Civics & Economics – 2006-2007 School Year - Mr

CIVICS LITERACY – UNIT I – Foundations of American Government

CE.C&G.1 – Analyze the foundations and development of American government in terms of principles and values.

|Day |Topic/Essential Standard |Concept |SWBAT… |Content |

|1 |Roots of Conflict |Conflict |identify and apply the root causes to conflict|Roots of Conflict |

| | | |to some of the conflicts had during the |2 sides |

| | | |American Revolution. |Vested interest |

| | | | |Challenge to interest |

| | | | |Acts/Events and Colonial Reactions |

|2 |Failure to Compromise |Compromise |analyze the conflicts that led to the American|Continental Congress |

| | | |government and how there were failures in |Declaration of Independence |

| | | |colonial attempts to compromise with Great |Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation |

| | | |Britain. | |

|3 |Success in Compromise |Compromise |explain the importance of compromise that was |Constitutional Convention |

| | | |essential for the development of the new |Compromises |

| | | |American nation. |VA plan |

| | | | |NJ Plan |

| | | | |Great Compromise |

| | | | |3/5 Compromise |

| | | | |Electoral Compromise |

| | | | |Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise? |

|4 |Power of Government |Power |evaluate the debates on power between the |Federalists v. Anti-Federalists |

| | | |Federalists and Anti-Federalists and how it | |

| | | |shaped American government. | |

|5 |Principles and Ideals |Principles and |Identify the principles and ideals used as a |Major principles (federalism, separation of powers, rule |

| | |Ideals |foundation of the American government and be |of law, etc.) |

| | | |able to define and explain their importance. |Influences (Enlightenment thinkers, Magna Carta, English |

| | | | |Bill of Rights, etc.) |

|6 |Applying the Principles |Conflict |Apply the principles and ideals to conflicts |Current conflicts – gay marriage, guns, freedom of |

| | | |that still exist in the U.S. today. |expression, death penalty, Electoral College, etc. |

|7 |American Identity |Identity |discuss and explore the idea of American |Ideas of rights, freedoms, power of the people, etc. |

| | | |identity and understand how it developed into | |

| | | |what it is today. | |

|8 |Review – if needed |N/A | | |

|9 |Test Day |N/A | |Intro into UNIT II |

CIVICS LITERACY – UNIT II – Constitution and Rights

CE.C&G.2 – Analyze government systems within the United States in terms of their structure, function, and relationships.

CE.C&G.3 – Analyze the legal system within the United States in terms of the development, execution, and protection of citizenship rights at all levels of government.

CE.C&G.4 – Understand how democracy depends upon the active participation of citizens.

|Day |Topic/Essential Standard |Concept |SWBAT… |Content |

|1 |Anatomy of the U.S. |Authority |Identify how the structure of the U.S. |Preamble (to discuss purpose of government) |

| |Constitution | |Constitution upholds the principles of the |Articles (to show separation of powers and federalism) |

| | | |U.S. including our basic ideals, separation of|Amendments (to illustrate change) |

| | | |powers, federalism, etc. | |

|2 |Living Document |Authority |Evaluate the U.S. Constitution as a “living |Amendment Process |

| | | |Constitution” by how the Constitution and Bill|Changing Times |

| | | |of Rights have been interpreted and applied |Cases |

| | | |throughout their existence |Marbury, McCulloch, Gibbons, Dred Scott |

| | | | |Amendments |

| | | | |10, 16, 17, 18, 21, 27 |

|3 |Freedoms |Rights |Identify the freedoms the Constitution |Cases |

| | | |provides and evaluate U.S. Supreme Court cases|Tinker, Engel, TX v. Johnson, Wallace v. Jaffree |

| | | |that have challenged those freedoms |Amendments |

| | | | |1, 2 |

|4 |Protection |Rights |Identify amendments that provide citizens |Cases |

| | | |protections under the law and analyze the U.S.|Mapp, Roe, Plessy, Brown, Heart of ATL, Furman, Gregg, |

| | | |Supreme Court cases dealing with those |Roper v. Simmons |

| | | |protections |Amendments |

| | | | |3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 24 |

|5 |Due Process |Rights |Explain due process and identify amendments |Cases |

| | | |that exemplify it as well as analyze U.S. |Miranda, Gideon |

| | | |Supreme Court cases that relate to due process|Amendments |

| | | |rights. |5, 6, 7, 8 |

|6 |Limits on Rights |Rights |Analyze the rights people have and discuss |Cases |

| | | |limits to those rights. |T.L.O., Hazelwood, Korematsu, Miller v. CA, Schenck v. |

| | | | |U.S. |

| | | | |Limits on speech, press, assembly, religion, guns |

| | | | |Wartime limits |

|7 |Review Day |N/A | |Wrap up lingering discussions |

|8 |Test Day |N/A | |Intro into Unit III |

CIVICS LITERACY – UNIT III – Effective Citizenship and Participation

CE.C&G.2 – Analyze government systems within the United States in terms of their structure, function and relationships.

