HS Computer Science 042018 - Arkansas

Arkansas Computer Science Standards for Grades 9-12

Computer Science Courses Levels 1 - 4

2016 (Updated 2018)


Arkansas Computer Science Standards for Grades 9-12

The Arkansas Computer Science Standards for High School are designed to provide foundational understandings of concepts in computer science that are necessary for students to function in an ever-changing technological world. Through these standards, students will explore, apply, and move toward mastery in skills and concepts related to Computational Thinking and Problem Solving; Data and Information; Algorithms and Programs; Computers and Communications; and Community, Global, and Ethical Impacts. These standards help students learn to accomplish tasks and solve problems independently and collaboratively. These standards give students the tools and skills needed to be successful in college and careers, whether in computer science or in other fields.

Each semester course (level) may be taught with one of three emphases: programming/coding, networking/hardware, or information security. The choice of which emphasis to utilize is a local decision. When teaching the standards with an emphasis in a particular focus, the quantity and content of the standards do not change; the content delivery methods and student project areas shall reflect the chosen emphasis.

The Arkansas State Board of Education (SBE) does not place any pre-requisites on the Arkansas Computer Science High School Courses, but allows for schools to place students in any of the courses based on ability and desire. The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) recommends that districts develop and formally adopt a written policy outlining placement protocols. Evaluation tools and placement criteria will be the responsibility of the local districts. Though there are no specific course prerequisites, students enrolling in Advanced Programming, Advanced Networking, or Advanced Information Security should understand and be able to apply the content/concepts found within the Arkansas Computer Science Courses Levels 1 - 4.

The SBE and ADE authorize schools to enroll students across levels and emphases in the same sections of the master schedule (a.k.a. stacking) as long as the number of students does not exceed Standards of Accreditation maximums and/or ratios, and the school can reasonably assure a high-quality educational experience for all students within that section.

Implementation of the Arkansas Computer Science Standards for Grades 9-12 begins during the 2017-2018 school year.

Course Titles: Course/Unit Credit:

Computer Science Levels 1 - 4 0.5 Credits per course/level

Computer Science with Programming/Coding

Emphasis Mobile Application

Development Networking/Hardware

Emphasis Robotics Information Security Emphasis

Computer Science Level 1



465110 465510 465210

Computer Science Level 2



465120 465520 465220

Computer Science Level 3



465130 465530 465230

Computer Science Level 4



465140 465540 465240

Arkansas Computer Science Standards for Grades 9-12 Arkansas Department of Education 2016 - Updated 2018 1

Teacher Licensure: Grades: Prerequisites:

Please refer to the Course Code Management System () for the most current licensure codes. 9-12 There are no ADE established course prerequisites for any of the Computer Science levels; it is up to the local district to determine placement based on student ability.

Arkansas Computer Science Standards for Grades 9-12 Arkansas Department of Education 2016 - Updated 2018 2

Computer Science Practices Students will exhibit proficiency in computer science through: Perseverance - Students expect and persist in overcoming the challenges that occur when completing tasks. They recognize that making and correcting mistakes will take place during the learning process and problem solving. Collaboration - Students effectively work and communicate with others ensuring multiple voices are heard and considered. They understand that diverse thoughts may lead to creative solutions and that some problems may be best solved collaboratively. Patterns - Students understand and utilize the logical structure of information through identifying patterns and creating conceptual models. They decompose complex problems into simpler modules and patterns. Tools - Students evaluate and select tools to be used when completing tasks and solving problems. They understand that appropriate tools may include, but are not limited to, their mind, pencil and paper, manipulatives, software application programs, programming languages, or appropriate computing devices. Communication - Students effectively communicate, using accurate and appropriate terminology, when explaining the task completion or problem solving strategies that were used. They recognize that good documentation is an ongoing part of the process, and when appropriate, provide accurate documentation of their work in a manner that is understandable to others. Ethics and Impact - Students comprehend the ramifications of actions prior to taking them. They are aware of their own digital and cyber presence and its impact on other individuals and society. Problem Solving - Students exhibit proficiency in Computer Science through identifying and systematically solving problems (e.g., engineering design process). They recognize problem solving as an ongoing process.

Arkansas Computer Science Standards for Grades 9-12 Arkansas Department of Education 2016 - Updated 2018 3


Content Cluster

Computational Thinking and Problem Solving

Arkansas Computer Science Standards for High School

1. Students will analyze problem-solving strategies.

2. Students will analyze connections between elements of mathematics and computer science.

Data and Information

3. Students will store and manipulate data through the use of computing devices.

4. Students will analyze and interpret data through the use of computing devices. Algorithms and Programs

5. Students will create, evaluate, and modify algorithms.

6. Students will create programs to solve problems.

Computers and Communications

7. Students will analyze the utilization of computers.

8. Students will analyze resilient, reliable, and adaptable communication methods and systems used to transmit information among computing devices.

9. Students will utilize appropriate hardware and software.

Community, Global, and Ethical Impacts

10. Students will analyze appropriate uses of technology and its social and global impacts.

Arkansas Computer Science Standards for Grades 9-12 Arkansas Department of Education 2016 - Updated 2018 4


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