Content: Science

Content: Science |Strand: Matter |Grade: Kindergarten

| |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literary Standard |Essential Knowledge of Information Literacy|

|Content Area |Standard 1 The student who is information |The student will obtain information through|

|K.2 The student will investigate and |literate accesses information critically |a variety of listening experiences. |

|understand that humans have senses, sensing |and competently. | |

|organs and will be able to recognize sensory| | |

|descriptors. | | |

|Computer Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.7 The student will use a variety of | | |

|media and formats to communicate information| | |

|and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.| | |

| | | |

|Identify the best tool to communicate | | |

|information. | | |

| | | |

|Use technology tools for individual writing,| | |

|communication, and publishing activities. | | |

| | | |

|Demonstrate the ability to create, save, | | |

|retrieve, and print document. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will recognize that informational books are nonfiction. |

|The student will identify examples of senses, sensory organs and sensory descriptors in both fictional and nonfictional books. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will read materials in both fictional and nonfictional formats regarding senses, sensory organs, and sensory |

|descriptors. |

|The librarian will display models of sensory organs to enable students to identify organs and their functions. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The student will listen to a story about the sense of tasting. |

|The student will participate in a tasting party that includes the basic tastes. |

|The student will assist the librarians in graphing their choices for favorite tastes. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Technology Connections (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

| |

|Integration Goal I Target 6 Student learning and achievement will be enhanced through the effective integration of technology. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively. |

|Technology Connections (division plan) |

|Content: Science |Strand: Matter |Grade: Kindergarten |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge for Information Literacy|

|Content Area |Standard 2 The student who is information |The student will obtain information through |

|K.4 The student will investigate and |literate evaluated information critically |a variety of listening experiences. |

|understand that the position, motion, and |and competently. | |

|physical properties of an object can be | |The student will recognize the availability |

|described. | |of information from a variety of resources. |

| | | |

| | |The student will use appropriate questioning|

| | |skills to retrieve information. |

|Computer Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.6 The student will use technology | | |

|resources for solving problems and making | | |

|informed decisions. | | |

| | | |

|Recognize that technology can be used to | | |

|solve problems and make informed | | |

|decisions. | | |

| | | |

|Identify and select technologies to | | |

|address problems. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will locate and identify examples of object attributes and position in fictional and nonfictional sources. |

|The student will utilize software programs to gain knowledge of attributes and positions of objects. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will provide examples of fiction and nonfiction books that contain similar objects. |

|The librarian will brainstorm with the students ways to chart similarities and differences in objects. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students will listen to a book such as, Crockett Johnson’s Harold’s Trip to the Moon. |

|The students will take their own imaginary trip. |

|The student will draw a specific object that might be found there. |

|The student will draw specific shapes in relation to the object, such as a red square over a tree, a blue circle under a bird, etc.|

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

| |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 2 Teachers use technology-based intervention strategies to improve student achievement. |

|Educational Applications Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards of |

|Learning (SOL) have been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

| |Strand: Life Processes | |

|Content: Science | |Grade: Kindergarten |

|Standards of Learning |National Information Literacy Standards |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 3 The student who is information |The student will use appropriate |

|K.6 The student will investigate and |literate uses information effectively and |questioning skills to retrieve information.|

|understand basic needs and life processes |creatively. | |

|of plants and animals. | | |

|Computer Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.5 The student will use technology | | |

|to locate, evaluate, and collect | | |

|information from a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Identify information in various formats. | | |

| | | |

|Identify available sources of information. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will relate previous experience to current topic of wants and needs. |

|The student will differentiate between parent and offspring using print and media. |

|The student will sequence materials in correct order. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarians and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will present appropriate media, print, and manipulative sources, to provide information about life cycles of both |

|plants and animals. |

|The librarian will use web sites, and video streaming to expand student knowledge. |

|The librarian will use graphic organizers to chart wants and needs. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The students will work life cycle puzzles and construct sequencing picture booklets after hearing such selections as The |

