Protein Synthesis Foldable - Major Wester's Website

Protein Synthesis Foldable

Step One: Fold paper hamburger style, but leave a tab at the bottom. Label the tab "Stages of Protein Synthesis" Step Two: Cut and split the front in half. Label the left side "Transcription" and the right "Translation" Step Three: Open up the left tab and on the top section of the tab draw the process of transcription. On the bottom

section, answer the following questions:

a. Where does this process occur? b. What enzymes are used in this process? c. What molecule holds the instructions for this process (what is being "read") d. What molecule is being made in this process? e. What is the role of the product of transcription? What is its purpose?

Step Four: Open up the right tab and on the top section of the tab draw the picture of translation. On the bottom section, answer the same as above questions.

Step Five: On the back of the foldable, put the following phrases in correct order to describe protein synthesis. Write out the statement. Numbers only will not be accepted.

1. mRNA is produced in the nucleus from DNA. 2. Ribosomes move along mRNA. 3. DNA stores the genetic code for a specific protein. 4. Protein is produced. 5. tRNA brings amino acids to ribosomes. 6. mRNA moves out of the nucleus to ribosomes.

Protein Synthesis Foldable

Step One: Fold paper hamburger style, but leave a tab at the bottom. Label the tab "Stages of Protein Synthesis" Step Two: Cut and split the front in half. Label the left side "Transcription" and the right "Translation" Step Three: Open up the left tab and on the top section of the tab draw the process of transcription. On the bottom

section, answer the following questions:

a. Where does this process occur? b. What enzymes are used in this process? c. What molecule holds the instructions for this process (what is being "read") d. What molecule is being made in this process? e. What is the role of the product of transcription? What is its purpose?

Step Four: Open up the right tab and on the top section of the tab draw the picture of translation. On the bottom section, answer the same as above questions.

Step Five: On the back of the foldable, put the following phrases in correct order to describe protein synthesis. Write out the statement. Numbers only will not be accepted.

1. mRNA is produced in the nucleus from DNA. 2. Ribosomes move along mRNA. 3. DNA stores the genetic code for a specific protein. 4. Protein is produced. 5. tRNA brings amino acids to ribosomes. 6. mRNA moves out of the nucleus to ribosomes.


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