Health Sciences Department/Medical Assisting Program



Course Syllabus

INSTRUCTOR: Paula L. Criman SEMESTER: Fall 2009

OFFICE: Clarke 145F DAYS: MWF ~ Lecture MW ~ Lab

PHONE: 496-1541 TIME: Lecture: 9:00-10:00

OFFICE HOURS: Posted on door Lab: 10:15-12:15 or 12:45-2:45

EMAIL: ROOM: Clarke 143





Kinn’s The Medical Assistant: An Applied Learning Approach, 10th Edition. Young, Alexandra P. and Proctor, Deborah B.; WB Saunders Co., 2007.

Study Guide to accompany Kinn’s The Medical Assistant: An Applied Learning Approach, 10th Edition. Young, Alexandra P. and Proctor, Deborah B.; WB Saunders Co., 2007.

A medical dictionary is a must. Several are available in the bookstore. I would suggest Mosby’s or Taber’s.

Instruction is given on communication with patients and on techniques for preparation and care of the patient during examination. Emphasis is placed on asepsis, infection control, vital signs, taking a patient history, assisting with a physical examination, basic pharmacology, administration of medications, and the principles of basic nutrition.

The role of the medical assistant in understanding basic diagnostic laboratory procedures, and performing those procedures commonly done in a Physician’s office lab is studied and practiced.

At the completion of the course the student will have demonstrated the ability to perform clinical medical assisting procedures including the use of equipment necessary to the task, task completed within a specified time requirement, and to the level of proficiency indicated in the text and/or as deemed appropriate by the instructor. Categories include detailed procedures within the areas listed in the above catalog description.








Chapters covered are as follows although not necessarily in the same order: Chapters 2-5, 26-34, 50-54.

Be aware that this text is also used in MA 205 & MA 205L, and MA 107.

Lecture, discussion, active & cooperative learning, videos, lab instruction with practice, and demonstration.

School policy applies.

School policy applies.

Qualified students with a documented disability may be entitled to “reasonable accommodation.” It is your responsibility to disclose special needs to your instructor before the end of the first week of class.

You will be learning the basic skills required of medical assistants. The physician and patient rely heavily on your ability to perform these tasks. Consequently, attendance is of extreme importance. Attendance is awarded points as follows:

Present, on time, participating 10 pts

More than 5 min. late; pushed to participate 8 pts

Excused absence*; lack of participation 2 pts

Unexcused absence; miss more than half of class 0 pts

Developing the attitude of professionalism is a part of your schooling. Part of professionalism is following rules, including the Honor Code. Another aspect is proper dress. You must always wear leather enclosed shoes in lab and hair pulled out of your face.. I do allow you to wear neat scrubs. If you aren’t in scrubs you must wear a lab coat over street clothes. Points will be awarded as follows:

10 pts Correctly dressed, ready to start, reliable, safety conscious,

teamwork, clean-up, work turned in on time

6 pts All of above, except one of the above.

5 pts All of above, except two of the above; contact me about absence

0 pts Lack of professionalism; absent without notification



1. Complete the following workbook assignments: (Pay close attention!

(104) Ch. 2 pp 7-15 (Skip Word Find, Short Essay)

(77) Ch. 3 pp 19-27 (Skip Workplace Application, Internet #2 & 3)

(47) Ch. 4 pp 29-33 (Skip Workplace & Internet)

(75) Ch. 5 pp 37-45 (Skip Workplace & Internet)

(67) Ch. 26 pp 319-325 (Skip Internet)

(58) Ch. 27 pp 327-331 (Skip Workplace & Internet)

(53) Ch. 28 pp 333-337 (Skip Teaching Plan, Workplace) For Workplace #1 complete

a list of community resources you will want to make at your new job.

(50) Ch. 29 pp 341-348 (Skip Workplace)

(89) Ch. 30 pp 351-357 (Skip Internet)

(64) Ch. 31 pp 361-369

(55) Ch. 32 pp 371-375 (Skip Case Study #4 & 5, Workplace & Internet)

(112) Ch. 33 pp 377-384 (Skip Internet)

(112) Ch. 34 pp 387-396 (Skip Case Study #4-6, Workplace second part)

(73) Ch. 50 pp 523-529 (Skip Case Study, Workplace, Internet)

(80) Ch. 51 pp 531-537 (Skip Internet)

(90) Ch. 52 pp 543-551 (Skip Internet)

(46) Ch. 53 pp 553-559 (Skip Case Studies, Workplace #1, Internet)

(55) Ch. 54 pp 561-569 (Skip Case Studies #1&2, Workplace & Internet)

These are due at the beginning of class on the day of the test for those chapters. Please write neatly and be sure your words are spelled correctly! Please carefully pull out and staple the pages, grouping them by chapter. Remember to put your name on it!

Late work will be docked 25% for the 1st week it’s late, 50% the 2nd week. It will not be accepted after that. No work will be accepted after the last day of class.