|Caterpillar and the Polliwog. |

|Essential Questions |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other |

|skills. Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and |

|accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

| |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 6 Student learning and achievement will be enhanced through the effective integration of technology. |

|Educational Applications Goal 2 Target 4 Every school has an efficient library media center connected to the Internet and networked|

|to appropriate learning areas. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

|Content: Science |Strand: |Grade: Kindergarten |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 1 The student who is information |The student will use appropriate |

|K.8 The student will investigate and |literate accesses information efficiently |questioning skills to retrieve information.|

|understand simple patterns in his/her daily |and effectively. | |

|life. | | |

| |Standard 3 The student who is information | |

| |literate uses information effectively and | |

| |creatively. | |

|Computer Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.7 The student will use a variety of | | |

|media and formats to communicate information| | |

|and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.| | |

| | | |

|Identify the best tool to communicate | | |

|information. | | |

| | | |

|Use technology tools for individual writing,| | |

|communication, and publishing activities. | | |

| | | |

|Demonstrate the ability to create, save, | | |

|retrieve, and print document. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will generate questions about patterns. |

|The student will identify patterns. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic success. |

|The librarian will guide the students in generating questions about patterns. |

|The librarian will provide examples of patterns in print and nonprint sources. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activities |

|Students will produce and display collections of flowers, leaves, etc. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Technology Connections (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

| |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 1 Teachers collaborate to improve and enrich instruction, using technology. |

|Educational Goal 1 Target 1 Teaching and learning resources that effectively support the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) have |

|been identified, communicated, and developed. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Science |Strand: Life Processes |Grade: One |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information Literacy|

|Content Area |Standard 1 The student who is information |The student will differentiate between |

|1.4 The student will investigate and understand |literate accesses information efficiently |factual and inaccurate information. |

|that plants have life needs and functional parts|and effectively. | |

|and can be classified according to | |The student will be able to identify |

|characteristics. |Standard 2 The student who is information |nonfiction materials by understanding parts |

| |literate evaluates information critically |of nonfiction books, book, author, |

| |and competently. |illustrator, publisher, table of contents, |

| | |index. |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.2 The student will demonstrate | | |

|proficiency in the use of technology. | | |

| | | |

|Demonstrate the use of mouse, keyboard, printer,| | |

|multimedia devices, and earphones. | | |

| | | |

|Use multimedia resources such as interactive | | |

|books and software with graphical interfaces. | | |

| | | |

|C/T K-2.5 The student will use technology to | | |

|locate, evaluate, and collect information from a| | |

|variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Identify information in various formats. | | |

| | | |

|Identify available sources of information. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will identify sources as nonfiction. |

|The student will identify similarities and differences. |

|The student will recognize inaccurate information in both fiction and nonfiction sources. |

|The student will be able to classify and organize information with use of graphic organizers. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will instruct the students in basic characteristics of nonfiction books (i.e., table of contents, captions, glossaries, |

|indices, increased use of photos rather than illustrations). |

|The librarian will utilize technology such as websites, video streaming, videos, and other software to demonstrate factual and |

|nonfactual information. |

|The librarian will instruct the students on how to use graphic organizers to sort information. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|Students will use information gathered from nonfiction sources to construct their own nonfiction accordion-style book. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other skills.|

|Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and accurate |

|information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan of Virginia |

| |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 5 Students will have information literacy skills. |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 6 Student learning and achievement will be enhanced through the effective integration of technology. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Science |Strand: Life Processes |Grade: One |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 1 The student who is information|The student will distinguish between real|

|1.5 The student will investigate and understand|literate accesses information efficiently|and make-believe. |

|that animals, including people, have life needs|and effectively. | |

|and specific characteristics and can be | |The student will be able to recognize and|

|classified according to certain |Standard 2 The student who is information|utilize nonfiction by identifying parts |

