Web development

314325333375Web developmentKirandeep KaurFall,201900Web developmentKirandeep KaurFall,2019This report fulfills an educational requirement for MGMT-695 executive communicationTable of contents IntroductionList of objectivesExecutive summary HistoryTrendsChallenges Next step/Area of further studyResources Introduction ( and Building web application with CSharp# and .Net: A Complete book) In this fast-paced era, there are many different topics related to all fields. Web based development is one of them. Web based development refers to development of web applications or websites and then host them on web. It plays a great role in all fields such as all kind of businesses, social media, online reservations, games, education and many more. Web development can be static or dynamic.2707005444500To develop a web-based application or website, all must need to know the basics about web-based development. The website is one of the online platform to learn web development and to know why it is important and how we can develop it in different-different ways. Today’s life almost all kind of field’s and human being’s is impossible without web. Web development is very important to cope up with changes and get things done in advanced manners. It will help to get in touch with millions of web surfers all over the world.To put in nutshell, web development will play inevitable part in world’s growth. There are so many programming languages, but CSharp# is one of the advanced programming languages for web development. Developers are using it for web development on different kind of platform such as .NET. Fundamental of development by Randy Connlloy, author explained about how one can develop web-based applications/websites. Web development will help almost all fields to grow up and make their life easier than yesterday. ObjectivesKnowledge Define the key features of web development.List the various frontend and backend frameworks used to build websites and wed prehensive Explain the web development life cycle.Discuss the role of web development in today’s life.ApplicationsPresent at least five different successful web development companies.Demonstrate the web development tools used to create websites and web applications.AnalysisName the numerous models used to manage the quality of contents of websites and web applications.Categorized the most widely used web programming languages for web development.SynthesisDifferentiate between static and dynamic environment of websites.Summarize the various web hosting companies for websites and web applications.EvaluationEvaluate the impact of mobile friendly website and web applications.Assess the security and maintenance cost of websites and web applications.Executive summaryIn 1989, Time Berner-lee wrote the first proposal for world wide web transmitted the internet by web server to web browser in Hypertext Markup Language and URL and Web development opening the new gates to every field by contributing the digital environment. The various web browsers, programming languages and frameworks introduced to support the web sites and web application and now more than 4 billion internet users are available due to web development. Web development is the field that keeps getting new trends, modern innovations and initiatives every year, which play a vital role to change and produces a impactful results in social, technological, business, politics, science, education and many more. The various trends in web development in today’s web world are such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, progressive web app, mobile friendly websites and web applications for smartphone, etc.In this fast paced are, web development is increasing at very fast rate which also have a lot of challenges those should considered throughout the web development life cycle. The web developer needs to update skills according to those challenges such as security, compatibility, performance, user demand and many more.History1989-1999In 1980’s internet has not graphical user interface environment. Internet is existed well before web did. There was basically a black screen and designed made by symbols. Web Development invented in 1989, after about 20 years of internet. Tim-Berners-Lee. In 1989 being a research programmer for physics, since he was a software engineer in CREN, the large practical laboratory. Tim-Berners-Lee really has the core idea to share the scientific papers linked together through their footnotes. Tim-Berners-Lee wrote the original paper that I want to be able to have a server that allows to connect the documents together. Tim-Berners-Lee created that on NEXT. In 1991, the first static web page was developed on web page introductions using Hypertext-markup-Language-1. This language helps us to create a web page but single column only. Tim also wrote the first web page editor (world wide web) and first web server httpd for Microsoft. It was very much academic tool. It was tied between universities and military sites. They adopted web fairly and quickly. The first web page was introduced in august,1991.In 1993, The dynamic web development took place and the common gateway interface introduced which allowed the web to run the page and provides the output from web server to display it onto screen. Web pages with such kind of user interactivity environment are commonly referred as web applications and web sites. The dynamic environment of website is connecting the website and web