Liquid Planner Review and Recommendation

IT 530 PM Tool Recommendation Form

I. Summary of Key Features

1) Cost – $300/yr prepay, or $35/month prepay

2) Easy to update/modify –This program allows user s to plug in information using either a sample plan or creating their own plan... They can also choose to add new users and designate their roles, allow file sharing and editing, and placing files in multiple folders. It also posts all updates, along with original post in the appropriate file folders. where each milestone or subtask is shared in. By clicking on a folder or subtask, a screen pops up that allows the user to change such factors as time worked on, completion estimates, project/.task completed, best/worst case time estimates, as examples of how user can edit a task. They also provide functions to add new workspaces, new folders or subtopics to existing tile, and tools to place tasks in multiple folders at the same time

3.) Timelines.-This tool address this feature by allowing users to edit best/worst case time estimates, plugging in begin dates , as well as promised end dates. Also, the feature of marking the project or task complete affects this. All of these factors are represented in the Gantt chart timeline. When ever a change is made, the resulting effect on the timeline is shown in real time reporting and in other reports that will be discussed later.

4) Easy access to collaboration –this function is handled in several ways. As mentioned earlier, the Project manager can invite new team members into specific projects and assign them roles and specific tasks to work on, as well as specific groups. They also provide discussion forums, emailing with file attachments, file sharing, detailed note taking and sharing, and linking to other files or sites. All of these can be done synchronously, asynchronously. The changes are stored in a comment area, as well as in the appropriate folders. Each file shows the original file and any updates to the file, who made the update and when it was made.

5) Should manage and control resources – Liquid Planner has incorporated several features that help accomplish this goal. One such tool is the Report directory. Here there are four reports that are generated. These are:

• The reaming trend report. That shows all remaining tasks and any revisions to estimates, time worked on project, and who is assigned

• Total trend report. This shows the total project, including open tasks and completed tasks

• Schedule trend report. This report shows the key scheduling factors that affect the project. This is a key element of the Timeline feature.

• Progress Report. This shows all of the key team members, their assignments and where they are in those assignments within the past two weeks.

• Upcoming task. This report allows project managers, team members and stakeholders to see what tasks each team member has coming up and what it entails.

Other features include is the time estimate function discussed earlier, time complete function, auto tracking capabilities, online timesheets, determining time estimates in hours or days, and budget. Time reporting. All of these features can be observed in real time reporting, as well as being received at regularly scheduled intervals. They can also be shared with Project managers, team members, and stake holders in emailed form, as well as in real time.

6) User friendly/easy to use. This site takes al little time to figure out for new users as there are many options and sections to plug information in... However, once the user becomes familiar with the site, it is pretty straight forward. The FrontPage is relatively straight forward in its tab structure and navigational tools. What takes the time is figuring out how to begin a new project and adding folders or tasks.

7.) Help/Support Options available – This function has several areas that are helpful to users. These include:

• Online Help Forum. This provides links to articles, videos and discussion boards on a variety of topics within the site

• FAQ’s This section address general questions related to the site and any problems that may arise

• Contact Customer Serve. This provides contact information through address, telephone and email for Customer Service issues

• Rupert a Bug This page has several questions and comment boxes associated with those questions to help the user describe specific technical issues with the site, as well as providing an email function that sends this information directly to technical support

II. Possible applications for this tool.

There are several possibilities for application for Liquid Planner. This tool can be used by businesses and schools for event planning, such as conferences or festivals, new program conversion and rollovers, or building projects. This also can be used to for upcoming capital finding campaigns, long range planning, and forecasting.

Within educational institutions, this tool can be used for such projects as performance groups, such as bands or choirs, to plan upcoming tours. Other uses include establishing speaker series, developing new academic programs recruiting events, involvement in interscholastic competition, or accreditation initiatives.


III. Rationale for Recommendation

The rationale for recommending this tool is relatively simple. This tool, first and foremost, incorporates most of the Project Management concepts that are addressed in our readings. Also, this program is fairly easy to use for the new user, as well as experienced professions. This is because it allows the user to choose between premade templates or creates their own. Also as discussed in the preceding paragraphs, there is easy of access and usability, advanced, yet simple methods of tracking all parts of the project, adaptability, and timeline capabilities. It is also set up to involve multiple users in the entire process. This allows Project Managers, team members, and stakeholders to be in the loop at every step of the way and to be communicated with both in real time and at selected periodic intervals. Finally, yet certainly not unimportant, is the cost factor. The costs include a yearly usage, a per month usage, and with no contractual obligation.

