Foothill College


|REQUESTOR(S): Elaine Kuo |

|DATE SUBMITTED: 12/09/2016 |FUNDING YEAR: 2016-17 |

|DIVISION: Equity Programs |DIVISION DEAN:       |



|# OF STUDENTS SERVED: Around 6000 (potential) based on F16 online course |# OF FACULTY AND/OR STAFF SERVED: |

|enrollment (no final grades) |All FT and PT faculty can have canvas access |

|NOTE: All students can log in to Canvas (you do not need to be an online student |NOTE: There are a total of 19,287 students, faculty and staff who have access to |

|or have access to Canvas). Students can use NameCoach to create a Name Page |Canvas and can log on. Faculty and staff do NOT have to have access to Canvas to |

|because NameCoach exists as a website separate from Canvas (Name Page example: |use NameCoach to create a Name Page because NameCoach exists as a website |

|). |separate from Canvas (Name Page example: ). |

|Please provide a summary of the request and details on how this activity will directly serve the College’s Student Equity goals. Be sure to include a description |

|of which disproportionately impacted student groups this activity addresses, which specific student success indicators it supports, how this request addresses |

|those groups and indicator(s). |

|This request is for NameCoach Classroom Connect, which provides a resource to addressing name mispronunciation and affirming one's gender identify for students and|

|faculty. This tool can be integrated into Canvas and can help create a classroom environment that emphasizes cultural and gender inclusivity, especially as |

|research has shown that student-faculty interaction have a significant effect on student outcomes (Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005). NameCoach provides a web-based |

|solution that provides audio name pronunciation, gender pronoun, and other information important to personal identity, to ensure a welcoming and inclusive campus |

|environment. The name pronunciation component allows users to voice-record their names online so others can easily learrn and remember how to say them. The gender |

|pronoun component allows users to not make assumptions about one's preferred gender pronoun (PGP), which furthers the ability to create a sense of community that |

|is inclusive in the online environment. Both name pronounciation and PGP can be issues that most directly students who are among the college's disproportionately |

|impacted groups, including African Americans, Latinos, Filipinos/Pacific Islanders, as well as those who do not identify as cisgender or straight. |

|Please indicate the criteria used to select the students and/or faculty/staff participating in this activity. |

|This resource has the potential to affect all students and faculty who are accessing and using Canvas. |

|What outcomes are you predicting for this activity (or for those who participate) and what metric(s) will be used to evaluate if the activity is supporting |

|increased outcomes for those students on the indicators (as described above)? |

|As noted above, NameCoach Classroom Connect can help create an inclusive environment in the online course environment, where a sense of community and connection |

|can be challenging to develop. The NameCoach Classroom Connect implementation will include: |

|• Easy installation and setup (using LTI standards). |

|• Proven Canvas integration provides immediate access. |

|• Ability to collect and access name pronunciations and pronouns across all classes. |

|• Simple interface for customizing data management, including photos. |

|• NameCoach Commencement Service (included at no additional cost) to record and organize name pronunciations for the graduating class. |

|• Automatic feature upgrades. |

|Evaluation of NameCoach will include use rates and faculty and student surveys. |

|Outcomes from the use of NameCoach should be an increased sense of connection with the faculty instructor and course; ease and facility for faculty and students to|

|correctly pronounce names and properly identify one's preferred gender pronoun. |

|Please cite any research or evidence relevant to your proposal. |

|Here is the website for more information: |

|There is a free webinar that demonstrates how this tool can be used in Canvas: |

|"Foster real inclusion, in classrooms and beyond: NameCoach tools for Canvas" (to skip introductions, etc., start at 4:30 minutes and stop at 9:30 minutes) |

|A short screencast describing the implementation of Classroom Connect within Canvas: |

| (3.5 minutes) |

|Please describe plans for sustaining the activity (if possible) without Student Equity funding. |

|Unknown at this time. |

|Please provide a breakdown of expenses, a timeline for implementation and a schedule of planned activities. |

|The $3000 cost is the annual subscription for this service and can be activated for immediate use. Efforts will be made to provide documentation and training for |

|faculty who have already migrated (and those who will be) to Canvas. |

Per the State Chancellor's Office, Foothill College’s Student Equity Plan is comprised of five focus areas (Access, Course Completion, ESL and Basic Skills Completion, Degree and Certificate Completion, and Transfer). The College then identifies disproportionately impacted students groups and associated activities for each focus area.

Each request must support increased outcomes for the associated students groups via one (or more) of the activities detailed in the Student Equity Plan. Using the check boxes below, indicate the student group(s) and the associated Equity Plan activities the request supports. NOTE: You cannot mix and match groups and activities across factors.


Target Populations + Current Gap

Asian Indian (-4%) Veterans (-4%) Vietnamese (-3%)

Associated Activities

A.1 – Marketing and Outreach to Recruit Students from Underrepresented Student Groups



Target Populations + Current Gap

African American (-15%) Low Income (-10%) Latino (-7%)

Associated Activities

B.1 – Develop and Implement a Mentoring Program

B.2 – Professional Development to Assist Faculty and Staff with Identifying and Implementing Strategies to Increase

Success of Disproportionately Impacted Students

B.3 – Support 3SP Early Alert Activities

B.4 – Plan for the Expansion of First Year Experience

B.5 – Provide Equity Research

B.6 – Develop Online Access to Data about Subpopulations of Students

B.7 – Reduce Financial Barriers to Course Success for Low Income Students



ESL: Target Populations + Current Gap

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (-23%) Females (-3%) Latino (-7%)

ENGLISH: Target Populations + Current Gap

African American (-19%) Low Income (-7%) Filipino and Pacific Islander (-13%)

MATH: Target Populations + Current Gap

African American (-23%) Low Income (-6%) Latino (-6%)

Associated Activities

C.1 - Pilot Multiple Measures of Assessment



Target Populations + Current Gap

African American (-26%) Latino (-17%) Low Income (-12%)

Associated Activities

D.1 – Use Student Educational Plan Data to Project Student Needs



Target Populations + Current Gap

African American (-15%) Latino (-16%) Low Income (-10%)

Associated Activities

E.1 – Facilitate the Assessment of ADT Learning Outcomes for Disproportionate Impact


Please submit your completed request via email to the Student Equity Workgroup Tri-Chairs:

Paul Starer (

Micaela Agyare (

Adrienne Hypolite (


Foothill College Student Equity:

Student Equity Expenditure Guidelines:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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