Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit One God Amen

The Agpeya Psalms studies

Please hand it over no later than May 13,2018

Part 1

Name:-------------------- Phone:------------------

In God’s will we will study the Psalms as it is in the Agpeya by the same order with numbers

Psalm 50

Provide the verse:

1. When a man puts his sin before his eyes, he leads him to repentance----------------------

2. Church is protection----------------------------------------------

3. Mercy of God washes man from his sins------------------------------------------

4. The repentant is a good example to the sinner -------------------------------------

5. The purity begins from the inside--------------------------------------------------

6. Sin is directed to God alone---------------------------------------------------------

Answer the following:

1. What are the steps of true repentance as explained by David the prophet in this psalm?


2. When did David sing this psalm? And why?


Match from column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. A hyssop a broken spirit and broken heart ( )

2. In sins my mother conceived me church ( )

3. The real sacrifice a green plant ( )

4. The walls of Jerusalem an inheritance of Adam’s sin ( )


The Early Morning Psalms


Psalm 1

Answer the following:

1. Summarize the degrees of sin as stated in this psalm?


2. What is meant by: “the streams of water” in verse (3)? -------------------------------------------------------------

There are verses of the Gospel that correspond to verses from this psalm:

1. Josh. (1:8)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. John (5:29) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mention the verse that refers to the following:

1. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me-------------------------------------------------

2. Continuous prayer --------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 2

Provide the verse:

1. Every arrogant should be subject to the discipline of God---------------------------------------

2. David’s advice for understanding and obedience---------------------------------------------------

Answer the following:

1. Mention the common factors between Psalm 1 and 2?


There are verses of the Gospel that correspond to verses from this psalm:

1. Acts (4:25)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Acts (4:26)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Acts (13:33)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 3

Mention the verse:

1. Prophecy about the death and resurrection of Christ------------------------------------------------

2. One of the tricks of the devil is doubting -----------------------------------------

3. He who cries to God, God Responds to him---------------------------------------

Answer the following:

1. Mention the reason why is this psalm recited in early prayer?



Psalm 4

Write the verse that refers to:

1. All virtues are attributed to God---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Joy is in the Lord and not in giving--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Self-accountability and repentance daily-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Psalm 5

Provide the verse that refers to:

1. A verse that we say when we enter the church----------------------------------------------------

2. God destroys the wicked-------------------------------------------------------------

3. God is the judge ---------------------------------------------------------------

4. He who trusts in God rejoices--------------------------------------------------------------------

5. God hates evil------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.-------------------------------


Psalm 6

Answer the following:

1. This psalm mentions an important part of the prayer, what is it?


Provide the verse:

1. The devil is ashamed of the victory of the children of God -------------------------------------------------------

2. Trust in the mercy of God---------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Sense of human weakness---------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Repentance is washed and purified---------------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 8

Answer the following:

1. What is the verse which Jesus Christ said in response to the anger of the chief priests and the scribers when the children cried out saying “Blessed He who comes in the name of the Lord”?


2. What are the names of the creations mentioned in this psalm?


3. Write the duplicate part of the psalm? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Who is the first one that verse “6” in this psalm, applies to him? (See Gen. 1:26-28) -------------------------

Psalm 11

Match from column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. The vanities are lying, hypocrisy, pride ( )

2. Cheating are pure and are the source of salvation ( )

3. The tongue that speaks great words are sighings and prayers ( )

4. The words of the wicked is lying of speech ( )

5. The words of the righteous is useless speech ( )

6. The words of God is arrogant ( )


Psalm 12

Write the verse that refers to:

1. God allows His children to admonish Him------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. The prayer changes us from sorrow to joy--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Satan rejoices in our fall and weakness---------------------------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 14

This Psalm contains 11 behaviors for those who live in the house of the Lord

Indicate these behaviors and mention each reference with a personal name applicable to this behavior:

(Some references to help)

(Gen.6:9)— (1Sam 1:6—7) -- (1 Sam. 8:3)—(1 Sam19:1—2)—(2 Sam24:21—22)—(2 Kin 4:8—10)—(Neh5:10)—(Job 31:13)—(Luke 19:8)—(Acts 26:25)—(Rev 2:6)

