Layered ViscoElastic Pavement Analysis for Critical DistressesFlexPAVE 1.1Alpha(User Guide)Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental EngineeringNorth Carolina State UniversityDecember 2018Copyright ? 2009-2018 North Carolina State University (NCSU). All Rights Reserved. This software and associated data were developed under a research award from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), a division of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Under 49 C.F.R. § 19.36, the FHWA retains a royalty-free, nonexclusive license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the software and associated data for federal purposes, and to authorize others to do so. For any other purposes, please contact the Office of Technology Transfer, NC State University for a license.THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS, WITH FAULTS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NC STATE UNIVERSITY AND THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY WAY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1intRoduction PAGEREF _Toc24098592 \h 32Getting started PAGEREF _Toc24098593 \h 42.1Installation PAGEREF _Toc24098594 \h 42.1.1Windows 64-bit system MCR installation PAGEREF _Toc24098595 \h 53Overview of graphical user interface PAGEREF _Toc24098596 \h 53.1Standard Menu and Toolbar PAGEREF _Toc24098597 \h 64Navigational Panel PAGEREF _Toc24098598 \h 74.1Data Panel PAGEREF _Toc24098599 \h 74.2Error Panel PAGEREF _Toc24098600 \h 85Inputs PAGEREF _Toc24098601 \h 85.1General Information PAGEREF _Toc24098602 \h 8Basic Information PAGEREF _Toc24098603 \h 8Analysis Options PAGEREF _Toc24098604 \h 95.2Design Structure PAGEREF _Toc24098605 \h 10Layer Properties PAGEREF _Toc24098606 \h 10Asphalt Concrete PAGEREF _Toc24098607 \h 11Linear Viscoelastic Properties PAGEREF _Toc24098608 \h 11Fatigue Properties PAGEREF _Toc24098609 \h 14Rutting Properties PAGEREF _Toc24098610 \h 15Base PAGEREF _Toc24098611 \h 16Subgrade PAGEREF _Toc24098612 \h 16Saving a Material PAGEREF _Toc24098613 \h 165.3Climate Data PAGEREF _Toc24098614 \h 16Temperature for Response Analysis PAGEREF _Toc24098615 \h 17Temperature for Performance Analysis PAGEREF _Toc24098616 \h 205.4Traffic Data PAGEREF _Toc24098617 \h 22Design Vehicle Information PAGEREF _Toc24098618 \h 22General Information PAGEREF _Toc24098619 \h 23Specific Information PAGEREF _Toc24098620 \h 24Special Truck PAGEREF _Toc24098621 \h 25Traffic Information PAGEREF _Toc24098622 \h 265.5Output and Analysis Options PAGEREF _Toc24098623 \h 27Evaluation Points PAGEREF _Toc24098624 \h 276Outputs PAGEREF _Toc24098625 \h 296.1Time History Plots PAGEREF _Toc24098626 \h 306.2Spatial Distribution Contours PAGEREF _Toc24098627 \h 316.3Saving Results PAGEREF _Toc24098628 \h 327Examples PAGEREF _Toc24098629 \h 347.1Response Analysis PAGEREF _Toc24098630 \h 34General Information PAGEREF _Toc24098631 \h 35Design Structure PAGEREF _Toc24098632 \h 36Climate Data PAGEREF _Toc24098633 \h 39Traffic Data PAGEREF _Toc24098634 \h 40Output and Analysis Options PAGEREF _Toc24098635 \h 40Output PAGEREF _Toc24098636 \h 417.2Performance Analysis PAGEREF _Toc24098637 \h 42General Information PAGEREF _Toc24098638 \h 43Design Structure PAGEREF _Toc24098639 \h 44Climate Data PAGEREF _Toc24098640 \h 45Traffic Data PAGEREF _Toc24098641 \h 45Output and Analysis Options PAGEREF _Toc24098642 \h 47Results PAGEREF _Toc24098643 \h 478References PAGEREF _Toc24098644 \h 49intRoductionThe FlexPAVE software program is a pavement performance analysis tool that is based on an efficient framework developed by combining time-scale separation and layered viscoelastic analysis. First, using the time-scale differences among temperature variations, traffic frequency variations, and fatigue/rutting evolution reduces the number of pavement response analyses from millions of cycles to only a few dozen analysis runs. Then, stress-strain analysis can be performed using Fourier transform-based layered structural analysis. This analysis tool efficiently captures the effects of the viscoelasticity of the pavement material, the temperature (thermal stress and changes in the viscoelastic properties), and the moving nature of the traffic load. Details of this analysis framework can be found in Eslaminia et al. (2012). Once the pavement responses are determined, the fatigue cracking and rutting performance of the pavement can be predicted using the viscoelastic continuum damage (VECD) model (Kim et al. 1997, Lee and Kim 1998, Daniel and Kim 2002, Chehab et al. 2003, Kim et al. 2008, Underwood et al. 2010, Hou et al. 2010, Underwood et al. 2012, Zhang et al. 2013, Sabouri and Kim 2013) and the shift model (Subramanian et al. 2013, Choi et al. 2012, Choi and Kim 2013a-b, Choi and Kim 2013), respectively.The North Carolina State University (NCSU) development team consists of (a) Professor Murthy Guddati, who conceived the underlying computational engine and served as the overall lead for algorithmic development, (b) Dr. Mehran Eslaminia, former NCSU doctoral student, who co-developed and implemented most of the underlying algorithms and developed the graphical user interface (GUI), (c) Dr. Senganal Thirunavukkarasu, former NCSU doctoral student, who made substantial contributions to various algorithms, (d) Mr. Behrooz Keshavarzi, current NCSU doctoral student in charge of enhancement and maintenance, and (e) Professor Y. Richard Kim, who guided the overall software development along with the underlying material models.This manual describes features of the GUI and the data input and output processes necessary to carry out FlexPAVE pavement analyses. This user guide also includes three examples of pavement analysis to explain the various features of FlexPAVE. Getting startedFlexPAVE has been developed and tested using computers with the following specifications:Operating system: Windows 7 (64-bit)Processor: 2 gigahertz (GHz) or fasterRAM: 4 gigabyte (GB) or higherHard disk space: 400 megabyte (MB) to install FlexPAVE software and 1 GB to install MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR)Screen resolution: 1366 × 768 or higher Installationleft59140The Standalone version of FlexPAVE requires the installation of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) v.8.1. 0The Standalone version of FlexPAVE requires the installation of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) v.8.1. The files for the Standalone version of FLEXPAVE are the ‘FlexPAVE-Standalone.exe’ and the ‘FinaData.txt’. Before running the ‘FlexPAVE-Standalone.exe’ the user needs to make sure the version 8.1 of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is properly installed in the computer that is going to run FlexPAVE 1.1. The installation of the MCR is a simple process but requires an installer compatible to the operating system of the computer. The download of all available MCR versions can be done following the link: the screen of selection of versions, there are four options for each MCR version. The correct version should be chosen accordingly to the operating system of the user’s computer. REF _Ref24098645 \h Figure 1 presents a screenshot of the download page, highlighting (in red) the proper row of versions for download. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1. Download screen of MATLAB Compiler Runtime at .left59140Important: other versions may cause issues when trying to run FlexPAVE 1.1. It’s strongly recommended to use MCR v8.1. 0Important: other versions may cause issues when trying to run FlexPAVE 1.1. It’s strongly recommended to use MCR v8.1. After the download of MCR v8.1, proceed to its installation by running the executable downloaded. Opening FlexPAVE 1.1 StandaloneWhen the MCR is properly installed, the executable “FlexPAVE-Standalone.exe” will be set to run in any folder of the computer as long as it contains (in the same folder) both files: “FlexPAVE-Standalone.exe” and “FinalData.txt”. Double clicking the executable will open the graphical user interface. This process may take a few minutes to be completed, depending on the computer specs. Overview of graphical user interface REF _Ref327695361 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 2 presents an overview of the GUI for FlexPAVE. The interface includes four main sections (highlighted in red in the figure): (1) standard menu and toolbar, (2) navigational panel, (3) data panel, and (4) error panel. When resizing the main window, horizontal and vertical scroll bars will appear. Sometimes the project tree nodes in the navigational panel will disappear. If this happens, users should scroll up and down two or three times to make the tree nodes reappear. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2. Overview of FlexPAVE graphical user interface.Standard Menu and ToolbarThe standard menu and toolbar ( REF _Ref327716680 \h Figure 3) include a set of tools that can be used to create a new project, open a saved project, or save a current project. The standard menu is a drop-down menu that contains all the functionalities in the toolbar. Also, analyses can be performed and input data can be checked for any possible errors. Furthermore, the toolbar contains a zoom icon and data cursor to extract data from the analysis results. NewOpenSaveRun AnalysisCheck ErrorZoom InZoom OutData Cursor HelpNewOpenSaveRun AnalysisCheck ErrorZoom InZoom OutData Cursor HelpFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3. Standard menu and toolbar.Under the Analysis tab, Batch Mode Analysis ( REF _Ref364244431 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 4) enables several projects to be run continuously. Check Error enables users to check input values. Under the Tools tab, Add Vehicle to Database enable the user to construct a database for vehicle information. The saved material properties and/or vehicle information from the database can be loaded if necessary. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4. Window for batch mode analysis.Navigational PanelThe navigational panel is composed of input and output tabs. The input tabs are General Information, Design Structure, Climate Data, Traffic Data, and Outputs and Analysis Options. The output tab, Results, has three sub-menus: Response, Fatigue Cracking, and Rutting.The user can access the properties of a layer directly by selecting its name from the navigation tree. The order of the tabs in the navigational panel is the same as for the input procedure; therefore, the inputs can be entered following this order to complete the simulation.Data PanelThe data panel is a communication window that can be used to enter all the information about the simulation and to view the simulation results. The data panel consists of five tabs for pavement inputs (General Information, Design Structure, Climate Data, Traffic Data, and Output and Analysis Options) and three tabs for analysis outputs (Response, Fatigue Cracking, and Rutting), which are shown in the navigational panel. Each tab can be opened by selecting its name from the navigation tree. Section 5 provides details about the input tabs, and Section 6 describes the outputs. Error PanelThe model can be checked by selecting the Check Error icon on the toolbar or choosing Check Error from the Analysis menu. Any error or warning found in the input data will be displayed in the error panel. Using the information provided in the error description, the user can locate the error and try to fix it. Note that the analysis cannot be carried out even if a single error occurs, although analysis can still be performed with multiple warning messages. The formats of the error and warning messages are:Error (Error Number):: Tab Name / Input Data / Error Description.Warning (Warning Number):: Tab Name / Input Data / Warning Description.InputsThe FlexPAVE inputs are classified into five groups: General Information, Design Structure, Climate Data, Traffic Data, and Outputs and Analysis Options. A separate tab is designated for each group of required data. A tab can be opened by clicking on its name in the navigational panel. General InformationGeneral information regarding the pavement analysis and project site is provided in this section. REF _Ref327705348 \h Figure 5 shows an overview of the General Information tab.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5. General Information tab.Basic InformationBasic information, such as pavement type, pavement location, traffic options, and optional descriptions, is provided in the General Information tab.Pavement TypeTwo types of pavement are considered for FlexPAVE: New Pavement and AC-on-AC Overlay Rehabilitation. The Rehabilitation option is currently unavailable but may be included in future releases.Pavement LocationThe location of the pavement is defined in terms of latitude and longitude and is used to obtain climate data. For this version of FlexPAVE, Pavement Location is unavailable. TrafficThe type of traffic data is selected in this section. Currently, FlexPAVE uses only Design Vehicle to carry out the analysis. Traffic Spectrum will be included in future versions.Optional DescriptionThese fields include additional information, such as Project Name, Author, City/State, Date, and Note, which can be used to distinguish the projects. UnitsThe units of the input parameters can be changed in the Units dialog box, found below the Optional Description box (see bottom left of Figure 14). The default units are SI units. The ability to change units is unavailable in the current version.Analysis OptionsFlexPAVE is capable of performing two types of analysis: Pavement Response Analysis and Pavement Performance Analysis, as found in the Analysis Options panel (see Figure 14). Pavement Response Analysis produces only stress-strain and displacement results. Pavement Performance Analysis gives all the information, including fatigue cracking, thermal