CE.C&G.3 – Analyze the legal system within the United States in terms of the development, execution and protection of citizenship rights at all levels of government.

CE.C&G.4 – Understand how democracy depends upon the active participation of citizens.

CE.C&G.5 – Analyze how political and legal systems within and outside of the United States provide a means to balance competing interests and resolve conflicts.

|Day |Topic/Essential Standard |Concept |SWBAT… |Content |

|1 |Citizenship |Change, Choice, |Define citizenship and analyze its evolution |Qualifications for citizenship |

| | |Compromise, Rights |over time. |Historical effects |

| | | | |Current controversies |

| | | | |Dream Act, Birthright Citizenship Act, AZ laws |

|2 |Duties and Responsibilities |Change, Choice, |Analyze the roles of citizens in NC and the |Duties |

| | |Compromise, Rights |U.S. and describe the duties and |Responsibilities |

| | | |responsibilities of citizens. |Importance of |

|3 |Contemporary Issues – |Change, Choice, |Analyze current issues facing our federal |NEWS FOR UPDATED ISSUES |

| |Federal |Compromise, Rights |government and debate current issues while |Term limits, taxes, health care, Electoral College, |

| | | |using critical thinking skills to try to find |foreign policy |

| | | |a solution. | |

|4 |Contemporary Issues – State |Change, Choice, |Identify, describe and analyze contemporary |NEWS FOR UPDATED ISSUES |

| |and Local |Compromise, Rights |issues within NC and local governments. |State – lottery, education |

| | | | |Local – redistricting, zoning |

|5 |Political Ideologies |Change, Choice, |Identify and explain the political ideologies |Political spectrum – radical, liberal, moderate, |

| | |Compromise, Rights |and apply the ideologies to today and their |conservative, reactionary |

| | | |beliefs. |Left v. Right |

|6 |Political Parties |Change, Choice, |Identify the two main political parties in the|Republican Party |

| | |Compromise, Rights |U.S. and explain how the two parties affect |Democratic Party |

| | | |the nation. Explain the impact of third |Roots of Parties |

| | | |parties. |Third Parties – types of and impact |

|7 |Voting in Elections |Change, Choice, |Describe, evaluate, and simulate the election |Voting requirements |

| | |Compromise, Rights |process in the federal, state, and local |Voting process |

| | | |levels. |Ways to vote |

| | | | |ballot types, straight v. split ticket |

| | | | |Disenfranchisement methods |

| | | | |Amendments – 12, 15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26 |

|8 |Elections |Change, Choice, |Identify the different types of elections, who|Types of Elections |

| | |Compromise, Rights |runs for elections at each level of |Primary, general, runoff, recall |

| | | |government, and how to get them into office |Officials voted for at different levels |

| | | | |Federal – Pres/VP, Senators, Representatives |

| | | | |State – Gov, Lt. Gov., General Assembly, Council of |

| | | | |State, Judges |

| | | | |Local – mayor, city council, sheriff (at large v. ward |

| | | | |voting) |

| | | | |Partisan v. Nonpartisan offices |

| | | | |Voting on issues (laws, taxes, amendments) |

| | | | |Initiative, proposition, referendum |

|9 |Campaign Process |Change, Choice, |Analyze the impact of propaganda and financing|Types of Propaganda |

| | |Compromise, Rights |on the campaign process. |Campaign Finance Rules |

| | | | |McCain-Feingold Act |

| | | | |Citizens United and SuperPACs |

|10 |Review Day |N/A | |Complete any projects if necessary |

|11 |Test Day |N/A | |Intro into Unit IV |

CIVICS LITERACY – UNIT IV – Legislative and Executive Branches – Federal, State, and Local Levels

CE.C&G.2 – Analyze government systems within the United States in terms of their structure, function and relationships.

CE.C&G.3 – Analyze the legal system within the United States in terms of the development, execution and protection of citizenship rights at all levels of government.

