Prototype of Love - Stony Brook

Prototype of Love

INSTRUCTIONS: For each of the features below, we would like you to ask yourself: "How central is this feature to your love relationship?" Then rate the centrality of that feature using the 8-point scale below:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

not at all extremely

central central

____ 1. Excitement

____ 2. Openness

____ 3. Sacrifice

____ 4. Honesty

____ 5. Devotion

____ 6. Supportive

____ 7. Feel free to talk about anything

____ 8. Put other first

____ 9. Understanding

____ 10. Heart rate increases

____ 11. Sexual passion

____ 12. Commitment

____ 13. Sex appeal

____ 14. Euphoria

____ 15. Protectiveness


The passion sub-scale includes euphoria, excitement, heart rate increases, sex appeal, and sexual passion. The intimacy sub-scale includes feel free to talk about anything, honesty, openness, supportive, and understanding. The commitment sub-scale includes commitment, devotion, protectiveness, put other first, and sacrifice. Find your average of your scores for each sub-scale to determine your level of passion, intimacy, and commitment with regards to your romantic partner. When Aron and Westbay (1996, Study 7) administered this 15-item questionnaire to a sample of 52 participants, the average scores were 5.30 for passion, 7.15 for intimacy, and 5.92 for commitment.

FROM: Aron, A., & Westbay, L. (1996). Dimensions of the prototype of love. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70(3), 535-551.


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