Program Faculty Matrix

Social Studies (5-9) and (8-12) (BS)--Program Faculty

|Name of Faculty Member |Latricia Posey Bronger |

|Highest Degree |M.Ed. |

|Field/s of Specialization |Special Education/Learning and Behavioral Disorders |

|University |University of Louisville |

|Assignment |Special Education Program Co-Director, Elementary Program, Doctoral Program, Initial|

| |and Advanced Programs |

|Faculty Rank |Instructor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Effective Academic and social interventions for students with learning disabilities |

|Associations, and Service: List up to 3 major |and behavior disorders. Council for Exceptional Children. International Reading |

|contributions in the past 3 years |Association, Teachers of Other Special Languages, Learning Disabilities Association |

| |of Kentucky |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure Track |Non-Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |General and special education teacher P-12, Collaboration Specialist, Instructional |

|P-12 schools |Strategy Training, Striving Readers Grant, CBM and Progress Monitoring with Ohio |

| |Valley Education Cooperative – Bullitt County; Learning Disabilities Association of |

| |Kentucky; Board of Kentucky Autism Training Center |

|Name of Faculty Member |E. Todd Brown |

|Highest Degree |PhD |

|Field/s of Specialization |Mathematics Education, generalist |

|University |University of Louisville |

|Assignment |Elementary Education Program |

|Faculty Rank |Assistant Professor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Brown, E.T., McGatha, M., & Karp, K. (200, May). Assessing teacher knowledge: |

|Associations, and Service: List up to 3 major |Diagnostic assessments for elementary and middle school teachers, New England |

|contributions in the past 3 years |Journal of Mathematics, 37-50. |

| |Brown, E.T. (2005) The influence of teachers’ efficacy and beliefs on mathematics |

| |instruction in the early childhood classroom, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher |

| |Education, 26, 239-257. |

| |W. Bush, R. Ronau, C. Thompson, M. McGatha, & K. Karp. (2006, January). What |

| |mathematics do middle school teachers know? Presentation at the National Association|

| |of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Tampa, Florida. |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure track |Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |Taught for 27 years in KY, Missouri and Iowa, Mathematics Resource Teacher for JCPS,|

|P-12 schools |Scale-Up Mathematics Grant Project with OVEC and Head Start programs, U of L Liaison|

| |at King and Luhr Elementary, Mathematics Network Leader for Bullitt county |

|Name of Faculty Member |Jean Anne Clyde |

|Highest Degree |Ed.D. Language Education |

|Field/s of Specialization |Literacy Education |

|University |Indiana University |

|Assignment |Elementary Education Program |

|Faculty Rank |Distinguished Teaching Professor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Clyde, J.A., Barber, S.Z., Hogue, S.L. & Wasz, L.L. (2006). Breakthrough to |

|Associations, and service: List up to 3 major |meaning: Helping your kids become better readers, writers and thinkers. Portsmouth,|

|contributions in the last 3 years |NH: Heinemann. |

| |Clyde, J.A., Miller, C., Liebert, K., Parker, S., Runyon, S., and Sauer, S. (2006).|

| |“Applying the Principles of Reggio Emilia in an Era of High Stakes Testing.” |

| |Language Arts, 83 (3), 227-237. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of |

| |English. |

| |Clyde, J.A. (2003). Stepping inside the story world: The Subtext Strategy--a tool |

| |for connecting and comprehending.” The Reading Teacher, 37 (2), 150-160. Newark, |

| |DE: International Reading Association. |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure track |Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time (on leave, 07-08) |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time (on leave, 07-08) |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |Ongoing co-teaching grades 1-4 with teacher/research team from 1999-2005 (Shelli |

|P-12 schools |Barber Wheatley Elementary, and later the Brown School), Sandra Hogue (Stonestreet |

| |Elementary), Laura Wasz (Byck Elementary), literacy lessons in kindergarten (Debbie |

| |Rutledge; co-teaching with current teacher/research partner (Angela Hicks, grade 5, |

