LWSD Student Profile Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Template

|Essential Understandings/Power Standard/Big Idea |Guiding Questions – From Unit Plan |

|What were the causes and effects of WWI? | |

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|What were the causes and effects of WWII? | |

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|What were the causes and effects of the Cold War? | |

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|Lesson Objective |

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|The learner will Analyze the concept/process |

|(Your Topic) |

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|(Your Activity) |

|Pre Assessment (What do Students already know about the topic?) |

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|Anticipatory Set (or Hook, how will you get students interested in the topic) |

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|Lesson Body |

|Work of Teacher in Instruction |Work of Students in Instruction |

|(monitor and adjust throughout the lesson, remember you never want to |(Be sure to place the time next to each step of the lesson you have |

|work harder than the students. Real learning happens when students are |about 20minutes for your lesson. If you need more time please |

|actively engaged in their learning) |indicted that in the total at the end of your lesson) |

|1. Teach the students the term |1.Students write down what the term is and why it is significant |

| |2. Students write down how your topic connects to your conflict |

|2. Teach how the term connects to your conflict | |

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|Closure (How will you end the Lesson and allow the learning to connect with student’s lives?) |

|Argue Why your cause/effect is the most significant cause/effect of your conflict. Hand out typed one page list of key primary/secondary |

|passages that students can use for their essay. |

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|Assessment (How will you check to make sure students have learned the concepts you taught?) |

|Can the class answer your guiding questions? How will your find out? |

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|Resources/Technology( What items do you need for your lesson/Activity?) |

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