The Personality Profile

The Personality Profile Name:________________________ Date:__________

Assignment: Your assignment was to interview and write a personality profile about someone you know. Your assignment was to find an interesting aspect about this person and tell the story in a personality profile story.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment was to write descriptively and clearly about the person whose name you picked. You practiced the following journalism skills: interviewing, note taking, paraphrasing, selecting quotes, description, accuracy, decision making, and interview scheduling.

Grading: This assignment is worth a total of 120 points. You will be graded on the content of your profile, and your completion of all requirements. Below is your grading rubric:

_____/15 points. You focused on a well defined aspect of this person's life: 15 points

_____/15 points. You showed this person's personality through description: 15 points

_____/10 points. You provided important background about this person: 10 points

_____/15 points. You used quotes to show how your subject talked: 15 points

_____/15 points. You followed all format requirements: 15 points (3 pts each)

____Minimum 500 words, maximum 750 words

____Typed (Double spaced)

____No essay or research paper length paragraphs, keep to 3-4 sentences (one, maybe two longer paragraphs is OK)

____Times New Roman font style

____12 point font

_____/20 points. Your profile is free of grammar and spelling errors: 20 points

_____/10 points. You completed the editing workshop page: 10 points

_____/20 points. Your notes & story draft were handed in on time and ready to edit. 20 points

___ 10 Questions ____ Draft 1

_____Your final draft was handed in on time with this rubric attached.

_______/ 120 points Percentage:_______________ Grade:_____________

Due dates:

10 questions: ______________________

Your first draft is due:_____________________(this draft must be typed and double spaced)

Your final draft is due:______________________________(must be typed)




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