The Company & Testimony - Weebly

20 MINUTE FACEBOOK PARTY SCRIPT – 5.3.20Welcome to the party and IntroWELCOME! My name is and I’m an Independent Consultant with Arbonne International. It’s my pleasure to be here with all of you! THANK YOU HOSTPlease share (in the comments on the right) how you met (host) and what you like/love about him/her.Short and sweet overview Stick around to the end – freebies and raffle for everyoneIt’s kind of strange “talking” to you on FB Live, so do me a favor and comment a lot so I know you are out there. How many of you knew about Arbonne before? (comment yes, no, what you love)The Company & TestimonyA little background40 years old and stronger now than ever. VEGAN (Plant-based), GLUTEN-FREE and CRUELTY-FREE and many other certifications.One of only 3100 companies worldwide with a B Corporation certification - balances people, planet and profits. This puts us in the ranks with some outstanding brands you may recognize: Toms, S’well, Patagonia, Allbirds, Bombas, Athleta.Our founder, Petter Morck had a vision for a company that cared about people and the environment. Way ahead of his time. He created Arbonne with safe, clean products and a business opportunity where he dreamed ordinary people could do extraordinary things...a place where people would FLOURISH- LOVE that word! Now, there are thousands of people all over the globe impacted by his vision. I am SO thankful for Petter’s commitment to the products and for the community he started.When it comes to our philosophy, we have trademarked MIND-BODY-SKIN because science has proven strong correlations between the three. The health of one affects the health of another or all 3. Have you ever had a “gut wrenching” experience? The GI tract is sensitive to emotions that can trigger symptoms in the gut. Think about how your body reacts when you are stressed. You may experience food cravings, muscle tension, headaches, skin breakouts or other physical and mental. Mind, body and skin are all intertwined. When I started learning about health, I wasn’t aware that our gut is our immune system’s “control tower”. About 70% of our immune cells are and 80% of the hormone serotonin which makes you happy are in your digestive tract. Healing our gut creates a ripple effect to overall health! Anything you put on your skin (the largest organ in the body) gets rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and affects your overall health. (nicotine, hormone, sea sick patches)Because of this, Arbonne’s products are formulated without 2000 known, potentially harmful ingredients and substances commonly used by other brands. The FDA only bans about 15 ingredients meaning the brands we thought were clean and safe may not be so. You can be an ingredient expert or trust Arbonne to do the research for you! Now you can see how Mind, Body and Skin are tied together. I love how Arbonne helps connect them in the name of health. I don’t have time to tell you EVERYTHING I’d like to tell you about Arbonne so I’m going to share some of the ways I PERSONALLY add health daily, using Arbonne’s products. We’ll start with the BODY, out of the Mind, Body, Skin philosophy.BODY: 30 Days to Healthy LivingOur first product line is nutrition and something I love sharing My results in Jan 2019 were without exercise!ID foods I was sensitive to – causing inflammation. Figured out why some days I was waking up starving and others not. Eliminated my sugar CRAVINGsLearned why I had cravings Learned how much I love fruits and veggies. Stress eater – how to manage that.Make better choices. Conscious eater versus zombie eaterArbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living planFor people who need a resetHelp you identify foods and products that may not make you feel great. learn how to choose to use food as fuel for your body, Our goal is to help you tune in to the messages that your body is sending so that you can eat and drink more intuitivelyFor 30 days you’ll fuel your body with nutrient dense foods including Arbonne’s protein shakes, energy drinks, herbal tea and other products to make the transition to healthy living simpler than you think it would be. Type LINK in the comments to learn the details. I’ll send you a video overview by Dr. Tanda Cook, a naturopathic doctor who has made a 7 minute plan overview video for Arbonne. WHY and the WHAT! If you’re ready to press the reset button for your health, I recommend this plan! It’s what most people start with. Progress not perfectionEven my husband who I thought would never embrace a plan like this loves the way he feels from making some simple switches. If you are not ready for a 30 day commitment, a great place to start is The Breakfast Club. And either way you won’t be alone. You get a support group lots of guidance!THE BREAKFAST CLUB Start your morning with a nutrient dense protein shake. 