Army Military Construction and Nonappropriated-Funded Construction ...

Department of the Army Pamphlet 420?1?2

Facilities Engineering

Army Military Construction and Nonappropriated-Funded Construction Program Development and Execution

Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 2 April 2009



DA PAM 420?1?2 Army Military Construction and Nonappropriated-Funded Construction Program Development and Execution This new Department of the Army pamphlet, dated 2 April 2009-o Provides guidance for Planning Charrette process (app C). o Incorporates procedures from DA Pamphlet 415-15 (throughout). o Provides guidance for the DD Form 1391 Processor entries (throughout). o Makes administrative changes (throughout).

Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 2 April 2009

*Department of the Army Pamphlet 420?1?2

Facilities Engineering

Army Military Construction and Nonappropriated-Funded Construction Program Development and Execution

History. This publication is a new Department of the Army pamphlet.

Summary. This pamphlet provides guidance for preparation of DD Form 1390 and DD Form 1391 according to the policies in AR 420?1.

Applicability. This pamphlet applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United

States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless otherwise stated.

Proponent and exception authority. The proponent of this pamphlet is the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers to this pamphlet that are consistent with controlling law and regulations. The proponent may delegate this approval authority, in writing, to a division chief within the proponent agency or its direct reporting unit or field operating agency, in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. Activities may request a waiver to this pamphlet by providing justification that includes a full analysis of the expected benefits and must include formal review by the activity's senior legal officer. All waiver requests will be endorsed by the commander or senior leader of the requesting activity and forwarded through their higher headquarters to the policy proponent. Refer to AR 25?30 for specific guidance.

Army Management Control Process.

This pamphlet contains management control provisions and identifies key management controls that must be evaluated (see appendix D).

Suggested improvements. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, (DAIM?ODC), 600 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310?0600.

Distribution. This publication is available in electronic media only and is intended for command levels A, B, C, D, and E for the Active Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve.

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1 Introduction, page 1 Purpose ? 1?1, page 1 References ? 1?2, page 1 Explanation of abbreviations and terms ? 1?3, page 1 Requirement for DD Form 1390 and DD Form 1391 ? 1?4, page 1

Chapter 2 Programming Procedures and Special Requirements, page 1

Section I Programming and Budgeting, page 1 Programming of facilities supporting Army initiatives ? 2?1, page 1 Military Construction Integrated Planning Team ? 2?2, page 2 Consideration of alternatives ? 2?3, page 3 Upgrading to meet standards ? 2?4, page 3

*This publication supersedes DA Pam 415?15, dated 25 October 1999.

DA PAM 420?1?2 ? 2 April 2009




Centers of standardization ? 2?5, page 3 Maintenance and repair work as part of Military Construction, Army and Army Family Housing projects ? 2?6,

page 4 Basic project constraints ? 2?7, page 4 Estimating costs ? 2?8, page 5 DD Form 1391 review ? 2?9, page 5 Information systems support ? 2?10, page 5 DD Form 1391 certifications (Military Construction, Army; Unspecified Minor Military Construction, Army; and

Army Family Housing programs only) ? 2?11, page 6 Program approvals ? 2?12, page 6

Section II Program Execution, page 6 Military Construction Program (Execution) reviews ? 2?13, page 6 Construction funding availability ? 2?14, page 7 Transfer of completed work to the garrison commander ? 2?15, page 7

Section III Specific Facility Guidance, page 7 Army Processing Centers, Information Processing Centers, and Information Systems Facilities ? 2?16, page 7 Explosives, toxic chemicals, and ammunition facilities ? 2?17, page 8 Hazardous waste facilities ? 2?18, page 8 Food service facilities ? 2?19, page 9 Army Family Housing construction program ? 2?20, page 9 Unaccompanied personnel housing and guest housing ? 2?21, page 10 Community facilities ? 2?22, page 10 Medical projects ? 2?23, page 10 Maintenance and repair projects ? 2?24, page 10 Fuel storage, transfer, and distribution facilities ? 2?25, page 11 Construction in floodplains or on wetlands ? 2?26, page 11 Preservation of historic properties and archaeological sites ? 2?27, page 12

Section IV Automated Systems Supporting Construction Reporting, page 13 Construction Appropriation Programming, Control, and Execution System Report System ? 2?28, page 13 Project Management Information System ? 2?29, page 13

Chapter 3 Preparation of DD Form 1391, page 13 Overview ? 3?1, page 13 DD Form 1391 ? 3?2, page 14 Tab A, DD Form 1391 entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?3, page 15 Tab B, Planning and design supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?4, page 21 Tab C, Miscellaneous supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?5, page 22 Tab D, Economic Analysis supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?6, page 28 Tab E, Furnishings and Equipment supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?7, page 29 Tab F, Information Systems Support supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?8,

page 30 Tab G, Antiterrorism Protection Measures Data supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor

? 3?9, page 31 Tab H, Disposal/Demolition of Facilities supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?10,

page 32 Tab I, Real Property Maintenance supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?11, page 33 Tab J, Regulatory Data, Environmental Analysis supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor

? 3?12, page 33


DA PAM 420?1?2 ? 2 April 2009


Tab J, Regulatory Data, National Environmental Protection Act Documentation Status supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?13, page 35

Tab J, Regulatory Data, Protection of Historic Properties supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?14, page 36

Tab J, Regulatory Data, Evaluation of Flood Hazards and Wetlands supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?15, page 36

Tab J, Regulatory Data, Accessibility Standards supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?16, page 37

Tab J, Regulatory Data, Commercial Activities supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?17, page 37

Tab J, Regulatory Data, Energy and Utility Requirements supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?18, page 38

Tab K, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization/National Missile Defense/Theater Missile Defense Data or Nonappropriated Funds/Army Air Force Exchange Service supporting documentation entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?19, page 39

Congressional Add Module entries in the DD Form 1391 Processor ? 3?20, page 39

Chapter 4 Preparation of DD Form 1390, page 93 General ? 4?1, page 93 Completion of DD Form 1390 ? 4?2, page 94

Chapter 5 Construction Budget Submission, page 97 Biennial Budget submission ? 5?1, page 97 Submission schedules ? 5?2, page 97 Late submission of DD Form 1391 ? 5?3, page 97 Supplemental data submission ? 5?4, page 97

Chapter 6 Special Guidance for Certification of Nonappropriated-Funded and Commissary Surcharge Funded

Projects, page 98 Project Construction Data Sheet ? 6?1, page 98 Project certification ? 6?2, page 98


A. References, page 100

B. Unspecified Minor Military Construction, Army, page 104

C. Planning Charrette Process, page 110

D. Management Control Checklist for Nonappropriated Fund Projects, page 114

Figure List

Figure 3?1: Relationship between DD Form 1391 processor system Tab entries and the actual (printed) version of a DD 1391, page 41

Figure 3?1: Relationship between DD Form 1391 processor system Tab entries and the actual (printed) version of a DD 1391?continued, page 42

Figure 3?1: Relationship between DD 1391 processor system Tab entries and the actual (printed) version of a DD 1391?continued, page 43

Figure 3?1: Relationship between DD 1391 processor system Tab entries and the actual (printed) version of a DD 1391?continued, page 44

Figure 3?1: Relationship between DD 1391 processor system Tab entries and the actual (printed) version of a DD 1391?continued, page 45

Figure 3?2: DD 1391 certification activities (MCA, AFH, ChemD, and UMMCA projects only), page 46 Figure 3?2: DD 1391 certification activities (MCA, AFH, ChemD, and UMMCA projects only) ?continued, page 47

DA PAM 420?1?2 ? 2 April 2009



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