| |Crestwood Elementary). |

| |

|Name of Faculty Member |Betty Doyle |

|Highest Degree |M.Ed. |

|Field/s of Specialization |Early childhood/elementary education |

|University |University of Louisville |

|Assignment |Early Childhood and Elementary Program |

|Faculty Rank |Instructor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Liaison to McFerran Elementary School |

|Associations, and service: List up to 3 major |Signature Partnership work in West Louisville (student placement in those |

|contributions in the last 3 years |area JCPS schools and the Catholic Enrichment Center |

| |NCATE work (Standard 2) |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure track |Non-Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |Taught in elementary schools in Brandenburg, JCPS, Louisville Deaf Oral School and |

|P-12 Schools |the Walden School. Liaison to McFerren Elementary School , conducted several |

| |grant-funded projects in local schools |

| | |

|Name of Faculty Member |Nicole Fenty |

|Highest Degree |Ph.D. |

|Field/s of Specialization |Special education, reading disabilities and behavior disorders |

|University |University of Florida |

|Assignment |Special Education |

|Faculty Rank |Assistant Professor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Holmes Scholar |

|Associations, and Service: List up to 3 major |Published 5 peer-reviewed articles, 1 book, 21 national and regional presentations |

|contributions in the past 3 years |Worked on two grants on students with significant cognitive impairments and using a |

| |web-based video library to support teacher and student learning |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure Track |Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |Experience as a paraprofessional in inclusive classrooms, taught in resource rooms |

|P-12 schools |with students with varying exceptionalities, reading intervention teacher in |

| |inclusive settings. |

| |Pre-K through fourth grade. |

|Name of Faculty Member |Penny B. Howell |

|Highest Degree |Ed. D |

|Field/s of Specialization |Teacher Education, Adolescent Literacy |

|University |Teachers College – Columbia University |

|Assignment |Middle and Secondary Program |

|Faculty Rank |Assistant Professor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Howell, P. & Arrington, J. (Under Review). Negotiating differences: Early field |

|Associations, and Service: List up to 3 major |experiences in a diverse middle school. Middle Grades Research Journal. |

|contributions in the past 3 years |Howell, P. (Revise and Resubmit). The Legacy of the Cooperating Teacher. The Teacher|

| |Educator. |

| |Howell, P. (2007, April). Middle level teacher education: Conceptualizing |

| |developmentally responsive teaching practices in early field experiences. Paper |

| |presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. |

| |Paper presentation, MLRSIG. Chicago, Illinois. |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure Track |Non-Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |Middle school classroom teacher – Language Arts/Social Studies – 5 years; Middle |

|P-12 schools |School Literacy Consultant – New York City Board of Education; Research Consultant –|

| |National Board for Professional Teaching Standards; Portfolio Manger – National |

| |Board for Professional Teaching Standards; Central High School Signature Partnership|

| |with Brandeis Law School. |

|Name of Faculty Member |Eunjoo Jung |

|Highest Degree |Ed. D |

|Field/s of Specialization |Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Psychology, Educational Research and |

| |Measurement |

|University |Illinois State University |

|Assignment |Early Childhood and Elementary Program (also teaches students in Middle/Secondary |

| |Program) |

|Faculty Rank |Assistant Professor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Recipient of the Institute of Education Sciences/National Center for Education |

|Associations, and Service: List up to 3 major |Sciences Training Institute Grant |

|contributions in the past 3 years |Recipient of the Training Institute Grant funded through Spencer Foundation |

| |Supervision of tutorships and field experiences resulting in research and funded |

| |grant |

| |Developing (on-going) comprehensive disposition assessment model for teacher |

| |education programs |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure Track |Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |Academic intervention/research for the preschool program children; Counseling |

|P-12 schools |elementary school students; Advising elementary school children; Teaching ESL |

| |students in K-8 students; Tutoring reading for K-3 students; Mentoring for |

| |elementary and middle school students; Volunteer in P-12 school programs and after |