20 G vegan protein, 20 essential vitamins and nutrients and full panel of amino acids. (My typical breakfast shake; vanilla, water, celery or carrots, frozen fruit, chia seeds, and fiber – blend it up) Protein flavors : chocolate, vanilla and limited edition Strawberry.Most add a little bit of fiber to keep full and regular Next step: Greens Shot: Greens Balance (37 phytonutrients of fruits and vegetables) Digestion Plus (pre and probiotics and digestive enzymes all in one- it’s GUT MAGIC) Energy Fizz Sticks (help promote endurance and alertness and reduce fatigue). You can boost your morning game more by adding a tiny scoop of Arbonne Essentials Whole food blend multivitamin and mineral boost, like I do, to give you 21 vitamins and minerals, plus antioxidant Vitamins A, C and E and nutrients from whole food sources. This is how I start my day. This alone would be a game changer in starting your day the best way possible! Drop BREAKFAST CLUB in the comments and I’ll get you the details.Bonus info: Protein shake mix - versatile - you can make delicious muffins, cookies, smoothie bowls, waffles, pancakes, protein bars and more with it. The recipes for smoothies and other goodies are endless! And that’s a wrap for the BODY section. MIND of the MIND BODY SKIN connectionMove to our minds. How many of you could use a little help with multi-tasking, focus and memory? If you said yes pay attention!THINK WELL BUNDLE is a combination ofMIND HEALTH (combination of phosphatidylserine, vitamin B12 and COQ10 to support neurological performance like concentration, focus, memory and learning), Energy FIZZ stick (replace soda or coffee: promote alertness and boost energy) INNERCALM which is an adaptogenic de-stress powder with ashwaghanda and saffron. Innercalm clinical studies show an increase in sleep quality, reduction in appearance of uneven skin tone and mood balancing including feelings of calm and alertness. You can have a second Fizz stick any time of day when you start to feel sleepy. Drop a THINK WELL comment for more info. That’s how easy it is rev up your MIND! SKIN – part 3 of MIND, BODY, SKINLet’s partner the inside focus with an outside focus! Self-care is so important and it feels good too! Skin care is part of health! Thinking about the mind, skin connection – when you know you look great your attitude and confidence and mood is elevated. Everything’s connected – and Arbonne does such a great job to make sure the connections are congruent. My skin story:Acne grade school until 40’sDermatologist – only focused on the outside – the inside piece was missingJoined Arbonne at age 44 and learned so much about why skin behaves in certain ways – blown awayProducts made an immediate impact and when I added the gut piece it was like magic. I look younger now – fewer lines and wrinkles, even skin, no more acne, skin glows and people guess me to be 15 years younger than I am. I’m not alone – Arbonne’s skin care is a game changer for many people! Start with the AGE WELL BUNDLE.RE9 Advanced skin care line with the addition of genius resurfacing pads is honestly a game changer.Results driven set - no one likes spending money on products that deliver empty promisesPowerhouse ingredients: Vitamin C and Orange Stem Cells to help target key signs of aging. Clinical studies: improvement in crow’s feet, skin radiance, smoothness, firmness and elasticity! We even have products that encourage collagen production from the inside. Vegan Collagen Builder - Skin Elixir. It is very, very hard to get vegan collagen in the market and people are raving about what this does for their skin, hair and nails! (me hair)Type AGE WELL to get more information on RE9 Advanced and Skin Elixir.I get a facial every day at home with RE9 Advanced. SUPERCALM - This is BRAND new! Did you know that over 55% of Americans experience some feelings of stress regularly (USA TODAY 2018) and 94% of America workers feel stressed ( 2019)? Are you in one of those groups? Mind, body, skin connection - stress can sabotage the connection without you even knowing it! Over reactive or highly sensitive skin - may be stress related and we have a set for you! Supercalm set includes vegan cleansing milk, skin relief serum, and soothing hydrator for the face ANDInnerCalm which is that adaptogenic de-stress powder to achieve a calm mindset and adapt better to stress! Comment Supercalm if you’d like more information on this bundle. Arbonne’s broad skin care options include RE9 Advanced for Men RE9 Advanced BrighteningPrepwork (soften baby lines and keep that youthful glow) Bio Hydria (extra hydration)Clear Future (acne) ABC Baby Care line – something for everyone you care about. Type OTHER SKINCARE if you’re curious in any of these effective lines. Continuing on with the SKIN – cosmetics!GLOW WELL BUNDLE and Arbonne’s Ready in 5 Makeup set. This set is great for anyone wanting a quick, polished look-to go in 5 minutes.Arbonne’s makeup is an extension of skin care- full of botanicals. So much more than pretty colors. Think beauty with benefits. 