| Project Overview page 1 |

|Name of Project: |Cool Coal |Duration: |3- 4 weeks |

|Subject/Course: |Science | Teacher(s): Galvan, Hawkins, DiPonio, Duffin, Math Teacher|Grade Level: | |

| | | |7th grade | |

|Other Subject Areas to Be Included: | Language Arts, Social Studies, Individualized Instruction , Math |

| |

|Project Idea |Source Idea: – this website was the basis for the idea in which it was adapted to fit our school’s needs. |

|Summary of the issue, challenge, | |

|investigation, scenario, or problem: |Students participate in simulated mining activity in which they consider budgets, land types, tools, history of mining, health impact, environmental impact |

|Driving Question | How does coal, as a source of energy, impact the Earth, your community and your life? |

|Content Standards to be taught and |L.EC.06.41, |

|assessed: |L.EC.06.42, |

| |E.ES.07.41, |

| |E.ES.07.42, |

| | |

| |R.WS.07.01 R.NT.07.04 |

| |R.WS.07.04 R.IT.07.02 |

| |R.WS.07.05 R.CM.07.01 |

| |R.WS.07.07 R.CM.07.03 |

| |R.NT.07.01 R.CM.07.04 |

| |R.NT.07.03 R.MT.07.01 |

| |R.CS.07.01 |

| | |

| |7-c4 3.1 |

| |7E1.1.1 |

| |7E1.1.2 |

| |7 E2.3.1 |

| |7E3.1.1 |

| |7P4.2.2 |

| |

|21st Century Skills to be taught and | | | | |

|assessed: |Collaboration – Working together to make decisions. Listening to each other while | |Other: | |

| |expressing personal view points | | | |

| |Communication (Oral Presentation) – Expressing knowledge gained through | | | |

| |presentation. Discussing ideas effectively with peers as well as to the group | | | |

| |Critical Thinking/Problem Solving – Students are able to look at problems/scenarios| | | |

| |and think about how to solve them efficiently while considering different views and| | | |

| |ideas. | | | |

| |

|Major Products & |Group: |Literature: Create picture book with short story about coal mining towns and child labor, reading story to 1st |- |

|Performances | |graders | |

| | | | |

| | |Math: Budget analysis and cost benefit graphing | |

| | |Science: Proposal on land reclamation as if they are presenting to the EPA to get approval (will be a written | |

| | |paper) | |

| | |-cookie mining lab, students compete to get the most coal | |

| | |- Making coal in 2L bottles to see how it forms’ | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |X |Class |

| | | | |School |

| | | | |Community |

| |Individual: |History: Power point on the mining towns of the 40's and 50's In the US and Russia (compare and contrast) Effects on| |Experts |

| | |the town | | |

| | |Concept Map – Life ad problems in towns including health implications | | |

| | | |X |Web |

| | | | |Other: |

| Project Overview page 2 |

|Entry Event to | Display the driving question in each of the rooms—displayed after introduction |

|launch inquiry, |Video clip of mining (life) pictures of mines in US and Russia from internet |

|engage students: |Person from industry (Skype) –Science |

| |**Power Plant tour is still up in the air – this may be supplemented as an entry event for the entire project. |

|Assessments |Formative Assessments |Quizzes/Tests- Short science quiz (2) to assess learning about coal|X |Practice Presentations |X |

| |(During Project) |as a source of energy | | | |

| | |Journal/Learning Log: |X |Notes- Science direct instruction – teacher notes to add to |X |

| | |Literature- using first person perspective about children in the | |explanation and students take notes | |

| | |mines | |History – notes to add to discussion about States that coal is | |

| | |Science – to discuss successes and failures in mining as well as | |found in and the towns that developed | |

| | |coal as a source of energy | | | |

| | |Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes | |Checklists – Student checklist to assess the group’s |X |

| | | | |progress..(ELA) | |

| | |Rough Drafts – ELA Groups will make use of rough drafts while |X |Concept Maps – science vocabulary terms of energy- made in class |X |

| | |completing the writing process. | |with students (Homework: add to their concept map) | |

| | | | |History – Life in town and problems including health implications | |

| | | | |of coal mining physically | |

| | | | |Science- environmental impacts and energy resources | |

| | |Online Tests/Exams | | | |

| |Summative Assessments |Written Product(s), with rubric: |X |Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with |X |

| |(End of Project) | | |Rubric: History – Power point on life and problems in mining town | |