stress, rutting data, etc., depending on the selection of the performance items. Based on the analysis type selected, the user must provide data for the material properties, climate, and traffic. If Pavement Response Analysis is chosen, the user can move on to the next step. If Pavement Performance Analysis is chosen, additional inputs are required, as listed under Fatigue Options, Rutting Options, and Pavement Construction Timeline (see Figure 14).Fatigue OptionsFatigue Cracking can be added to the analysis from the Fatigue Options panel, which also includes Thermal Stress, Healing, and Aging. Currently, healing and aging models are not available. It should be noted that two material models (i.e., the GR-based criterion and DR-based criterion) are implemented for predicting fatigue damage growth.Rutting OptionsRutting analysis can be added to the Pavement Performance Analysis by selecting the Rutting option. Rut depth and permanent strain are calculated as a function of pavement life.Pavement Construction TimelineThe Pavement Construction Timeline includes Pavement Construction Date, Traffic Opening Date, and Pavement Design Life (years). Analysis starts from the pavement construction date; however, only thermal loading is applied during the period between the pavement construction date and the traffic opening date. After the traffic opening date, vehicle loading is applied to the analysis. Design Structure The Design Structure tab, shown in Figure 15, consists of three sections: Structure General Information, Pavement Schematic, and Layer Properties. Under Structure General Information, the user may provide a name for the pavement structure (Structure Name) and its width (Pavement/Lane Width). Also, FlexPAVE is able to handle pavements with any number of material layers. By clicking on Add Layer, Remove Layer, and/or Move Layer, users can add, remove, and/or change the positions of the layers. Users can then review the pavement structure in the Pavement Schematic box.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6. Design Structure tab.Layer PropertiesThe main part of the Design Structure tab is Layer Properties. The Layer Properties panel includes two sections: general information (top), which includes Layer, Thickness, Material Type, GR-Based Criterion/DR-Based Criterion, Specific Gravity, and the (thermal) Expansion Coefficient; and Strength/Modulus information (bottom). Users can access the properties of each layer by choosing its name from the drop-down menu at the top of the Layer Properties section. The user also can edit each layer by selecting it on the navigation tree or by clicking on its name under Pavement Schematic. In the Strength/Modulus section, users must provide different values based on the material type selected for the current layer. Input details for the different material types are discussed in the following sections.Asphalt ConcreteUsers can choose the type of asphalt concrete (AC) layer by clicking the more ? button beside the Material Type popup menu. The types are: (1) Viscoelastic with Damage, (2) Linear Elastic, (3). Anisotropic ElasticLinear Viscoelastic PropertiesAsphalt concrete is considered to be a mainly linear viscoelastic material whose properties can be defined by using dynamic modulus test inputs, the mastercurve of the dynamic modulus, or the Prony series. Options are provided by clicking the more ? button beside Material Type. FlexPAVE provides three ways to enter the viscoelastic properties: (1) dynamic modulus test inputs, (2) the mastercurve of the dynamic modulus, and (3) the Prony series.Dynamic Modulus TestThe required inputs for the dynamic modulus test are the Poisson’s ratio, reference temperature, number of frequencies, and dynamic modulus (|E*|) experimental data, which can be prepared in Excel as a CSV (comma delimited) file conforming to the format presented in REF _Ref327803612 \h Table 1. In REF _Ref327803612 \h Table 1, the second line presents the frequencies at which the dynamic modulus tests are carried out. The shaded values are the temperatures, and the remaining values are the dynamic modulus values at different temperatures and frequencies. FlexPAVE determines the mastercurve, shift factor function, and Prony series using these data. These results can be accessed by clicking on the Calculate button below the experimental dynamic modulus table ( REF _Ref280458419 \h Figure 7).Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7. Dynamic modulus input screen.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 1. Format of text file to input dynamic modulus experimental dataT(°C)\f(Hz)25,10,5,1,0.5,0.14,2646226,2543195,2468863,2133113,1926399,153929320,1363786,1184835,1048823,744960.3,649764.7,431177.640,457874,352108.9,284652.5,159915.7,129689.8,80626.4854,171285.2,128373.6,102611.3,62542.45,54276.02,40667.13Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8. Viscoelastic material parameters obtained from test dataMastercurve of Dynamic ModulusThe required inputs for the dynamic modulus mastercurve are the Poisson’s ratio, reference temperature, shift factor coefficients a1, a2, and a3, and coefficients for the sigmoidal function, a, b, d, and g. The shift factor function and sigmoidal function are defined as follows. MACROBUTTON MTPlaceRef \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTEqn \h \* MERGEFORMAT ( SEQ MTEqn \c \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1) MACROBUTTON MTPlaceRef \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTEqn \h \* MERGEFORMAT ( SEQ MTEqn \c \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 2)The user can obtain the Prony series fitted to a given sigmoidal function by clicking on the Calculate button. Prony SeriesThe required inputs for the Prony Series are the Poisson’s ratio, reference temperature, shift factor coefficients a1, a2, and a3, and Prony coefficients E∞, Ti and Ei. . MACROBUTTON MTPlaceRef \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTEqn \h \* MERGEFORMAT ( SEQ MTEqn \c \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3)For the sake of simplicity, users can import the Poisson’s ratio, E∞, reference temperature (Tref), and time-temperature shift factor coefficients, Ti and Ei, from the FlexMAT-Cracking format file using the format shown in REF _Ref327806936 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 2. Please note that this option is available only for Prony series types.