5 simple steps. CC cream, mascara (gets rave reviews), tinted brow cream or brow pencil, blush and lip gloss! YOU HAVE GORGEOUS COLOR CHOICES! Drop COLOR CONSULT in the comments and I’ll connect with you! Glam this set up - eye shadow palettes or Starlight Glow bronzing and highlighting palette. And I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t mention one of my absolute favorite products – Makeup Primer. This perfects your “canvas”, and helps makeup look better and last longer. And…do any of you have a graveyard of unused products under your bathroom sink? I did! Lipsticks in the wrong color, foundation that didn’t match or skin care products that just didn’t work? Arbonne has a 45 day money back guarantee on everything so you can return or exchange anything you are not 100% happy with. HOW IS EVERYONE DOING?? PLEASE SEND A THUMBS UP OR SOME HEARTS MY WAY in the commentsWRAP UPWe’re going to end this party soon but first I’m going to let you in on a little Arbonne secret now! Who loves shopping with coupons or when things are on sale? No need to wait for a sale or coupon with Arbonne! You can get 20%-40% off, plus free shipping and free gifts with qualified purchases all year long. (YES it’s true!!). If you love discounts, type DISCOUNT in the comments and I’ll send you info on our Preferred Client plan.This party will stay open for only 48 hours. You will get a friend request from me, if you haven’t already, so be on the lookout for that - my name again is ____! Expect to get a message from me to check in with you and see what questions you have. If we’re not friends, the Facebook direct messages aren’t easy for you to find and so you might miss out - and we don’t want that! I will copy (HOST) on the messages to make sure we don’t miss each other. Be sure to keep an eye out for those messages!Let’s give a huge shout out to (HOST NAME) who is getting a FREE full sized product as a THANK YOU for hosting tonight and a deep discount on her healthy living products!!BUT WAIT a MINUTE - THERE’s JUST A BIT MOREI have a raffle for everyone to participate in. Simply request to join my VIP page by clicking on the link in the posts. Anyone who joins the group in the next 48 hours will be entered to win. I’ll be raffling off 2 of my favorite products with some serious wow factor!! (show products and a short why you love it). Winning is EASY PEASY.And to make this extra special for YOU, for the NEXT 48 hours, anybody who direct messages me or posts saying “I'M READY TO ORDER” will get a gift with purchase from me! No tricks!I’m here to help you find solutions for your health and skin goals and make sure you get the best deal possible while you help (Host) get his/her rewards! I encourage you to think about hosting your own fun Facebook event and get a FREE item plus the items on your wish list at a deep discount just like (host). Comment HOST if you’d like info on hosting. Lastly: We build our business through social sharing methods like we’re doing here, right now. If you’d like more info on how we’re doing this, how we are able to build a business from our smart phones, from our laptop, from where ever you are, if anything is intriguing you about what I said tonight, please just put MORE INFO in the comments and we will be sure to follow up with you to get you more info. I’d love to introduce you or anyone you know to the business and see if it is a fit. I can tell you that the Arbonne culture has been a gift — in a combination of the best products and incredible people working together to better themselves and the world. If you long for a community of positive and uplifting people, we’d love you to join us!There are 4 ways that you can be a part of the Arbonne community:You can purchase products at full retail as a client. But everyone loves a deal so most people choose option 2Which is to become a Preferred Client. This is the 20-40% discount plan plus other perks – free shipping, free products and more. The third option is to Host a Facebook party like this to bless and educate your friends and scoop up the host rewards.And fourth is to join our team of Independent Consultants. We shop at 35-50% off products and make an income from our own sales and an override on our team’s sales for helping them learn and grow. It’s a business that can provide you with choices and an additional income stream based on your personal efforts and in my opinion is the best of the four choices. Refer to earnings. for more details.When I heard about Arbonne, I couldn’t stop thinking “what if”. What if I could be a part of a community of people who would cheer me on and help me be a better version of myself? I’m thankful I took a leap of faith, faced my fears and joined the community. I’d love to chat with you about it too. Thank you again for partying with us, Thank you (HOST) for hostingI hope you all have an amazing night and be healthy! ................

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