CCLCM of CWRU Faculty Appointment and Promotion ...

CCLCM of CWRU Faculty Appointment and Promotion Application Requirements Provided on the following pages

Reference Information for Applicants:

CWRU School of Medicine Full-time and Part-time appointment and promotion requirements

Below are excerpts from the CWRU Qualifications and Standards, Appendix I of the Bylaws of the CWRU Faculty of Medicine.

The complete Qualifications and Standards document is provided on the CCLCM Faculty Affairs website Apply for New Appointment /Apply for Promotion pages.



I. Qualifications and Standards for Appointment, Promotion, and the Award of Tenure of faculty with fulltime academic appointment

Appointment to the non-tenure track/combined achievement track shall require evidence of the candidate's expert knowledge of his or her academic field, and a commitment to continuing development of this competence, and evidence that the candidate can and will satisfy university requirements for two of the three following activities: 1. a dedication to effective teaching; 2. a commitment to a continuing program of research; and 3. a willingness to assume a fair share of service contributions. Service contributions may take the form of administrative and/or clinical service.

The non-tenure track/combined achievement track recognizes faculty members for their research, teaching, administrative service, and clinical service contributions that, in combination, are essential to the academic mission of the School of Medicine. All types of professional activities will be considered as contributing to the overall qualifications for non-tenure track/combined achievement track appointment and promotion. Research-focused faculty members may be appointed to the non-tenure track/combined achievement track.

a. Assistant professor. For appointment or promotion to the rank of assistant professor in the nontenure/combined achievement track, the candidate should have received a doctoral degree and completed at least several post-doctoral or fellowship years. It is preferred that those promoted to or appointed at assistant professor in the nontenure track should have some teaching experience and show a commitment to assuming teaching duties. Faculty in clinical practice nominated for appointment or promotion to this rank should be board-certified or board-eligible. Standards for faculty in the non-tenure/combined achievement track with a research focus include creativity, a record of scholarly activity, and the potential to advance in a field of research.

b. Associate professor. The candidate's prior achievements in teaching, research and professional service shall be evaluated. For appointment or promotion to the rank of associate professor in the non-tenure/combined

achievement track, the candidate must present evidence of excellence in either (1) teaching or clinical service and recognition of this excellence at a regional or national level or (2) research and recognition of the research program at a national level.

All faculty appointed or promoted to associate professor in the non-tenure/combined achievement track must, along with an area of excellence, provide evidence of acceptable contributions in one or more of the other categories of faculty activity (i.e., teaching, research, or service).

Research-focused candidates for appointment or promotion in the non-tenure/combined achievement track must have achieved a national or international reputation, whether as an individual investigator or within a research team, for original ideas, innovations, and contributions.

c. Professor. The candidate's prior achievements in teaching, research and professional service shall be evaluated. For appointment or promotion to the rank of professor in the non-tenure /combined achievement track, candidates must present evidence of sustained contributions in their research, teaching, or clinical service that is recognized at the national or international level.

All faculty appointed or promoted to professor in the non-tenure/combined achievement track must, along with an area of excellence, provide evidence of acceptable contributions in one or more of the other categories of faculty activity (i.e., teaching, research, or service).

Research-focused candidates for appointment or promotion in the non-tenure/combined achievement track must have achieved a national or international reputation, whether as an individual investigator or within a research team, for original ideas, innovations, and contributions.

II. Qualifications and Standards for Appointment or Promotion of Adjunct/Clinical Faculty

The qualifications to be evaluated for the promotion of adjunct/clinical faculty shall include primarily teaching, research, or clinical service contributions along with administrative service contributions. These efforts shall be assessed using the same standards and procedures as those applied to full-time faculty. However, the time commitment and the duration of service at the university shall be emphasized in the evaluation. Scholarly research activity, contributions to Year 1 and 2 subject committee teaching, educational administrative efforts, and, if appropriate, participation in community health organizations may lend weight to the evaluation.

Appointment or promotion to the rank of adjunct/clinical professor requires demonstration of special merit with respect to professional and academic accomplishment and evidence of significant contributions to the academic efforts of the university. Promotion or appointment to this rank shall be a senior but not a terminal appointment, and it should not be used in place of an honorary degree: Continued effort for the university is expected after such an appointment or promotion. In addition to the academic achievements expected of all adjunct/clinical faculty, the professional excellence of candidates for promotion to the rank of adjunct/clinical professor should be recognized outside the Cleveland area.