2. Hepatitis B vaccinations: The first 2 vaccinations should be completed by the time we begin

Pharmacology. Four weeks are between the first injection and the second. The third must be

completed before you begin your externship (the 3rd follows the 2nd 5 months later.) Provide

me with a photocopy of the record (you keep the original.)

3. Physical exam: You must have had a physical exam for the purpose of ruling out

communicable disease within the last year. This must be completed by ______________

I have the form you will need to have the doctor fill out.


Most tests will be administered in the testing center. Test #9 and the final are the exceptions.

Test dates are posted in this syllabus, in the classroom, and on I-Learn. Keeping track is

your responsibility.

Once we have begun Pharmacology Math you will need to bring a basic calculator for your tests.

If you miss taking your test you will need to contact me on the first test day and explain why you

cannot take the test. We will have to make special arrangements to make the test up

within 1 week, and 10% will be deducted. Tests cannot be made up after 1 week. (By the

way, simply not being ready for the test ~ which I really do understand ~ is not sufficient

reason to take a test late.)

You are expected to follow test directions exactly. This prepares you for a field where following directions is an absolute.

Please note that if there is a conflict between lecture/online notes and the textbook, please use the lecture/online notes.


Grades are weighted as follows:

Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45%

Attendance/Professionalism . . . . . 20%

Homework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35%

Total 100%

Letter grades are assigned to percentages as follows:

100-93% A 82-80% B- 69-67% D+

92-90% A- 79-77% C+ 66-63% D

89-87% B+ 76-73% C 62-60% D-

86-83% B 72-70% C- < 60% F


Extra credit will only be available if you have turned in 15 out of 18 chapters no more than 1

week late, and have turned in evidence of Hepatitis B immunization and Physical Exam by the due date.

(30) Ch. 6 pp 47-55 (Skip Workplace & Internet)

(30) Ch. 7 pp 57-65 (Skip Medical Professional L&N, Workplace & Internet)


The main objective of this class is the development of clinical skills. You must be in class to learn how to properly perform these skills. Practice is vital!!

Selected skills will have a required number of practices before you will be allowed to be evaluated. All practices must be completed in order to pass the class. Other procedures will only require that you be familiar with them.

During the last week of class you will be tested on competencies. You must successfully pass these off or you will not be allowed to pass this class!


In order to participate in lab:

You may either wear scrubs or street clothes with a lab coat. Clothing must be clean and


Shoes must be leather and closed-toe. I would strongly recommend that you purchase

white leather athletic shoes or nursing shoes as that is what most places require.

Hair must be neat. If it is longer it must be put into a pony-tail or hair clip in a

professional manner. Bangs may not hang over eyes.

Nails must be clean. Be aware that most employers require that nails be short (no acrylic

nails) and if polish is worn it should be free of chips, preferably clear. If your

nails cause you difficulty in performing your skills I will require that they be


Men may not have beard stubble!

I will not require this, however, you will want to plan on eventually purchasing a watch with a second hand. Some offices don’t have a clock in the exam room.


1. Articles: 5 reports on articles from professional journals.

3 articles must be from CMA Today and 2 articles from a nursing journal

(Nursing 2009 is excellent, by the way).

Cite your source.

Summarize the article. The last paragraph should describe what you think of the

article. This should be 1 page long.

You may be asked to tell the class about your article.

Due at the beginning of class on dates noted on the calendar.

These will be docked 10% if they are late. They will not be accepted after 1 week.

2. Vital Signs: You must complete 50 vital signs by the last day of class. The same person cannot

be done more than 2 times, and then there should be a week in between. When we begin

the vital signs portion of class I will give you the form for this assignment.


The following skills, as found in your workbook, will be covered in this class:


( 5-1 ( 30-6 ( 33-3 ( 51-2 ( 54-2

( 5-2 ( 30-7 ( 34-1 ( 51-4 ( 54-3

( 6-1 ( 30-8 ( 34-2 ( 51-5 ( 54-7

( 7-2 ( 31-1 ( 34-3 ( 51-6 ( 54-8

( 26-1 ( 31-2 ( 34-4 ( 51-7 ( 54-9

( 26-2 ( 31-3 ( 34-5 ( 51-8

( 26-3 ( 31-4 ( 34-6 ( 52-1

( 27-1 ( 31-5 ( 34-7 ( 52-2

( 29-1 ( 31-6 ( 34-8 ( 52-3

( 30-1 ( 31-7 ( 34-9 ( 52-4

( 30-2 ( 31-8 ( 34-10 ( 53-1

( 30-3 ( 32-1 ( 34-11 ( 53-3

( 30-4 ( 33-1 ( 50-1 ( 53-9

( 30-5 ( 33-2 ( 51-1 ( 54-1

Note: For various reasons, some skills will be read only.

The skills in bold will be held by me for your final competency.

The physicians and patients are counting on you being able to perform these skills. Practice with this in mind!


Grades are weighted as follows:

Homework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%

Required practice . . . . . . . . . . 25%

Attendance/Professionalism . . 15%

Final Competencies . . . . . . . . 40%

Total 100%


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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