Marketers On A Mission

Promoting on Social Media – Images and InfoWhen I’m doing a Kindle giveaway promotion, I like to make an image with my book cover/s and the offer, and then share it onto groups with a small message that includes the link to the book on Amazon. You want to make it as easy as possible (one click) for them to get to your book.However, one quick note. If you’re putting the Amazon link to your book, sign out of your own Amazon account and go into Amazon without signing in to copy your links. If you share the link through your own Amazon account, Amazon tends to recognize all those people as your friends and might not post any reviews they might do in the future.The easiest thing to share on multiple groups is the link itself. If you type in something like, “FREE this week!” and then paste in the book link, Facebook will generate a preview of the cover that is also a link, so it will direct them right to Amazon. And that’s it!If you want something more attention grabbing, Photoshop is excellent for making good graphics for social media. If can be simple, like this one:Or more like a pitch. Here’s a Promo Image I did recently. Usually I don’t get so wordy, but because of the topic, it seemed relevant. However, you also want your link in there, so in the part on Facebook where you can type text, you can simply type something like, “FREE Today!!!” and then paste in the link. Here’s one for a launch rather than a giveaway, with an endorsement. I would also have put the link in the post so people could click over to Amazon easily.Here’s one done with Book Brush – they had the option to do one or two for free, so I tried it. Something like this without specific details could be used for general promotion or a giveaway etc., you’d just need to change the info typed into the post.Images are much more attention-grabbing on sites like Facebook than just words. Your book cover is your book’s first impression, so it needs to communicate the right genre and feel, and of course your ultimate goal is that it captures interest enough to get a reader to want to take a look inside.Happy marketing! ................

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