Key Features and Recommendation

I. Summary of Key Features

1) Cost –

• Project managers-$19.95/user/month,

• Collaborator-$9.95/user/month,

• Unlimited users-$9.95/month

2) Easy to update/modify –.This site allows managers and team members to add to new folders and edit folders, by folders, projects, and subprojects, and related tasks. All selected participants can have access to the folders and any updates are reflected in reverse chronological order


3.) Timelines.-This function is developed during the addition and editing phases of folders, subfolders, and related tasks. When these are created, there is a spot for begin and end dates, and duration of subject or task. Once these are set, the changes are reflected on the Gantt chart and in all related folders.

4) Easy access to collaboration –This program allows users to be added and selected as managers, collaborators, and viewers. I t also allows the manager to select which people participate in specific tasks, assign specific tasks to certain people, and email updates and reports to everyone involved to select people. This program also emails and posts real-time updates in discussion forums to selected participants and viewers, as well as placing changes in all folders that are related to changes. Other tools include discussion boards, blogs, and threaded discussions They also provide for selecting frequency of updates to include real-time, daily or weekly updates.

5) Should manage and control resources this program also features several ways to assign tasks, share information and responsibilities, project time and expense tracking, adding or deleting folders as described above, and report production. Also, Write has a built-in time tracker to allow participants to log time spent on projects, as well as setting estimated times for completions and due dates for each task. This helps to determine the timeline, as well as track any changes and adjustments to the schedule. This will also automatically update the timeline and show real affects on the budget. These updates can be viewed by managers, stakeholders and other selected viewers n real time. This program also provides real time reports of all updates via email,

6) User friendly/easy to use. The first feature that makes this easy to use is at the beginning of project creation. The first screen gives the option of starting with your own template or using a default template that is created by Wrote. This is beneficial for first time users and experienced Project Managers. This allows beginners to plug in their information and organize it without having to think about how to design a project screen. This also allows experience Project Managers to customize their own templates according to the type of project that is being worked on, as well as the freedom to develop a different one for another project that may be going on at the same time. This program allows for easy modification and updating of files to all team members who have access. This is done by including an embedded edit function on every folder, sub folder and related task. When in the edit screen the change functions are listed at the top of the page in the same format that is used in many Microsoft applications.

7.) Help/Support Options available –This site provides tutorial videos that help first-time users see how to perform every aspect of the Wrike program. They also provide an email address link to their support personnel to email concerns, report bugs, or ask general questions.

II. Possible applications for this tool.

This tool can be used in a variety of scenarios. In the business/nonprofit organization realm, this tool can be easily used for such projects as new building projects, upcoming marketing/advertising campaigns, conference planning, or planning integration/conversion/rollovers to new technology or knowledge management systems.

In the educational setting, this tool can be used in a variety of settings as well. In addition to the areas listed above as they apply to educational institutions, this tool can be used in planning capital funding campaigns, or alumni relations/development drives, Other uses include performing groups, such as bands or choirs, can use this as tool to plan upcoming tours,. Other applications include event planning and coordination for contests/festivals on campus speaker series. Finally, an educational usage of this tool might include planning the addition of new academic or extracurricular programs, as well as updating current programs that need updating.


III. Rationale for Recommendation.

The rationale for recommending this tool is relatively simple. This tool, first and foremost, incorporates most of the Project Management concepts that are addressed in our readings. Also, this program is fairly easy to use for the new user, as well as experienced professions. This is because it allows the user to choose between premade templates or creates their own. Also as discussed in the preceding paragraphs, there is easy of access and usability, advanced, yet simple methods of tracking all parts of the project, adaptability, and timeline capabilities. It is also set up to involve multiple users in the entire process. This allows PM’s, team members, and stakeholders to be in the loop at every step of the way and to be communicated with both in real time and at selected periodic intervals. Finally, yet certainly not unimportant, is the cost factor. The costs include a yearly usage, a per month usage, and with no contractual obligation.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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