Bible numerology chart pdf


Bible numerology chart pdf

Bible Study: Basic Biblical Symbolism and Numerology Chart BASIC Biblical Symbolism and Numerology Chart The following is a very basic chart of symbolic and number meanings found in the Bible. They were defined by examination of all scripture passages that dealt with these objects and the general meaning and common denominators from the way they were repeatedly used. SYMBOLS GOLD = Deity Silver = Redemption Brass = Judgment Blue = Heavenly Nature (Perfection) Purple = Royalty Scarlet / Red = Sacrifice Wood (Accacia / Shittim) = Humanity Fine Canvas (White) = Righteousness Oil = Holy Spirit Rams Skins = Atonement Goats Hair = Atonement Badgers Skins = Humanity / Outward Appearance of Christ Horn = Power / Authority Eyes = Wisdom = Snake sin Devil Lion = King Beast = Living Being / Earthquake = Judgment Voices = Intelligence Crystal / Glass = Holiness / Purity Rainbow = Covenant Sea = Earth nations / (if you apply something in heaven) Infinite or unlimited Fire = Holy Spirit Green = Life NUMBERS One = Unity / Sovereignty / God Two = Class / Trouble, can also mean Unity (like marriage) Three = Trinity / Perfection Four = Earth Five = Grace Six = Sin / Man Seven = Divine Perfection Eight = Resurrection / New Beginning Nine = Ten Judgments = World Number (World Government, Control of world) Eleven = incomplete / guilty twelve = government perfection (Divine government) Forty = Generation / Judgment Fifty = Freedom / Joy / Seventies = Lifetime / Perfect World Government of the camp of Israel in the wilderness as a reflection of God's throne in heaven The layout of The Israeli Camp, as shown in the book of numbers, 2. 4 leaders (Tribes): Judah Ephrain Reuben Dan Banners: Lion Ox, Man Eagle Ezekiel Vision: Lion Ox Man Eagle Four evangelical views of Christ Focus: Matthew-King of the Jews Mark - Servant Luke - Humanity John - Deity Revelations 4:1-11: Lion Ox Man biblical eagle numerology of the study of each number in Scripture. This applies in particular to the biblical meaning of numbers, both literal and symbolic. Conservative scholars remain cautious about attaching too much importance to the meaning of biblical numbers. Such attribution has led some groups to arcane and theological extremes, believing numbers can reveal the future or uncover hidden information. These groups are digging into the dangerous realm of prediction. Certain prophetic books in the Bible, such as Daniel and The Book of Revelation, introduce a complex, interconnected numerological system that shows definite patterns. Given the complicated nature of prophetic numerology, this study deals only with the meaning of each number in the Bible. At first, Bible scholars agree that the following numbers are symbolic or literal. The first number indicates absolute singleness. Hear, O The Lord, our God, the Lord is one. (Moses 6:4, ESV) Number two symbolizes witness and support. Two is better than one because there is a good reward for tiring. (Preacher 4:9, ESV) The number three means completion or perfection and unity. There are three people in the Trinity. Jesus answered them: Destroy this temple, and in three days I will lift it. (John 2:19, ESV) Many significant events occurred in the Bible on the third day (Hosea 6:2). In?s spent three days and three nights in the belly of the fish (Matthew 12:40). Jesus' earthly ministry lasted three years (Luke 13:7). Number four is connected to Earth. He will be ... Gather the scattered judah from the four corners of the earth. (Isaiah 11:12, ESV) The Earth has four seasons: winter, spring, summer and winter. There are four main directions: north, south, east and west. There are four kingdoms on earth (Daniel 7:3). There were four types of land in Jesus' parable (Matthew 13). Five is the number associated with grace. ... Benjamin's share was five times as much as any of them. They were drinking and happy with him. (Genesis 43:34, ESV) Five juices (Leviticus 1-5). Jesus multiplied the five loons to feed 5,000 (Matthew 14:17). Six is a man's number. The cities given to the Juices will be the six cities of refuge, where you will allow the manslayer to escape... (Numbers 35:6, ESV) Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day (Genesis 1:31). Seven refers to the number of God, divine perfection, or completeness. If you buy a Hebrew slave, he'll get six years, and in the seventh, he'll go free for nothing. (Exodus 21:2, ESV) On the seventh day, God rested after the end of creation (Genesis 2:2). The Word of God is pure as silver purified seven times in fire (Psalm 12:6). Jesus taught Peter to forgive 70 times (Matthew 18:22). Seven demons went out of Mary Magdalene, symbolizing complete salvation (Luke 8:2). The number eight may represent a new beginning, although many scholars do not attribute symbolic meaning to that number. Eight days later, his disciples were back inside, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were closed, Jesus came and stood among them and said, Peace be with you. (John 20:26, ESV) Eight people survived the flood (Genesis 7:13, 23). Circumcision occurred on the eighth day (Genesis 17:12). Number nine may represent the fullness of the blessing, although many scholars do not attribute a special meaning to that number. The Spirit has nine fruits (Galatian 5:22?23). Number ten is related to human governments and laws. And he [Boaz] took the ten men of the elders of the city and said, Sit down here. So they sat down. (Ruth 4:2, ESV) The Ten Commandments were the tables of the law (Exodus 20:1-17, Moses 5:6?21). Ten tribes make up the northern kingdom (1 Kings 11:31-35). The twelfth number relates to divine government, god's authority, perfection, and ness. [The New Jerusalem] had a large, high wall, twelve gates, twelve angels at the gates, and on the gates was the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel... And the twelve foundations of the city wall were, and they had on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. (Revelation 21:12-14, ESV) Thirty is a time frame and number associated with grief and grief. Then when Judas, his traitor, saw that Jesus had been condemned, he changed his mind, and brought back thirty pieces of silver to the high priests and elders, saying, I had sinned by betraying innocent blood. And he threw the pieces of silver down to the church, left, and hung himself. (Matthew 27:3-5, ESV) Aaron's death was mourned for 30 days (Numbers 20:29). Moses' death mourned for 30 days (Moses 34:8). 