Unit 1, Lesson 1, Day 1

Unit 1, Lesson 1, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

opal is in the library

Writing Prompt:

Write about a friend who is by your side no matter what happens.

Unit 1, Lesson 1, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Miss Franny a story

Writing Prompt:

Tell what you would do if you came upon an animal in the library.

Unit 1, Lesson 1, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Opan Winn-Dixie a bone yesterday

Writing Prompt:

Explain why you think Miss Franny mistook Winn-Dixie for a bear.

Unit 1, Lesson 1, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

winn-dixie at Miss Franny.

Writing Prompt:

Tell about ways you might help your community other than a book drive.

Unit 1, Lesson 1, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The bear didn’t nobody.

Writing Prompt:

Write about how important it is for people to help each other.

Unit 1, Lesson 2, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Children in the neighborhood,

Writing Prompt:

Tell about someone you know who leads by example.

Unit 1, Lesson 2, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The on the corner shows old moves.

Writing Prompt:

Write about something you think is wrong and should be corrected.

Unit 1, Lesson 2, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

the courageous man his dream.

Writing Prompt:

Tell how M.L. and A.D.’s friends may have felt not playing with them.

Unit 1, Lesson 2, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Christine her brothers loved their family

Writing Prompt:

Tell what you would read if books were your only friend.

Unit 1, Lesson 2, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The King family wasnt Allowed in some restaurants.

Writing Prompt:

Explain why many people respect Martin Luther King Jr. and Langston Hughes.

Unit 1, Lesson 3, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Visited the citi Mary.

Writing Prompt:

Tell about a time you or someone you knew was homesick.

Unit 1, Lesson 3, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Is Raul going to run in the rase.

Writing Prompt:

Tell why you think Miguel should or should not compare Tia Lola to others.

Unit 1, Lesson 3, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Let’s get oute of here?

Writing Prompt:

Write a journal entry as Miguel after you spring your surprise on Tia Lola.

Unit 1, Lesson 3, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

You will nevver get off the ground?

Writing Prompt:

Make up a list of pizzas with strange ingredients and stranger names.

Unit 1, Lesson 3, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Whos going to fix the bicicle?

Writing Prompt:

Tell how the selection changed your approach to those who are different.

Unit 1, Lesson 4, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

which book did you like best.

Writing Prompt:

Describe the issues in your community that you think need attention.

Unit 1, Lesson 4, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

We had a bake sale and We had a car wash.

Writing Prompt:

Write about the best book you ever checked out of the library.

Unit 1, Lesson 4, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The children plans a car wash

Writing Prompt:

Compose a persuasive flyer for a car wash or bake sale in your neighborhood.

Unit 1, Lesson 4, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

People donated time And people donated money.

Writing Prompt:

Write about a favorite adventure story that you would not want to act out.

Unit 1, Lesson 4, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Ileana make plans for a car wash

Writing Prompt:

Tell what you learned about pitching in and helping in this lesson.

Unit 1, Lesson 5, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Mom went to the store Tom went with her.

Writing Prompt:

Write a letter home as if you were a sailor aboard a clipper ship.

Unit 1, Lesson 5, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The Girl named Kathy lives in Houston.

Writing Prompt:

List exaggerations about Stormy and the things that could really happen.

Unit 1, Lesson 5, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The two ladys dressed up as wolfs.

Writing Prompt:

Tell why you think Stormy was sad right until the end of this life.

Unit 1, Lesson 5, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Two childs had their toothes cleaned.

Writing Prompt:

Compare the fates of Stormy and Hoderi. Who is happier or sadder?

Unit 1, Lesson 5, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Stormy sailed by the wharfs of providence.

Writing Prompt:

Write about a time when you helped someone or someone helped you.

Unit 2, Lesson 6, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

A giant stole all the pony,

Writing Prompt:

Why do you think the Cinderella story appeals to people around the world?

Unit 2, Lesson 6, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The princess spin gold thred.

Writing Prompt:

Explain why you think the boy storyteller doesn’t care for the girl’s story.