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 2. Format of Excel file to input dynamic modulus dataEinf193176.8Poisson's Ratio0.3Tref5Shift Factor a10.000644Shift Factor a2-0.15822Shift Factor a30.775Prony SeriesTi(s)Ei (kPa)2000000008643.5812000000017135.86200000034849.220000073925.8820000166573.32000399175.1200962605202035875232433210.234771410.0234200260.00224937950.000216554580.0000210088230.000002591621.40.0000002338034.70.00000002190693.7Fatigue PropertiesFor asphalt concrete, the coefficients of the viscoelastic continuum damage (VECD) model also are needed if Pavement Performance Analysis is to be conducted; these coefficients are Alpha (α), a, b, ER, Initial C, γ, δ, and DR. The derivation of the VECD model starts from Equation GOTOBUTTON ZEqnNum226984 \* MERGEFORMAT REF ZEqnNum226984 \* Charformat \! \* MERGEFORMAT (4). MACROBUTTON MTPlaceRef \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTEqn \h \* MERGEFORMAT ( SEQ MTEqn \c \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 4)Finally, the VECD model is given by the following Equation GOTOBUTTON ZEqnNum919421 \* MERGEFORMAT REF ZEqnNum919421 \* Charformat \! \* MERGEFORMAT (5) to represent damage growth in the asphalt pavement. MACROBUTTON MTPlaceRef \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTEqn \h \* MERGEFORMAT ( SEQ MTEqn \c \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 5)DR, expressed by Equation GOTOBUTTON ZEqnNum980572 \* MERGEFORMAT REF ZEqnNum980572 \* Charformat \! \* MERGEFORMAT (6), is used to calculate fatigue life, i.e., the number of cycles to failure (Nf). MACROBUTTON MTPlaceRef \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTEqn \h \* MERGEFORMAT ( SEQ MTEqn \c \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 6)GR, expressed by Equation (7), also is used to calculate fatigue life, i.e., the number of cycles to failure (Nf). MACROBUTTON MTPlaceRef \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTEqn \h \* MERGEFORMAT ( SEQ MTEqn \c \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 7)Note that alpha (α), a, b, GR parameters (i.e., γ and δ), DR, and Sapp can be imported from the FlexMAT-Cracking format file using the format shown in REF _Ref327806936 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 2. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3. Format of Excel file to input fatigue property dataS-VECD Fatigue Propertiesalpha3.78C vs. SC114.16E-03C120.392GR Failure Criteriongamma9.40E+09delta-1.827DR Failure CriterionDR0.64Damage CapacitySapp2.76E+01Rutting PropertiesThe user must provide the parameters of the shift model in order to conduct asphalt concrete Pavement Performance Analysis. In this model, the viscoplastic strain is defined as, MACROBUTTON MTPlaceRef \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTEqn \h \* MERGEFORMAT ( SEQ MTEqn \c \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8)where β, ε0, and NI are the model coefficients, and Nred is the number of load cycles at the reference temperature and reference vertical stress. N can be determined by shifting the actual (physical) number of load cycles by MACROBUTTON MTPlaceRef \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTEqn \h \* MERGEFORMAT ( SEQ MTEqn \c \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 9)and, MACROBUTTON MTPlaceRef \* MERGEFORMAT SEQ MTEqn \h \* MERGEFORMAT ( SEQ MTEqn \c \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 10)where p1, p2, d1, d2= model parameters,= reduced pulse time, and= vertical stress due to vehicle loading. Note that ε0, N1, β, reference temperature (Tref), p1, p2, d1 and d2 can be imported from the FlexMAT-Rutting format file using the format shown in REF _Ref327806936 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 2. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 4. Format of Excel file to input rutting property dataReference Modeleo0.00369N11.17824beta0.75717Reduced Load Time Shift Factor Modelp10.711p20.283Vertical Stress Shift Factor Modeld12.9d2-4.911Tref (°C)54In addition to being defined as viscoelastic material, an asphalt concrete layer can be defined as linear elastic or anisotropic elastic. The required inputs for these material types are similar to those of the base and subgrade, as follows. BaseThree base types are available for the base layer: asphalt-treated base, aggregate base, and cement-treated base. The required input for asphalt-treated base is exactly the same as for asphalt concrete; thus, this type of base is considered as linear viscoelastic material. The aggregate base and cement-treated base can be treated as linear elastic or anisotropic elastic materials. Different inputs are required for each material type, as follows.Linear elastic: Only the elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio are required.Anisotropic elastic: The following parameters are required to specify the anisotropic elastic model: elastic modulus 11, elastic modulus 33, Poisson’s ratio 13, Poisson’s ratio 23, and shear modulus 13. Subgrade Similar to the base, the subgrade can be treated as linear elastic or anisotropic elastic.Saving a MaterialFinally, the user can save and add the defined materials to the program database via Tools > Add Material to Database, as shown in REF _Ref406581513 \h Figure 9. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 9. Adding material properties to program database. Climate DataBy clicking on the Climate Information tab (a button option at the top of the Design Structure tab, shown in REF _Ref327791395 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 6), the user must provide the temperature profile of the asphalt pavement for analysis. Depending on the analysis type, different options are available. Temperature for Response AnalysisCurrently, the temperature data for the response analysis can be input four ways: from the Enhanced Integrated Climate Model (EICM) database, as an EICM text file, as an isothermal condition, or input manually.EICM FlexPAVE includes a complete database for all the states in the United States. For each state, ‘major cities’ data are available. The temperature variation for one year is stored for each city. REF _Ref396815298 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 10 provides an example of State (Arkansas) and City (Fort Smith) EICM data. Users should select a specific location and time.Due to a MATLAB bug, which is not under the control of the FlexPAVE development team, sometimes when the user changes the State, the City drop box does not load. In this case, the user must input another state first and then return to the desired state. The FlexPAVE development team apologizes for this inconvenience.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 10. EICM database module.EICM Text File REF _Ref280452909 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 5 presents the format of an EICM text file. An hourly temperature text file can be prepared that conforms to the format presented in REF _Ref280452909 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 5. The user can choose the date and time to extract the temperature profile from the EICM data. The vertical variation of temperature can be defined by specifying the temperature at different nodes along the pavement depth. Users can choose any number of nodes based on the analysis conditions. The example shown in REF _Ref280452909 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 5 describes five nodes (Node 0 ~ 4) along the depth with a specified depth (the third row) and hourly temperature (the shaded area). Users also can plot or modify the temperature profile, as shown in REF _Ref327716532 \h Figure 11.