40 is the number associated with testing and experiments. Moses entered the cloud and went up the mountain [Sinai]. And Moses was on the mountain for forty days and forty nights. (Exodus 24:18, ESV) During the flood, it rained for 40 days (Genesis 7:4). Israel migrated to the desert for 40 years (Numbers 14:33). Jesus was in the wilderness 40 days before temptation (Matthew 4:2). The number fifty has significance in holidays, celebrations and celebrations. And dedicate the 50th year and proclaim freedom to all the inhabitants of the whole country. It's going to be a jubilee for you... (Moses 25:10, ESV) The number 70 is tied to judgment and human delegations. And before them stood seventy men among the elders of the house of Israel... (Ezekiel 8:11, ESV) 70 elders were appointed by Moses (11:16). Israel spent 70 years in captivity in Babylon (Jeremiah 29:10). 666 is the beast's number. Biblical numerology is a fascinating subject behind numerical meaning hidden in the word of God. Numbers have long held biblical meaning hidden from mind. The purpose of this article is to give a complete guide to demystify the secret behind the numerology shown in the Bible. Bible numerology is the symbolic use of numbers used throughout the Bible for example, the three of the triple nature of God. The early Church recognized that the Bible had four layers of interpretation, called quadriga. They are: Literal (sensus tropologicus)Allegorical/Symbolic (sensus allegoricus)Moral (sensus moralis)Anagogical/mystical (sensus anagogicus)In this way, numbers are often used symbolically to reveal the truth of Bible verses. Understanding the numbers gives you a great awareness in your Christian life of the divine perfection of God's word. Number 1Numeric number 1 symbolizes the unity of one God. In 1 Timothy 2:5 NIV: For there is a God and an intermediary between God and mankind, man Jesus Christis in James 2:19 NIV: He thinks that there is a God. Good! Even demons believe that and tremble. Number 2Numeric number 2 symbolizes the dual nature of mankind. The Galatian 6:8 NIV: sows that ask for their meat, the meat reareat destruction; who sows to please the Spirit, the Spirit reare eternal life. It can also represent union, such as marriage or Jesus Christ and His one. Ephesians 5:31 NIV: Therefore, man leaves his father and mother and unites with his wife, and the two become one flesh. In 2 Corinthians 11:2 NIV: I am jealous of you with a God-fearing jealousy. I promised you a husband, Christ, to introduce you to him as a pure virgin. Number 3Numeration 3 symbolizes the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. Three most often means completeness. You will see this often as the Ark of the Ark, where three things are placed: Ten Commandments, Aaron's Staff, and glass manna. You can find it in three gifts of grace: faith, hope, and love. 2 Corinthians 13:14 NIV: May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you. Number 44 symbolizes God's work and universal truth. In Revelation 7:1 NIV: After that I saw four angels standing in the four corners of the earth, withholding the four winds of the earth to prevent the wind from blowing on the ground or at sea or any tree. In Ezekiel 14:21 NIV: For this is what the Prince Lord says: How much worse will it be when I send Jerusalem against my four terrible judgments-sword and famine and beasts and plague-kill people and animals! Number 5This number 5 represents the teaching and grace of God. For example, five parts of the book of Psalms, or five books of laws: Genesis, Exodus, Moses, Numbers, and Moses. Number 6 Number 6 represents the fallen nature of man. God created people on the sixth day. They often hear reference 666 to Satan, the enemy. The number 77 is one of the most important numbers used in the Bible. It symbolizes spiritual perfection, whole creation, and relaxation. In Genesis 2:2-3 NIV, it took God seven days to create the universe: On the seventh day, God finished the work he had done; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctification, for he rested on it from all the work of his work. Number 8Numb number 8 symbolizes rebirth, resurrection, and new beginnings. In the Bible, eight people were ed up next to Jesus. If you look at the numerical value of Jesus' name, it comes out in 888.Number 99, which, 3 x 3, symbolizes faith and divine ness. In Galatian 5:22-23 NIV, there are 9 fruits of the soul: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, loyalty, meekness, and self-control. There's no law against that kind of thing. Number 10The number 10 symbolizes completeness. It was ten commandments. In the closing times, there will be 10 kingdoms. 10 people were needed to make a decision on the 11A number 11 is linked to the chaos verdict. John sees 11 things related to the final judgment (Revelation 20:12 NIV). 