|characteristics. |literate evaluates information critically|of the book. |

| |and competently. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.5 The student will use technology to | | |

|locate, evaluate, and collect information from | | |

|a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Identify information in various formats. | | |

| | | |

|Identify available sources of information. | | |

| | | |

|C/T K-2.6 The student will use technology | | |

|resources for solving problems and making | | |

|informed decisions. | | |

| | | |

|Recognize that technology can be used to solve | | |

|problems and make informed decisions. | | |

| | | |

|Identify and select technologies to address | | |

|problems. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will locate information in nonfiction sources using the online catalog. |

|The student will differentiate between similarities/differences in order to classify. |

|The student will organize information creatively. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will instruct the students on how to locate nonfiction materials using the online catalog. |

|The librarian will display 3-D creations, such as dioramas, models of animal homes that students have completed through |

|collaborative instruction between librarian and classroom teacher. |

|The librarian will demonstrate ways of organizing information. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|Students will listen to selections that focus on different types of animals according to classification (i.e., wild, tame, |

|barnyard, desert, etc.). Students will then use old magazines to find pictures of their type animal and to assemble their pictures|

|into a collage. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 1 Teachers collaborate to improve and enrich instruction-using technology. |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 4 Students routinely use technology in a variety of learning activities across the curriculum. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

|Content: Science |Strand: Matter |Grade: Two |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 1 The student who is information|The student will identify and use |

|2.3 The student will investigate and understand|literate accesses information efficiently|beginning reference sources. |

|basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases.|and effectively. | |

| | |The student will participate in a variety|

| |Standard 6 The student who is an |of experiences to increase appreciation |

| |independent learner is information |of literature. |

| |literate and strives for excellence in | |

| |information seeking and knowledge | |

| |generation. | |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.5 The student will use technology to | | |

|locate, evaluate, and collect information from | | |

|a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Identify information in various formats. | | |

| | | |

|Identify available sources of information. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use the online catalog to locate and access print and nonprint sources. |

|The student will use reliable online databases to find information, which might include video clips. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will demonstrate and have students practice how to use guide-words to find information in reference sources. |

|The librarian will instruct students in how to access online databases. |

|The librarian will instruct the students in how to conduct a subject search using the online catalog. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The librarian will divide the class into three sections. |

|Each section will research the properties of one form of water (solid, liquid, or gas). |

|After the research, the librarian will ask each group to share what they have found out about their form. |

|Using either a print or software generated Venn diagram; the students will show the properties of each form, the properties that |

|are distinctive, and the properties that are shared. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other |

|skills. Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and |

|accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 9 Students routinely use technology in a variety of learning activities across the curriculum. |

|Accountability Goal 3 Target 4 Students meet expectations for technology utilization pertaining to their subject or grade level as |

|described by school division technology plans. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

|Content: Science |Strand: Life Processes |Grade: Two |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 2 The student who is information|The student will identify and use the |

|2.4 The student will investigate and understand|literate evaluates information critically|parts of a book. |

|that plants and animals undergo a series of |and confidently. | |

|orderly changes in their life cycles. | |The student will identify and use |

| | |beginning reference sources. |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.6 The student will use technology | | |

|resources for solving problems and making | | |

|informed decisions. | | |

| | | |

|Recognize that technology can be used to solve | | |

|problems and make informed decisions. | | |

| | | |

|Identify and select technologies to address | | |

|problems. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use the online catalog to locate and access print and nonprint nonfiction sources. |

|The student will use the book’s table of contents to find the pages on the life cycles of plants and animals. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to conduct a subject search using the online catalog to locate and access print and nonprint |

|sources. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to use the table of contents to find only the portion of the book that is needed. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|Using resources provided by the librarian, the students will use the table of contents to locate information on the life cycles of |

|plants and animals. |

|The students will assist the librarian in organizing the information to show how the two processes are similar and different. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other |

|skills. Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and |

|accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 6 Teachers collaborate to improve and enrich instruction-using technology. |

