National Geographic Area Coordination Center Website Portal

FTC Preparedness Levels NFRWFC Board Approved 3/23/17


|I | | | |

| |Most NFDRS Weather stations indicate an Action Class of|Have FTC staffed to meet the demand |FTC Manager |

| |1-2 or most units have LOW to MODERATE fire danger | | |

| |adjective rating | | |

| | | | |

| |Little or no activity occurring within the FTC dispatch| | |

| |area. | | |

| | | | |

| |Little or no commitment of FTC area resources locally | | |

| |or nationally. | | |

| | | | |

| |Conditions exist for routine Prescribed fire | | |

| |operations. | | |


|II | | | |

| |Most NFDRS Weather stations indicate an Action Class of 2-3|Weekly FTC Fire Management Conference Calls Aerial Detection Flights as needed. |FTC Manager Agency Rep’s Agency |

| |or most units have MODERATE to HIGH fire danger adjective |All actions at Preparedness Level I are addressed and implemented. |Rep’s |

| |rating | | |

| | |Prescribed fire operations reviewed daily. Evaluate fire occurrence and fire behavior |Agency Rep’s Agency Rep’s |

| |Class A and B fires occurring. Potential exists for larger |activity. FTC Type III Team status review. |NFRWFC-Board |

| |fires. | | |

| | | | |

| |FTC area resources are handling the situation. Minimal | | |

| |commitment of FTC area resources locally or nationally. | | |

| | | | |

| |Resources are adequate for routine prescribed fire | | |

| |activities. | | |


| | | | |

|III |Most NFDRS Weather stations indicate an Action Class |FTC fire management conference calls held weekly (or as needed by agreement). |FTC Manager FTC Manager |

| |of 3-4 or most units have HIGH to VERY HIGH fire | |FTC Manager Agency Rep’s |

| |danger adjective rating |Activate FTC Expanded Dispatch organization as needed. | |

| | | |Agency Rep’s Agency Rep’s |

| |FTC area incidents occurring requiring major |Extend FTC hours of operation to meet demand | |

| |commitment of FTC area resources. | |Agency Rep’s Agency Rep’s Agency |

| | |Evaluate need to staff Deadman, Squaw and Shadow Mountain Lookout towers. |Rep’s NFRWFC-Board |

| |The potential exists for ordering additional | |NFRWFC-Board |

| |resources from neighborhood dispatch centers and/or |Aerial detection flights daily if lighting activity | |

| |RMACC. | |NFRWFC-Board |

| | |Review pre-positioning of suppression resources as needed. | |

| |Most FTC area resources are committed to local, | | |

| |regional, or national incidents. |All actions at Preparedness Levels I-II are addressed and implemented. | |

| | | | |

| |Potential of Type 3 Incidents or larger exists. |Review pre-positioning of suppression resources as needed. | |

| | | | |

| |Lightning activity may produce multiple start fire |New prescribed burning operations coordinated. Prescribed fire progress evaluated daily. | |

| |days. | | |

| | |Obtain Weather and fire severity outlooks from NWS and RMACC Predictive Services. | |

| | | | |

| | |FTC MAC Group activated as needed. | |

| | | | |

| | |Evaluate FTC Area Fire Restriction/Closure Criteria | |


|LEVEL | | |Y |

| | | | |

| |Most NFDRS Weather stations indicate an Action Class of 4-5 or |FTC Expanded Dispatch organization implemented |FTC Manager FTC Manager |

|IV |most units have VERY HIGH to EXTREME fire danger adjective | | |

| |rating |FTC Seasonal Severity Charts updated/posted on FTC Web Site weekly (ERC, 1000-Hr). |FTC Manager Agency Rep’s Agency|

| | | |Rep’s Agency Rep’s |

| |One or more Type I, II, or III incidents occurring within the |Extend FTC hours of operations to 24 hours a day Evaluate need to request “Severity | |

| |FTC area. |Funding” Implement Fire Restrictions per Guidelines. |Agency rep’s |

| | |Suspend all management ignited prescribed fire operations. | |

| |Incident activity is committing most FTC suppression resources.| | |

| | |May order and pre-position preparedness resources through severity funding. |Agency rep’s NFRWFC-Board |

| |Additional Resources are being ordered through neighborhood | | |

| |Dispatch Centers and RMACC. |Notify Agency Public Information Staff |FTC MAC Group |

| | | | |

| |Heavy commitment of resources to regional and national |FTC MAC Group activated per FTC MAC SOP’s. Coordinates daily (or as needed by agreement). | |

| |incidents. | |FTC MAC Group Chair |

| |Competition for resources exists. |FTC Type III Team IC designated. Identify “On-Call” group per FTC Team SOP’s. FTC Type III| |

| | |group on 2-Hour call. | |

| |7 day weather predictions do not call for any immediate relief.| |FTC MAC Group |

| | |FTC MAC establishes communications and coordination with RMCG MAC Group, and County | |

| | |Sheriff’s. Review availability of resources. | |

| | | | |

| | |All actions at Preparedness Levels I-III are addressed and implemented | |


| | | | |

|V |All NFDRS Weather stations indicate an Action Class of |All actions at Preparedness Levels I-V are addressed and implemented. |FTC MAC Group FTC MAC Group FTC |

| |4-5 or most units have VERY HIGH to EXTREME fire danger | |MAC Group |

| |adjective rating |All available resources are pre-positioned and ready for response. | |

| | | |FTC MAC Group FTC MAC Group FTC |

| |Multiple Type I, II, or III incidents occurring. |Discontinue mobilization of all tactical resources out of the FTC area if not already |MAC Group |

| | |done previously; unless otherwise agreed to by FTC MAC | |

| |All FTC resources are committed to incidents or | | |

| |preparedness activities. |Implement any needed action items to address current situation. | |

| | | | |

| |Heavy competition for regional and national resources. |Consider FAST “Fire and Aviation Safety Teams” as needed. | |

| |Most resource orders will take more than 24 hours to | | |

| |fill. |Establish criteria for reducing FTC area Preparedness Levels. | |

| | | | |

| |7-14 day weather predictions do not call for any | | |

| |immediate relief. | | |





FTC Preparedness Levels


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