| | |Science - Proposal about land reclamation as if they are presenting| |Coal Mining Lab Activity – Science | |

| | |their idea | | | |

| | |LA - Students will create a 1st grade children's story. | | | |

| | |Oral Presentation, with rubric – |X |Peer Evaluation | |

| | |Math presentations on budget and final outcome | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test – Literature multiple choice test|X |Self-Evaluation | |

| | |centered around short story | | | |

| | |Essay Test | |Other: LA - Students will create and publish a 1st grade |X |

| | | | |children's story to share and leave with a class. | |

| |

|Resources Needed |On-site people, facilities: |4 Middle School teachers |

| | |LD Teacher |

| | |Administrators |

| | |Classrooms (4) |

| |Equipment: |Smart Boards |

| | |Computers with Word Processing and internet |

| | |Video player |

| | |IPod (pictures and video) |

| |Materials: |Books |

| | |Computers |

| | |Movies |

| | |Pens and Paper |

| | |Cookies for mining activity |

| | |Tools (Paper clips, toothpicks, 2 types) |

| | |Grid paper |

| | |Pictures |

| | |2L bottles |

| | |Leaves |

| | |Sand |

| | |Dirt |

| | |Picture books |

| | |Colored pencils & crayons |

| | |Computer clip art |

| | |Book binding machine & combs |

| | | |

| | |List of websites for Teacher: |

| | |- electronic field trip to coal mine* |

| | | -Kentucky coal education – great video on inside coal mine(KET video)* |

| | |- HSHA- Mine Safety and Health Administration under US Department of Labor-has children site too* |

| | |- |

| | |American Coal Foundation-Gives teacher lessons plans/info for notes/assignments/map/list of organizations to learn more on coal |

| | |production includes government, organizations and universities |

| | | info and video* |

| | |Songs on coal on YouTube* |

| | |- pictures for social studies inside a Russian coal mine |

| | |Russian.coalminingrussia/briefrussia.html – |

| | |Info on Russia coal mining |

| | |- |

| | | - info and on disasters* |

| | |documents/deq/GIMDL-COAL-BASIN_307760_7.pdf- on Michigan mining -Department of Environmental Quality* |

| | | * |

| | |Videos on YouTube- “Take a ride into a mine”(CBS news) and others* |

| | |msubeyondcoal. - Michigan State Univ. students group |

| | |Pictures on yahoo images* |

| | | |

| | |* For student research also |

| |Community resources: |Area to walk to collect leaves |

| | |Library |

| | |Power Plant (tour if possible) |

| | |Person from industry |

| |

|Reflection Methods |(Individual, Group, |Journal/Learning Log |X |Focus Group | |

| |and/or Whole Class) | | | | |

| | |Whole-Class Discussion |X |Fishbowl Discussion | |

| | |Survey | |Other: | |


|project: Cool Coal |Start Date: End of September into October (3.5 – 4 weeks) |

| |



| |LA Homework: Look up information about |Discuss the homework with their groups. | | |

|LA: Put kids in 8 groups of 3. |children in coalmines on internet. Bring| |Discuss YouTube video and lyrics to the |TSW do a drawing of a verse of the song |

| |in one piece of information per student.|Show a short YouTube video. |accompanying song with their groups. |when given the lyrics. Read When I Was |

|Math: Begin budget lesson |Math; Budget Analysis | | |Young in the Mountains by Cynthia Rylant|

| | | |Math: Begin Bar graphs and circle graphs| |

|Science: |Science: Understanding what coal is | | | |

|What is energy and what are the energy |Renewable vs. Nonrenewable resources | |Science: Making coal (2 days). |Science: Making coal/ Journaling with |

|sources | |Science: |Collection of leaves, sand – Journal |student discussion |

| |*Concept Map at end of class, homework |Where does coal come from inside the earth, and how |entry about how coal forms and models. |--also, students make plan for Monday |

|(Bean activity- determine how important |to finish, present to class next day. |does it form. Focus question for group discussion – |(good model, limitations, why?) |about what they are going to do to |

|and how heavily we rely on coal) This | |what would they need to make coal? (hypothesis) | |harvest their coal |

|will be focus |History: Watch part of October Sky |Science: short quiz on renewable vs. nonrenewable |History: Notes on history of coal | |

| |On mining town. | |mining given by teacher |History: |

|History: Pass out pocket folders |Students continue to write down |History: | |Place students in groups of four. Go |

