2019-2020 HISD @ H.O.M.E. Project-Based Learning English Language Arts ...

2019-2020 HISD @ H.O.M.E. ? Project-Based Learning English Language Arts ? Grade 6 Week of March 30 ? April 03, 2020

Student Weekly Learning Targets

1. Students will increase their stamina as readers by reading independently. 2. Students will read and annotate fictional texts. 3. Students will analyze fictional texts and text features. 4. Students will respond in writing to their reading.


1. Begin by completing 15 minutes of independent reading. This can be a book of your choice. You may use MackinVia (HUB Digital Resources), Houston Publish Library- HPL (HUB Digital Resources), any novels at home, or any other accessible texts.

2. As you read, make note of anything that surprises you, any examples of interesting language, or any words that stand out. Be sure to record this information in your reader's notebook (or device or available paper).

3. Next, select one text from the fiction section of the ELA Connect Four. Please read and annotate the text using the Reading is Thinking Easy Annotation guide in the Resource Packet.

4. Next, select one option within the Reader's Response section of the ELA Connect Four and complete the task using the selected text and the resources attached. Keep in mind, the Reader's Response task can be completed based on the texts you choose within the genre or you independent reading book. All bolded items are resources in your resources packet.

5. Next, select one option within the STAAR Stems section of the ELA Connect Four and complete the stem/question using the selected text.

6. Finally, create a writer's notebook entry. This entry can be about anything you choose. It can be your thoughts or a reflection regarding your reading. It could be a review of something you've watched or read recently. It could also be something about your experiences. For more ideas, see Writing Prompts in the Resource Packet. The entry should be no shorter than half a page.


1. Begin by completing 15 minutes of independent reading. This can be a book of your choice. You may use MackinVia (HUB Digital Resources), Houston Publish Library- HPL (HUB Digital Resources), any novels at home, or any other accessible texts.

2. As you read, make note of anything that surprises you, any examples of interesting language, or any words that stand out. Be sure to record this information in your reader's notebook (or device or available paper).

3. Next, return to the fiction text from yesterday. Please reread your annotations to review the text. 4. Next, select one option within the Graphic Organizer section of the ELA Connect Four and complete the task

using the selected text and the resources attached. All bolded items are resources in your resources packet. 5. Next, select one option within the Writing section of the ELA Connect Four and complete the task. 6. Finally, create a writer's notebook entry. This entry can be about anything you choose. It can be your thoughts or a

reflection regarding your reading. It could be a review of something you've watched or read recently. It could also be something about your experiences. For more ideas, see Writing Prompts in the Resource Packet. The entry should be no shorter than half a page.


- State Process Standard

- State Readiness Standard

- Aligned to Upcoming State Readiness Standard - State Supporting Standard

? Houston ISD Curriculum 2019-2020 Page 1 of 3

2019-2020 HISD @ H.O.M.E. ? Project-Based Learning English Language Arts ? Grade 6 Week of March 30 ? April 03, 2020


1. Begin by completing 15 minutes of independent reading. This can be a book of your choice. You may use MackinVia (HUB Digital Resources), Houston Publish Library- HPL (HUB Digital Resources), any novels at home, or any other accessible texts.

2. As you read, make note of anything that surprises you, any examples of interesting language, or any words that stand out. Be sure to record this information in your reader's notebook (or device or available paper).

3. Next, select a second text from the fiction section of the ELA Connect Four. Please read and annotate the text using the Reading is Thinking Easy Annotation guide in the Resource Packet.

4. Next, select one option within the Reader's Response section of the ELA Connect Four and complete the task using the selected text and the resources attached. Keep in mind, the Reader's Response task can be completed based on the texts you choose within the genre or you independent reading book. All bolded items are resources in your resources packet.

5. Next, select one option within the STAAR Stems section of the ELA Connect Four and complete the stem/question using the selected text.

6. Finally, create a writer's notebook entry. This entry can be about anything you choose. It can be your thoughts or a reflection regarding your reading. It could be a review of something you've watched or read recently. It could also be something about your experiences. For more ideas, see Writing Prompts in the Resource Packet. The entry should be no shorter than half a page.


1. Begin by completing 15 minutes of independent reading. This can be a book of your choice. You may use MackinVia (HUB Digital Resources), Houston Publish Library- HPL (HUB Digital Resources), any novels at home, or any other accessible texts.

2. As you read, make note of anything that surprises you, any examples of interesting language, or any words that stand out. Be sure to record this information in your reader's notebook (or device or available paper).

3. Next, return to the fictional text from yesterday. Please reread your annotations to review the text. 4. Next, select one option within the Graphic Organizer section of the ELA Connect Four and complete the task using

the selected text and the resources attached. All bolded items are resources in your resources packet. 5. Next, select one option within the Writing section of the ELA Connect Four and complete the task. 6. Finally, create a writer's notebook entry. This entry can be about anything you choose. It can be your thoughts or a

reflection regarding your reading. It could be a review of something you've watched or read recently. It could also be something about your experiences. For more ideas, see Writing Prompts in the Resource Packet. The entry should be no shorter than half a page.


