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Spring 2016 Biology Semester 2

Term project: 6 paragraph essay on Wetlands: Correct and polish the Six paragraph essay on Wetlands: their function in the water cycle and importance of wetlands as an ecosystem. 3rd quarter. Focus is to be on writing a good 6 paragraph essay with citations.

Unit 3 – Genetics

Major Activities:

• I am a Ribosome lab

• Karyotype who did it lab

• Geneman

Unit Outline:

1) DNA (Banana DNA Extraction Lab)

• Structure (Build a paper model)

• Replication

2) Cell Cycle

• Phases (G1, S, G2, M, Cytokinesis)

• Controls (passage of a cell through the cell cycle is controlled by proteins in the cytoplasm. Cyclins, and Cyclin-dependent kinases)

3) Asexual/Sexual Reproduction

• Mitosis

o Process (flip book)

o Purpose (asexual reproduction – exact copies)

• Meiosis

o Process (compare/contrast with mitosis)

o Purpose (sexual reproduction – male/female gamete production)

o Crossing Over

o Non-disjunction

Assessment (Cell Cycle/Reproduction Quiz)

4) Protein Synthesis (SAY IT WITH DNA )

• Transcription

• Translation

• Proteins

o I am a ribosome- Protein creation Lab

o Say it with DNA lab

On-Line Resources:

This is a large site contains animatins and introduces the concept of DNA and details the genetic code. The section entitled the Molecules of Genetics is useful for exploring DNA.  

Genetic Science Learning Center    Genetic Science Learning Center: This interactive site from the University of Utah contains graphics and animations that answer the question, What is DNA? and What is a protein?

DNA: Prelude to the Symphony of Life. This site from Thinkquest contains text and diagrams about the structure of DNA nucleotides.

DNA Structure. This site contains a diagram of the molecular structure of a DNA molecule.  

This site from contains information and graphics about DNA.  


Assessment (Protein Synthesis Quiz)

5) Genotype/Phenotype

• Genotype/Phenotype Lab

• Should This Dog Be Called Spot

Assessment Geneman Quiz

6) Genetic fingerprinting

• Paper Essay

• Forensic lab paper

Virtual lab Gel electrophoresis virtual Lab

7) Probability

• Probability Lab (penny flipping)

• Punnett Squares

o Monohybrid Cross (Westonia genetics, Sponge Bob genetics)

o Dihybrid Cross (Snake Genetics)

8) Special Case Genetics (Practice Packet)

• Co-Dominance

• Incomplete Dominance

• Sex-Linked Characteristics

9) Pedigrees

• Reading

• Building

• Personal pedigree

Genetics Common Unit Exam

Unit 3 Genetics

Part 1: DNA replication, Cell Cycle, Protein Synthesis

Biology Textbook: Chapters 10, 12, 13

Standard 1: Students apply the processes of scientific investigation and design, conduct, communicate about, and evaluate such investigations.

Standard 3: Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interact with each other and their environment.

1. The pattern/process of reproduction and development is specific to different organisms

3. There is a purpose of synthesis and breakdown of macromolecules in an organism

10. Cell reproduction/division has various processes and purposes (mitosis, meiosis, binary


11. DNA has a general structure and function and a role in heredity and protein synthesis (for

example: replication of DNA and the role of RNA in protein synthesis)

Standard 5: Students understand that the nature of science involves a particular way of building knowledge and making meaning of the natural world.