|Integration Goal 2 Target 1 Educators and students have access to technology to support instructional goals. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Science |Strand: Living Systems |Grade: Two |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 3 The student who is information|The student will identify and use |

|2.5 The student will investigate and understand|literate uses information accurately and |beginning reference sources. |

|that living things are part of a system. |creatively. | |

| | |The student will recognize the |

| |Standard 6 The student who is an |availability of information from a |

| |independent learner is information |variety of community resources. |

| |literate and strives for excellence in | |

| |information seeking and knowledge |The student will participate in a variety|

| |generation. |of media production activities. |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.7 The student will use a variety of | | |

|media and formats to communicate information | | |

|and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. | | |

| | | |

|Identify the best tool to communicate | | |

|information. | | |

| | | |

|Use technology tools for individual writing, | | |

|communication, and publishing activities. | | |

| | | |

|Demonstrate the ability to create, save, | | |

|retrieve, and print document. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will locate and use appropriate reference tools, such as encyclopedias, to locate a variety of living organisms and |

|their habitats. |

|The student will access and use video clips or other audio-visual media to discover the interdependence of living organisms. |

|The student will use email to correspond with an ecology expert. |

|The student will listen to a community expert and take notes about the ecology of the area. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will design and administer a worksheet for students to use when finding facts about living things and their place in |

|the food chain from the online encyclopedia. |

|The librarian will ask students to take notes from a video about the interdependence of living organisms. |

|The librarian will give students practice in listening for facts while someone is speaking. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to use email to correspond with a community expert on ecology. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The librarian will invite a speaker from the community to visit library classes and talk about the ecological systems of the area. |

|Students will be asked to prepare questions in advance and to take notes during the presentation. After the visit, each class will |

|make a booklet with each page completed by one student. Each student will use the notes taken to record one or two terrific facts |

|he or she has learned. Students will include a title page, and an index, and a cover with call number on the spine. Completed |

|booklets may be put on display and/or sent with thank you notes to the speaker. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other |

|skills. Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and |

|accurate information. Whenever students go to the Internet for communications, whether they are using point-to-point connections to|

|exchange videos of a science experiment with students in other countries, or posting observations to a class blog, or using email to|

|communicate with research scientists, teachers should remind students of the rules students must follow according to the School |

|Division’s Acceptable Use Policy, the dangers involved with using Web pages or email for communications, and the precautions they |

|are to take. They also need to be aware of the power and pitfalls involved with online communications, like the lack of visual |

|signals between people, the misuse of words and images by cyberbullies and/or criminals, and the use of propaganda or persuasive |

|tactics. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 8 Teachers understand and model the acceptable use of technology in teaching and learning. |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 10 Students will have information literacy skills. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

| |Strand: Interrelationships in Earth/Space | |

|Content: Science |Systems |Grade: Two |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 6 The student who is an independent |The student will use appropriate |

|2.6 The student will investigate and |learner is information literate and strives |questioning skills to retrieve |

|understand basic types, changes, and |for excellence in information seeking and |information. |

|patterns of weather. |knowledge generation. | |

| | |The student will identify the periodical |

| | |as a source of information. |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.5 The student will use technology to| | |

|locate, evaluate, and collect information | | |

|from a variety of sources. | | |

| | | |

|Identify information in various formats. | | |

| | | |

|Identify available sources of information. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will use weather as a subject heading and as a keyword to search for materials on the library catalog. Students will |

|locate weather books in the nonfiction section from information in the online catalog. |

|The student will locate information on weather in newspapers or other periodicals. |

|The student will use the newspaper or online sources to track the weather. |

|The student will create a spreadsheet and graphs of temperatures and precipitation using Excel. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and the teacher is essential for student academic achievement. |

|The librarian will ask students to brainstorm about what questions they would ask when deciding where to look for weather |

|information. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to use the online catalog with weather as a keyword and as a subject. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to access and use web sites, such as NOAA and local television stations, with current weather |

