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5191125-3810000BiologyE Week #33Week of: April 20-24DayRoot WordsIn-ClassHomework4/20: MondayWord:Definition:As in:-Picture:-Protein Synthesis Notes 4/21: TuesdayWord:Definition:As in:-Picture:-Practice Protein Synthesis-Snorks Mutations4/22: WednesdayWord:Definition:As in:-Picture:-Gattaca Movie4/23: ThursdayWord:Definition:As in:-Picture:-FIELD TRIP TO THE BROOKFIELD ZOO4/24: FridayWord:Definition:As in:-Picture:-Gattaca MovieNeed Help? Talk to me in class. I’m available during periods 4, 5 and 8. You can call me at 708-434-3616 or email clundgren@ Also, Mr. Hill is in the Tutoring Center before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Be sure to use the website mrlscience.Protein Synthesis Notes Problem: Why are proteins important? How are they made?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Evidence:What is RNA?DNA Vs. RNADNARNANucleotide PartsShapeTypes What are proteins?What are proteins made of?What is the central dogma of biology?What is transcription?Where does transcription take place?Transcribe the following DNA strand?T A C G A C C T A G A T A T CWhat is a codon? What is the start codon?Using the strand above write out all the codons below.What is translation?38290507048500Where does translation take place?Use the codon chart to write out the amino acids for the message above. What is a mutation? What causes mutations?Conclusion: Why are proteins important? How are they made? ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Protein Synthesis Practice Transcription: DNA double helix unwinds. RNA copy made from DNA template. RNA goes through edit before exiting the nucleus.Questions: 1. Describe, in your own words, transcription:2. Where does transcription occur? Why must it occur in this location?3. Fill in the correct base for the complimentary RNA strand. DNA strandRNA strandGuanine______________Adenine______________Thymine______________Cytosine______________4. Give the appropriate mRNA strand that would be transcribed from the DNA strand below. DNA strand:T A T A A T A C T C G A C A A T TmRNA strand: _______________________________________________________________Use the chart of the genetic code given at the right and the notes given to you below to answer the questions that follow. You may also have to refer to book or notes for help.263842589535Reading the Chart:?The first base in a codon is the largest most center letter in the chart. ?The second base in a codon is the medium size letter just outside the first bases.?The third base in a codon is the smallest size letter next to the words of the amino acids.Translation begins at the first “start” codon (AUG or Met) and ends when a “stop” codon is reached.Transcribe the entire section of DNA below into mRNA. Use the top strand for transcription.-36195094615 DNAmRNA00 DNAmRNAG G T A T A C C A T T A G C T T G C C A T T C G A AC C A T A T G G T A A T C G A A C G G T A A G C T T______________________________________________________________Translate the mRNA sequence above into the appropriate amino acid sequence (protein). Remember to keep an eye out for the “start” codon and the “stop” codons.-46672592075Amino Acid Sequence00Amino Acid Sequence______________________________________________________________Go through transcription and translation to give the appropriate amino acid sequence for the DNA molecules below. Like before, use the top strand for translation. Transcribe the entire sequence but only translate the sequence after the “start” codon.-314325123825 DNAmRNA00 DNAmRNAA C C T A C A T G A C A T T G A A A A T T T CT G G A T G T A C T G T A A C T T T T A A A G______________________________________________________________-43815058420Amino Acid Sequence00Amino Acid Sequence______________________________________________________________Now work backwards from the amino acid sequence below to generate the appropriate mRNA molecule. There will be several different possible answers because more than one codon can stand for a single amino acid.-447675123190Amino Acid Sequence mRNA00Amino Acid Sequence mRNAMet - Pro - Lys - Thr - stop______________________________________________________________Translation:mRNA start codon binds to ribosome.tRNA picks up AA in cytoplasm and carries it to ribosome.tRNA anticodon binds to complimentary mRNA codon.AA attaches to end of growing polypeptide chain.tRNA leaves to find another AA.Translation ends when stop codon is reached.Polypeptide released for folding.Questions:1. Describe, in your own words, translation:2. Where does translation occur? Why must it occur in this location?3. Describe, in your own words, genetic code:4. What is a codon? 5. Use the AA chart from page 3 (next page) to answer this question.A. Match the following three letter codons with the amino acid that they code for. The first one is done for you.GCU Alanine_____AAG___________CAA___________UUU___________UGG___________AUG___________B. What codon(s) code for the Amino Acid lysine (Lys)? For valine (Val)?C. What are the 3 stop codons? What do stop codons do? What is the start codon?Below are two partial sequences of DNA bases (shown for only one strand of DNA) Sequence 1 is from a human and sequence 2 is from a cow. In both humans and cows, this sequence is part of a set of instructions for controlling a bodily function. In this case, the sequence contains the gene to make the protein insulin. Insulin is necessary for the uptake of sugar from the blood. Without insulin, a person cannot use digest sugars the same way others can, and they have a disease called diabetes.Instructions: Using the DNA sequence, make a complimentary RNA strand from both the human and the cow. Write the RNA directly below the DNA strand (remember to