1. Begin by completing 15 minutes of independent reading. This can be a book of your choice. You may use MackinVia (HUB Digital Resources), Houston Publish Library- HPL (HUB Digital Resources), any novels at home, or any other accessible texts.

2. As you read, make note of anything that surprises you, any examples of interesting language, or any words that stand out. Be sure to record this information in your reader's notebook (or device or available paper).

3. Create a one-pager on fictional texts as a cumulative project. Please use the Genre One-Pager template in the Resource Packet.

4. Finally, create a writer's notebook entry. This entry can be about anything you choose. It can be your thoughts or a reflection regarding your reading. It could be a review of something you've watched or read recently. It could also be something about your experiences. For more ideas, see Writing Prompts in the Resource Packet. The entry should be no shorter than half a page.


- State Process Standard

- State Readiness Standard

- Aligned to Upcoming State Readiness Standard - State Supporting Standard

? Houston ISD Curriculum 2019-2020 Page 2 of 3

2019-2020 HISD @ H.O.M.E. ? Project-Based Learning English Language Arts ? Grade 6 Week of March 30 ? April 03, 2020

Student-Produced Weekly Product

By the end of the week, you will have completed a fictional text genre study and will have the following products: ? 2 Reader's Response tasks ? 2 STAAR Stems tasks ? 2 Graphic Organizer tasks ? 2 Writing tasks ? 5 writer's notebook entries ? 1 fictional text Genre One-Pager


- State Process Standard

- State Readiness Standard

- Aligned to Upcoming State Readiness Standard - State Supporting Standard

? Houston ISD Curriculum 2019-2020 Page 3 of 3

Houston ISD

Home-based Ongoing Mobile Education (H.O.M.E.)

English Language Arts Grade 6

English Language Arts ? Grade 6

Table of Contents

Student Instruction Guide

ELA Connect Four

Easy Annotation

Writing Prompts

Genre One-Pager

Reader Response Resources

? Reader's Response: Story Pyramid ? Story Board ? Character Investigation ? Reader's Response: Informational Pyramid ? Book Review ? Reader's Response: Check in Letter ? Invitation to Imitate ? Making Connections ? Pro/Con ? Cause and Effect

Graphic Organizers

? Character-Change Map ? Dialectical Journal ? Comic Strip ? Plot Diagram ? Five W's ? Main Idea and Details Web ? Inference Map ? Notice-Name-Effect ? Venn Diagram ? Timeline ? Cause and Effect


? Image Analysis One-Pager

*Resources are included only one time in this document. However, students may use them multiple times depending on the tasks they select.

ELA Student-Self Directed Instruction- Connect Four


The menu below includes tasks you can use to prepare for STAAR. You can complete this with or without the use of a device, but you do need to make sure you have the adopted textbook for your grade level or course:

? Grade 6- Pearson myPerspectives Texas Edition grade 6 ? Grade 7- Pearson myPerspectives Texas Edition grade 7 ? Grade 8- Pearson myPerspectives Texas Edition grade 8 ? English I- Holt McDougal Literature grade 9 ? English II- Holt McDougal Literature grade 10

For each genre, you will begin by selecting 1 text. Please read and annotate the texts using the Reading is Thinking Easy Annotation guide. Next, select 1 option within each Task section and complete the task using the selected text and the resources attached. Keep in mind, the Reader's Response task can be completed based on the texts you choose within the genre or you independent reading book. After you have completed your four choice tasks for your first text, you will repeat this process with a second text. You should choose different activities from each category for your second text. All bolded items are resources in your resources packet.

Pick 1 choice from each task for each text.

Pick 2 texts from each genre.


Fiction ? Text 1 ? Text 2 ? Text 3 ? Text 4

Informational ? Text 1 ? Text 2 ? Text 3 ? Text 4

Poetry ? Text 1 ? Text 2 ? Text 3 ? Text 4

Persuasive ? Text 1 ? Text 2 ? Text 3 ? Text 4

Reader's Response


Graphic Organizers


? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4

? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4

? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4

? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4 ? Choice 1 ? Choice 2 ? Choice 3 ? Choice 4

Repeated these steps for each genre. By the end, you should have 32 completed tasks. If you have access to a digital device, you can use the digital textbook through the HUB and/or pick texts from each genre by accessing the following sites:

Fiction ? Awesome Stories ? LoudLit

Informational ? Commonlit ? Newsela

Poetry ? Academy of

American Poets ? Poetry Foundation

Persuasive ? American Rhetoric

You should continue independent reading using either a library book, classroom library book, or from MackinVia (HUB Digital Resources) and Houston Publish Library- HPL (HUB Digital Resources).