CE.C&G.5 – Analyze how political and legal systems within and outside of the United States provide a means to balance competing interests and resolve conflicts.

|Day |Topic/Essential Standard |Concept |SWBAT… |Content |

|1 |Comparing Constitutions |Power and Authority |Compare and contrast the U.S. Constitution and|Similarities and differences between NC and U.S. |

| | | |the NC Constitution. |Constitutions |

| | | | |Structure, rights, amending, etc. |

|2 |Legislative Branch: |Structure and |Understand, evaluate, and analyze the |Federal – Congress |

| |Structure and Function Day 1|Function |structure and function of the legislative |Bicameral legislature |

| | | |branch on a federal level. |Leaders |

| | | | |Role |

|3 |Legislative Branch: |Structure and |Understand, evaluate, and analyze the |State – General Assembly |

| |Structure and Function Day 2|Function |structure and function of the legislative |Local – City Councils |

| | | |branch on a state and local level. |Leaders |

| | | | |Role |

|4 |Legislative Branch: Powers |Power |Identify the powers of the legislative |Federal, State, and Local |

| |and Limits | |branches and their limits. |Powers of |

| | | | |Limits to |

|5 |Legislative Branch: |Influences on |Identify and analyze the factors that |Influencing laws - interest groups, lobbyists, media, |

| |Influencing Law |Conflict and |influence lawmaking. |public opinion |

| |Making/Analyzing |Compromise | |Choose some laws to analyze and discuss who made it, who |

| | | | |can enforce it, its purpose, etc. (one for each level of |

| | | | |government) |

|6 |Legislative Branch: Law |Influences on |Compare and contrast the law making process in|How a bill becomes a law |

| |Making Process |Conflict and |all levels of government. | |

| | |Compromise | | |

|7 |Executive Branch: Structure |Structure and |Analyze the structure of the executive branch |Federal – President/VP |

| |and Function Day 1 |Function |and its functions at the federal level. |Bureaucracy (cabinet, departments, agencies) |

| | | | |First lady |

| | | | |Role |

|8 |Executive Branch: Structure |Structure and |Analyze the structure of the executive branch |State – Governor/Lt. Gov, Council of State, and Cabinet |

| |and Function Day 2 |Function |and its functions at the state and local |Local – mayor (weak and strong) |

| | | |levels. |Role |

|9 |Executive Branch: Powers and|Power |Identify and explain the powers and limits of |Federal, State, and Local |

| |Limits | |the executive branch at the federal, state, |Powers of |

| | | |and local levels. |Limits to |

|10 |Executive Branch: Agencies |Power and Function |Analyze laws and determine who would be |Bureaucracy |

| |Enforcing the Law | |responsible for enforcing those laws. |Cover major agencies from multiple departments |

| | | | |Touch on state and local agencies – what they be |

| | | | |concerned with |

|11 |Leg/Exec Branches: Domestic |Conflict and |Analyze the developments and implementation of|Federal: Cover major domestic and foreign policy issues |

| |and Foreign Policies |Compromise |domestic and foreign policy and understand the|being handled by Congress and the President |

| | | |need for compromise between branches of |State: Domestic policies affecting NC |

| | | |government. |Local: Domestic policies affecting Concord/Cabarrus |

| | | | |County |

| | | | |Discuss opposing sides |

| | | | |Types of Policy – economic, social, military/foreign, |

| | | | |environmental |

|12 |Review Day | | |Wrap up if necessary |

|13 |Test Day | | |Intro into Unit V |

CIVICS LITERACY – UNIT V – Judicial Branch and Legal Systems

CE.C&G.2 – Analyze government systems within the United States in terms of their structure, function, and relationships.

CE.C&G.3 – Analyze the legal system within the United States in terms of the development, execution and protection of citizenship rights at all levels of government.