Unit 2, Lesson 6, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The dude and the giant was battleing each other.

Writing Prompt:

Write about which of the three endings you liked most and why.

Unit 2, Lesson 6, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The prinsess am pumping iron

Writing Prompt:

Tell why being a good listener may have helped Diane become a storyteller.

Unit 2, Lesson 6, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

the giant off a cliff.

Writing Prompt:

Write an outline of a favorite story that you would use in telling a story.

Unit 2, Lesson 7, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

I likes movies because they entertaining.

Writing Prompt:

Compare and contrast the world before movies existed with the world of today.

Unit 2, Lesson 7, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Tonight, I see a funny cartoon

Writing Prompt:

Write about a movie ad you saw on TV or in print that appealed to you and why.

Unit 2, Lesson 7, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Long ago, My father goes to silent movies.

Writing Prompt:

Describe feeling, or not feeling, jolts per minute while watching a film.

Unit 2, Lesson 7, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

the movie critic liked the film and will say to see it.

Writing Prompt:

Tell what selections in your Student Edition might make good animated films.

Unit 2, Lesson 7, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Monster film exciting to see.

Writing Prompt:

Tell how “Coming Distractions” changed what you know about movies.

Unit 2 Lesson 8, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

the artist will painted a picture for me.

Writing Prompt:

Write about kinds of art, paintings, sculptures, etc., that you enjoy looking at.

Unit 2, Lesson 8, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

I didn’t like the painting, I bought it anyway

Writing Prompt:

Tell about a time you went to a new place. How was it different? The same?

Unit 2, Lesson 8, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

He was so tall, James hit his head on a light

Writing Prompt:

Describe a picture, story, or song that reminds you of another time of place.

Unit 2, Lesson 8, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Both my uncle my aunt came to visit I.

Writing Prompt:

Describe in detail what you would depict in a sidewalk chalk drawing.

Unit 2, Lesson 8, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Why can’t both James Ellen go together

Writing Prompt:

Tell what James learned from Romie that helped him make the birthday card.

Unit 2, Lesson 9, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

I ran but I couldn’t katch the bus.

Writing Prompt:

Tell what information should be included in an apology besides, “I’m sorry.”

Unit 2, Lesson 9, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Well I tried to be on time.

Writing Prompt:

Write back saying “no” to someone who wants to bring a snake to the library.

Unit 2, Lesson 9, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

we met on August 4 2006, in the afternoon.

Writing Prompt:

Write a letter as Mr. Winston in which you accept Cara’s apology.

Unit 2, Lesson 9, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

We read essays novels, and pomes.

Writing Prompt:

Write about an episode in a snake’s life from the snake’s point of view.

Unit 2, Lesson 9, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

No I haven’t been in an aerplane.

Writing Prompt:

Tell which is better, an apology or not being in trouble in the first place.

Unit 2, Lesson 10, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Joy will you dance wit me?

Writing Prompt:

Write about something besides dancing that takes practice and more practice.

Unit 2, Lesson 10, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Shane and me saw a play

Writing Prompt:

Tell how Jose’s reaction to the cancan dancers hints at his life’s work.

Unit 2, Lesson 10, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

We can visit the library by ourself.

Writing Prompt:

Explain what Jose means when he says, “I embrace the dance!”

Unit 2, Lesson 10, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

I like mushrooms, but my mother wont eat it.

Writing Prompt:

Compare the three poems and tell which one means the most to you.

Unit 2, Lesson 10, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

I found two pennys on the sidewalk

Writing Prompt:

Tell whether you think dance and music are important to a society.

Unit 3, Lesson 11, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

There two owls on the tower

Writing Prompt:

Compare some behaviors you have learned and those you are born with.

Unit 3, Lesson 11, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Sumbody saw you on oak road.

Writing Prompt:

Tell if you think it is wise for a wild animal to live with humans.

Unit 3, Lesson 11, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The stowe tigers have baseball practice at that park somtimes.

