Diorama Rubric

Diorama Rubric

Student Name:     ______________________________

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Creativity |Several of the objects used in the |One or two of the objects used |One or two objects were made |The student did not make or customize |

| |diorama reflect an exceptional degree |in the diorama reflect student |or customized by the student, |any of the items on the diorama. |

| |of student creativity in their |creativity in their creation |but the ideas were typical | |

| |creation and/or display |and/or display. |rather than creative (.e.g, | |

| | | |apply the emboss filter to a | |

| | | |drawing in Photoshop). | |

|Design |Objects are an appropriate size and |Objects are an appropriate size|Objects are an appropriate |Objects are of an inappropriate size |

| |interesting shape and are arranged |and interesting shape and are |size and shape, but the |and/or shape. It appears little |

| |well. Care has been taken to balance |arranged well. The diorama, |arrangement of items is not |attention was given to designing the |

| |the diorama scene. |however does not appear |very attractive. It appears |diorama. |

| | |balanced. |there was not a lot of | |

| | | |planning of the item | |

| | | |placement. | |

|Scene |The student gives an extensive |The student gives a reasonable |The student gives a fair |The student’s explanations are weak and |

| |explanation of how items in the |explanation of how most items |explanation of how most items |illustrate difficulty understanding how |

| |diorama are related to the scene. |in the diorama are related to |in the diorama are related to |to relate items to the scene. |

| | |the scene. |the scene. | |

Name ____________________________

Book Report

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |Total Points |

|Title and Author |Both present and stated |Both present but not stated|Missing either title or |Both missing | |

| |exactly as on the title |exactly as the title page |author | | |

| |page | | | | |

|Setting |Where and when is |Where and when is |Either where or when is |Both where and when are | |

| |clearly explained. |explained. |missing. |missing. | |

|Important |All main characters are |All main characters are |Some main characters are |Only some of the | |

|Characters |explained in detail and |explained but their |explained in detail. |characters are explained| |

| |their relationships to |relationships to each other| |but the explanations are| |

| |each other. |are missing. | |lacking detail. | |

|Story Plot |The plot is well formed.|The plot is formed. The |The plot is missing key |The plot is not clearly | |

| |The student has fully |student has read and |information. The student |written. The student | |

| |explained the beginning,|understood the book. |has read the story but may|did not read or | |

| |middle and problem. | |not have a clear |understand the book. | |

| |It’s clear that the | |understanding of it. | | |

| |student read and | | | | |

| |understood the story | | | | |

|Opinion |Student’s opinion is |Student’s opinion is |Student’s opinion is |No opinion is included | |

| |clearly written with |written with reason. |unclear. |in the report. | |

| |reason. | | | | |

|Spelling |There are no spelling |There are one or two |There are three or four |There are five or more | |

| |errors. |spelling errors. |spelling errors. |spelling errors. | |

|Neatness |Work is done neatly. |Work has one area that is |Work has two areas that |Work is illegible. | |

| | |sloppy. |are sloppy. | | |

|Teacher Comments: | | | | | |


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