Knowledge Areas - Project Management

Knowledge Area |Description |Activities |Tools |Benefits | |

|Project Integration |The processes required to ensure that the |Issues Management - documenting and managing issues that |Issue Management |Increases the likelihood that issues |

|Management |various elements of the project are |arise during the course of the project. Some of the issues |Issues Log |and changes are addressed and |

| |properly coordinated. Integration |that arise during the course of a project have significant |Integration Management Guideline |approved prior to impeding project |

| |management includes: |bearing on the project, while other issues will be of |Change Management |success. |

| |Issues Management |little consequences. Activities include: |(RFC) Request For Change template |Provides consistency in project |

| |Change Management |Identify the issue |Project Change Log |documentation and access for the |

| |Project Information Management (PIM) |Assess the impact of the issue |Integration Management Guideline |project team. |

| | |Prioritize the issues |Project Information Management | |

| | |Resolve the issue |Integration Management Guideline | |

| | |Track all issues throughout the entire project | | |

| | |Change Management - systematically identifying, documenting| | |

| | |and managing changes to previously approved scope, | | |

| | |schedule, or costs. Activities include: | | |

| | |Identify change | | |

| | |Assess the impact | | |

| | |Authorize each change | | |

| | |Track all changes throughout the entire project | | |

| | |Project Information Management - defining the mechanisms | | |

| | |that will be used to store, control, and share project | | |

| | |information, including: | | |

| | |File naming conventions | | |

| | |Documentation of storage locations | | |

| | |Version control | | |

| | |Information owners | | |

| | |Information management flows | | |

|Project Scope Management |The processes required to ensure that the |Scope Planning - process of progressively elaborating and |Project Initiation Document template |A mechanism to evaluate scope |

| |project includes all the work required, and|documenting the project work (project scope) that produces |Project Charter template |changes. |

| |only the work required, to complete the |the product of the project. |Business Case template |Lessens scope creep by defining |

| |project successfully. It is primarily |Scope Definition - subdividing the major project |Business Case Guideline |aspects of the project in detail. |

| |concerned with defining and controlling |deliverables into smaller, more manageable components. |Requirement Specification template |Provides a record of the projects |

| |what is or is not included in the project. |Scope Baselining - taking the project work that has |Scope Management Guideline |boundaries for all project |

| | |approved consensus by the key stakeholders and setting them|Software Requirement Specifications, if |stakeholders. |

| | |as the standard to work from. Baselines are original plans |applicable | |

| | |for monitoring project performance (i.e.: cost, quality, |Concept Analysis Document, if applicable | |

| | |schedule, and resources). | | |

| | |Scope Change - concerned with a) identifying scope changes,| | |

| | |b) assessing the impact, and c) managing the actual | | |

| | |changes. | | |

|Project Time Management |The processes required to ensure timely |Schedule Planning and Baselining - taking the overall |Time Management Guideline |Value at the work level (for example |

| |completion of the project |project timeframe and the Project Schedule that has |MS Project Schedule/WBS template |cost, duration and effort) can be |

| | |approved consensus by the key stakeholders and setting it |Project Scheduling Guideline |rolled up and reported at any level. |

| | |as the standard from which to work. Baselines are agreed | |Provides a framework to monitor |

| | |upon plans for monitoring project performance, (i.e.: cost,| |progress. |

| | |quality, schedule, and resources). | |Schedule comparison ensures the |

| | |Schedule Progress Reporting - determining ways to “take | |project is on target and the planned |

| | |credit” for progress. Depending on the size of the | |results are being achieved. |

| | |schedule, specific activities, or number of resources, the | | |

| | |schedule progress may be reported using a variety of | | |

| | |methods, (i.e., percent complete, work remaining, or | | |

| | |estimated finish dates). | | |

| | |Time and Effort Tracking - determining the project-specific| | |

| | |procedures that will be used to collect the actual schedule| | |

| | |data and update the Project Schedule. These procedures | | |

| | |include identifying who will be responsible for the | | |

| | |updating and reporting on progress. | | |

| | |Individual Team Member Progress Updates - identifying how | | |

| | |team members and/or subject matter experts are expected to | | |

| | |send schedule data and when they need to submit the | | |

| | |information. | | |

|Project Cost Management |The processes required to ensure that the |Cost Forecasting - developing future trends along with the |Project Budget template |Places parameters on estimates. |

| |project is completed within the approved |assessment of the risks and uncertainties that could occur |Project Budget Report template |Helps to support cost/benefit |

| |budget |during the project. |Project Budget Preparation Guideline |analysis. |

| | |Cost Budgeting – establishing estimates, budgets, and |Cost Management Guideline |Accounts for and calculates each type|

| | |measuring and managing the investment costs of the project.|Project Funding Guideline |of project resource. |

| | | | |Ensure stakeholders understand |

| | |Cost Controls - gathering, accumulating, analyzing, | |project costs. |

| | |reporting, and managing the cost of the project on an | | |

| | |ongoing basis. Tracking actual project costs against | | |

| | |baseline estimates and accounting for the variances. | | |

|Project Quality Management |The processes required to ensure that the |Quality Management Strategy - identifying the key |Quality Management Guideline |Increases the likelihood of client |