Key Concepts:

DNA Discovery & Structure DNA Replication Mitosis vs. Meiosis

Cancer & the Cell Cycle Karyotyping Cell Differentiation

Essential Questions:

1. What is the structure of DNA and how does it function in genetic inheritance?

2. How does DNA structure relate to its function?

3. How did scientists determine that DNA is responsible for storing, copying and transmitting genetic information?

4. How was the basic structure of DNA discovered?

5. How do cells copy their DNA?

6. How does a cell produce a new cell?

7. Why and how do cells divide?

8. How does a cell control the process of cell division?

9. What is the role of the cell cycle in organisms?

10. How does a single undifferentiated cell lead to a complex multicellular organism?

Inquiry Questions:    

1. How does DNA structure relate to its function?

2. How does a cell produce a new cell?

3. What is the role of the cell cycle in organisms?

4. Why is it possible to clone a whole organism from an undifferentiated cell?

5. Why are stem cells sought by researchers as potential cures to medical problems?

What I Need to Know/Be able to do:

χ Describe the history of the DNA molecule and the scientists involved in its discovery.

χ Diagram the structure of a DNA molecule and describe the parts.

χ Use the base pairing rule to replicate a DNA molecule.

χ Describe the function of DNA in heredity.

χ Summarize the relationship among DNA, chromosomes and a genome.

χ Identify the enzymes involved in DNA replication.

χ Explain the basic process of DNA replication which allows for genetic continuity.

χ Compare and contrast DNA and RNA in terms of structure, nucleotides, and base pairs.

χ Diagram the stages of mitosis and describe the significance of each stage.

χ Analyze the events that occur at each phase of the cell cycle (G1, S, G2, M)

χ Estimate and graph the number of cells in each stage of mitosis.

χ Evaluate the significance of mitosis and meiosis in the human body.

χ Define cancer and types of tumors and the causes of cancer.

χ Describe how DNA is passed from parent to offspring during sexual and asexual reproduction.

χ Compare and contrast the purposes and processes of mitosis, meiosis, and binary fission.

χ Describe the meiotic processes of independent assortment of chromosomes, crossing over, and mutations in creating genetic diversity.

Quizzet flash cards




Bioethic debate

Stages of mitosis

DNA Animation: DNA Transcription & Protein Assembly

DNA replication

Protein sysnthesis

18 Things You Should Know about Genetics!


Secrete of photo 51

DNA interactive timeline

Cracking the code of life video

Crack the Code Game

DNA double helix game

DNA Basic Tour Genome

Build a DNA Molecule

What is cloning click and clone

Human genome project

 DNA Interactive genome

What is a chromosome? Tour

DNA workshop pbs try it

genetics DNA simulation

protein synthesis modeling

human mendelian genetics on line

Gel electrophoresis tutorial

Gel electrophoresis virtual Lab

Make a karyotype

DNA Extraction Virtual lab

Stem cells

Cell to DNA interactive

Cells Alive! Mitosis

Centre of the cell- mitosis

Cells Alive- Meiosis

Control of the cell cycle game

Meiosis tutorial

How cells divide interactive


Vocabulary online Glencoe dictionary


Week 1

| |

|DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid a type of essential biological compound found in the nuclei of cells that codes and stores genetic |

|information and controls the production of RNA |

| |

|2. Nitrogenous base function of a nitrogenous base is to bond nucleic acids together |

| |

|3. Nucleotide |

|subunits of nucleic acid formed from a simple sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. |

| |

|4. Hydrogen bond |

|weak chemical bond formed by the attraction of positively charged hydrogen atoms to other negatively charged atoms. |

| |

|5. Double helix |

|shape of a DNA molecule formed when two twisted DNA strands are coiled into a spring like structure and held together by hydrogen|

|bonds between the bases |

| |

|6. Base pairing Rule bserved pairings of bases when strands of DNA, RNA, or both, pair with each other. Bases follow these rules |

|during DNA replication, transcription, translation (pairing between messenger RNA and transfer RNA), and when primers and probes |

|are activity. |

| |

|7. RNA |

|ribonucleic acid (RNA) |

|a nucleic acid that forms a copy of DNA for use in making proteins |

| |

|8. Genome all the known genes of a species and the chromosomes they are on |

| |

|9. Chromosome |

|cell structures that carry the genetic material that is copied and passed from generation to generation of cells. |