2019-2020 Remote Instruction English Language Arts ? Grade 6

ELA Connect Four




? Reader

? "The Sound of Summer


Running" p. 95 (my




? "The Four Dragons"

? Graphic


Organizers ? "The Elephant and the

? Writing

Crocodile" (CommonLit)

? "The King of Mazy May"

p.555 (my Perspectives)

? "What is a Robonaut?"

? Fog (CommonLit)


? Nothing Gold Can Stay

? "Who is Katherine


Johnson?" (CommonLit)

? "Oranges" p. 111 (my

? "So What is a Primate?' by


Faith Hickman p. 165 (my ? "The Phantom Tollbooth"


p. 363 (my Perspectives)

? "The Black Hole of

Technology" p. 311 (my



? "Malala Yousafzai's Address to the United Nations, July 2013" (CommonLIt)

? Emma Watson's United Nations Speech (CommonLit)

? "The Sit in Movement" (CommonLit)

? "Biometrics are Not Better" p. 271 (my Perspectives)

Task Reader Response





? Complete the Reader's

? Complete the Reader's

? Choose an image from one ? Determine if you agree or

Response: Story Pyramid

Response: Informational

of the poems and sketch a

disagree with the text by

using your independent

Pyramid graphic organizer


completing the Pro/Con

reading or on one of the texts

using one of the texts above ? Choose a sentence or line

graphic organizer with your

listed above.

to investigate a topic of one of

from a poem and use the

reasons from the text.

? Complete the Story Board using your independent

the articles. ? Complete a Book Review

Invitation to Imitation chart to imitate author's craft.


Complete the Reader's Response: Check in Letter

reading or on one of the texts

using your independent

? Complete one of the

over your independent

listed above.

reading or on one of the texts

Making Connections

reading or on one of the texts

? Complete the Character

listed above.

graphic organizer to

listed above.

Investigation based on a

? Complete Reader's

compare speakers and/or

? Complete the Making

character from your

Response: Check in Letter

authors of two texts you

Connections graphic

independent reading or from

using your independent

have read. (Compare a

organizer to compare the

a text listed above.

reading or on one of the texts

poem and one other text

texts and/or authors of two

listed above.

from another genre of your

texts you have read.


? Complete a Reader's

? Some of the poems above

Response using a Cause

present challenges of

and Effect graphic organizer

growing up. List and rank

to think about how different


? Houston ISD Curriculum 2019-2020 Page 1 of 3


2019-2020 Remote Instruction English Language Arts ? Grade 6




? How does the setting

? The reader can conclude

influence the plot?

after reading the text that...

? How would you best describe ? A summary of the story is...

the main character?

? A new word in the text is... The context clues that help

? A summary of the story is...

define the word are...

? How would you describe the ? What is one message the

conflict of the story?

author conveys in this text?

Graphic Organizers

? Using one of the texts,

? Choose one of the texts and

complete the Character-

complete the Five W's

Change Map to help you

graphic organizer to

determine how the main

summarize the text.

character grows or changes ? Choose one of the texts and

throughout the story.

complete the Main Idea and

? Use a Dialectical Journal to

Details Web graphic

track your thinking as you

organizer to analyze a main

read the story. On the left

idea expressed in the text.

side of the journal, you will ? Choose one of the texts and

write down important textual

complete the Inference Map

quotes or evidence. On the

graphic organizer.

right side of the journal, you ? Use a Dialectical Journal to

will write a personal reaction

track your thinking as you

or connection to the quote you wrote.

read the text. On the left side of the journal, you will write

? Using one of the texts,

down important textual

complete a Comic Strip

quotes or evidence. On the

Organizer to track the

right side of the journal, you

sequence of the major

will write a personal reaction,

connection, or an inference




challenges of growing up

ideas are connected in the

from the poem and from

text you read. This could

your own life.

consider the roles or limits

society places on girls and


? The poet organizes the

? What is one message the

poem by...

author conveys in the

? Where does the poet


include figurative language? ? From the speaker's

What is the impact of the

experience, the reader can

figurative language?


? What is the message of the ? What is the author's view on


the subject?

? What is the rhyme scheme ? A summary of the text is...

of the poem?

? Create a Dialectical

? Using a text you read, use

Journal to track your

Venn Diagram to compare

thinking about the poem

and contrast two sides of an

and what it makes you think



? Complete one of the Making Connections graphic organizer to make connections from what you read in the poem to yourself, to another text, or

? Using one of the texts, create a Timeline to help you identify the important sequence of events that lead to the author's main point or purpose.

to a real-world example.

? Create an outline of the

? Use the Notice-Name-

author's main arguments

Effect chart to locate and

and supporting details from

identify poetic elements and

one of the texts you read.

then analyze their effects on ? Use a Cause and Effect

the reader.

graphic organizer to

consider the causes and

effects of an issue from one

of the texts you read.

? Houston ISD Curriculum 2019-2020 Page 2 of 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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