| |project will satisfy the needs for which it|deliverables for the project or phase, and determine the | |satisfaction with the delivered |

| |was undertaken |quality attributes and criteria. | |product. |

| | |Quality Assurance Procedures - evaluating the overall | |Improves efficiency by reducing |

| | |project performance to ensure that the project’s quality | |rework and the cost of rework is |

| | |planning and quality control procedures are working and to | |reduced. |

| | |ensure that the project will satisfy the relevant quality | |Identifies and eliminates defects |

| | |standards. | |before they appear. |

| | |Quality Control Procedures - determining activities | |Provides continuous improvement. |

| | |necessary to make certain that the project’s deliverables | |Instills a quality culture within all|

| | |meet the quality objectives, attributes and criteria | |team members. |

| | |defined in the project plan. | | |

|Project Human Resources |The processes required to make the most |Project Staff Acquisition - negotiating and obtaining the |Human Resources Management Guideline |Allows participants to come to be |

|Management |effective use of the people involved with |human resources needed (individuals and internal/external |Roles Matrix Guideline |more focused and to more effectively |

| |the project. |groups) assigned to and/or working on the project’s |Project Organization Chart |schedule their time since they have |

| | |activities. | |known responsibilities and roles. |

| | |Project Team Administration - providing formal guidance and| |Ensures that all activities are |

| | |control to the project team. Including resource planning, | |covered and that multiple individuals|

| | |defining role descriptions, identifying/recruiting | |aren’t doing the same thing. |

| | |resources, and team administration. | |Achieves effective integration of all|

| | |Project Team Management- managing the work and direction of| |resources by using organizational and|

| | |the project team. | |human skills. |

|Project Communications |The processes required to ensure timely and|Project Communication Process - defining how the |Communications Management Guideline |Prevents much of the confusion and |

|Management |appropriate generation, collection, and |information is managed and communicated, and how often the |Communications Matrix |chaos in a project. |

| |dissemination of project information. |information is disseminated and who is responsible for |Lessons Learned |Clarifies roles and responsibilities.|

| | |communicating the information. |Template |Reassures team members as to |

| | |Information Distribution – making project information |Guideline |expectations and throughout the |

| | |available to the project organization in an efficient |Status Reports |project |

| | |manner. It includes implementing the communications |Team Member |Establishes standards for maximizing |

| | |approach, as well as responding to unexpected request for |Project |the production of the team members. |

| | |information. |Executive | |

| | | |Quarterly Operations Review | |

| | | |Meeting | |

| | | |Meeting Agenda template | |

| | | |Meeting Notes template | |

| | | |Project Closeout Report template | |

| | | |Project Survey template | |

| | | |Customer Satisfaction Survey template | |

| | | |Deliverable Acceptance Form template | |

|Project Risk Management |The processes concerned with identifying, |Risk Identification - identifying all possible risk events |Risk and Response Log template |Increases the likelihood that |

| |analyzing, and responding to project risk. |that may have an impact on the project. |Risk Management Guideline |potential risks will be identified. |

| |It includes maximizing the probability and |Risk Impact Analysis - examining the nature of individual | |Identifies risks that warrant scope |

| |consequences of positive events and |risks, as well as interdependencies. It includes assessing | |changes or justify project |

| |minimizing the probability and consequences|the impact severity, probability of the risk occurring, and| |cancellation before major investments|

| |of adverse events to project objectives. |the resulting changes to the project variables – scope, | |are made. |

| | |quality, cost and the plan. | |Reduces the likelihood of schedule |

| | |Risk Response Development - developing risk management | |and cost overruns. |

| | |strategies for the project, including assigning | | |

| | |responsibilities within the project organization. This | | |

| | |includes plans for acceptance, avoidance, mitigation and | | |

| | |transference. | | |

| | |Risk Control Procedures - involves the management of the | | |

| | |project’s Risk Management Plan to respond to risks as they | | |

| | |evolve to ensure effective and timely action in response to| | |

| | |risk occurrences and communication to the project | | |

| | |organization. This ongoing process will typically show that| | |

| | |some risks are greater in some phases of the project than | | |

| | |others. | | |

|Project Procurement |The processes required to ensure the |Initial Investigation - identifying vendors and the | |Standardizes the level of process of |

|Management |contract terms are fulfilled, the vendors |existing vendor relationships, within , who | |the overall procurement process. |

| |are providing what was expected, when it |will supply the products and services that are required by | |Increases the likelihood that a |

| |was expected and that performance feedback |the project. | |quality vendor will be selected. |

| |is provided at completion at the |Purchasing Strategy - analyzing the services and/or | |Increases the likelihood that |

| |transaction. |materials identified during the initial investigation. | |functional requirements will be met |

| | |Implementation Plan - finalizing the selection process and | |by the selected vendor. |

| | |initiating the procurement of the products and/or services | | |

| | |to be purchased. The objective is to prepare and present a | | |

| | |recommendation of a business case. | | |

| | |Ongoing Vendor/Contract Management - ensuring that the | | |

| | |vendor’s performance meets contractual requirements or | | |

| | |agreed upon service level agreements. | | |


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