Office of Faculty Affairs


Professor (Regular Faculty)

General considerations: 1. You must provide evidence of a sustained national to international reputation in your "primary area of excellence." 2. You must declare a "primary area of excellence," as either clinical service, including clinical research; (bench/laboratory) research; or, teaching (requires reputation as an educator, and education is the subject of your publications and presentations). For the majority of CCLCM faculty members, teaching is their secondary area.

Required application materials: 1. Online application submission 2. Chairman's nomination letter a. Request letter from your Department or Institute Chairman and include in your online application. b. Your nominating chairman may not also serve as your referee. c. The letter should be addressed to Gene H. Barnett, M.D., CCLCM, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. d. The nomination letter represents the chairman's opportunity to advocate on your behalf. The letter should note your primary area of excellence and explain past, current, and importantly, the future role in the department or school. It should describe how you help fulfill departmental or institutional goals and what curricular, research, or clinical directions you are pursuing. e. The chairman's nominating letter must be on letterhead, dated and signed by its author. 3. Curriculum vitae in standard CCLCM format: CCLCM CV template 4. Personal narrative statement a. Describe, in one or two pages, (narrative written in first person) your professional activities (teaching, research and professional service), with specifics not usually derived from a bio or CV. 5. Journal publication copies (maximum of five key publications) (books not accepted) 6. Teaching portfolio is required only if "Teaching" is primary area of excellence ("education" is the topic of applicant's publications and presentations). 7. Terminal diploma(s) photocopy 8. Referee Letters a. The letters are requested by the CCLCM Faculty Affairs office; others should not at any time contact referees. b. Your CV and personal statement are provided to the referees. c. Referee letters and the names of who provide them are confidential and cannot be disclosed. d. External referees are recognized experts in your field or related discipline with whom you have not had a direct working, mentor, colleague, collaborator, trainee, or student relationship. These qualifications are of paramount importance! e. External referees may understand and be aware of your work through publication, presentation, professional committees, or even personal exchange. f. Geographically, external referee letters should not come from Northeast Ohio or other metropolitan areas where you have worked. g. External referee letters must be authored by "arm's length" experts in your or related field who hold the academic title of full professor or NIH Senior Investigator. h. To ensure completion of the strongest possible application, referee letters will not be solicited from associate professors. i. Colleague referees are current or former colleagues or supervisors, preferably with an academic appointment. j. Student referees are any current or former students/trainees.

k. Referee letters obtained by the Lerner Research Institute (LRI) Committee on Appointments and Promotions (CAP), meeting Case Western Reserve University's (CWRU) requirements, may be used in a CCLCM faculty


Referee List:

External 12-14 full professor names

Colleagues 5 names

Students/Trainees 8 names

Please save this document for future reference.

Office of Faculty Affairs


Associate Professor (Regular Faculty)

General considerations: 1. You must provide evidence of a sustained regional to national reputation in your "primary area of excellence." 2. You must declare a "primary area of excellence," as either clinical service, including clinical research; (bench/laboratory) research; or, teaching (requires reputation as an educator, and education is the subject of your publications and presentations). For the majority of CCLCM faculty members, teaching is their secondary area.

Required application materials: 1. Online application submission 2. Chairman's nomination letter a. Request letter from your Department or Institute Chairman and include in your online application. b. Your nominating chairman may not also serve as your referee. c. The letter should be addressed to Gene H. Barnett, M.D., CCLCM, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. d. The nomination letter represents the chairman's opportunity to advocate on your behalf. The letter should note your primary area of excellence and explain past, current, and importantly, the future role in the department or school. It should describe how you help fulfill departmental or institutional goals and what curricular, research, or clinical directions you are pursuing. e. The chairman's nominating letter must be on letterhead, dated and signed by its author. 3. Curriculum vitae in standard CCLCM format: CCLCM CV template 4. Personal narrative statement a. Describe, in one or two pages, (narrative written in first person) your professional activities (teaching, research and professional service), with specifics not usually derived from a bio or CV. 5. Journal publication copies (maximum of five key publications) (books not accepted) 6. Teaching portfolio is required only if "Teaching" is primary area of excellence ("education" is the topic of candidate's publications and presentations). 7. Terminal diploma(s) photocopy 8. Referee Letters a. The letters are requested by the CCLCM Faculty Affairs office; others should not at any time contact referees. b. Your CV and personal statement are provided to the referees. c. Referee letters and the names of who provide them are confidential and cannot be disclosed. d. External referees are recognized experts in your field or related discipline with whom you have not had a direct working, mentor, colleague, collaborator, trainee, or student relationship. These qualifications are of paramount importance! e. External referees may understand and be aware of your work through publication, presentation, professional committees, or even personal exchange. f. Geographically, external referee letters should not come from Northeast Ohio or other metropolitan areas where you have worked. g. External referee letters must be authored by "arm's length" experts in your or related field who hold the academic title of full professor or NIH Senior Investigator. h. To ensure completion of the strongest possible application, referee letters will not be solicited from associate professors. i. Colleague referees are current or former colleagues or supervisors, preferably with an academic appointment. j. Student referees are any current or former students/trainees.