|Driving question posted |issues/ideas and questions |Continue investigating with books and other research |Collect student lists and formulate |over rubric for concept map and power |

|Discuss where coal mining in world is |Pass out internet cites on coal for |items. Goal for Thursday – list 3 topics on Effect |groups for tomorrow |point presentation. |

|done- emphasis US and Russia/Soviet |class and home use |of coal mining on communities and individuals that | | |

|Union | |interest students-place in order of importance. To | |Continue with notes and research. Teams |

|Opening event – show internet pictures | |be used to form groups | |decide what info to be placed on power |

|and videos on internet of coal mining | |Discuss different countries | |point. |

|Write down thoughts and ideas-questions | | | | |

|on topic | | | | |

| | | | | |


|ELA: Give each group a nonfiction |Based on the information given |Journal entry 1: Based on what was learned so far, |Modified Critical Friends |Peer edit with another group. Revise at |

|account of life as a child in a coal |yesterday, the groups will begin |each student will write a journal entry explaining | |home with a parent. |

|mine. The students will read the |creating their own stories. |how they would feel being a child in the mines. | | |

|information and highlight the important | | |Science: Present to class what they did |Science: Based on presentations and |

|facts. |Science: Cookie Mining activity – mining|Groups will continue writing the 1st sloppy copy of |to mine coal and reclaim the land (no |different ways to mine, discuss strip |

| |for coal and Land Reclamation |their story. |discussion of profits or money at this |mining vs. underground mining. Student |

|Math: Bar and circle graph construction | | |point) Informal assessment by teacher of|work -Chart pros/cons based on their |

| |History: Research and groups discuss |Math: Review results of their company and plot |student understanding of coal, formation|cookie mining experience. Collect as |

|Science: Using budget analysis form math|issues for power points. |analysis |and harvesting |formative assessment |

|and planning, decide on company name | | | | |

|tools to purchase, land to purchase in | |Science: Counting profits |History: Turn in concept maps |History: Continue to work on Power |

|order to begin harvesting coal. (Cookie | |Looking at land reclamation they did as a group. |Discuss power point more- teams should |Point presentations |

|Mining activity) | |Journal entry about process – difficulties, |discuss who will concentrate on what | |

| | |successes, land reclamation. |sections | |

|History: Computer lab – research | | | | |

|continues | |History: Concept maps due for |Research | |

| | |Team and individual analysis | | |

| | |Make corrections for next day | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|Write final copy in computer lab. Find |Continue final copy in computer lab. |Journal entry 2: Based on what was learned so far, |Practice reading story with partners. |Read their books to the 1st graders. |

|clipart that illustrates story. |Find clipart that illustrates story. |each student will write a journal entry explaining | | |

|Math: Begin work on final presentation |Math: Review bar graphs, box and |how they would feel being a child in the mines. |Science: Finish video, group discussion |Science: Students read story about |

| |whisker, and circle graphs |Continue final copy. |about implications of the coal on not |environmental damage caused by mining |

|Science: Virtual tour of coal mine on | | |only habitats, but also atmosphere when |for coal – write short reflection on |

|smart board |Science: Family member of coal miner |Science: Environmental impact of coal mining. Recall |the coal is burned. |feelings from story. |

| |(from school) to share stories and |land reclamation – show video about destruction of | | |

|History: |accounts of mining |habitats | | |

|Computer lab and research | | |History: PP |History: PP |

|Teams evaluate progress |History: Speaker from DTE or |History: Power points (this week) | | |

|Teacher checks each group |Environmentalist- date unsure at this | | | |

| |time- depends on school calendar not yet| | | |

| |known | | | |

| | | | | |

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|Monday | | | | |

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| |Tuesday | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Math: |Science: working on proposal (drafting, | |Science: finishing touches, should be |Science: Turn in proposal and final |

|Final presentations of company profits, |plants for area, cost, etc) |Science: continue working on EPA proposal for land |typed, include drawing of area, cost of |activity re-read driving question to |

|graphs, comparison to other companies- | |reclamation |reclamation, type of plants/trees, |group and have then |

|this week |History: | |safety considerations/ |write journal response to Driving |

| | | | |Questions: How does coal, as a source of|

|Science: Using knowledge of importance |Start Presentations | | |energy, impact the Earth, your community|

|of coal, strip mining vs. underground | | | |and your life? |

|mining, cost of land reclamation, | | | | |

|students begin to write proposal to the | | | | |

|EPA. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|History: | | | | |

|Computer lab if needed | | | | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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