| |school programs. |

| |

|Name of Faculty Member |Sara Kajder |

|Highest Degree |Ph.D. |

|Field/s of Specialization |English Education, Instructional Technology |

|University |University of Virginia |

|Assignment | |

|Faculty Rank |Assistant Professor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |CEE Technology Commission Chair, SITE English Education Committee Chair, SITE Teacher|

|Associations and Service: List up to 3 major |Education Council, National Technology Leadership Coalition – English Education |

|contributions in the past 3 years. |Representative, 21st Century Skills – NCTE Representative and Co-Author, National |

| |Technology Leadership Coalition Summit Participant and Speaker |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Tenure Track |

|institution | |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time (on leave, 07-08) |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time (on leave, 07-08) |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in | |

|P-12 schools | |

| | |

|Name of Faculty Member |Ann Elisabeth Larson |

|Highest Degree |Ph.D. |

|Field/s of Specialization |Curriculum and Instruction, Teacher Education, English Education, Social Foundations |

| |of Education |

|University |University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |

|Assignment |Middle and Secondary Program, Doctoral Program |

|Faculty Rank |Associate Dean and Associate Professor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Rightmyer, E.C. and Larson, A. (2006) Sociocultural Strategies for Recruiting |

|Associations and Service: List up to 3 major |Teachers into Urban Classrooms: Building Informed Private Theories. In, Recruiting, |

|contributions in the past 3 years. |Preparing and Retaining Teachers for Urban Schools by Howey, Post and Zimpher. |

| |Ryan, S., Metcalf-Turner, P and Larson, A. (2002) Standardization or Standards for |

| |Professional Practive: Public and Private Theories of Teaching in Professional |

| |Development Schools in Rethinking Standards through Teacher Preparation Partnerships|

| |by Griffin and Whitford. |

| |National Council of Teachers of English, Jefferson County Public Schools, Ohio Valley|

| |Education Cooperative, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, Education |

| |Professional Standards Board, Holmes Partnership, University of Louisville Graduate |

| |Council |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure Track |Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Part-Time |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Consultation (OVEC, JCPS); |

|P-12 schools |Waggener Traditional High School Writing Partnership; Central High School Signature |

| |Partnership with Brandeis Law School; KTIP Teacher Educator. |

| |

|Name of Faculty Member |Marcia Lile |

|Highest Degree |MA |

|Field/s of Specialization |Elementary Education/ Social Studies Education |

|University |Northern Michigan University |

|Assignment |Middle and Secondary Program Director, Elementary Program |

|Faculty Rank |Instructor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Kentucky Council for the Social Studies Board / NCSS |

|Associations, and Service: List up to 3 major |Co-author of Guide to Reflective Practice for Kentucky Department of Education |

|contributions in the past 3 years |Department and College Committees |

| |Kentucky Middle School Association/ National Middle School Association |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure Track |Non-Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |Classroom teacher – 29 years; Social Studies Consultant for Kentucky Department of |

|P-12 schools. |Education – 3 years; Co-PI and Pedagogical Consultant on Teaching American History |

| |Grants with JCPS – 4years; KTIP Resource Teacher – 10 years; Provider to multiple |

| |teacher academies in Kentucky since 1999. |

| | |

|Name of Faculty Member |Ann Marie Logsdon |

|Highest Degree |Med in Elementary Education and Administration |

|Field/s of Specialization |Early childhood/literacy |

|University |Ohio University |

|Assignment |Early Childhood and Elementary Education Program |

|Faculty Rank |Instructor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Computers in the Early Childhood Classroom : What Parents Need to Know |

|Associations, and Service: List up to 3 major |Literacy lead and writing cluster leader, JCPS |

|contributions in the past 3 years |Matrix of Curriculum Theories, Ohio University |

| |Chair, T & L Planning and Budget Committee |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure Track |Non-Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |Teacher – JCPS Bloom Elementary School, Literacy Coach JCPS, Literacy and Writing |

|P-12 schools |Cluster Leaders, KTIP mentor, Supervisor of Student Teachers, Workshop presenter |