application with database. The very first web browser MOSIC graphic browsers created by Marc Andreessen his company started named NETSCAPE Navigator. They tried to be commercialized using the browser. In1994, Tim founded the world wide web consortium(W3C) as a place of stakeholder to provide the underlaying technology to around the world. In this time of period the internet was very much a university and government thing. In 1995, When all that changes happened, US government takes the certain number of national stuff foundations, they stopped putting government funds into it. They make a deal with management committees to take it independently and made it commercialized. In 1994, the first web banner was introduced by AT & T’s. 1995 was the turning point of commercial internet. This is when various connectivity heads that existed in public internet like AOL and CompuServe provide gateway into the internet. The next versions of HTML released HTML2 that provides us opportunity to present the text in tables on front end which allows to improve the payout design. The various advanced versions of HTML such as HTML2, HTML 3, HTML 4 those helps to create a web page in more designed way in form of table where we can adjust line spaces and insert pictures. It was a first development tool for programmers to maintain a web page. In backend server was designed in programming languages like pearl which was the first scripting language. There was bunch of other programming languages launched in 1995 but they were not popular such as ColdFusion, PHP. ActiveX, Windows server, APACHE HTTP Server. 2000-2010In late 2000, Prototyped based object-oriented JavaScript language release that added the dimensions to web pages. This language provides more interaction with web pages because of popup messages added in facility. In 2000, Flash gives designer freedom to design layout, animations, shapes and fonts in one tool. During this time of period animated text, scrolling text, GIF images introduces animations and effects ruled the web. It came to break all the limitations of previous languages. In this time span, 1.0 was introduced for dynamic and static web page development which is currently most popular language in today’s world of web developer. Microsoft FrontPage web page editor and Dreamweaver also developed at the same period of time. In 1997, Microsoft has an idea to consolidate all the important tools in one. Active server pages, AJAX was implemented on internet explorer browser. In January,1997, The specifications of HTML3.2 was ratified and in December,1997, HTML developed which was not popular so the next version of HTML which is 4.1 was created also after one year we got the next version of visual studio.In 1998, CSS(Cascaded style sheet) were introduced, separated design from content making design easier and more uniform. It was divided in separate models with different features.0-339153500 In early 2000’s, rolled around JavaScript began to rule the web. In same period, user-created contents become more popular through journals profiles and photo collection. Mr.Guthire is first Microsoft web developer using visual studio 6 .NET pack and suggested to change the fundamental way of web development. The next programming language suggested by him was ASP plus. In 2001, Window’s XP with internet explorer browser were introduced. The Microsoft team moved the team to work on technology which is called Avalon because ie6 came in visual studio 6 which was not complaint with standard. The new browser named Safari and new programming languages and C-Sharp introduced in February,2002. Mozilla Firefox browser was produced but developer added so many tools and it was taking too much time load the tools to get start on it. Chrome came in 2003, In 2005 ruby dynamic language came in exitance for web development. First Amazon web server comes in March 2006 to standup in own run up environment. Microsoft MVC(Model view controller) model comes in existence. In 2007, The 960 grid system, 12-columns division improved mobile web browsing also frequently used elements such as buttons, forms and navigation were streamlined for mobile. In this time span, Smart phones became alive with many different screens and it was taking a lot of time to load the desktop data on phone and developers became to create mobile interactive version of the website. In middle of 2008-2009, interactive contents those changes without refreshing the page became more extremely popular. In this period,1 trillion web pages and 1.7 million web users found on web.2011-presentResponsive web design was born in 2010-2015, During this time of period, flat design that simplified websites and returned emphasis to content became popular. This environment provides the very different layout for the same content where designers had to create multiple layouts and developers had to think about how to optimize the semantics of those designs. Bootstrap was the most popular front-end framework came in existence also so many other framework came in this world of web such as ember, NgularJS, backbone, Most of the history of the web is ahead of us. In 2014, web development has given a big step into flexibility and control. Many different languages and tools developers are currently using are going to introduce new versions like CSS introduces Vw and vH, Flexbox which would makes easy manipulation of the block model. Most recently grid layout incorporated which is two dimensions grid of