Writing Prompt:

Describe ways of getting Yammer to go outside, besides opening a window.

Unit 3, Lesson 11, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The dog is homesik for our home in dallas.

Writing Prompt:

Compare and contrast the baby bunny’s living situation with Yammer’s.

Unit 3, Lesson 11, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

A magazine from the national audubon society is in our malebox.

Writing Prompt:

Write about how important it is to protect animals that live in the wild.

Unit 3, Lesson 12, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

the noise came from the howse.

Writing Prompt:

Write about a time you were in a weather situation that concerned you.

Unit 3, Lesson 12, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Marching band practise will be in Bills yard.

Writing Prompt:

Tell what you think of the decision to build Valencia Street on a landfill.

Unit 3, Lesson 12, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

We dancet to the bands songs.

Writing Prompt:

Tell what Ah Sing may have told his boss about why he didn’t work on that day.

Unit 3, Lesson 12, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Cathys Toy Shop is the childrens favorite place.

Writing Prompt:

Explain which one you think is easier to escape, earthquakes or tornadoes.

Unit 3, Lesson 13, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The whales tail flopped the water.

Writing Prompt:

Explain why you think tourists do not visit Antarctica as scientists do.

Unit 3, Lesson 13, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Jennifer has to live in antarctica for months.

Writing Prompt:

Write a journal entry like the author’s, as if you were exploring Antarctica.

Unit 3, Lesson 13, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

all the ice melts three days ago.

Writing Prompt:

Tell why you think a person should not go exploring alone on a glacier.

Unit 3, Lesson 13, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Jennifer have spoted a penguin baby.

Writing Prompt:

Write a list of your favorite amazing facts and ideas from the selection.

Unit 3, Lesson 13, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The whales had jump out of the water, I didn’t see them.

Writing Prompt:

Compare the ice moving in Antarctica to the earth quaking in San Francisco.

Unit 3, Lesson 14, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The ants has worked hard allday.

Writing Prompt:

Compare what humans do in different seasons to the seasonal things ants do.

Unit 3, Lesson 14, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

A hoping frog ate a jucy fly.

Writing Prompt:

Write a paragraph about the feats of strength a person-sized ant could do.

Unit 3, Lesson 14, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

We tryed to dig in the froze ground.

Writing Prompt:

Write a “sales pitch” to sell the anteater as the best ant-eating machine.

Unit 3, Lesson 14, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Unlocking the door I steped inside.

Writing Prompt:

Describe a favor you did for a friend and one that he or she did for you.

Unit 3, Lesson 14, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Did you see the bees swarmming by the tree

Writing Prompt:

Explain why it was easier to illustrate the story than to use photographs.

Unit 3, Lesson 15, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

He is eat the pye.

Writing Prompt:

Write about things you do to help the Earth and more things you might do.

Unit 3, Lesson 15, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

She come to the celbration.

Writing Prompt:

Describe the main elements that make up the ecosystem nearest you.

Unit 3, Lesson 15, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Raul know the decision was up to him.

Writing Prompt:

Explain why it is important that all ecosystems on the planet stay healthy.

Unit 3, Lesson 15, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The town had grew in popalation.

Writing Prompt:

Compare two of the weather poems and tell which gives the most information.

Unit 3, Lesson 15, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

It has took time for we to learn about ecology.

Writing Prompt:

Describe how a tiny ant and something big like thunder can both be amazing.

Unit 4, Lesson 16, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

was Charlotte brave to drive the coach.

Writing Prompt:

Compare and contrast transportation in the 1800s and today.

Unit 4, Lesson 16, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The whether was rainy, stormy.

Writing Prompt:

Describe a time you set a goal and the steps you took to achieve it.

Unit 4, Lesson 16, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The wet passengers hudled togethr.

Writing Prompt:

Explain why you think Charlotte’s behavior was wise or unwise.

Unit 4, Lesson 16, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Charlotte drives an stagecoche.

Writing Prompt:

Write a journal entry as if you were a gold seeker traveling to California.

