Name: Protein Synthesis Practice - Collea's Corner


Protein Synthesis Practice

Base your answers to questions 1 and 2 on the information and chart below and on your knowledge of biology.

In DNA, a sequence of three bases is a code for the placement of a certain amino acid in a protein chain. The table below shows some amino acids with their abbreviations and DNA codes.

1. Describe how a protein would be changed if a base sequence mutates from GGA to TGA. 2. Which amino acid chain would be produced by the DNA base sequence below?

C-A-A-G-T-T-A-A-A-T-T-A-T-T-G-T-G-A A) B) C) D)

Base your answers to questions 3 through 5 on the table below, which represents the DNA codes for several amino acids.

3. The original DNA sequence undergoes the following change: TACACACAAACGGGG ?TACACACAAACGGGT State one reason this mutation produces no change in the action of the final molecule that will be synthesized from this code.

4. The DNA sequence undergoes the following change: TACACACAAACGGGG ? TACACCCAAACGGGG How would the sequence of amino acids be changed as a result of this mutation?

5. A certain DNA strand has the base sequence: TACACACAAACGGGG. In the space provided below, write the sequence of amino acids synthesized from this code if it is read from left to right.

6. Animal cells utilize many different proteins. Discuss the synthesis of proteins in an animal cell. Your answer must include at least: ? the identity of the building blocks required to synthesize these proteins ? the identity of the sites in the cell where the proteins are assembled ? an explanation of the role of DNA in the process of making proteins in the cell

7. Arrange the following structures from largest to smallest. a chromosome a nucleus a gene

Base your answers to questions 8 and 9 on the diagram below, which provides information related to heredity.

8. Which molecules are represented by box B?

A) bases

B) proteins

C) amino acids

D) simple sugars

9. The type of molecule in box A serves as a template. Explain what this means.

10. Base your answer to the following question on the Universal Genetic Code Chart below and on your knowledge of biology.

Then, using the Universal Genetic Code Chart, record the amino acid sequence that is coded for by the mRNA codons you placed in the table.

Answer Key DNA Protein Synthesis Practice

1. Examples: The

7. -- nucleus,

shape of the protein

chromosome, gene

may be changed. -- 8.


The amino acid

sequence would be 9. Examples: -- The

different. -- The

template serves as a

protein would

pattern. -- The

contain threonine

sequence of bases in

instead of proline.

a DNA molecule

-- The protein being

serves as a pattern

synthesized may not

for the replication of

work correctly. --

that DNA molecule.

The protein will not

-- The molecule in

be able to function.

box A (DNA) serves

as a pattern for the

2. C

production of other

3. ? GGG and GGT

DNA molecules. --

both code for proline

The template serves

? The same molecule

as a pattern for the

will be produced. ?

eventual production

The last three bases

of protein. -- The

still code for proline.

template serves as a

? The same amino

pattern for the

acid sequence is

formation of RNA.



4. methionine ?

tryptophan ? valine

? cysteine ? proline

--or-- the first

cysteine would be

replaced by


5. methionine ? cysteine ? valine ? cysteine ? proline

6. Examples: ? DNA codes for the amino acid sequence. ? DNA provides instructions for making proteins. The building blocks are amino acids. The proteins are assembled in the cytoplasm of the cell, at the site of the ribosomes.


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