based layout system. The web components which is way to extend the HTML functionality with custom elements and templates. ReactJS that renders the user interface java framework. It was created by Jordon, walke being forces the concept of single page application. The web is accessible through the mobile applications and websites in the world. The various frontend and backends development programming languages introduced to create static and dynamic web applications and websites. Now web has evolved various client side and server-side programming languages. There are various tools and languages introduced in last few years to create secure and user-friendly website and web application such as java C#, swift, python are popular languages currently used by web developer. So many companies are working with huge set of languages for building all different types of web applications and websites. Top programming languages are the core part of web development. Google search trends worldwide from June 2018 to May, 2019 provides the data which presents the ranks of programming languages based on used by developers. Java is most common language used by today’s developer but there are many other factors does matters other than popularity which right57404000decides the most suitable front end and back programming languages and server for website and web application. Most of the fortune 500 companies are using java and C# for back end and for front-end development using ASP framework. There are other server-side programming languages such as Structured query languages those allows user to send the query to the server such kind of websites are interactive websites. As this programming world has a flood of languages, frameworks and tools but some top web application development frameworks currently popular are ruby on rails, Angular, Django, Ember.js, Express, MeteroJs, . All these frameworks have different functionality and features. Every language has its pros and cons, but it depends on the design and specifications of website or web application which helps to select the best and suitable one. The most crucial part of today’s web development is to develop a secure web application or website because hackers have their own ways to hack but in this advance era, So many companies are working on it to provide a secure web environment with help of antivirus and other high level languages. TrendsBusiness TrendsAI-Powered Chatbots: AI and chatbots will become more advanced in next coming years. Machine can learn, Collect, analyze data and solve some difficult problems. The ability of AI-powered technology to multitask will be higher demand next year and beyond. Artificial intelligence is a new dimension to web development. The recent study indicates that the AI industry will experience a 70% growth in 2019 and another 30% growth can be expected in 2020. The facts that indicates that Google and Microsoft are looking at spending hue amount at in Artificial intelligence. According to recent study by Merrill Lynch, the artificial intelligence market will reach $150 billion in year to come. The idea is fully replacing a designer and developer with algorithm driven approach without any code sounds futuristic, but will it really be able to produces a well thought user interface without human intervention? AI and machine learning will gain the ground. It is must to have chatbots in website for quality driven assistance in both design and development environment. When artificial meets chatbot will help in customer relation. Apple’s Siri and amazon Alexa can perform customer assistance through automated conversations. AI system will automate front-end page looks based on customer experience and auto generate needed codes with the help of machine learning. AI enabled chatbot can be cutting edge enterprise digital assistance of your brand on the internet. AI will provide us necessary tools for development, so developers can expect to start using AI in new and different ways in coming next years. Mobile-Friendly website: Since the number of smart phones is expected to rise through 2020 and beyond, have a mobile friendly website will provide customers with better user experience. Single Page application: This is JavaScript based web app which increases the level of performance and provide fewer interruptions also less time development will be necessary because there is no need to create a request to obtain new HTML page from the server side. Accelerated mobile Pages are already here launched by Google AMP project, and its gaining momentum. AMP improves the overall visibility of web pages on mobile AMP helps user to load the page faster as it is minimizing the scripting code that slow down them. It helps to load the web page in a half second whereas usual web page takes about three seconds. The websites those moved to AMP are going to be super-fast as it is already implemented but just need to continue work on it to get into reality.17907004508500Mobile friendly is super powerful and it is going to be more and more important. According to , 50% of internet traffic is mobile friendly websites and accounts. As a bigger business are they totally do not optimize for mobile that may be responsive which can fluctuate between devices so weather it is on iPhone or iPad or desktop. Cyber Security: Cyber Security is all about the protection of system, program, data from hackers and unauthorized peoples. With so many data branches and hacks, affecting