CE.C&G.5 – Analyze how political and legal systems within and outside of the United States provide a means to balance competing interests and resolve conflicts.

|Day |Topic/Essential Standard |Concept |SWBAT… |Content |

|1 |Structure of the Courts |Structure |Compare and contrast the structure of the |Compare and contrast Federal and NC courts |

| | | |state and federal judicial systems. | |

|2 |Power/Jurisdiction of the |Power |Compare jurisdictions and authority of the |Opinions – majority, dissenting, concurring |

| |Courts | |courts applied at each level of government. |Jurisdiction – exclusive, concurrent, original, appellate|

| | | | |Judicial review |

| | | | |Interpreting the law |

|3 |Checks and Balances |Checks and Balances |Apply the understanding of checks and balances|Wrap up the 3 branches discussing how each has the power |

| |(all 3 branches) | |to the American government. |to check the others |

| | | | |Veto, appointment approval, judicial review, etc. |

|4 |Comparing Governments |Political Systems |Analyze the different types of government |Types of government |

| | | |worldwide and be able to compare and contrast |Be sure to compare and contrast countries against each |

| | | |them to the U.S. government. |other |

|5 |Historical Codes/ |Legal Systems |Identify historical laws in which the U.S. |What is a legal system |

| |Sources of Law | |obtained some of their legal ideas from. |Ancient codes, European influence, colonial influence |

|6 |Types of Law |Legal Systems |Define and describe the types of laws in the |Criminal, civil , juvenile, common, administrative, |

| | | |U.S. |constitutional, international |

|7 |Jurisdiction of Law |Authority |Define the jurisdictions of each level of |Police, sheriff, state trooper, SBI, FBI, CIA, regulatory|

| |Enforcement | |government and who is responsible. |commissions (FCC, FAA, etc.) |

|8 |Court Procedures |Conflict/ Compromise|Demonstrate understanding of court proceedings|Anatomy of a court room |

| | | |guaranteed by due process of law. |Court procedures |

|9 |Court Procedures |Conflict/ Compromise|Role play and describe the judicial proceeding|Court room simulation |

| | | |for civil and criminal trials. | |

|10 |Consequences and Conflict |Conflict/ Compromise|Understand the consequences put forth from the|Death penalty, incarceration, house arrest, parole, |

| |Resolution | |court and understand the differences between |probation, etc. |

| | | |punishments for adults and juveniles. Examine |Rehabilitation |

| | | |differing methods for resolving conflicts |Arbitration, mediation, negotiation, compromise |

| | | |without having to use the courts. | |

|11 |Review Day |N/A | | |

|12 |Test Day |N/A | |Intro into Unit VI |

CIVICS LITERACY – UNIT VI – Fundamental Economic Principles

CE.E.1 – Understand economies, markets and the role economic factors play in making economic decisions.

CE.E.3 – Analyze the role of government and economic institutions in developing and implementing economic stabilization policies in the U.S.

|Day |Topic/Essential Standard |Concept |SWBAT… |Content |

|1 |Factors of Production |Resources |Compare how individuals and governments |Factors of Production |

| | | |utilize scarce resources. |Touch on blue/white collar when discussing labor |

|2 |Scarcity |Scarcity |Compare how individuals and governments |Scarcity |

| | | |utilize scarce resources. | |

|3 |Types of Economies |Economic Systems |Compare how various market structures affect |Types of Economies – Market, Command, Mixed, Traditional |

| | | |decisions and analyze the ways in which | |

| | | |incentives and profits influence what is | |

| | | |produced and distributed. | |

|4 |Demand |Influence |Explain how supply and demand determine |Law of demand |

| | | |equilibrium price and quantity produced. |Changes in demand |

|5 |Supply |Influence |Explain how supply and demand determine |Law of supply |

| | | |equilibrium price and quantity produced. |Changes in supply |

|6 |Supply, Demand, and Price |Influence |Explain how supply and demand determine |Interaction of supply and demand |

| | | |equilibrium price and quantity produced. |Shortages, surpluses |

| | | | |Influences on price |

|7 |Types of Businesses |Competition |Analyze the ways in which incentives and |Pros/Cons of sole proprietorships, partnerships, |

| | | |profits influence what is produced and |corporations, nonprofits |

| | | |distributed in a market system. | |

|8 |Business Competition |Competition |Analyze the ways in which incentives and |Effects of competition |

| | | |profits influence what is produced and |Cons to monopolies, oligopolies |

| | | |distributed in a market system. |Mergers and conglomerates |

|9 |Business Decisions and |Investments |Analyze a market economy in terms of economic |Costs – fixed, variable, total |

| |Investments | |of economic characteristics, the roles they |Revenue v. profit |

| | | |play in decision making, and the importance of|Decision making model |

| | | |each role. |Business investments |

| | | | |Law of Diminishing Return |

|10 |Effects of Business |Investments |Discuss and understand the effects had on |Circular Flow Model |

| |Decisions and Investments | |businesses by the decisions that are made by |Business cycle |

| | | |the business, consumer and government. | |

|11 |Review Day |N/A | |Wrap up if necessary |

|12 |Test Day |N/A | |Intro into Unit VII |

CIVICS LITERACY – UNIT VII – Personal Financial Literacy

CE.PFL.1 – Analyze the concepts and factors that enable individuals to make informed financial decisions for effective resource planning.