The Behavior The Reference The Person

1. -------------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------

2. -------------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------

3. -------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------

4. -------------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------

5. ------------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------------

6. ------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------

7. ------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------------

8. ------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------

9. ------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------

10. ------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------

11. ------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------


Psalm 15

Provide the verse:

1. You had no need of my servitude, but rather I had need of Your Lordship---------------------

2. Whoever the Lord Is before him, will be in permanent joy-------------------------------------------

Answer the following:

1. Who is meant in verse “3”? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. List the names of two people who said the verse “5”?---------------------------------------------------------

3. Mention the name of the tribe, whose share was the Lord?-----------------------------------------------

There are verses of the Gospel that correspond to verses from this psalm:

1. Acts (2: 27) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Ex (23:13) ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 18

Please answer the following:

1. What do we learn from the creation?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. There is a symbol of Christ in this psalm, what is it?--------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Write the attributes of God which were mentioned in this psalm?


Provide the verse:

1. The preaching for the whole world is not in speech, but in action--------------------------------------------------

2. God is just in His judgments-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Fools are small foxes that we do not feel it ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 24

Provide the verse:

1. God gives the uprightness --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. God loves the meek---------------------------------------------------------

3. God saves us from satanic traps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. God’s way is the right way ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. God forgives sins--------------------------------------------------------------------

6. He who trusts in God is not ashamed----------------------------------------------------------------

7. O Lord, our eyes are upon You-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. Birds of a feather flock together-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 26

Answer the following:

1. “Though war should rise up against me, in this I am confident” write the events of the Gospel that prove this?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. What is meant by “the land of the living”? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Write the phrases that are repeated twice in this psalm? And what is the purpose of repeating it? With reference----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Write the verse:

1. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path---------------------------------------------------------------

2. The faith of David in eternal life ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. God’s protection of His children in times of distress -----------------------------------------------------------

4. Victory on the devil rejoices the heart ----------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Praising brings joy to the soul --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. If the mother forgets her baby, I will not forget you ---------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 62

Answer the following:

1. What did David simulate his longing for God, in this psalm?-----------------------------------------------------

Provide the verse:

1. Watching in prayer------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. David’s felt God’s protection of him--------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. David’s trust in the destruction of his enemies------------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 66

Write the verse:

1. Prophecy about the faith of the Gentile------------------------------------------------------------------

2. A verse that was repeated twice---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Answer the following:

1. What is the verse that the priest prays from this psalm in the final blessing of the Mass?


2. In verse (4) there is an illustration of Christ’s work in our lives, mention it?



Psalm 69

Write the verse:

1. Devils make fun of those who fall in sin-----------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Humility of David ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. He who resorts to God, God Hastens in his aid ---------------------------------------------------------------

4. The joy of the seekers of God --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 112

Answer the following:

1. Write from the two Testament the names of women to whom the last verse “9” applies.


2. List the names of people from the two Testaments that the verse “7” applies to them.


There are verses of the Gospel that correspond to verses of this Psalm:

1. Job (1:21) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. 1 Kin (8:27) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. James (4 :6)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Is (54:1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Psalm 142

Answer the following:

1. Describing the state of the sinner in this psalm looks like a character in one of Christ’s parables, what is it?


Provide the verse:

1. God’s mercy on his servants overcomes demons------------------------------------------------

2. The sin humiliates man ------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. The Holy Spirit Guides to repentance----------------------------------------------------------

4. There is no one without sin, neither nor one----------------------------------------------

5. The sin leads to apathy (Spiritual drought)------------------------------------------------------


The Psalms of the Third Hour


Psalm 19

Please answer the following:

1. What is the meaning of the word “Zion” in verse “2”? ----------------------------------------------------------

2. What is the word repeated by the psalmist in this psalm? How many times he repeated it? And why?


3. Mention the actions listed in this psalm for the work of God with us in adversity?


There are verses of the Gospel that correspond to verses of this Psalm

1. Zech. (4: 6)

2. 1 Sam (1: 17) ----------

3. Dan (1: 20) --------------

Psalm 22

Answer the following:

1. What is meant by “length of days” in verse “6”? ----------------------------------------------------

2. “This Psalm contains the symbols of a number of the seven church sacraments” provide the word and the sacrament symbolized to it.

