30 |

|concepts |ideas and/or mere plot summary | | |ideas |ideas | |

|Communication |9.0 12 |15.6 16.5 17.4 |18.6 19 20.4 |21.6 22.5 23.4 |25.2 26.7 28.5 30|C |

|▪ Organizes layout of visual |▪ lacks clear sense of direction|▪ layout is somewhat |▪ occasional lapse(s) in focus |▪ organization is clear, focused,|▪ organizes information and | |

|information and ideas with clarity |and has no title or tagline |disorganized |and/or logical sequencing of |and logical |ideas with a high degree of | |

|and focus |▪ demonstrates a lack of |▪ title and tagline use |ideas |▪ title and tagline use language |coherence and unity | |

|▪ Uses language and style |competence in the use of |language and style are |▪ title and tagline use |and style are effective and |▪ title and tagline use | |

|appropriate to purpose and audience |language and style and has no |frequently ineffective and |language and style are |demonstrate a considerable sense |language and style are | |

|(diction, voice, sentence structure, |title or tagline |demonstrate limited sense of |occasionally ineffective, but |of audience and purpose |sophisticated, well-crafted, |____ |

|devices) |▪ numerous major and minor |audience and purpose |demonstrate some sense of |▪ errors do not significantly |and engaging with a strong |30 |

|▪ Uses correct language structures of|errors interfere seriously with |▪ errors frequently interfere |audience and purpose |interfere with expression of |sense of audience and purpose | |

|Standard Canadian English and its |expression of ideas and has no |with expression of ideas and/or|▪ errors occasionally interfere|ideas or weaken impact of the |▪ title and tagline have | |

|conventions of grammar, |title or tagline |frequently weaken impact of the|with expression of ideas and/or|title and tagline |professional quality | |

|usage, spelling, and punctuation | |title and tagline |weaken impact of the title and | | | |

| | | |tagline | | | |

|Application |6.0 8.0 |10.4 11 11.6 |12.4 13 13.6 |14.4 15 15.6 |16.8 17.8 19 20 |A |

|▪ Transfers and applies |▪ insufficient application of |▪ limited application of the |▪ occasional lapse(s) in form |▪ consistent application of form |▪ a thorough command of the | |

|knowledge of form of horror poster to|form of text to the prompt, or |form of text to the prompt |of and application of the text |of the text to the prompt results|form of the text and prompt | |

|the prompt |misunderstanding of the |results in a piece that is |to the prompt results in a |in an effective piece |results in a masterful piece |____ |

|▪ Poster visuals used to enhance the |prompt, results in an |frequently ineffective |piece that is at times |▪ visuals are accessible, |▪ visuals are accessible, |20 |

|content of the text |ineffective piece |▪ visuals are somewhat |ineffective |creative, and important |creative, professional, and | |

| |▪ visuals are not accessible |accessible and included |▪ visuals are accessible, | |important | |

| |and/or included | |creative, and included | | | |

|Comments: | | | | | |Total |

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| | | | | | |_____ |

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