List of Topics of the Training Seminars for National ...

Capacity-building Topics for National Commissions


1. UNESCO’s organizational structure and cooperation with UN

▪ General Conference

▪ Executive Board

▪ Structure of the Secretariat

▪ United Nstions and Specialized Agencies: Millenium Development Goals (MDGs); UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB); UN Development Group (UNDG); Common Country Assessment (CCA); UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF); Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP)

2. Programme, budget and administration

▪ Elaboration of C/4 and C/5

▪ Regional and cluster strategies & priorities

▪ Result-Based Management (RBM): SISTER & FABS

▪ Sectoral priorities and programmes: EFA, Water, Bioethics, Social transformation, World heritage, Cultural diversity, Dialogue among civilizations, Access to information & knowledge

▪ Special events and initiatives: UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD), Small Island Developing States (SIDS), World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), Reconstruction of Afghanistan and Iraq, etc.

▪ Role of UNESCO Institutes and Centres

▪ Mainstreaming issues: Africa, LDCs, Women and Youth

▪ Regular budget

▪ Extrabudgetary funding sources

▪ Oversight, evaluation and accountability

▪ Personnel issues: recruitment, learning and development, rotation, performance assessment

3. Decentralization

▪ Field network and interaction among field offices: regional bureaus, cluster offices and national offices

▪ Decentralized programme, saffing and funding

▪ Interface and cooperation between field offices and National Commissions

4. Partnerships and visibility

▪ Global compact: UN-Civil Society Relations

▪ Outreach to civil society partners: parliamentarians, private sector & business community, UNESCO Clubs, NGOs, cities, etc.

▪ Cooperation with programme networks: ASPnet, UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs, MAB, IHP, MOST, WHC, IPDC, professional associations, academic institutions, etc.

▪ Communication tools: website, portal, database, CD-Roms, world reports, periodicals, etc.

▪ Media relations

▪ Editorial policy for National Commissions’ websites

5. Status, role and capacity-building of National Commissions

• Architecture of National Commissions

• Basic role and functions of National Commissions

• Good practices

• Relations with the Government departments and Permanent Delegation to UNESCO

• Mobilizing partners

• Enhancing the infrastructure and staff training

• Project management: Participation Programme & Fellowship Programme

• Strategy and capacities of communication : news letters, annual reports, brochures/leaflets, translation/dissemination of UNESCO documents

• Resourcing and fund-raising

• Participation in the work of General Conference and Executive Board

• Contribution to and follow-up of special events and initiatives

• Involvement in the country’s cooperation with UN agencies

• Networking and cooperation among National Commissions

6. UNESCO’s name and logo

• Modalities for use and protection of UNESCO’s name and embleme

• Charter of UNESCO’s Graphic Identity

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