Unit 4, Lesson 16, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

An river was churnin under the bridge.

Writing Prompt:

Tell about the important lessons you can learn by reading this week’s literature.

Unit 4, Lesson 17, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

An girl walked to the crouded bus stop.

Writing Prompt:

List traits that a successful service animal must have.

Unit 4, Lesson 17, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The child waited patiently for the buss,

Writing Prompt:

Write a “Help Wanted” advertisement that describes the perfect service animal.

Unit 4, Lesson 17, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The bus stops alot to pik up children.

Writing Prompt:

Describe the steps that a guide dog must go through before graduation.

Unit 4, Lesson 17, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The children walks to the store quick.

Writing Prompt:

Write a short scene that shows how Coyote scares the animal.

Unit 4, Lesson 17, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

They wait patient for a drinking of water.

Writing Prompt:

Explain why Coyote would not make a good service animal.

Unit 4, Lesson 18, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The dog awften sleeps on the couch.

Writing Prompt:

Describe your favorite outdoor game.

Unit 4, Lesson 18, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

is the cat with the long tail your cat.

Writing Prompt:

Explain why you think Mina was right or wrong to lose the tryout race.

Unit 4, Lesson 18, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

my pet fish live in there aquarium.

Writing Prompt:

Write about a time you had to make a sacrifice to save a friendship.

Unit 4, Lesson 18, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The bird land on the bransh.

Writing Prompt:

Write an email that invites people to join your friends for an activity.

Unit 4, Lesson 18, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

My father bot me a pet four my birthday.

Writing Prompt:

Describe how you define a successful friendship.

Unit 4, Lesson 19, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The soccer ball went into the gole.

Writing Prompt:

Write a list of what you would like and dislike about traveling all the time.

Unit 4, Lesson 19, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

the next game is on friday.

Writing Prompt:

Imagine you are a migrant worker. Write a story about how you live.

Unit 4, Lesson 19, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

First, the quarterbak gives the play?

Writing Prompt:

Describe what it takes to be a leader who fights for change.

Unit 4, Lesson 19, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

As a result the team one the game.

Writing Prompt:

Write an advertisement that persuades people to help in your community.

Unit 4, Lesson 19, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

finally the time ran out, and the game was over.

Writing Prompt:

Write a speech to persuade people that there should be a Cesar Chavez Day.

Unit 4, Lesson 20, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

As soon as I finished my book I went to the library for a knew one.

Writing Prompt:

Describe ways you can communicate with someone other than by speaking.

Unit 4, Lesson 20, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

My doctors name is dr James.

Writing Prompt:

Write about a time when teamwork was important to the success of a project.

Unit 4, Lesson 20, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

My mother lives in Santa Fe Nm.

Writing Prompt:

Write a journal entry describing why Sacagawea was so important to the team.

Unit 4, Lesson 20, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

my birthday is on jan 12.

Writing Prompt:

Write a short poem that imitates a sound heard only at night.

Unit 4, Lesson 20, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

I have an appointment with Dr Thompson on feb. 9.

Writing Prompt:

Compare and contrast Sacagawea and Charlotte Parkhurst.

Unit 5, Lesson 21, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

I went to a socker game with my friend j d and his brother.

Writing Prompt:

Describe a hobby that you enjoy or would like to try.

Unit 5, Lesson 21, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The picure on an new television is amazing.

Writing Prompt:

Write about what you would do with your free time if you had no electricity.

Unit 5, Lesson 21, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

A german stoodent is living with our family.

Writing Prompt:

Describe what Humphrey would see if he spent an evening at your home.

Unit 5, Lesson 21, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

We watched a program about a frozzen mummy that was found in Alaskan mountain.

Writing Prompt:

Create an advertisement that promotes changes for a better community.

Unit 5, Lesson 21, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Big Italian families make it a habbit to eat dinner together.

Writing Prompt:

Write about a time when an event forced you to change your daily routine.

Unit 5, Lesson 21, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Big Italian families make it a habbit to eat dinner together.

