BIBLE DISCUSSION GROUP STUDY QUESTIONSIn preparation for Sunday, January 26, 2020Passage: Hebrews 1:8-14Memory Passage: Hebrews 1:13-14DAY 1 – ASK FOR INSIGHTREAD THE PASSAGERead Heb. 1:8-14 & Psalm 45:1-17. How does the phrase “But of the Son he says” prepare you for what follows compared with what has preceded? Summarize the basic setting & content of Psalm 45.How does the author of Hebrews use Ps. 45:6-7 in his argument in Hebrews 1? What point(s) about the Son is the author making from Ps. 45:6-7? How do they relate to His superiority over angels? DAY 2 – ASK FOR INSIGHTREAD THE PASSAGERead Heb. 1:8-14 & Psalm 102:1-28. In what way does the “and” that opens v. 10 connect vs. 8-9 with vs. 10-12)?Summarize the basic setting and content of Psalm 102. How does the author of Hebrews use Ps. 102:26-27 to further his argument in Hebrews 1? What point(s) about the Son is the author making from Ps. 102:26-27? How do they relate to His superiority over angels? DAY 3 – ASK FOR INSIGHTREAD THE PASSAGE Read Heb. 1:8-14 & Psalm 110:1-7. Where in Hebrews 1 has Ps. 110 already been alluded to? Ps. 110 is the OT passage most cited in the NT (cited or alluded to 22x; 5x in Hebrews). What does this tell you about the truths contained in this Psalm? Summarize what is taught in Psalm 110. How does the author of Hebrews use Ps. 110:1 to further (or perhaps close!) his argument in Hebrews 1?What work of the Son detailed in later verses of Hebrews does this quote from Ps. 110 prepare us for?DAY 4 – ASK FOR INSIGHTREAD THE PASSAGERead Heb 1:8-14. Summarize the author’s complete proof of his claim that the Son is superior to the angels (v. 4).Summarize everything you were taught from vs. 8-14 about the Son’s character, status, and work. In what way does this sweeping argument prepare the way for 2:1-4? How does the Son’s exalted, anointed, eternal, righteous, sovereign reign affect your daily life? Worship? Faith? Obedience? Love for God? Love for your neighbors?DAY 5 – ASK FOR INSIGHTREAD THE PASSAGE Read Heb. 1:1-14. In what ways do angels “serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation” (v. 14)?How does exercising hospitality offer us the opportunity to “entertain angels” (Heb. 13:2)?How do vs. 1-4 prepare you for what you learn about the Son in vs. 5-14? Summarize 1:1-14 in one paragraph in your own words.How has studying chapter 1 affected your life over the last month? In what ways has your faith been strengthened? In what ways has your affection for Christ grown? If none of this has happened, how can you appropriate the truths found in Hebrews one to facilitate your growth over the next week?DATE: January 26, 2020PASSAGE: Hebrews 1:8-14Jesus Is Superior to Angels (Part II) ................

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