|information. |

|The librarian will provide weather pages from local newspapers and ask students to read about and discuss recent weather patterns and|

|record temperature and precipitation data on an Excel spreadsheet. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|Each day the teacher will send a student to work with the librarian to find the newspaper weather page (or local weather from |

|television web site) and record the temperature and precipitation from the previous day. At the end of a month, the students will |

|use Excel to graph the changes in the daily weather, including daily temperature readings and precipitation. The librarian will lead|

|a discussion about the types, changes, and patterns of weather recorded. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other |

|skills. Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and |

|accurate information. |

| |

|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

| |

|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

| |

|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 6 Teachers collaborate to improve and enrich instruction-using technology. |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 12 Student learning and achievement will be enhanced through the use of advanced technologies |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |

| | | |

|Content: Science |Strand: Earth Patterns, Cycles, and |Grade: Two |

| |Change | |

|Standard of Learning |National Information Literacy Standard |Essential Knowledge For Information |

| | |Literacy |

|Content Area |Standard 7 The student who contributes |The student will use appropriate |

|2.7 The student will investigate and understand|positively to the learning community and |questioning skills to retrieve |

|the weather and seasonal changes that affect |to society is information literate and |information. |

|plants, animals, and their surroundings. |recognizes the importance of information | |

| |to a democratic society. |The student will recognize the |

| | |availability of information from a |

| | |variety of community resources. |

| | | |

| | |The student will demonstrate an |

| | |understanding of the ownership of ideas. |

|Computer/Technology | | |

|C/T K-2.7 The student will use a variety of | | |

|media and formats to communicate information | | |

|and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. | | |

| | | |

|Identify the best tool to communicate | | |

|information. | | |

| | | |

|Use technology tools for individual writing, | | |

|communication, and publishing activities. | | |

| | | |

|Demonstrate the ability to create, save, | | |

|retrieve, and print document. | | |

|Information Retrieval Skills |

|The student will brainstorm to develop questions about the effects of weather on plants, animals, and their surroundings. |

|The student will search the vertical files, an online periodical database, community resources, or print periodicals for articles |

|that demonstrate seasons and their effects on living things. |

|The student will use a research model such as the Big6 or FlipIt to organize the research process. |

|The student will cite the sources of information to demonstrate an understanding of the ownership of ideas. |

|Library Media Strategies Collaboration between the librarian and teacher is essential for student achievement. |

|The librarian will assign to each small group a topic such as migration, erosion, budding, wilting, etc. and help them apply a |

|research model to facilitate the research process. |

|The librarian will provide access to print materials and online periodical databases that demonstrate the relationship between |

|weather and seasons and plants and animals. |

|The librarian will instruct students on how to select the best articles or information and will provide equitable access to |

|computers, print materials, and audio visual materials. |

|The librarian will demonstrate how to cite sources of information. |

|Local Strategies |

|Sample Project/Activity |

|The librarian will instruct students in using a research model, such as Big 6, to find information on migratory habits of Canadian |

|geese. Include information from print, online resources, observation, and interviews with community residents. |

|Students will produce a chart or a booklet showing the effect of the season changes on the migration of the geese. |

|Students will critique the product. |

|Essential Questions |

|Local Activities |

|Internet Safety |

|Internet safety can be addressed when students are using online resources for research or interactive sites for practicing other |

|skills. Remind students that they must follow the division’s Acceptable Use Policy; and not all web sites contain truthful and |

|accurate information. |

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|Guidelines and Resources for Internet Safety in Schools – see: |

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|Web-based Resources on Internet Safety in Schools –see: |

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|Technology Connection (from state plan) |

|The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia |

|Integration Goal 1 Target 5 Teachers effectively integrate instructional technology. |

|Accountability Goal 1 Target 4 Technology-rich environments and effective technology-based instructional strategies support student|

|learning. |

|Technology Connection (division plan) |


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