11 is chaos throughout the Bible. 12.The number 12 represents a significant numerical value in the Bible. It represents the government of God. Jesus had 12 apostles. Revelation 21:10-14 NIV: And took me from the Spirit to a mountain large and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down from heaven from God. It shone in the glory of God, and the brilliance was like a very precious jewel, like a jespis, pure as crystal. It had a large, tall wall with twelve gates, and twelve angels at the gates. The gates had the names of the twelve tribes of Israel written on them. There were three gates in the east, three in the north, three in the south and three in the west. The city wall had twelve foundations and the names of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb on them.13 The number 13 often refers to rebellion. Nimrod, Ham 13. He belongs to the Tower of Babel and was famous as a king who rebelled against God. Number 14Numeration 14 is a double standard of spiritual perfection (7 x 2). Within Jesus' lineage, there are 3 groups of 14 generations. Number 19 Shows God's Perfect Order (10 + 9). Eve was mentioned 19 times in the Bible and had 19 kings of the house of Israel before the Northern Kingdom was occupied. Number 20Num number 20 may involve waiting time. 20 years after the marriage, The 1 Genesis 31:38:I He's been with you for 20 years. Your sheep and goats did not rival him, nor did I eat ram from your flocks. Number 25Num number 25 means double pardon. In Ezekiel's vision of the temple of the future (Ezekiel 40:1): In the twenty-fifth year of our exile, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth of the month, the fourteenth year after the fall of the city--that day, the hand of the Lord came to me, and he took me there. Number 30Then is the number of a person's call. Jesus began his 3 1/2 years of service around the age of 30. Number 40 is a test. The story of Noah in Genesis 7:12 NIV:And rain fell to the ground for forty days and forty nights. With Moses, God punished the Israelites for 40 years to marvel in the wilderness. Jesus Christ was tested in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights in Matthew 4:1-3 NIV: Then Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted by the devil. After forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The haunter came up to him and said, If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to make breads. Number 42A number 42 is related to the antichrist. In Revelation 13:4 NIV: People worshipped the dragon because they gave authority to the beast, and they also worshipped the beast and asked, Who is like the beast? Who can start a war against him? The beast was given a mouth to say proud words and blasphemy, and 42 months. Number 50The number 50 symbolizes celebration and joy. Jubilee came at the age of 50, as shown in Genesis 25:10 NIV:Dedicate the fiftyth year and proclaim the freedom of the whole land to all its inhabitants. It will be a jubilee for you; We all have to return to family property and our own clan. Number 70The number 70 symbolizes leadership and judgment. Genesis 24:1 NIV:Then the Lord said to Moses: Come up to the Lord, t t and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders israel. The number 120 must worship from a distance: 120 represents the time of waiting. For example, God gave mankind 120 years to repent of evil (Genesis 6:1-3 NIV):When men began to grow on earth and their daughters were born, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and married to any of them they chose. Then the Lord said: My spirit will not fight men forever, for they are mortal; their days will last one hundred and twenty years. Number 153It could mean overflowing with God's blessing. In John 21:11 NIV: So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and pulled the net to shore. It was full of big fish, 153, but even with that much, the net didn't break. Number 390The number 390 symbolizes separation. Ezekiel 4:1-5 NIV: Now, son of man, take a block of clay, put it before you and draw the city of Jerusalem on it. Then he's besieged: The straight siege works against him, builds a ramp, sets up camps against him, and puts a battering ram around him. Then take an iron pan, place it as an iron wall between you and the city, and turn it towards your face. He's going to be under siege, and you're going to have to besiege him. This will be a sign of the people of Israel. Then lie on your left side and put on yourself the sin of the people of Israel. You have to put up with their sin, how many days you lie by your side. I gave you the same number of days as the years of their sin. So for 390 days, the doctrines of sin will be worn by the people of Israel. Number 666This number symbolizes the antichrist and kingdoms that oppose God. Revelation 13:18 NIV: It calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculates the number of the beast, because that figure is a man. This number is 666.Number 1000The number 1000 symbolizes the closing of a period. For example, Jesus returns to establish the 1,000 reigns on earth, after which Satan will launch one last rebellion against God. Number 144,000The number is 144,000 symbolizing the Church. In Revelation 7:4 NIV: Then I heard the number of people who sealed: 144,000 of all tribes in Israel.ConclusionThe Holy Bible is a symbolic meaning of many different numbers. Now that we have an indepth understanding of what numbers mean in the Bible, use this new ability to reflect the verses during bible study. May this skill bring new eyes to your Bible reader. God bless you. Bless!

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