| |

|10. DNA Replication (S phase) part of the cell cycle where DNA and the cell organelles are duplicated for cell division in |

|Mitosis, |

|process in which chromosomal DNA is copied before mitosis or meiosis. |

| |

|Week 2 |

| |

|11. Semi-conservative Replication in mitosis each sister cell receives one original DNA strain and one new copy of the other DNA |

|strain. |

| |

|12. Mitosis |

|period of nuclear cell division in which two daughter cells are formed, each containing a complete set of chromosomes prophase, |

|metaphase, anaphase, telophase |

| |

|13. Binary fission |

|asexual reproductive process in which one cell divides into two separate genetically identical cells |

| |

|14. Interphase |

|cell growth phase where a cell increases in size, carries on metabolism, and duplicates chromosomes prior to division phases G1,|

|S and G2 |

| |

|15. Prophase |

|first and longest phase of mitosis where chromatin coils into visible chromosomes and the nuclear membrane breaks down. |

| |

|16. Metaphase |

|short second phase of mitosis where doubled chromosomes move to the equator of the spindle and chromatids are attached by |

|centromeres to a separate spindle fiber |

| |

|17. Anaphase |

|third phase of mitosis and the shortest phase, in which the centromeres split and the chromatid pairs of each chromosome are |

|pulled apart by microtubules. |

| |

|18. Telophase final phase of mitosis during which new cells prepare for their own independent existence- new cell membranes form|

|down the middle of the cell |

| |

|19. Cell Cycle |

|continuous sequence of growth (interphase) and division (mitosis) in a cell. |

|Week 3 |

| |

|20. Homologous chromosomes one of a pair of chromosomes |

| |

|21. Cytokinesis division of the cell’s contents other than DNA. cell process following meiosis or mitosis in which the cell’s |

|cytoplasm divides and separates into new cells |

| |

|22. Sister Chromatid Two identical strands joined by a common centromere as a result of a chromosome that duplicated during the S|

|phase of the cell cycle. |

| |

|23. Chromatin |

|long strands of unwound DNA found in the eukaryotic cell nucleus; DNA at work. They condense to form chromosomes during cell |

|division. |

| |

|24. Spindle fibers during mitosis and meiosis the chromosomes attach to these in metaphase to be equally divided |

| |

|25. Centriole |

|in animal cells, a pair of small cylindrical structures composed of microtubules that duplicate during interphase and move to |

|opposite ends of the cell during prophase |

| |

|26. Centromere |

|cell structure that joins two sister chromatids of a chromosome : The constricted region joining the two sister chromatids that |

|make up an X-shaped chromosome |

| |

|2827.Equatorial plate the area midway between the poles of the spindle of a dividing cell, where chromosomes are aligned |

| |

|28. Cancer uncontrolled cell division that can be caused by environmental factores or changes in enzyme production during the |

|cell cycle. |

|Week 4 |

| |

|29. Benign Something that does not metastasise (spread to other areas of the body) and treatment or removal is curative |

| |

|30. Malignant cells that will metastasis and spread to other areas of the body not always curable |

| |

|31. Karyotype photomicrographs wherein chromosomes are arranged in homologous pairs, and in descending order of size and relative|

|position of the centromere. |

| |

|32. Diploid cell whose similar chromosomes occur in pairs. |

|cell with two of each kind of chromosome; is said to contain a diploid, or 2n, number of chromosomes. |

| |

| |

| |

|33. Haploid cell with one of each kind of chromosome, is said to contain a haploid or n number of chromosomes. |

| |

|34. Tetrad each replicated chromosome pairs with its homologous chromosome forms a tetrad. |

| |

|35. Crossing over |

|exchange of genetic material between nonsister chromatids from homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis; results in |

|new allele combinations |

| |

|36. Meiosis |

|type of cell division where one body cell produces four gametes, each containing half the number of chromosomes as a parent’s |

|body cell. Meiosis is me contributing to the continuation of the species |

| |



The base pairing rules for DNA are

• A pairs with T G pairs with C C pairs with G. T pairs with A

The base pairing rules for DNA (left) with RNA (right) are:

• A pairs with U

• G pairs with C

• C pairs with G

• T pairs with A

When two molecules of RNA pair, the rules are:

• A pairs with U

• G pairs with C

• C pairs with G

• U pairs with A

Part 2 of Unit 3 Genetics

Biology Textbook: Chapters 11, 14, 15

Inquiry Questions:

1. Why is it possible to clone a whole organism from an undifferentiated cell?

2. Why are stem cells sought by researchers as potential cures to medical problems?

3.  Why is it possible for a cell from one species to express genes from another species as in genetic modification of organisms?

4. Why are human offspring not genetic clones of their parents or siblings?

5. How is it possible to distinguish learned from instinctual behaviors such as imprinting etiquette, and suckling by mammals?

Science Standard:

Life Science 2.7- Physical and behavioral characteristics of an organism are influenced to varying degrees by heritable genes, many of which encode instructions for the production of proteins.


1. Genetics: scientific study of heredity

2. fertilization: process in sexual reproduction in which male and female reproductive cells join to form a new cell

3. trait: specific characteristic of an individual 

4. hybrid offspring of crosses between parents with different traits

5. gene: sequence of DNA that codes for a protein and thus determines a trait; factor that is passed from parent to offspring

6. allele: one of a number of different forms of a gene

7. principle of dominance: Mendel's second conclusion, which states that some alleles are dominant and others are recessive

8. Law of segregatiion: separation of alleles during gamete formation 

9. gamete: sex cell

10. probability: likelihood that a particular even will occur

11. homozygous: having two identical alleles for a particular gene

12. heterozygous: having two different alleles for a particular gene

13. phenotype: physical characteristics of an organism what we see, genotype + environmental influence

14. genotype: genetic makeup of an organism what you get from your parents 

15. Punnet square: diagram that can be used to predict the genotype and phenotype combinations of a genetic cross

16. Law of independent assortment : One of Mendel's principles that states that genes for different traits can segregate independently during the formation of gametes

17. incomplete dominance: situation in which one allele is not completely dominant over another allele

18. condominance: situation in which the phenotypes produced by both alleles are completely expressed

19. multiple alleles: a gene that has more than two alleles

20. polygenic trait : trait that is controlled by two or more genes

21. homologous : term used to refer to chromosomes that each have a corresponding chromosome from the opposite-sex parent

22. diploid: term used to refer to a cell that contains two sets of homologous chromosomes

23. haploid : term used to refer to a cell that contains only a single set of genes

24. meiosis: process in which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half through the separation of homologous chromosomes in a diploid cell

25. tetrad: structure containing 4 chromatids that forms during meiosis

26. crossing-over: process in which homologous chromosomes exchange portions of their chromatids during meiosis

27. zygote: fertilized egg

Major Activities:

• Genetic Resolution Essay and Philosophical Chairs

• Karyotype who did it lab

• Geneman

Unit Outline:

5) Genotype/Phenotype

• Genotype/Phenotype Lab

• Should This Dog Be Called Spot (Quiz)

6) Genetic Engineering Resolution Project

• Essay

• Philosophical Chairs

7) Probability

• Probability Lab (penny flipping)

• Punnett Squares

o Monohybrid Cross (Sponge Bob genetics)

o Dihybrid Cross (Snake Genetics)

8) Special Case Genetics (Practice Packet)

• Co-Dominance

• Incomplete Dominance

• Sex-Linked Characteristics

9) Pedigrees

• Reading

• Building

Genetics Common Unit Exam

Websites supports for students

Science spot heredity, DNA and genetics

Onion root tip practice


Onion Root

DNA Technology and biological processes

Graphics Gallery at


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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