k. Referee letters obtained by the Lerner Research Institute (LRI) Committee on Appointments and Promotions (CAP), meeting Case Western Reserve University's (CWRU) requirements, may be used in a CCLCM faculty


Referee List: Associate Professor:

External 10-12 names

Colleagues 5 names

Students/Trainees 8 names

Please save this document for future reference.

Office of Faculty Affairs


Assistant Professor (Regular Faculty)

General considerations: 1. As supported by their chairman's nomination letter, assistant professor (regular track) candidates are members of the professional staff, without, in their primary area of excellence, an established regional (outside Northeast Ohio or other metropolitan areas where they have worked) or national reputation. 2. There is no minimum requirement for number of publications.

Required application materials: 1. Online application submission 2. Chairman's nomination letter a. Request letter from your Department or Institute Chairman and include in your online application. b. Your nominating chairman may not also serve as your referee. c. The letter should be addressed to Gene H. Barnett, M.D., CCLCM, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs. d. The nomination letter represents the chairman's opportunity to advocate on your behalf. The letter should note your primary area of excellence and explain past, current, and importantly, the future role in the department or school. It should describe how you help fulfill departmental or institutional goals and what curricular, research, or clinical directions you are pursuing. e. The chairman's nominating letter must be on letterhead, dated and signed by its author. 3. Curriculum vitae in standard CCLCM format: CCLCM CV template 4. Optional personal narrative statement a. In one or two pages (narrative written in first person) describe your professional activities (teaching, research and professional service), including specifics not usually derived from a bio or CV. 5. Optional journal publication copies (maximum of five key publications) (books not accepted) 6. Terminal diploma(s) photocopy 7. Referee Letters a. The letters are requested by the CCLCM Faculty Affairs office; others should not at any time contact referees. b. Your personal statement (if submitted) and CV are provided to the referees. c. Referee letters and the names of who provide them are confidential and cannot be disclosed. d. Referees are current or former colleagues, mentors, or supervisors, preferably with an academic appointment of clinical assistant/assistant professor or higher, in a position to evaluate the candidate at their current level. e. Receipt of at least 3 qualified referee letters is required. f. Referee letters obtained by the Lerner Research Institute (LRI) Committee on Appointments and Promotions (CAP), meeting Case Western Reserve University's (CWRU) requirements, may be used in a CCLCM faculty application.

REFEREES FOR: Assistant Professor:

COLLEAGUES Provide 6 names (clinical assistant/assistant professor or higher)

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Office of Faculty Affairs


Instructor (Regular Faculty)

General considerations: 1. As supported by their chairman's nomination letter, this appointment is generally applied to most mid- to seniorcareer level research associates. 2. An individual interested in obtaining an appointment as an Instructor at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine (CCLCM) of Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) School of Medicine should be making important contributions to its educational programs. 3. These contributions, while part-time and voluntary, must directly impact on the medical students involved in the Track or in educational programs offered by the Cleveland Clinic for CWRU students.

Specific considerations: 1. The individual seeking appointment at this level is expected to demonstrate expert knowledge of his or her academic/clinical field. 2. The individual is also expected to be dedicated to and demonstrate skills that lead to effective teaching.

Required application materials: 1. Online application submission 2. Chairman's nomination letter

a. Request letter from Department or Institute Chairman and include in your online application. b. Your nominating chairman may not also serve as your referee. c. Letter should be addressed to Gene H. Barnett, M.D., CCLCM, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs. d. Along with your CV, the nominating letter is of critical importance. The nomination letter states the academic

nomination level and represents the chairman's opportunity to advocate on your behalf and should explain your past, current, and importantly, the future role in the department or school, how you help fulfill departmental or institutional goals, and what curricular, research, or clinical directions you are pursuing.

e. The chairman's nominating letter must be on letterhead, dated and signed by its author.

