Name ________________________________________ Test Date

Name ________________________________________ Test Date _____________________

Reproduction Study Guide

1. sperm – a sex cell made by males in the testes

2. testes – the male reproductive organs that make sperm and the hormone testosterone

3. egg – the sex cell made by females in the ovaries

4. ovaries (plural) /ovary – one of the two organs of the female reproductive system that makes eggs and the hormones estrogen and progesterone

5. menstruation – the monthly breakdown and shedding of the lining of the uterus during which blood and tissue leave the woman’s body through the vagina

6. growth spurts – a period of rapid growth

7. fertilization –when one sperm and one egg come together, the combination of the 2 reproductive cells

8. fetus – once an egg is fertilized, the result is a developing human called a fetus, 8 weeks after fertilization

9. heredity – the passing down of traits from parents to their biological child

10. chromosomes – long strands of matter located in the cell nuclei; contain codes for all your inherited traits

11. genes – tiny bits of information on chromosomes; influence heredity

12. dominant – describes the stronger gene of a pair; this gene’s codes keep codes on the recessive gene from being carried out

13. recessive – describes the weaker gene of the pair; its codes are “hidden” by the codes on the dominant gene

14. inherited traits – characteristics received from parents; they affect the way you look and act

15. endocrine system – the body system that directs certain activities such as growth and development

16. endocrine glands – organs that make up the endocrine system

17. hormones – chemicals made in one part of the body that is released into the blood, that is carried through the bloodstream, and that causes a change in another part of the body; controls growth and development and many other body functions.

18. pituitary gland – the gland in the endocrine system that produces growth hormone

19. thyroid gland – the gland that controls how fast your cells turn nutrients into energy; also controls how fast nutrients are used for building and repairing cells.

20. adrenal glands – glands that make many different kinds of hormones that control how the body uses nutrients

21. gonads – reproductive organs that make reproductive cells and hormones

22. puberty – the period of time during adolescence when the reproductive system becomes mature

23. adolescence – the stage of development during which humans grow from childhood to adulthood

Important Information

1. What are sex-linked traits? Give an example.

2. How many chromosomes do you have? How many did your receive from your mother (egg)? Father (sperm)?

3. XX = XY =

4. Puberty causes oil glands to produce more oil than before resulting in ___________________________.

5. Does perspiration have an odor? What causes the odor?

6. What causes mood swings?

7. Females usually stop growing in height by age _____.

8. Everyone grows at different rates and stop when you reach your adult size. TRUE or FALSE

9. Different glands in your body make different hormones. TRUE or FALSE

Other Info to Know

*Know information about the Thyroid, Adrenal Glands, and Gonads

*Understand the chart on page 87 of your book (passing of dominant and recessive genes. EX: B and b)

*Study the pictures of the male and female reproductive system

(male - penis, urethra, scrotum, vas deferens, testicle, prostate gland, and bladder)

(female – cervix, uterus, ovary, vagina, fallopian tube)


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