Invention Project

Name _________________________ Date Given: Tuesday, September 30, 2014

1st Grade Invention Project!

Do you get bored with your toys at home?

Is there something that really bugs you?

Do you want to make something easier to do?

Do you wish something you use worked a little differently?

These are the questions to think about for the upcoming 1st Grade Invention Project. Read over the next few pages to learn more about this project and to get some ideas.

Due Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 (The Tuesday after Fall Break)



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I have read this informational letter about my child’s “Invention Project,” and I understand that late projects will not be accepted.

________________________________ ______________________

Student Name Date

________________________________ ______________________

Parent Signature Date

Not sure what to invent? Here are some ideas:

* ADAPTATIONS: Take a product that has already been invented, and improve it.

* GAMES: make a board game/video game that has never been created before. Make sure you include detailed rules on how the game should be played.

* SPORTS: Do you like sports? If you do, why don’t you consider creating a new sport that would be fun to play? Make sure that you clearly explain the rules for this sport.

* ENVIRONMENT: We need help to make our environment better for everyone. Can you think of an invention that would help make the world better for animals, plants and people? The world would be grateful if you could!

* TOYS: Do you have a clever idea for a fun new toy? If so, think about how you can invent this toy and what you need to make it. Maybe you have things lying around your house that you can use to make this new toy.

Here are the steps you will follow to complete this project:

1.) Brainstorm an idea. Write down any of your ideas.

2.) What name did you decide on?

3.) Describe your invention. How are you planning to make it? What materials or resources do you need to make it? Why is it useful?

4.) Create a set of directions for how to use your invention.

5.) Create your invention. Make a model of your invention or make a detailed picture of what your invention will look like.

6.) Design a magazine, television or newspaper advertisement. Your advertisement should try to persuade/convince people that they need your invention.

Be prepared to present your advertisement to the class. Be Creative!

We know your child will enjoy and benefit from this experience in scientific problem solving. Although we want you to encourage to your child in this inventive effort, we ask you not to become overly involved in your child's project. Your support and cooperation are greatly appreciated.

Rubric for Invention Project

Name ______________________________

Rubric for Invention Project

Students will improve an everyday object or invent a new product.

The students will create their product using paper, tape, boxes etc., or provide a detailed drawing of the invention. Students will create an advertisement (print or digital) for product. The advertisement should persuade/convince people they need your invention. The students will present the idea to the class. The presentation will be done in this order:

• How individual came up with the idea.

• How it would be made.

• How the product is used and why is it useful.

• Perform (or show) the TV ad or show the magazine ad to the class.

|Student Score |Possible Points |Criteria |

| |20 points |Creative, original idea. |

| |20 points |Drawing of product is very detailed or 3-D |

| | |representation of product is well made. |

| |20 points |Ad includes two reasons to use product. TV ad is acted|

| | |well and the print ad is attractive and well made. |

| |20 points |Neatness - Directions are typed out or written neatly |

| | |in sequential order, materials that were used are |

| | |listed |

| |20 points |Presentation was well planned and included how the |

| | |student came up with idea, how the invention is made, |

| | |and the use of the product and why it is useful. |

| | ________ / 100 | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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