substitute U’s for T’s in RNA). Use the codon table on the front page to determine what amino acids are assembled to make the insulin protein in both the cow and the human. Write your amino acid chain directly below the RNA sequence.Sequence 1 – HumanDNA : T A C C C A T A G C A C G T T A C A A C G T G A A G G A T TmRNA : ___________________________________________________________________Amino Acids: __________________________________________________________________Sequence 2 – CowDNA : T A C C C G T A G C A T G T T A C A A C G C G A A G G A T TmRNA: ___________________________________________________________________Amino Acids: __________________________________________________________________Analysis Questions:The DNA sequence is different for the cow and the human, but the amino acid chain produced by the sequence is almost the same. How can this happen?Could two humans (or two cows) have some differences in the DNA sequence for insulin, yet still make exactly the same insulin proteins? Explain.Snorks and Mutations Activity In this simulation you will examine the DNA sequence of a fictitious organism: the Snork. Snorks were discovered on the planet Dee Enae in a distant solar system. Snorks only have one chromosome with 6 genes on it, which are used to determine their 6 physical traits. Your job is to analyze the genes of its DNA and determine what traits the organism has.Snork DNA and TraitsCodonAmino Acid NumberAmino Acid SequenceTraitAUG2020-11-13HairlessUCG1620-12-13HairyGCU220-21-21PlumpUUG413-14-15SkinnyGCG316-2-54 leggedCCC516-4-52 leggedUCC712-7-8Round headUUU85-7-8Block headAAA99-8-8No tailCCA129-4-8TailAUA1311-3-2Slanted eyesGGG111-3-3Wide round eyesUAG66-6-10MaleUAA106-6-14FemaleCCU11Below you will find the chromosome from a Snork. Each gene has only 3 amino acids that code for it. Your job is to determine the sequence of amino acids for your specimen. Write down the complimentary mRNA, the amino acid sequence mRNA codes for, and the related trait in the chart below.DNATACGGTTAT-AGCCGAGGG-TTTAACAAA-GGACGCCGA-GGGAGGAAA-ATCATCATTmRNA - - - -Amino Acid Number - - - -Trait - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6Draw your Snork in the space below. Be creative!!!Your Snork has undergone some mutations! CIRCLE THE MUTATIONS IN YOUR DNA and complete the chart below to identify what effect they had upon your Snork.DNATACGGTTAT-AGCCGAGGG-TTTAAAAAA-GGACGCCGC-GGGAGGAAA-ATCATCATTmRNA - - - -Amino AcidNumber - - - -Trait - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6Draw your mutated Snork in the space below. Be creative!!!Did your Snork experience a mutation? How do you know? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Did the mutation cause a change in the Snork’s traits? What changed?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5562600-244476Gattaca Movie PacketGattaca is a very secure place, how do you get into the building?What did the doctors tell Vincent/Jerome’s parents when he was born?What was Vincent/Jerome’s life expectancy? What did Vincent/Jerome’s parents do differently with their next son?How did the parents alter their next child?What is Vincent/Jerome’s lifelong dream?Why wouldn’t they want Vincent/Jerome for the space program?How do/could they test people to get into the space program?What was Vincent/Jerome’s job as a young adult?What happens when Vincent/Jerome pushes the button to get into Gattaca?Describe Eugene’s (Jude Law) character. Strengths? Weaknesses?What does Vincent do to transform into Jerome?Day #1 Reflection Question: Would you genetically alter your child? Why or why not? (5 sentences!!!!!!!!!!!) What has Vincent/Jerome’s interview like?What does Vincent/Jerome do every day before work? Why?What is a “degenerate”?What did Irene (Uma Thurman) do with Vincent/Jerome’s hair sample?How did Eugene become paralyzed? Was it an accident?What did they find from Vincent/Jerome at the crime scene?What do Vincent/Jerome and Eugene get in a fight about? What does Vincent/Jerome want to do? What does Eugene want to do?What was unique about the piano player?What happens on Irene’s and Vincent/Jerome’s drive home? What does Vincent/Jerome refuse to do?What happens when Vincent/Jerome tries to cross the road? Why?What do the detectives believe about the lead suspect? How do they want to test the workers to test their theory?How did Vincent/Jerome beat the blood test?What does Vincent/Jerome fear when he wakes up?What does Irene do to help Vincent/Jerome?Day #2 Reflection Question: How would you feel if you were not able to get a certain job or live a certain way due to your DNA? Is that fair/ethical? (5 Sentences!!!!)What does the detective make Irene do?What does Eugene make Irene do?What does Irene discover? How does she react?Who murdered the director? How did they know?Who was the detective really?What happens at the end of the swimming race?What does Eugene do for Vincent/Jerome?What does the doctor do for Vincent/Jerome? What does the doctor tell Vincent/Jerome about his son?What happens to Eugene?Does Vincent/Jerome ever make it into space?Day 3 Reflection Questions:How did this movie make you feel? (3 sentences)What would you have done if you were Vincent? Why? (4 sentences)What does the staircase in their home represent? Why is this symbol so important in the movie? (3 sentences)How are the detective and Eugene very similar? Different? (4 sentences)What do you think is the final conclusion that you should draw from this movie about altering DNA? (3 sentences)Make an advertisement below highlighting the reasons for genetically altering your child before it is born or the reasons against genetically altering your child before it is born. ................

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