--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 23

Answer the following:

1. This psalm is especially important as it is recited on two important occasions what are they?


2. What are the requirements that this psalm has explained to us to get the blessings of the Lord?



Psalm 25

Answer the following:

1. Compare David and Job “in terms of temptations” through this psalm?


2. In verse “11” is this pride of David or what? Prove your answer from the psalm?


3. Mention the similarity between this psalm and the first psalm? (With reference only)


Provide the verse:

1. Those who do not complain about the temptation, see the mercies of God in front of him------------

2. David’s desire for purity even through pain----------------------------------------------------------

3. He who trusts in God does not weaken ---------------------------------------------------------------

4. The love of David for the house of God-----------------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 28

Match from column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. The voice of the Lord cuts a flame dense forests ( )

of fire

2. In His holy temple every one speaks symbolize to the baptism ( )

of glory

3. The many waters meaning the Holy Spirit

4. Reveals the ruts these are the fruits of the Holy

Spirit ( )

Answer the following:

1. How often was the Word of the Lord repeated? And what does it refer to?


2. Mention the events of the gospel in which the voice of the Lord is with water and thunder?



Psalm 29

There are verses of the Gospel that correspond to verses of this Psalm:

1. Ezek. ( 15 : 26 )-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Eph. ( 2 : 6 )-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Is. ( 54 : 7)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Rom ( 13 : 14 )------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Provide the verse:

1. Praise God for His work in our lives----------------------------------------------------------------------

2. After death there is no hope---------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. True joy is in repentance and acceptance of God to us---------------------------------------------------------------


Psalm 33

Provide the verse:

1. My sweetheart is all sweet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Pray all the time----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Piety is a great treasure------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly-------------------------------------

5. Seek and you will find--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Complete the proverb and mention the reference:

1. ----- Catch more flies with---------------than you can with------------------ ( )

2. Bite off -----------than you can -------------- ( )

3. An -------------of prevention is ------------a pound of cure ( )


Psalm 40

Answer the following:

1. Who is the poor from your point of view? ---------------------------------------------------------------

2. What is the reward of God to the merciful as stated in the psalm?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Provide the verse:

1. The purpose of Satan is to exterminate the children of God------------------------------------------

2. A Prophecy about Judas Iscariot-----------------------------------------------------------------

3. The gossip is a sin -------------------------------------------------------

4. Recognition of error is a virtue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. The sin is a disease-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. God Accepts the humble---------------------------------------------------

7. God is everlasting and eternal --------------------------------


Psalm 42

Mention the reference:

1. Rejoice all the time---------------------------------------------------------

2. Sin causes grief and distress----------------------------------------------------

3. David was looking forward for Christ’s incarnation ---------------------------------------------------

4. The advice of the psalmist for every sad person----------------------------------------


Psalm 44

Answer the following:

1. “This psalm is of special ecclesiastical significance since it is read on important occasions” mention it?


Arrange sentences to visualize the events of the psalm in order as a film scenario:

1. The queen will stand clothed in a vestment wrought with gold work ( )

2. And anointed with oil then he will return to his throne and with him the king’s scepter ( )

3. The author sits and in front of him an open book to write in it ( )

4. And he shall look upon her, and she shall arise and worship him and offer him a gift ( )

5. He stands in his royal clothes, perfumed with different types of fragrance ( )

6. And he shall see before him a king who is masterful of beauty, and his words are full of grace and his sword in his side ( )

7. A large number of virgins join her ( )

8. The queen appears adorned with gold on the right side of the king ( )

9. They enter the palace with joy and gladness ( )

10. And listen attentively and listen to all his words ( )


Psalm 45

Provide the verse:

1. If God is with us, who can be against us --------------------------------------------

2. A prophecy on the work of the Holy Spirit the comforter ------------------------------------------------

3. God’s help in the tribulations--------------------------------------

4. God protects His church-----------------------------------------

5. The works of God testify to him-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Answer the following:

1. Mention a situation in which Christ said (I am He) and it was a cause of terror for his enemies; another situation which was a cause of joy for his fans?




Psalm 46

Answer the following:

1. When does the priest read this psalm? And why


Mention the verse:

1. God made us inheritants with him -----------------------------------------------------------------

2. Call upon all nations to praise God ---------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Subjugation of demons under our feet----------------------------------------------------------------------------


See you in the second part of the Agpeya Psalms

Remember us in your prayer

The Team



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