PROGRAMMER/ANALYST - Herzing University


Course Length: 48 weeks


The Objective of the Community Services Worker program is to equip students with the professional skills and competence in a variety of areas. The varied aspects of the profession offered in the program maximize career opportunities for graduates upon completion of their study. Graduates may be employed to work as Community Service Workers in federal, provincial, municipal and private social service agencies, including but not limited to group homes, youth hostels, rehabilitation facilities, agencies, family and individual counselling agencies, social service departments, addiction recovery homes, schools, community health centre’s and residential treatment centre’s.

IS 101 System and Computer Fundamentals 1 week

This course provides an introduction to the Microsoft® Windows operating system, Internet Explorer browser, and Outlook information manager; word processing, and data processing applications. In addition, this course offers an introduction to applications and procedures specific to Herzing College.

CS140 Community Services in Canada 2 weeks

In this course, students will be introduced to Social Welfare from a Canadian perspective. Students will cover topics that include a Program overview, the service delivery system and meeting the needs of Canadians through programs and services and will have the opportunity to review practice issues.

CS135 Effective Team work 3 weeks

In this course, students will look at the skills that are needed to work effectively in teams. They will discuss different types of teams and the roles of team members. Students will also look at group problem solving and decision-making. A team exercise will provide a practice opportunity. The role of a nurturing positive person and mentor/coach will also be topics of conversation.

CS165 Research Your Local Community 2 weeks

In this course, students will research and understand the profile of the local community. Students will look at local history, geography, transportation, population characteristics, and employment, housing, education, and health and welfare resources. Community visits will allow the student to identify resources and possible employment locations under supervision.

EN101 English and Communication Skills 2 weeks

In this course, students will learn a practical approach to writing and editing letters, memos, and reports. Students will see sample letters that are both models of good writing and examples of areas for improvement. Oral presentation skills supplemented with visual and graphic aids are also covered.

pd 200 Career Development and Client services 1 Week

This course provides a critical examination of issues embedded in the practice of providing client service. Topics include research about best practice in customer service and communication techniques; psychologically based methods for dealing with the management of customer complaints; and the roles of a customer service employee and supervisor within ethical boundaries and common business practice. This course deals with the development of the student’s career path, including job search skills.

CS126/CS 127 Sociology & Criminology 4 weeks

In the Sociology course, students will understand how our society and the groups to which we belong influence us. Students will learn how groups locally or in some far off part of the world allow us to gain insights into our own selves. In Criminology, students will learn concepts of crime, law and criminology; Theories of the Causes of Crime, and Crime Typologies.

IS120 Word Processing Fundamentals 2 weeks

This course presents and explores the features of Microsoft Word. Emphasis will be placed on keyboarding skills in the section. Various documents are created, edited and printed, using features such as spell checker, edit and tool commands, tables, mail merges and formatting tools.

CS125 Population at Risk 3 weeks

In this course, students will learn about High Risk Populations in Canadian society. They will look at programs for these specific target groups in a counselling context. Primary focus is on Canada’s welfare system and at risk populations in respect to the welfare system.

CS120 Introduction to Psychology 3 weeks

This course will introduce students to the World of Psychology. Students will be presented topics such as Biology and Behaviour, Learning, Memory, Development, Personality Theory and Assessment, Psychological Disorders, Therapies and Social Psychology. Under the heading, Social Psychology students will learn about social perception, attraction, conformity, obedience, and compliance as well as group influence.

CS155 Introduction to Mental Health 3 weeks

In this course students will look at mental health and mental disorders, psychological disorders and therapies. Topics will include: What is normal, abnormal, anxiety disorders, somatoform and dissociative disorders, schizophrenia and mood disorders. Therapies such as insight therapies, behaviour therapy, cognitive therapies and biological therapies will be learned.

CS115 The Canadian Family Dynamic 3 weeks

In this course, students will focus on themes of cultural diversity in contemporary Canadian society within a world perspective. Students will understand the dynamic structure and definition of the institution of the family and family issues. Students will be given the tools for an ongoing process of observation, understanding and analysis of marital and family relationships and organizations.

CS200 Life-Span Psychology and Development 3 weeks

In this section, students will study human development from infancy, childhood, adolescence, early, middle and late adulthood; and the end of life. Students will look at development from a Canadian perspective and the distinctiveness that being Canadian has on our development.

CS105 Introduction to Addictions 3 weeks

In this course, students will look at addictions in today’s world. Legal and illegal drugs and their use present a social paradox, combining the potential for good and for bad. As a society and as individuals we can be the beneficiaries of drugs or their victims. Students will look at various drugs and their effects on individuals and society.

CS110 Professional Skills for the Service Worker 3 weeks

In this course, students will learn the skills necessary for dealing with clients and co-workers. Students will learn a variety of tips and techniques, which they will develop through role-play in the classroom. Customer service skills and interpersonal skills will be developed which will aid the student in the workplace environment.

CS130 Counselling 3 weeks

In this course, students will look at interviewing strategies in counseling from a Canadian perspective. Students will be introduced to basic concepts and models to help learners understand the theory and reasoning behind the use of counseling skills. Students will see realistic examples that illustrate concepts in action and will learn about counselling within a culturally diverse setting. Students will also participate in challenging exercises that promote skill development, conceptual understanding and self-awareness. Also covered are the Canadian Counselling Association and the Canadian Association of Social workers code of ethics.

CS150 Interviewing Techniques 1 week

This course will teach students to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective interviewing. Students will be introduced to basic concepts and models to help learners understand the theory and reasoning behind the use of skills. Students will be provided a range of realistic examples that illustrate concepts in action.

WE 300 Internship 6 weeks

The internship component of the program is the practical application of a student’s knowledge and skills in a work environment. The setting shall be directly related to the student’s program of study. The internship requires full-time day attendance working in the field. The duration of the internship is six weeks, during which the student must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 225 hours of work experience. Prerequisite: All courses in the program.


MS 100 First Aid and CPR 2 days

• This 2-day course is designed to bring students to the St. John's Ambulance Standard Level First Aid and Level A CPR.

Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Certificate 2 days

• Crisis Prevention Institute, Inc (CPI) mandatory to work in hostels

A.S.I.S.T. Certificate 2 days

• Living Works Education (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

Elder Abuse Prevention Training Certificate 4 hours

• The Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse


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