Writing Prompt:

Write about a time when an event forced you to change your daily routine.

Unit 5, Lesson 22, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Esther married a man named john, and they had twin babys.

Writing Prompt:

Explain the effect on the nation if a law was passed barring all males from voting.

Unit 5, Lesson 22, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

She cann’t finnish sewing this dress now.

Writing Prompt:

Compare and contrast the life of a girl in 1850 to a girl’s life today.

Unit 5, Lesson 22, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

She couldn’t find no fresh tea leaves at the markett.

Writing Prompt:

Describe something you did that you thought you would never be able to do.

Unit 5, Lesson 22, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

She didn’t have nothing of valyu but her pride.

Writing Prompt:

Write a short dialogue between Esther Morris and Elizabeth Cady Stanton as if they had met.

Unit 5, Lesson 22, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

They said Esther wasn’t old enuff to run no business.

Writing Prompt:

Write a journal entry about something you found out about and thought, “I can do that!”

Unit 5, Lesson 23, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Those trees next to the cabbin don’t have no leaves.

Writing Prompt:

Compare what you looked like four years ago to what you look like today.

Unit 5, Lesson 23, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Those trees next to the cabbin don’t have no leaves.

Writing Prompt:

Compare what you looked like four years ago to what you look like today.

Unit 5, Lesson 23, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

I don’t know wheather that is an oak or an elm tree, Janet said.

Writing Prompt:

Describe the changes that may have happened near an old tree planted in your town.

Unit 5, Lesson 23, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Did you meet the auther of that book about trees” Lydia asked.

Writing Prompt:

Explain the importance of redwood trees to the wildlife in the forest.

Unit 5, Lesson 23, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Raoul said “that he would rathor be a woodpecker than any other animal.”

Writing Prompt:

Write a letter persuading your city or town council to plant more trees in your area.

Unit 5, Lesson 23, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Annie exclaimed, “there’s a chickin in that tree”!

Writing Prompt:

Compare the way information is given in “Giant Sequoias” and “The Ever-Living Tree.”

Unit 5, Lesson 24, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

“Did you get your tikket to see the giant tortoise exhibit” Lana asked?

Writing Prompt:

Write an email to someone who has moved and describe what you miss most about them.

Unit 5, Lesson 24, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Well that was the largest turtel I’ve ever seen.

Writing Prompt:

Describe how a friendship changed you.

Unit 5, Lesson 24, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Unkel Romeo did you see the hippo walking with the tortoise?

Writing Prompt:

State your opinion about why Owen chose to become Mzee’s friend.

Unit 5, Lesson 24, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Yes it was a big supprise to everyone when the hippo and tortoise became friends.

Writing Prompt:

Compare and contrast wildlife habitats of Haller Park and Monterey Bay.

Unit 5, Lesson 24, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Look childrin at the size of the tortoise’s shell.

Writing Prompt:

Write a short imaginary dialogue between Owen and Mzee.

Unit 5, Lesson 25, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Can you explain what the book is about Ellie?

Writing Prompt:

Describe one invention that might be created in the future.

Unit 5, Lesson 25, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

In a much earlier pereod of time, schools had chalkboards books and human teachers!

Writing Prompt:

Compare reading a traditional book with reading an electronic book.

Unit 5, Lesson 25, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The jurnal entry was dated February 7 1967.

Writing Prompt:

Explain if it would be better or worse to have a mechanical teacher.

Unit 5, Lesson 25, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The old geography book showed a map of Bombay Indea.

Writing Prompt:

Write a paragraph that describes the technologies you use to study.

Unit 5, Lesson 25, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

After school, Dee ate a snack, did her homework and wrote in her diery.

Writing Prompt:

Compare and contrast Maggie’s school to Esther Morris’ school.

Unit 6, Lesson 26, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

“This sumer I caught five insects” Mark said.

Writing Prompt:

Write an event for a story about a person exploring nature.

Unit 6, Lesson 26, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Jessie found a worm longest than her fingre.