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 5. Format of EICM text fileWY Nodal TempDateNode ->Node 0Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4…Depth ->00.6251.8753.1254.375…1 Sep 2001 0:0012.514.616.418.019.2…1 Sep 2001 1:0010.613.215.517.218.4…1 Sep 2001 2:0011.…1 Sep 2001 3:0011.112.914.616.017.2…1 Sep 2001 4:0010.612.514.215.616.7…1 Sep 2001 5:0013.713.914.115.316.3…..................…Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 11. EICM temperature data for pavement response analysis.IsothermalThe isothermal condition can be used for constant temperature analysis throughout the entire pavement depth. After selecting the Isothermal option, the user can enter the temperature for analysis (see REF _Ref364325234 \h Figure 12). Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 12. Isothermal temperature input.Input ManuallyUsers can use the table in REF _Ref280420200 \h Figure 13 to input the temperature profile manually. Users can add or remove data points using the + and – buttons. User also can generate a temperature profile by importing a text file that includes different depths and corresponding temperatures. REF _Ref327717648 \h Table 6 presents the format of the import file. This file can be prepared using Excel and saved as a CSV file. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 13. Manually input temperature data for pavement response analysis.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 6. Format of text file to input temperature manuallyDepth (cm) Temperature (°C)0 ,4010 ,3220 ,2730 ,25150 ,21Temperature for Performance AnalysisCurrently, the temperature data for performance analysis can be input three ways: using the EICM database, the EICM Text File, or Isothermal options, as shown in Figure 21.EICMIn this module, FlexPAVE provides the pavement temperature database for 459 cities in the United States, so users can select a city where a specific project site is located. The FlexPAVE program considers one-year temperature variation for the selected state and city ( REF _Ref396815480 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 14). Due to a MATLAB bug, which is not under the control of the FlexPAVE development team, sometimes when the user changes the State, the City drop box does not load. In this case, the user must input another state first and then return to the desired state. The FlexPAVE development team apologizes for this inconvenience.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 14. Temperature data from EICM database for pavement performance analysis.EICM Text FileBy clicking on EICM Text File (see REF _Ref327716432 \h Figure 15), users can enter temperature profile data, which may be one year’s temperature history. REF _Ref280452909 \h Table 5 illustrates the input file format. If the design life is longer than the period contained in the text file, then the temperature data will be used repeatedly until the length of the design period is filled. If the file specifies a period that is longer than the design life, the data will be truncated internally in the program. The EICM Text File also can be generated using the EICM program that accompanies the MEPDG software.Users can review and plot the temperature profile at different periods in the pavement life using tools provided in the GUI (see EICM Temperature in REF _Ref327716432 \h Figure 15). Users may modify the temperature values by unchecking the Locked button. Note that the beginning of the EICM data should match the Pavement Construction Date. FlexPAVE utilizes the climate data from the beginning of the EICM text input. Otherwise, FlexPAVE rewrites the EICM dates by using Pavement Construction Date and Pavement Life in the General Information tab shown in REF _Ref327705348 \h Figure 5. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 15. Temperature data for pavement performance analysis.IsothermalThe Isothermal option is the same as for the isothermal analysis in Response Analysis.Traffic DataThe user can provide traffic data by clicking on Traffic Data in the navigational panel (Figure 11). The user can add a vehicle to the database ( REF _Ref327719582 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 17), and FlexPAVE is able to calculate the responses and performance of an asphalt pavement against a standard normal truck or any type of special truck. The geometric configuration information should be specified in Design Vehicle Information ( REF _Ref327719582 \h Figure 17), and if the Pavement Performance Analysis is chosen in General Information ( REF _Ref327705348 \h Figure 5), the Traffic Information ( REF _Ref280453382 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 20) also should be given.Design Vehicle Information REF _Ref364533184 \h Figure 16 shows the input window for Add Vehicle to Database. For a standard normal truck, users can choose a vehicle from the program database by selecting it from the drop-down menu. Users also can generate a new vehicle by providing the following information (see General Information section below) for all axles. The user can add the generated vehicle information to the program database by using Tools > Add Vehicle to Database ( REF _Ref327716680 \h Figure 3).Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 16. Adding vehicle data to program database.General Information Axle TypeThe options are single wheel, single axle, tandem axle, tridem axle, or quadem axle; thus, the user can design an input vehicle according to the truck’s configuration. Wheel TypeSingle and dual tire modes can be simulated.DistanceDistance is defined as the length between consecutive axles. For instance, the distance of the first axle is always ‘0’. In the case of the second axle (D2 in REF _Ref327719582 \h Figure 17), the distance is the length from the first axle to the second axle. Axle LoadAxle load is the amount of load applied to the axle. For example, 80 kN (18,000 lb) can be entered as the equivalent single-axle load (ESAL).Design Velocity (m/s)The design velocity is the velocity of the simulated vehicle or design speed at the project site.