Satan has a prison where he holds his prisoners fast. He has refused to let them go. He has decided not to open the house of his prisoners (Jeremiah 50:33; Isaiah 14:17). Satan has vowed to keep mankind in bondage and to leave a trail of weakness, confusion, destruction, desolation and bondage behind him (Isaiah 14:12,16,17).

However Christ came to put an end to every activity of the devil, release the oppressed and open the prison door for Satan’s prisoners to walk to freedom (1 John 3:8; Acts 10:38; Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18).

Are you languishing in Satan’s prison? There is freedom in Christ. Are you afflicted and oppressed by Satan’s aides (demons)? Christ came to minister deliverance to the captives, liberty to the oppressed and bruised.

This is your day. This is your hour of deliverance. This is your moment of freedom. Now is the time for you to walk into liberty. Why remain any longer in Satan’s prison? Walk out of Satan’s prison and enjoy true liberty in Christ.


Psalm 107:10,14; 79:11; 102:20; 1 Kings 22:27; Isaiah 20:4,5; 24:22; 42:22; 19:4; Jeremiah 20:2,3; 29:26; 38:6-13,28; 37:4,16; 52:11; Lamentations 3:31-36; Job 3:18; Judges 16:21,27.

A prison is where prisoners are kept bound awaiting ultimate sentence, destruction or a release occasionally (Genesis 39:20-23; 40:1-5,20-23; Jeremiah 52:11; Acts 12:2-4,18,19; 27:42-44; Matthew 14:10).

However in the devil’s prison there is neither parole nor permanent release. Every one in Satan’s prison is permanently sentenced to a life of hardship and destruction.

A prison can be a specially designed building where men are held in bondage or an ordinary house set apart for this purpose (Jeremiah 37:15).

Satan’s prison is REAL and many there are in life who are languishing in Satan’s prison. The consequences of imprisonment can be terrible and the following represent what those in Satan’s prison suffer:

1) Loss of personal freedom (Jeremiah 37:4,15-18,20,21; 39:14; 32:8,12; 33:1; 2 Chronicles 16:10; Acts 27:1,3; 24:23; 28:16).

One of the terrible consequences of Satan’s imprisonment is the loss of personal freedom – the ability to “come in and go out among the people” (Jeremiah 37:4). Though Paul was a prisoner, he found favour with Julius the centurion who “gave him liberty to go unto his friends to refresh himself” (Acts 27:3,1). This is contrary to what prisoners experience. Prisoners are denied personal freedom. Paul was also granted some liberty and his friends and relations were given access unto him (Acts 24:23). The special favour Paul enjoyed is never the lot of prisoners.

2) A mere stopover on the way to destruction and death (Jeremiah 37:20; Psalm 107:10,14; 79:11; 102:20; Genesis 40:16-22).

The conditions in the prison are terrible enough that a man can die there (Jeremiah 37:20). However Satan’s prison is a mere stopover in the journey of his captives to ultimate destruction and death. Those in Satan’s prison are dwelling indeed in the shadows of death (Psalm 107:10,14). Those in Satan’s prison are “appointed to die” (Psalm 79:11; 102:20).

3) Terrible affliction, oppression and burden resulting in sighing, groaning and shame (Psalm 79:11; 102:20; 127:2; 1 Kings 22:27; 2 Chronicles 18:26; Isaiah 20:4,5).

The lives of Satan’s prisoners are always characterised by sighing and groaning (Psalm 79:11; 102:20). He feeds his prisoners with the bread and water of affliction and sorrow (1 Kings 22:27; 2 Chronicles 18:26; Psalm 127:2; Deuteronomy 16:3). People of every RACE (Egyptians and Ethiopians) as well as of every AGE (young and old) are held prisoners and captives. He strips them bare of their expectation and glory and puts them to shame (Isaiah 20:4,5).

4) Terrible bondage in fetters and stocks (Psalm 107:10,14; 68:6; Genesis 40:3,5; 42:16-20; Judges 16:21; 2 Kings 17:4; Jeremiah 20:2,3; 29:26; 52:11; Acts 1623,24; 12:4-7; 22:4,5; Revelation 20:7).

Two words are recurrent in the life of Satan’s captives: “bound” and “stocks”. Satan holds his prisoners in terrible bondage, bound in affliction and iron and regimented in fetters and stocks unable to manoeuvre to freedom.

5) Abandonment in a dungeon or pit or hole where there is no refreshing (Genesis 40:15; Isaiah 24:22; 42:22; Zechariah 9:11; Jeremiah 38:6-13; 37:16; Acts 27:3; 24:23).

Satan’s prison is referred to severally as a dungeon, a pit a hole where there is no refreshing (Genesis 40:15; Isaiah 24:22; 42:22; Zechariah 9:11). It is a place where you are robbed of God’s blessings – joy, peace, rest, and abundance. It is a place where you are spoiled and all your resources are plundered. It is a place where you are snared in a hole with sinking mire. It is a place of total abandonment where you are prey without any deliverance or restoration in sight (Isaiah 42:22).

6) Forced captivity against personal wish or desire (Acts 26:10; 2 Kings 17:4; Jeremiah 32:2; 33:1; 39:15; Isaiah 24:22; Numbers 21:1).

Another popular word associated with Satan’s prison is “shut up in prison”. Satan forces people into captivity against their personal wish or desire. He incarcerates them and banishes them to grope in darkness under demonic surveillance.

7) Constant trouble, unrest, confusion and commotion (Job 3:18; Isaiah 19:4; Acts 22:5; Lamentations 3:31-36).

Job said only in the land of the dead do prisoners have rest and the voice of the oppressor not heard. However the very opposite prevails in the land of the living. He himself was suffering at this very time, a proof of the validity of what he was saying (Job 3:18).

The devil is a cruel lord and master, a fierce and terrible king who rules with a rod of iron (Isaiah 19:4). The intent why he binds people in prison is to punish them (Acts 22:5). The devil causes grief and has no compassion, he afflicts willingly, he crushes men under his feet, turns aside their rights, subverts people’s causes. He leaves in his trail trouble, unrest, confusion and commotion (Lamentations 3:31-36).

8) Serving and entertaining the devil (Judges 16:21,27).

When Samson was eventually captured by the Philistines, it was recorded that they “took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; AND HE DID GRIND IN THE PRISON HOUSE”. At another time, three thousand Philistines watched “while Samson made sport”.

The devil binds some and turns them into instruments of service and cruelty. The witches and wizards are bound by the devil and they serve him. Some others entertain him and his agents. The prostitutes and the harlots entertain demonic agents with free or paid sex. They are also bound by the devil. The devil sometimes torments his prisoners just for entertainment. He derives pleasure from their agonising cries.

9) Subjection to terrible cruelty (Judges 16:21; Jeremiah 52:11).

Satan usually subjects those in his prison to terrible cruelty and untold hardship and suffering. Samson’s eyes were removed without any anaesthetic and he was subjected to unpaid hard labour (Judges 16:21).

Zedekiah’s eyes were also removed in similar fashion and he was subjected to terrible bondage until he died (Jeremiah 52:11).

10) No possibility of normal, natural escape in the face of oncoming danger (Jeremiah 38:28; Acts 12:4-11,18,19; Matthew 14:10-13).

Jeremiah could not escape from prison until Jerusalem was captured. He knew about the oncoming danger and invasion. But there was no normal, natural way of escape. The invasion caught up with him (Jeremiah 38:28). There was no possible natural way of escape for Peter from prison, it took SUPERNATURAL angelic intervention (Acts 12:4-11,18,19). John the Baptist was beheaded in prison because there was no natural way of escape (Matthew 14:10-13).


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