CE.PFL.2 – Understand how risk management strategies empower and protect consumers.

|Day |Topic/Essential Standard |Concept |SWBAT… |Content |

|1 |Financial Planning and |Financial Literacy |Explain how education, income, career, and |Education options |

| |Managing Money | |life choices impact an individual’s plans and |Life Choices |

| | | |goals. Explain how fiscally responsible |Budgeting |

| | | |individuals create and manage a personal |Wages v. salaries |

| | | |budget | |

|2 |Banking |Freedom of Choice |Analyze how managing a checking and savings |Types of banks |

| | | |account contributes to financial well-being. |Types of accounts |

| | | |Summarize how debt management and credit |Reading a paycheck |

| | | |worthiness impact an individual’s ability to |Services offered by banks |

| | | |become responsible consumers and borrowers. |Credit services |

| | | | |Deposit services |

| | | | |Investment services |

|3 |Saving and Investing |Freedom of Choice |Analyze how fiscally responsible individuals |Investment risk |

| | | |save and invest to meet financial goals. |Types of investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.) |

| | | |Compare various investing strategies and tax |Maintaining a savings account |

| | | |implications for their potential to build |Interest rates |

| | | |wealth. | |

|4 |Insurance |Protection |Classify the various types of insurance and |Types of insurance |

| | | |estate planning including the benefits and |Mandatory v. voluntary |

| | | |consequences. |Insurance vocabulary (premium, deductible, etc.) |

|5 |Consumer Protection and |Protection |Summarize various types of fraudulent |Legal protections – consumer credit laws, FTC, protection|

| |Fraud | |solicitation and business practices. Summarize|agencies |

| | | |ways consumers can protect themselves from |Fraudulent practices – identity theft, online scams, |

| | | |fraudulent and deceptive practices. Explain |Ponzi schemes, investment scams, etc. |

| | | |how consumer protection laws and government |What consumers can do – read fine print, do not call |

| | | |regulations contribute to the empowerment of |lists, personal info disclosure, etc. |

| | | |the individual. |Resolving consumer conflict – filing claims, Better |

| | | | |Business Bureau, etc. |

|6 |Review Day |N/A | |Wrap up any necessary items |

|7 |Test Day |N/A | |Intro into UNIT VIII |

CIVICS LITERACY – UNIT VIII – Economic Interdependence

CE.E.1 – Understand economies, markets and the role economic factors play in making economic decisions.

CE.E.2 – Understand factors of economic interdependence and their impact on nations.

CE.E.3 – Analyze the role of government and economic institutions in developing and implementing economic stabilization policies in the U.S.

|Day |Topic/Essential Standard |Concept |SWBAT… |Content |

|1 |Globalization |Globalization |Explain the basic concepts of trade. |Interdependence |

|2 |Specialization: Global |Specialization |Summarize how nations specialize and become |Nation/Region specializations |

| | | |interdependent through trade. | |

|3 |Specialization: Nation, |Specialization |Compare national, state, and local economic |Resources, wages, production, employment across the U.S. |

| |state, local | |activity. Analyze the role of NC and the U.S. | |

| | | |in the world economy. | |

|4 |Government Policies: Trade|Power |Explain the basic concepts of trade. Explain |Absolute v. comparative advantage |

| | | |the impact of government policies on |Embargoes and sanctions |

| | | |international trade. |Tariffs |

| | | | |Gains from trade |

| | | | |Balance of trade |

|5 |Government Policies: |Power |Explain how fiscal policy and the monetary |Fiscal policy |

| |Fiscal and Monetary Policy| |policy influence overall levels of employment,|Monetary policy |

| | | |interest rates, production, price, and |Standard of living |

| | | |economic growth. |Business cycle |

| | | | |Price indexes |

|6 |Influence of Organizations|Power |Analyze organizations in terms of their roles |Banks, labor unions, Federal Reserve, nonprofit |

| |on the Economy | |and functions in the U.S. economy. |organizations, Wall Street, etc. |

|7 |Review Day |N/A | |Use if necessary |

|8 |Test Day |N/A | |Test only if desired or go straight into reviewing for |

| | | | |test depending on time left at the end of the semester |


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