PROJECT NARRATIVE GUIDELINES & TEMPLATEThe following document will provide you with the instructions and guidance for submission of the project narrative for the Zero Suicide Initiative (ZSI) funding cycle.DIRECTIONS: HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATESave this template document with a new file name as follows:BH20FED0000_Project_Name_Project _Narrative_2019_2020 Throughout the template, you are provided instructions and guidance in ‘italics’. Please delete all text in ‘italics’ from this project narrative template when you begin entering your text.Please keep the project narrative section titles on each page (in bold). They will serve as your section titles in the document.Type in the requested information in each section.Please delete this instruction page (page 1 of the template) of the project narrative template when you are done.Other formatting guidelines:The Project Narrative (must be single-spaced and not exceed 20 pages total) and Use single spacing between lines (unless otherwise specified).Consecutively number pages.Use black type 12-point font.Tables may be done in 10-point font.ADDITIONAL TEMPLATESThe following additional templates may be referenced throughout this document and you can find them on the ZSI website at Progress Report Template Budget and Budget Narrative TemplateZSI Timeline Template Zero Suicide Data Elements Template ZSI Biographical Sketch TemplatePROJECT NARRATIVE COMPONENTS & REQUIREMENTSThe Project Narrative for the Non-Competing Continuation Application is based upon the original Project Narrative submitted as part of your initial ZSIApplication. This is an opportunity to “update” your scope of work. Please take the opportunity to address each section (A-D) to include updates, revisions, amendments, and/or additions to the original narrative.Population of Focus and Statement of Need – Address Each NumberWhat is the impact of suicide within your health or behavioral health system? Please provide data since November 1, 2017 for patients of your health or behavioral health system on:Suicide ideationsSuicide attemptsSuicide completion Provide clear demographic profile including:Average # number of patient visits per monthAverage # of ED referral for suicide risk per monthAverage # of hospitalizations for suicide risk per monthIdentify the gaps that currently exists across the 7 Elements:LEAD: Active involvement of executive and clinical leadership to ensure that the ZSI is effectively implementedSuicide Care PolicyTRAIN: Staff trained in EBP for screening, assessment and treatment specific for suicide careIDENTIFY: Implementation of universal screening & assessmentENGAGE: Development of collaborative safety & care planTREAT: Use of Evidence-based treatment that specifically targets suicide behaviorsTRANSITION: Continuous tracking and f/u of all pts., including post-acute careIMPROVE:Use of EHR to develop data-driven, quality improvementOrganizational Structure and Capacity:Zero Suicide Initiate holds that the entire health/behavioral health share in the responsibility to ensure comprehensive, timely, and quality care for ALL patients at risk for suicide. Each ZSI funded site must have a diverse representative that serve on or advise the ZSI team, and should include the following:CEO/Tribal Chair (or designee)Chief Medical Officer or designeeClinical Director/Chief of Primary CareDirector of NursingEmergency Department Director or SupervisorInformation Technology Lead, Clinical Application CoordinatorBehavioral Health DirectorEvaluator and/or EpidemiologistQuality Management and or Quality Improvement leadsCase ManagementPlease also include other members of the team not listed above. If any of the above roles are not represented as part of your ZSI team, please explain in this section. Also, please describe how your team plans to engage the other critical roles/function to ensure that a Zero Suicide model if fully implemented within the entire health or behavioral health system. Please provide an organization chart detailing which clinic, department, divisions under the operation of the health OR behavioral health system for this project. Briefly describe level of leadership commitment to adopting a Zero Suicide model at your health or behavioral health system and provide some evidence of the commitment to include but not limited to:Having a suicide care policy at your health and behavioral health system that focuses on universal screening, indicated full assessment, safety planning, means restriction, evidenced base d treatment, and continuous follow-upDescribe how external (tribal and/or community partners) are involved (including those with lived-experience), i.e., advisory committee, etc. If such involvement does not currently exist, please describe your plan to develop the same.Implementation Approach:Taking into account the lesson learned over the past 1 ? years and reflecting on priorities and barriers, create a Project Year 3 Timeline that strategically outlines the critical tasks, activities, and milestones to be accomplished in the coming project yearDescribe how you will ensure that a comprehensive training plan is implemented that addresses, at a minimum:That all staff within the heath and behavioral health are trained in “gatekeeper” training for screeningThat all clinical and or behavioral health staff are trained in the use of a validated too for full suicide assessment for risk formulationThat all BH/specialty staff are trained in evidenced based treatment that specifically targets suicide behaviorDescribe how the ZSI project aligns with other efforts within the health system, to include but not limited to:BH IntegrationQuality Improvement InitiativesTrauma-Informed CareCultural/Traditional Practices (please describe in detail what if any which are being utilizedLocal Data Collection and Performance MeasurementDescribe your EHR (name and functionality) and how that will facilitate data collectionUsing the ZSI Progress Report and the ZSI Data Elements Worksheet template, describe how you will collect in the upcoming Project YearDescribe any barriers and your plan to overcome barriers to effective data collection & measurementHow do you plan establish baseline of suicide related behaviors (ideation, attempt completions) and continue to track, report, and utilize to improve careREMEMBER: Your Project Narrative must be aligned with the ZSI Goals and reflect the Seven (7) Elements of Zero Suicide as summarized here.Zero Suicide Initiative Goals:Establishment of a leadership-driven commitment to transform the way suicide care is delivered within AI/AN health systems.Assessment of training needs and creation of a training plan to develop and advance the skills of health care staff and providers at all levelsImplementation of policies and procedures for comprehensive clinical standards, including universal screening, assessment, treatment, discharge planning, follow-up, and means restriction for all patients under care and at risk for suicideDevelopment of strategy to collect, analyze, use, and disseminate data to enhance and better inform suicide care across the health systemApplication of evidence-based practices to screen, assess, and treat individuals at risk for suicide that incorporates culturally informed practices and activities.Development of a Suicide Care Management Plan for every individual identified as at risk of suicide to include continuous monitoring of the individual's progress through their electronic health record (EHR) or other data management system, and adjust treatment as necessary ................

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