some of the top companies in the world, cyber-Security become a real concern facing C-Suite executives everywhere. All the companies will have to one step ahead of hackers and strengthen their security. Cyber Security is biggest threat to IT professional. There have been many companies working on it to control the unprecedent wave of cyber-attacks. Cyber security is poised to remain a dominant trend in web development in near future. The challenges to secure global data from hackers are very much tough task but not impossible. Online Smashing magazine presents about how developers can create a secure website with HTTP headers and many more ways.The users of internet are witness for growing the incidences of data branches and other cyber-crimes. Securing and corporate data from hackers seems as uphill task. Users can expect significant change in development on this front in a short time. So many countries already established cyber army to tackle the cyber-crimes. This trend is leading web development from past few years. Zero trust kind of concepts are verifying about everyone and everything trying to connect with internet before granting access. It is calculating the risk factor and then generating risk score, and if this risk score is superseding the threshold, the user will be disconnected. Static web Sites: Static web sites heals a lot of benefits regarding search engine optimization, speed of delivery, ease of hosting and so on. It is very popular, definitely didn’t skyrocket in 2018 but on the other end tools and technology like getsby j/s which is static site generator using react Reyes actually became way more popular in 2018 and the team behind getsby J’s turned dead open-source project into a real company and that gives a lot of hope for this becoming even more important but in 2018 probably was not the biggest trend but also growing a lot. Static site is great way to create website without database. It will help to reduce the loading time and it will help to increase the performance. This new idea of website generation will help us for better security handling. Static websites will be available in low cost with high speed. For Example, twitter widget requires plug-in for some of the pages but using the static site generator, widgets can simply be inserted into a file.This trend will decrease the waiting time by compacting multiple web pages into one single page and stored the data into a file instead of database. Static web sites are very effective to control traffic on internet. There are so many static website generators working on it but only need of the today is to provide the interactive, rich and better experience in it.Progressive Web Apps: Progressive web Apps well that definitely is an ongoing trend and was super important in 2018 or became more important its heavily pushed by google but ever for companies like Apple are joining the hypetrain apple added support for progressive weather features in their latest versions of Safari and iOS and that means that it can use progressive weather features on cue most important platform and Android and iOS and therefore if there is any doubt regarding progressive web apps well since they are a real thing a real that can be considers for using in next projects but cool thing is features can be easily enhanced to any project because it’s not a framework that have to use. Programmers don’t have to write code or change code. They just need to dump some progressive web features into existing application. Users love them because they load the web pages like usual but with more functionality to them. Web apps are very user friendly and hassle-free due to service workers and features. Progressive web app successfully helps businesses increase conversions, page visits and session length. There are various benefits for businesses such as improved performance, faster loading time, engaging user experience, less data use and many more. There are so many web apps such AliExpress, Flipkart, bookMyShow, Forbes, OLC and many more are helping to run the e-commerce. There are so many companies working to build a fully featured progressive web apps.Trend in Gaming industry:Virtual Reality: Virtual Reality is always seeming to surface in future of web development this trend has already started to sweep the gaming industry. The careerfoundery blog mentioned that Oculus Rift and the Vive bring new and interesting possibilities to the world of gaming industry. There are so many companies such as Google and Mozilla have begun work to help virtual reality technology. This technology is changing the ways of interaction with websites and games. Video gaming is amazing technology and its really has the potential to be a lot more. There is very much power and excitement in virtual reality that can be experienced and interacted with. Technically, any video game ever has been virtual reality even if user is playing it on screen or on phone. The term has come to refer experience where user or player use special equipment to emerge themselves and completely block out the real world.The head mounted devices are getting updated by web developers to add new features and stunts in virtual reality and what actually is going on inside of those eyes sees a different image stereoscopic images as player’s head moved it tracks and changing the images appropriately. User can paint in virtual reality with the camera so actually virtual reality is built with help of images, stereoscopic