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 17. Design Vehicle Information tab.Specific InformationThe More button (at bottom right of Design Vehicle Information tab shown in REF _Ref327719582 \h Figure 17) allows the user to input more specific information about traffic and analysis (see REF _Ref364348865 \h Figure 18). Axle ConfigurationBy clicking the More button (at bottom right of Design Vehicle Information tab shown in REF _Ref327719582 \h Figure 17), users can specify the Width of the axle, the Axle Spacing (for Tandem, Tridem, and Quadem only) and Dual Tires Spacing, as shown in REF _Ref364348865 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 18. Users can change Tire Pressure as well. The Contact Area Shape has two options: Rectangular and Circular. In the case of Rectangular, users can define the Aspect Ratio of the length to the width of the rectangle. Length is measured along the traffic direction whereas width is perpendicular to the length. The default value is 11/7 (1.5714). The contact area is calculated automatically using the axle load and tire pressure. Shear Traction between the tire and pavement surface can be simulated by entering the value.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 18. Axle Configuration dialog box.Special TruckBy clicking on the Special Truck button in the Design Vehicle Information tab ( REF _Ref397088022 \h Figure 19), the user can define a truck with any configuration in a coordinate system for tires where the tires and axles are considered individually (see REF _Ref397088022 \h Figure 19). The origin of the system is located at the center of the last rear axle with the X-axis bound to it. The Y-axis is in the direction of the traffic, thus resulting in an X-O-Y plane on the surface of the pavement. The load to be specified at each node is the tire load.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 19. Special Truck configuration.Traffic Information When performance is to be predicted, the traffic information during the design period should be specified. Currently, the ESAL information can be accepted by the program; the Traffic Spectrum, as an input, is under development. So, first the actual traffic should be converted into an equivalent traffic volume for a design truck, as defined above, and then the following information must be specified (see Traffic Data tab, REF _Ref280453382 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 20). Please note that the user can see and change traffic information whenever FlexPAVE Pavement Performance Analysis is activated. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 20. Traffic Data tabAADTT (annual average daily truck traffic)The AADT is the number of passes of the design vehicle specified in General Information. If the design vehicle has an ESAL, the AADT becomes the ESAL value per day.Growth TypeThree options are available under Growth Type: no growth, linear, and power.Growth Rate (%)This option defines the anticipated growth rate of the traffic at the project site.Lane Distribution Factor The Lane Distribution Factor accounts for the distribution of the traffic load when two or more lanes are available in one direction.Monthly Adjustment Factor (MAF)The MAF value represents the distribution of traffic in terms of month. In other words, the MAF represents the seasonal variation of the traffic. The sum of the MAF values must be 12.Hourly Truck Distribution (%)The Hourly Truck Distribution represents hourly changes in traffic. The sum must be 100 percent.Output and Analysis OptionsEvaluation PointsThe user can control the type of desired outputs by clicking on Output and Analysis Options in the navigational panel ( REF _Ref327695361 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 2). The Output and Analysis Options window is shown in REF _Ref327722758 \h Figure 21. The user also can specify the coordinates of the evaluation points here, as presented in detail in REF _Ref364356272 \h Figure 22 that shows the coordinate system. The evaluation points are specified in a vertical coordinate system (XZ) established in the cross-section of the pavement. The origin O and the X-axis are the same as the ones used in the coordinate system to define the location of each tire, and the Z-axis is vertically downward into the pavement. Users may input the coordinates of the evaluation points manually, generate them as a mesh using tools provided in the GUI, or import them from a text file. The text file should be provided in the format specified in REF _Ref327723108 \h Table 7. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 21. Output and Analysis options.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 22. Coordinate system.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC \s 1 7. Format of the text file to input coordinates of evaluation pointsXZ0 ,010 ,420 ,1230 ,20……Outputs REF _Ref280453754 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 23 presents the screenshot of the Output tab. The outputs of the pavement analysis are classified into two groups: time history and spatial distribution (i.e., contours). Time history plots show the history (i.e., temporal variation) of a selected response at a given evaluation point. Spatial distribution presents the contours (i.e., spatial variation) of a selected response within the pavement cross-section at any time. When Pavement Response Analysis is chosen, the program automatically loads the results, and the user can plot the pavement responses immediately. If Pavement Performance Analysis is carried out, users must first load the desired output by choosing the proper time from the menu shown in REF _Ref327834585 \h Figure 24.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 23. Output tabFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 24. Loading the output for Pavement Performance Analysis.Time History Plots REF _Ref327833276 \h Figure 25 shows an example of the plot output of the stress time history. The user must first choose the evaluation points (already defined in Section REF _Ref399922372 \r \h 5.5) from the drop-down menu at the top of the Result Information tab. Then, the graph is plotted by clicking on the Show button. To view the responses (i.e., displacements, strains, and stresses), users should also select the desired component from the table next to the plotting area. To change the axis limits, users can use the table provided beside the plotting area. The user must first check the box that corresponds to the limit to be changed and then modified. Before seeing the results, the user must load the data into the program by clicking on Load. The plot will be updated by clicking on Show. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 25. Example of stress time history plot.Spatial Distribution Contours REF _Ref327833282 \h Figure 26 shows an example of a contour output. The user chooses the proper component and can see the results by clicking on the Show button. Changing the scroll bar located above the plotting area enables the contour plot to be changed to a different time. That is, the contour will be updated by scrolling. Similar to plotting the results, here the user can modify the axis limits using the table beside the plotting area. In addition to axis limits, the user can also change the color bar limits by editing Cmin and Cmax.