Writing Prompt:

Explain how learning about spiders might help overcome fear of them.

Unit 6, Lesson 26, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Bees are most curious about suger than salt.

Writing Prompt:

Summarize facts about spiders or their webs that you find interesting.

Unit 6, Lesson 26, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Jose doesnt let any bugs bothur him.

Writing Prompt:

Write a paragraph describing a surprising discovery you made outdoors.

Unit 6, Lesson 26, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Bernie could not find an grasshopper by the river.

Writing Prompt:

Compare how “Web Wise” and the poems tell about spider webs.

Unit 6, Lesson 27, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The litle tadpoles were slipperier than fish.

Writing Prompt:

Write about a time when you faced a challenge and didn’t give up.

Unit 6, Lesson 27, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Do you like the tittle Frog Heaven best than Frogs I Have Known?

Writing Prompt:

Explain why you think people should care about amphibians.

Unit 6, Lesson 27, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The scientist used a towal to hold the frogs most gently this time.

Writing Prompt:

Compare your feelings about the “toad by the road” and the poison-dart frogs.

Unit 6, Lesson 27, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

The toad sensed truble and leaped most quickly than I have ever

Writing Prompt:

Write about the most interesting detail you learned about amphibians.

Unit 6, Lesson 27, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Trapping frogs wasn’t no simple matter.

Writing Prompt:

Create a conversation between two of the amphibians you read about.

Unit 6, Lesson 28, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

For me the specialist part of the year was our visit to the forestry museum.

Writing Prompt:

Describe a museum you have visited and give your opinion of it.

Unit 6, Lesson 28, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Thinking about that starrie night make me happy.

Writing Prompt:

Write a letter to a friend telling about one of the museums in the article.

Unit 6, Lesson 28, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Watching birds is an importent hobby of me.

Writing Prompt:

Write a paragraph persuading someone to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Unit 6, Lesson 28, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Kendra lent her faverite book to I.

Writing Prompt:

Explain how visiting a museum might help you research a topic.

Unit 6, Lesson 28, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

“Did you visit City Museum during your vacashion” asked Grandpa.

Writing Prompt:

As in “Dinosaur Bone,” write questions for museum objects you have read about.

Unit 6, Lesson 29, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

My friends and I did their research at the libriry.

Writing Prompt:

Describe a cause people have worked for and explain why they did.

Unit 6, Lesson 29, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Laura will lissen to I and Lucas carefully.

Writing Prompt:

Write about a cause you would argue for or against at your town hall.

Unit 6, Lesson 29, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Do we have to climb that steap hill” Kara asked.

Writing Prompt:

Describe a person you know who sets an example you would want to follow.

Unit 6, Lesson 29, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

My dog, rex, raeced for hours in the forest.

Writing Prompt:

Write about what you think “Enjoy the earth gently” means.

Unit 6, Lesson 29, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Where did you find that anser Hector?

Writing Prompt:

Compare the effort to save Timber Woods with the effort to save the Yosemite Valley.

Unit 6, Lesson 30, Day 1

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Adrian neels by the pond, and sees a turtle.

Writing Prompt:

Describe an outdoor experience that has led you to form a conclusion about nature.

Unit 6, Lesson 30, Day 2

Daily Proofreading Practice:

There daily rootine was to go to the pond and explore.

Writing Prompt:

Write a dialogue between a pet turtle left in a pond and a wild turtle.

Unit 6, Lesson 30, Day 3

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Eather this is a new turtle, or the old one has painted it’s face.

Writing Prompt:

Write a letter urging owners of pythons not to leave them in the wild.

Unit 6, Lesson 30, Day 4

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Theyd already gessed what was happening to the wildlife.

Writing Prompt:

Describe an exciting discovery that exploring nature might lead to.

Unit 6, Lesson 30, Day 5

Daily Proofreading Practice:

Adrian, Benny and Mara will receeve a scholarship to ecology camp.

Writing Prompt:

Write a list of compound-word names for several different animals.


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