images with art fictional world’s and in 20th century, there are numerous attempts to use film televisions that sort of medium to actually bring ourselves even further in. The New York Times, actually distributed 1.6 million of these in its papers to his readers, this actually makes it most widely distributed virtual reality platform to date and it cost $10 work with phone and just download an app. It shows the image of flight for fallujja documentary. This was the one of first 360-degree virtual reality documentary actually shot in a war zone.ChallengesBusiness ChallengesSecurity Challenges: The increase in security challenges for web development is most common issue that should be considered throughout the web development life cycle. The increase of threat in web security meant that web developers needs to spend more time to overcome this issue. Since security is very important factor and biggest challenge for web development, Developers must undertake the challenging task of keeping the web development secure from hackers which consumes a great deal of time and money. When a website or web application is dealing with sensitive information such as payment detail, contact information or other confidential information, Lapse in security can lead to information misuse and poor user experience. To make a website secure and protect, developers must need to make sure by backed up with different type of checkpoints and techniques to keep it safe. The advancement in web development have attracted the hackers and scammers which results in increases the challenges factor for web developers. There are number of security threats which are more common ways in which a website or web application can be hacked such as Cross Site Scripting, phishing, Session Hijacking, SQL Injection, Password breach and many more. Insurance market needs to setup to secure web applications and websites. According to the Cost of Data Breach done by IBM in 2017, the average size of data being affected in breaches is increasing. During development, web application/website are accessible over the network which puts them in vulnerable states. Developers needs to consider the most common vulnerability to protect Web application/Website. It becomes very important to asses our risk tolerance, the criticality of data and how much efforts needs to manage the risks. The need to ensure incoming and outgoing data is properly bounded. As every day technology is increasing inexorably, ensure that peoples running company’s operations are up to date with knowledge and skill sets. Agile development playing a vital role, developers can easily take frequent tests to get secure product from early stage. Compatibility Challenges: Developers have to consider different kind of operating system in initial stage of web development because every operating system has its respective set of User Interface objects and patterns. The obvious and core challenge for web developer is to deal with different size of screens coming in mobile phones, desktop and laptops to build a compatible website and web application for all screen sizes. It is extremely very challenging to make a website and web applications such as Facebook, Instagram’s. The principal challenge is to choose the best suitable technology from crowded modern technological world. Web is constantly changing, which is great. Web development is so much different than 20 years ago, the ways businesses used to spend money is totally changed since web offers tremendous opportunities. It also has downside for businesses and as managing that have to be carefully managed. Every day, changes are happening in web standards as well as major cross browsers compatibility is very important because browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, iOS Safari always introduces new quicks and they render things differently which needs to be addressed. Web developer have to make sure about application or website is running smoothly on all browsersWeb development have always been bedrock of every small to large scale business. It shows no sign of slowing down. It’s fueled largely by continue growth in retail industry. Professional are eager to find new ways to keep up with growing demand and evolving technology. Web market is continuing to mature and require Proactive developers with new talents and advanced technological skills. It becomes very important to find out and solve the compatibility issues. Depending on the complexity of web application/website, it can sometimes be hard to get 100% compatible result, but developer can make sure to consider the important compatibility related issues in development stage. Time Related Challenges Performance Challenges: One of the cornerstones of a success business in today’s digital environment is ensuring the website or web application performance is user friendly and runs smoothly. When business is online, speed is very important factor which comes challenge in these days due to traffic spikes. Every action developer takes during development has the potential impact on performance, as web developing is taking rocket skite place in today’s business world, it is going to be hard and challenging conditions for developers to optimize. Developer should care to avoid traffic spikes, poorly written code and unoptimized data to make sure web application/website can load at extremely high speed. Every day, new websites and web applications are landing on Web, which results in increasing