3. Curriculum vitae in standard CCLCM format: CCLCM CV template 4. Terminal diploma(s) photocopy 5. Referee Letters

a. The letters are requested by the CCLCM Faculty Affairs office; other should not contact referees at any time. b. Referee letters and the names of who provide them are confidential and cannot be disclosed. c. Referees are current or former colleagues, mentors, or supervisors, preferably with an academic appointment of

clinical assistant/assistant professor or higher, in a position to evaluate the candidate at their current level. d. Receipt of 2 qualified letters is required.

Referee List: Instructor

Colleagues 4 names (clinical assistant/assistant professor or higher)

Please save this document for future reference.

Office of Faculty Affairs

Application checklist for PROMOTION to Professor

(Regular Faculty)

Complete PROMOTION online applications are accepted before the END OF JANUARY.

General considerations: 1. If you do not have a faculty appointment, please refer to the APPOINTMENT application. 2. Complete promotion applications for professor must be submitted online each year by the end of January. 3. Promotion applications submitted by the end of January take 18 months until final approval. 4. To effectively represent academic and professional growth, in general, application for promotion should not be less than 4 years from last CCLCM appointment/promotion. 5. Academic rank will be largely determined by the scope (local, regional, or national/international) of the applicant's established reputation in their area of excellence. 6. For promotion to professor, you must demonstrate a sustained reputation in your primary area of excellence at a national or international level. 7. You must declare a "primary area of excellence," as either clinical service, including clinical research; (bench/laboratory) research; or, teaching (requires reputation as an educator, and education is the subject of your publications and presentations). For the majority of CCLCM faculty members, teaching is their secondary area. 8. For laboratory research-focused candidates, a RO1 grant or equivalent is strongly recommended. 9. Most laboratory research-focused appointees have 50 or more publications with many as primary or secondary author. 10. Promotions will reflect your documented fulfillment of the qualifications as outlined in the Faculty Policies and the growth your corresponding contributions. 11. Teaching scores and comments will be considered by the Committees. Scores below the departmental average and/or negative comments may jeopardize promotion.

Required application materials: 1. Online application submission 2. Chairman's nomination letter a. Request letter from your Department or Institute Chairman and include in your online application. b. Your nominating chairman may not also serve as your referee. c. The letter should be addressed to Gene H. Barnett, M.D., CCLCM, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs. d. The nomination letter represents the chairman's opportunity to advocate on your behalf. The letter should note your primary area of excellence and explain past, current, and importantly, the future role in the department or school. It should describe how you help fulfill departmental or institutional goals and what curricular, research, or clinical directions you are pursuing. e. The chairman's nominating letter must be on letterhead, dated and signed by its author. 3. Curriculum vitae in standard CCLCM format: CCLCM CV template 4. Personal narrative statement a. Describe, in one or two pages, (narrative written in first person) your professional activities (teaching, research and professional service), with specifics not usually derived from a bio or CV. It should note your activities since previous academic appointment. 5. Journal publication copies (maximum of five key publications) (books not accepted) 6. Teaching portfolio is required only if "Teaching" is primary area of excellence ("education" is the topic of applicant's publications and presentations). 7. Referee Letters a. The letters are requested by the CCLCM Faculty Affairs office; others should not at any time contact referees. b. Your CV and personal statement are provided to the referees. c. Referee letters and the names of who provide them are confidential and cannot be disclosed. d. Half of the EXTERNAL referee names are selected by your nominating chairman and half by you. The list of external referee names may be discussed between you and your chairman. The online application must indicate which names were selected by the chairman. You provide all colleague and trainee referee names. e. External referees are recognized experts in your field or related discipline with whom you have not had a direct working, mentor, colleague, collaborator, trainee, or student relationship. These qualifications are of paramount importance! f. External referees may understand and be aware of your work through publication, presentation, professional committees, or even personal exchange.

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g. Geographically, external referee letters should not come from Northeast Ohio or other metropolitan areas where you have worked.

h. External referee letters must be authored by "arm's length" experts in your field or related field who hold the academic title of full professor or NIH Senior Investigator.

i. To ensure completion of the strongest possible application, referee letters will not be solicited from associate professors.

j. Colleague referees are current or former colleagues or supervisors, preferably with an academic appointment. k. Student referees are any current or former students/trainees.

l. Referee letters obtained by the Lerner Research Institute (LRI) Committee on Appointments and Promotions

(CAP), meeting Case Western Reserve University's (CWRU) requirements, may be used in a CCLCM faculty


Referee List:

External 12-14 full professor names

Colleagues 5 names

Students/Trainees 8 names

Please save this document for future reference.


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