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 26. Example of spatial distribution contour plot.Saving ResultsThe user can export the outputs in the form of either a graph or a table. Export GraphBy clicking on Export Graph (see REF _Ref327833282 \h Figure 26), the plots or contours will be reopened in a new window. From the reopened window, the graph, including MATLAB figures, can be saved in different formats: JPEG, PDF, TIFF, etc. The Export Wizard (see REF _Ref327836852 \h Figure 27) provided in the program helps the user to enhance the quality of the image based on desired specifications. The Export Wizard can be accessed by clicking on File > Export Setup. The user also can change the color, style, and thickness of the lines in the plots by right-clicking on them, as shown in REF _Ref327836713 \h Figure 28. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 27. Export wizard.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 28. Editing plot lines.Export TableThe user can save the results as a table by clicking on the Table button next to the plotting area (see REF _Ref327833276 \h Figure 25). The results will be presented in a new window, as shown in REF _Ref327837285 \h Figure 29. The table can be saved as either a text file or an Excel file (if Microsoft Excel is already installed). Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 29. Export results as a table.ExamplesResponse AnalysisA four-layer system is considered as an example of the response analysis: 1.92 in. (5 cm) for the first asphalt concrete layer, 1.92 in. (5 cm) for the second asphalt layer, and 11.81 in. (30 cm) and 149.6 in. (380 cm) for the subgrade layers. The Prony coefficients and shift factor parameters are given in REF _Ref280424478 \h Table 8 and REF _Ref280454232 \h Table 9, respectively. The base and subgrade layers are linearly elastic with modulus values of 250 MPa and 95 MPa, respectively, and Poisson's ratios of 0.35 and 0.4, respectively. The system is subjected to a rectangular load with a total load of 9,000 lb (40 kN) and tire pressure of 110 psi (758 kPa) on the surface, moving with a constant velocity of 60 mph (27 m/s). The example file for Response Analysis is provided in the installation folder under the name of Response.lve.Step-by-step procedures are explained in following sections.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 8. Prony coefficients for first asphalt concrete layer (left) and second asphalt concrete layer (right)TiEi (kPa)TiEi (kPa)TiEi (kPa)TiEi (kPa)Einf2.78e42E+88.64e32E-023.42e62E+88.83e32E-024.21e6Einf2E+071.71e42E-032.49e62E+75.7e32E-033.23e62E+063.48e42E-041.66e62E+61.52e42E-042.16e62E+057.39e42E-051.01e62E+53.43e42E-051.34e62E+041.67e52E-065.92e52E+48.91e42E-067.90e52E+033.99e52E-073.38e52E+32.56e52E-074.54e52E+029.63e52E-081.91e52E+27.42e52E-082.65e52E+012.04e62E+11.85e62E+003.24e62E+003.41e62E-013.48e62E-014.42e6Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 9. Shift factor parameters for first (top) and second (bottom) asphalt concrete layera1a2a3TR (°C)6.436e-04-0.1580.7755a1a2a3TR (°C)1.2e-04-0.19373.21121.1General InformationNew Pavement and Pavement Response Analysis should be selected for the response analysis under the General Information tab (see REF _Ref397088784 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 30). The Fatigue and Rutting options and Pavement Construction Timeline are deactivated for this analysis. Users can enter more information about a project in the Optional Description box. The project can be saved by clicking on the Save icon or File > Save (Ctrl+S). The project must be saved occasionally to avoid the possible loss of input data.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 30. General Information tab for pavement response analysis.Design StructureAll the material and structural properties should be entered under the Design Structure tab (see REF _Ref397088784 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 30). Under Structure General Information, users can input a name for the pavement structure and the pavement width. For this example, ‘Flexible 3-Layer Pavement’ is chosen for the Structure Name, and 3.65 m is selected as the Pavement/Lane Width (m). Asphalt LayerChoose AC either in the navigational panel or from the drop-down menu in the data panel, and then, under Layer Properties ( REF _Ref397088812 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 31 and REF _Ref280421989 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 32) select Asphalt Concrete as the Material Type. Input all the properties of the asphalt layer that are described in the example. When Asphalt Concrete is selected in the Material Type menu, default values, including the performance parameters (fatigue and rutting parameters), are shown automatically. The parameters for performance analysis are not required for response analysis; accordingly, the user does not need to change the parameters for performance analysis.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 31. Material properties of first asphalt layer.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 32. Material properties of second asphalt layer.Base LayerChoose Base either in the navigational panel or from the drop-down menu in the data panel, and then select Aggregate Base from among Asphalt-Treated Base, Cement-Treated Base, and Aggregate Base (see REF _Ref397088890 \h Figure 33). Enter the modulus value and Poisson’s ratio. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 33. Material properties of aggregate base layer.SubgradeChoose Subgrade either in the navigational panel or from the drop-down menu in the data panel, and then select Subgrade ( REF _Ref397088934 \h Figure 34). Enter the modulus value and Poisson’s ratio.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 34. Material properties of subgrade layer.Add, Remove, and Move LayerBy clicking on Add Layer, Remove Layer, or Move Layer, the user can add, remove, or change the positions of the layers. Add Layer: Clicking on the Add Layer dialog will allow the user to provide a new layer name. The user can choose the layer type (AC, Base, or Subgrade) from the drop-down menu. The location of the layer can be specified as to whether it is above or below the reference layer (i.e., the chosen layer type). Remove Layer: The user can choose any layer and delete it using this option. In order to delete a certain layer, the user should select the layer and click on the Delete button.Move layer: The user may choose any layer from the list by scrolling up or down in this dialog box.Climate DataIn order to simulate constant temperature conditions, the user should select the Isothermal option in the Temperature Profile Input box and enter 25°C in the dialog box (see REF _Ref397089157 \h Figure 35).Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 35. Isothermal input for climate data.Traffic DataFor simple analysis of the project traffic data (see REF _Ref397089218 \h Figure 36), the user should select Single Wheel with an Axle Load of 40 kN. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 36. General inputs for traffic load.Output and Analysis OptionsWhen Single Wheel is selected instead of Single Axle, the moving load is applied to the center of the lane (refer to REF _Ref364356272 \h Figure 22). The center of the load is chosen as the evaluation point property along with the asphalt pavement depth, and all the displacement, stress, and strain values can be investigated (see REF _Ref364356272 \h Figure 22). Therefore, the X coordinate for the center is ‘0’, and Z increases from 0 cm to 10 cm in 2-cm increments.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 37. Evaluation points.OutputAfter running the response analysis, the response output can be viewed via the Results tab.Sxx, i.e., the transverse normal stress, is chosen in Spatial Distribution (i.e., the contour plot) (see REF _Ref364424392 \h Figure 38). By scrolling the bar, the stress distribution can be investigated. REF _Ref364424392 \h Figure 38 presents the transverse stress (Sxx) distribution at the peak stress time. By choosing the Time History option, the user can plot the strain, stress, and displacement values at predefined nodes (see REF _Ref397089443 \h Figure 39). Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 38. Sxx (transverse stress) distribution (contour plot) at peak stress time.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 39. Stress history plot at center of wheel path.Performance AnalysisFor performance analysis, assume the same pavement structure as in the previous example for response analysis. The pavement is now subjected to a single-axle load with a total load of 9,000 lb (40 kN) (i.e., ESAL analysis). The contact area of the tires is rectangular with tire pressure of 110 psi (827.37 kPa) on the surface, moving with a constant velocity of 60 mph (27 m/s). Table 10 presents the fatigue model parameters for the asphalt concrete layer. The temperature profile is for Wyoming. The example file for Performance analysis is provided in the installation folder under the name of Performance.lve. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 10. Performance (fatigue and rutting) model parameters for first (top) and second (bottom) asphalt concrete layerFatigueabalphaERC0DR6.73e-040.7574.1510.80.712Ruttingε0N1βTrefp1p2d1d20.003840.05880.555610.7480.23823.574-2.913FatigueabalphaERC0DR1.21e-040.7123.3810.80.44Ruttingε0N1βTrefp1p2d1d20.002633.1960.74853.70.7340.2922.213-0.08General InformationSelect Pavement Performance Analysis under Analysis Options and choose all performance distress types, i.e., fatigue cracking, rutting, and thermal stress (see REF _Ref397089515 \h Figure 40). It is assumed that the pavement was constructed in September and was opened to traffic within the same month. The pavement design life is 20 years. Other input parameters are the same as for the previous response analysis example.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 40. General information for performance analysis.Design StructureAll the information for the pavement performance analysis is the same as for the response analysis example, but the parameters for performance prediction should be applied; the parameters shown in REF _Ref327872854 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Table 10 are entered for the asphalt layer (see REF _Ref397089550 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 41 and 51).Figure 41. Material properties of first asphalt concrete layer for performance analysis.Figure 42. Material properties of second asphalt concrete layer for performance analysis.Climate DataAt least one year of asphalt pavement temperature data is required for the performance analysis of a simulation of one year or longer. The climate data are converted to pavement temperatures using EICM data (see REF _Ref364429888 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 43). Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 43. EICM input.Traffic DataInstead of single-wheel analysis, single-axle analysis (ESAL analysis) is used in FlexPAVE (see REF _Ref397089613 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 44). Therefore, Single Wheel and Dual Tires are chosen. 40 kN (9,000 lb) is the Axle Load. The AADTT is 700 with a linear growth rate. Monthly and hourly traffic distributions are shown in REF _Ref397089613 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 44.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 44. Traffic input for performance analysis.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 45. Wheel properties. Output and Analysis OptionsBecause single-wheel dual tire analysis is applied, the X coordinate of the center of the right tire becomes 15.23 cm (= 30.47 cm /2; thus, 30.47 is dual tire spacing). The location of the left wheel is -15.23 cm, and the location of the right wheel is +15.23 cm. By using the auto-generating Evaluation Points tool, evaluation points are generated at both wheels in terms of asphalt pavement depth (see REF _Ref397089668 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 46).Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 46. Output and analysis options.ResultsAll outputs, response results (stress, strain, and displacement values), fatigue cracking (damage development), and rut depths can be investigated in FlexPAVE.Response analysisBy choosing a certain time, the user can plot stress, strain, and displacement values. The user can create a spatial contour plot and history plot at a predetermined node (see REF _Ref238810616 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 47). Please note that in order to see the response analyses for different sets of month and time of day, the user should click on Load to load the results before clicking on Show.Fatigue crackingUsers can plot the damage (C, i.e., the modulus after damage) as a contour at a given time or history at a predetermined node. REF _Ref280422232 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Figure 48 presents the damage factor distribution, defined as N/Nf, where N is the current number of cycles and Nf is the number of cycles at failure. When the damage factor becomes 1.0, the asphalt element is considered to be completely cracked.Damage EvolutionUsers can plot the damage evolution for the whole pavement life. Figure 58 presents the percent damage evolution as a function of time.RuttingRut depth development over time is provided, as presented in REF _Ref280422260 \h Figure 50.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 47. Transverse stress (Szz) distribution (response results).Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 48. Damage factor (N/Nf) distribution after 20-year simulation.Figure 49. Percent damage distribution as a function of timeFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 50. Rut depth development.References Chehab, G.R., Y.R. Kim, R.A. Schapery, M.W. Witczak, and R. 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