the traffic and causing the increase in wait time to load the web application/ Website. This loading time is making performance down, so speed is something which needs to be carefully considered. Infect Research found 40% of users abandon web applications/ website just because of increasing the load time in seconds. right8953500“The biggest web app development challenge facing businesses today is keeping their web page load times under a second,” says Mike Munroe, Partner and Lead Developer at Greenfield. “A lot of businesses want rich media on their site to enhance design, but do not optimize for performance. Page load times are extremely important for end users to have a great experience, but it is also important in the eyes of Google. Google has begun to account for average page load times as a factor in how a site ranks in Google’s search index.”14774881187533Developers have to cater for vastly disparate download speed ranging from broadband to mobile connections. The growth of internet meant that more users visit sites in spikers traffic, demanding more complex hosting solutions. It has been become increasingly challenging to impress the target audience and retain its attention. Some of the most common performance related challenges that web developer face are imperfect codes, unorganized data, increased traffic, poorly distributed load etc. All these are needs to be properly consider while developing website/web application to get high performance. Integration and interoperability have a direct effect with performance, so testing the web application/website becomes very important from beginning stage of development. Client Demand Challenge :Web development is very expensive to hire out and in today’s world website is store, where there is neither dealer nor distributor internet is marketing vehicle, web development has no endpoint means there is ever-grow list that developer would like to do it as wish list. Requirements of the client are always a pain in the neck, Client’s ideas are never finalizing, the key to successful web development project is qualitative between customer and web developer. For example, when App store rolled up, there was little competition but now millions of apps are in app store which increases the competition, same thing with web development, the web-development market is over-saturated. Every customer has different requirement to get project in outstanding model. Web development is becoming more complex, Developer needs ever increasing and ever-changing skillsets. With potential customer having so many quality options to choose, every developer is facing critical need to differentiate themselves in order to win new world. Websites should be responsive enough on smaller screen. The demand for intuitive and user-friendly environment in web-development is increasing at fast pace. When it comes to developing a successful web application or website there are number of factors needs to be considered. It becomes very crucial that the web development do not compromise on the user interface. The coding and designing needs to be more sophisticated so that it doesn’t lag behind the race of advanced website coming in market. Tim-Berners-Lee said in his interview “developer must establish the principals that the web application/website being based on such as principal of openness, Principal of privacy etc.” Next Steps/Area of studyThe most important area of study is to eliminate the security risk which will help to make the web developer’s life easier. The developers need to build skill sets to meet the client requirements, new development life cycle can be one of the next steps for web development that will contribute to create advanced websites and web applications Today’s web development world has billions of users due to this reason, database is taking large amount of space in result traffic is being increased day by day, so this one of the areas of study for web developers. ResourcesPrimary Resources:Books:Weaving the Web: The original Design and ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web, Author Tim Berners-Lee: Nov,7,2000 Video Recording BlogsWeb Development Process: Full Guide in 7 steps, Svetlana Gordiyenko, Dec,2015 Wide Web development inventor: Tim Berners-Lee articles:Web Development infoQ trend reports by David iffland, March,23,2018 ResourcesBooks:Web Application Construction with 4.7, C#.Net, SQL, AJAX, Javascript, Second Edition,Writer (Robert E.Beasely, PhD)Trade Article: 7 reasons why it’s worth investing in professional website development, Author Derek Miller, August,2017News:The Top Web Development Agencies of 2019 according to design rush. Review:How to design an write a web page Today, Editor Jeffrey jablonski, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USAMagazines:Online Magazine: Primary Resources/ Secondary ResourcesArticles: Web Flow: The Web Development Platform of The Future, Author: Nick, BabichEverything you need to know about becoming a web developer: Author callie malvik Popular ArticlesBuilding the google photo using Web UI by Antin, Harasymiv, July,10,2018 Development, Gerry MCGovern. Author of killer web contents19 Things you need to learn to become an effective Angular Developer by Aphinya Dechalert June,2019BiographyTim Berners-Lee: Inventor of World Wide Web(USA Today Lifeline Biographies), Author, by Stephanie Sammartino McPherson August 1,2009 ................

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