Underline the subject in each sentence. Label all pronouns as pro, common nouns as n, and Proper nouns as Pn.

1. Horses are not small animals.

2. Football is a rough sport played in the fall.

3. Running through the field, I felt rather free.

4. Smiling is invigorating.

5. Will you study with me?

Underline each noun (any kind of noun) once and each complete verb twice. Label pro, n, and Pn.

6. I like spaghetti.

7. Do you like it?

8. My notebook is falling apart.

9. Skiing scares me.

10. Rhoda runs three miles every morning.

USING PRONOUNS Circle the correct choice.

USING PRONOUNS Circle the correct choice.

1. Just between you and (I, me), I know that Maynard will get the promotion.

2. Please give more homework to (we, us) students.

3. (Your's, Yours) is the most difficult job in the office.

4. Everyone should complete (his or her, their) audits by Friday.

5. The Internal Revenue Service revised (its, it's, their) forms again this year.

6. (Every one, Everyone) of the engineers wants to marry (she, her).

7. Mary and (me, I) will do the dishes.

8. (Who, Whom) would you like to go with you?

9. The accountant asked Harry and (me, I) to prepare the report.


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