|Name of Faculty Member |Elizabeth Campbell Rightmyer |

|Highest Degree |Ed.D. |

|Field/s of Specialization |Supervision (Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood, Birth to Age 8) |

|University |University of Louisville |

|Assignment |Early Childhood Program |

|Faculty Rank |Assistant Professor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Rightmyer, E. C., McIntyre, E., & Petrosko, J. (2006). Instruction, development, |

|Associations, and service: List up to 3 major |and achievement of struggling primary grade readers. Reading Research and |

|contributions in the last 3 years |Instruction, 45, 209-241. |

| |Rightmyer, E. C., & Larson, A. E. (2006). Sociocultural strategies for recruiting |

| |teachers into urban classrooms. In K. Howey & N. Zimpher (Eds.). Recruiting, |

| |preparing and retaining teachers for urban school (pp. 23-47). Washington, DC: |

| |AACTE. |

| |Evaluation of Metro United Way Learning Matters. ($20,382). Metro United Way, |

| |Louisville, KY. With co-researchers Jeanette Nunnelley (IUS) and Jonathan Lee |

| |(Bellarmine University). Fall 2006-Spring 2007. |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure track |Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time; Resigned June, 2007. |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time; Resigned June, 2007 |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in | |

|P-12 schools | |

|Name of Faculty Member |Gina D. Schack |

|Highest Degree |Ph.D. |

|Field/s of Specialization |Gifted/Talented Education; Talent Development; Learning Styles and Multiple |

| |Intelligences; Curriculum and Instruction |

|University |University of Connecticut |

|Assignment |Assistant Chair, Middle and Secondary Program |

|Faculty Rank |Professor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Principal Investigator, Louisville Regional Partnership for Teacher Recruitment and|

|Associations, and service: List up to 3 major |Retention; funded by the U.S. Department of Education (Transition to Teaching), |

|contributions in the last 3 years |$263,899 across 5 years. |

| |Chair CEHD Curriculum Committee |

| |Chair Self-Study/NCATE Standard I Committee |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure track |Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |Five (5) years teaching middle grades (mathematics, social studies); 2 years as |

|P-12 schools |teacher/coordinator of a district-wide gifted/talented program; two years as a |

| |half-time teacher of the gifted; PDS liaison; KTIP teacher educator (18 years) |

|Name of Faculty Member |Christine Sherretz |

|Highest Degree |Ed.D. |

|Field/s of Specialization |Curriculum and Instruction, Literacy |

|University |Georgia Southern University |

|Assignment |Elementary Program |

|Faculty Rank |Instructor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Advisor in Graduate Programs at SUNY Potsdam |

|Associations, and Service: List up to 3 major |Liaison with SUNY Potsdam and Ft. Drum Education Center |

|contributions in the past 3 years |Board Member of Jefferson-Lewis Teacher Center/Watertown, New York |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure Track |Non-Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Part-Time |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in |10 years of public school teaching experience in grades 1-6 |

|P-12 schools |Kentucky Certification in Early Childhood, Childhood, Special Education, and |

| |Reading |

| |PDS liaison |

|Name of Faculty Member |J. Lea Smith |

|Highest Degree |Ph.D. |

|Field/s of Specialization |Literacy Education |

|University |University of Louisville |

|Assignment |Adolescent Readers/Adolescent Literature |

|Faculty Rank |Associate Professor |

|Scholarship, Leadership in Professional |Post doctoral Studies: Stanford University |

|Associations and Service: List up to 3 major |Dramatic Literacy: Using Drama & Literature in the Middle Level Classroom |

|contributions in the past 3 years. |National Council Teachers of English, International Reading Association, American |

| |Association of Education Research |

|Tenure/Non-Tenure track |Tenure Track |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the unit |Full-Time; Retired June, 2007 |

|Relationship (full-time, part-time) to the |Full-Time; Retired June, 2007 |

|program | |

|Teaching or other professional experience in | |

|P-12 schools | |


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