4 Reasons Why Facebook Isn’t Working For Real Estate ...

5 CRITICAL FACEBOOK MISTAKES THAT WILL STIFLE YOUR EFFORTS BEFORE YOU EVER GET STARTED!How many of these critical mistakes are you making right now? Find out here…BIGGEST FACEBOOK MISTAKE #1 Being impatient and quitting before you start enjoying the results that await those that stick with it.You must understand and accept the fact that marketing, all marketing, is not an instant event. It is the ongoing process of offering targeted groups of prospects “Something of Value” (SOV) then making it easy for them to get it.What this means is you must allow them to click anyplace on your post and automatically take them to your Lead Capture Website. To get that Something of Value, they must provide you with their name and email address. It should be that simple.They get what they need and want and you get what you need and want to follow-up and follow-through with every prospect until they list, sell, buy, die or tell you to stop…at least once.BIGGEST FACEBOOK MISTAKE #2Not having a properly structured lead capture website system that provides you with all the tools you will need to successfully secure, track and convert all leads. Here are some of the “Must-have” features you must have with your Lead Capture Website System:It should auto populate your database with prospect information for you. It should auto start a specific email campaign that you have pre assigned to your lead capture website. Your lead capture website system include database management.A full-featured email program that allows you to send video, mass email messages andAllow you to Group prospects by category, type, urgency or any way you choose. Your Lead Capture Website System should allow you to create unlimited additional lead capture websites without additional costs.Plus, you should be able to create an unlimited number of email campaigns.Should include an interactive newsletter and automated delivery system that you have total control over.It must be able to auto look-up phone numbers and provide them to you.I use because it provides me with all of the features outlined above and many, many more. I will never outgrow this system which means I do not have to pay for each of the components I need from other vendors. That can be messy and expensive. Try it out here: BIGGEST FACEBOOK MISTAKE #3Confusing lead generation with activities such as getting likes, shares, comments, smiley faces and so on. All of that is nice but you want to generate leads so focus on the activities that have a payoff.A lead is someone that clicked on your Facebook post, was taken to your Lead Capture Website, provided you with their information so that you now have the ability to follow-up and through with them until they are willing to preview your professional services.BIGGEST FACEBOOK MISTAKE #4Agents thought they should and could generate hundreds of leads without spending money with Facebook. Here is the truth: YOU MUST SPEND MONEY WITH FACEBOOK TO GENERATE LEADS. THERE IS NO WAY AROUND THIS. WITHOUT DOING THIS, YOU WILL NOT GENERATE LEADS CONSISTENTLY WITH FACEBOOK. IN FACT, YOU MAY NOT EVEN GENERATE A LEAD, PERIOD.Unless you have 10,000 people in your Facebook Database, you must access Facebook’s Targeting Tool to reach those prospects that have the highest likelihood and probability of buying or selling their home either right now or the very near future. The more you spend with Facebook, the more leads you will generate, period! If you choose to do these things we are talking about WITHOUT spending money please DO NOT contact me and tell me you got nothing, this did not work. I am telling you the very same thing right here, right now.BIGGEST FACEBOOK MISTAKE #5You keep changing your posts, offers, etc. and other aspect of your offer thinking they are not working and you must do something different. Sound right? Wrong!YOU MUST, MUST, CONTINUE PROMOTING THE SAME POST TO THE SAME GROUP OF PROSPECTS AGAIN AND AGAIN OVER TIME. How much time? As long as it takes to begin seeing results. As long as you know that what you are offering has some degree of value to the targeted group of prospects you are promoting to, keep doing it. The payoff will come with time.IT TAKES 10-12 EXPOSURES OF THE SAME MESSAGE TO THE SAME PEOPLE BEFORE PROSPECTS EVEN START TO BECOME AWARE YOU EXIST. READ THAT AGAIN, PLEASE. Said another way, NEVER, EVER, QUIT. Quitting is the only way for you to lose in this new gold mine of marketing opportunities.There is no better way to generate leads than using the power of Facebook and their targeting tools. But most agents quit too soon. They get nothing, or very few leads, so they stop, say, “this didn’t work” and move on to the next shiny object.AND AS A BONUS HERE IS ONE MORE FACEBOOK MISTAKE I SEE MADE ALL THE TIME…Agents that have been getting engagement tell me no one has converted yet. It may be that several weeks or even months have gone by but they conclude none of this stuff works and/or these are bad leads. Some even think these prospects must have done something with someone else by now. Not true!First, let me just say that currently it takes 8-12 months to convert a seller lead to a face-to-face appointment. Yes, that is a long, long time. But, time is going to pass anyway, why not have it pass with you filling your database with “one day we will be selling” prospects.Besides, almost every other agent will have stopped following up with them long before they are ready to do business. You must be the last agent standing or should I say, communicating, to them. Set them to an automated email campaign that checks in with them at least once a week until they list, sell, buy, die or tell you to stop.NOTHING WILL EVER WORK FOR YOU UNTIL AND UNLESS YOU MAKE THE OUTRIGHT DECISION TO STICK WITH IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR CAREER. YOU EITHER BELIEVE IT WILL WORK FOR YOU, OR YOU DON’T, FROM DAY ONE.Many agents say, “I will give it 90 days and if I do not get anything or make money doing this, that’s it, I am out!” They quit and start looking for that next great thing that ends up not working for them either. All momentum will be gone forever. Momentum cannot be transferred from one marketing tool or system to another. You simply add something new to what you are already doing. It is a vicious cycle. Isn’t it time to stop the madness and stick with something long enough to see the results start coming in?There is no way around the day-to-day hard work of doing something, like building your business.Are you going to be one of those agents that is always looking for instant results? There is no such thing. Not in today’s world of marketing.CLOSING COMMENTS AND TIDBITS JUST FOR YOU…Understand that every prospect that drops into your database is someone who was keenly interested in your Something of Value offer. By their choosing to take you up on your value- proposition offer, they have shown you that they are the person you are looking for. And doesn’t that make them worthy of your time, attention and follow-up?Isn’t this what you want your marketing to do? To get those who will be buying or selling one day to step forward from the rest of the world so you can identify them, stay in touch with them and position yourself to be one of the agents they interview for the job or professionally marketing their home? Every lead you generate will end up doing business with someone. The question is: will they do business with you? They will, if you follow-up and follow-through with them until they list, sell, buy, die or tell you to stop.The biggest secret I know is what I have learned from using this system over a long period of time. It has given me an incredible advantage over everyone else that simply dips their toe in the water then moves on. You learn from your mistakes. You get better and better and learn which groups respond and which do not.Good luck and remember NEVER EVER LIMIT YOURSELF TO A SET TIME FRAME JUST TO SEE IF SOMETHING WORKS OR NOT. ALL THINGS WORK IF YOU STICK WITH THEM. KEEP LEARNING AND PATIENTLY WAIT FOR PEOPLE TO BECOME AWARE THAT YOU EXIST.My very best to you.Rand Smit ................

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