Concept comb.puts

Concept combination: a geometrical model

Peter Gärdenfors

Lund University Cognitive Science

Kungshuset, S-222 22 Lund, Sweden


1. The problems of concept combination

A remarkable feature of human thinking is our ability to combine concepts and, in particular, to understand new combinations of concepts. Nobody has problems grasping the meaning of combinations like pink elephant, striped apple and cubic soap-bubble, even if one will never encounter any object with these properties. An important criterion for a successful theory of concepts is that it should be able to explain the mechanisms of concept combination.

In classical logic, combinations of concepts are expressed by conjunctions of predicates. This means that the reference of the combination of two concepts is taken to be the intersection of the extensions of the two individual concepts. However, it turns out there are many everyday combinations of concepts that cannot be analysed in this simplistic manner. For example, tall squirrel, white wine, and stone lion cannot be analysed in terms of intersections of extensions. Furthermore, as Hampton (1988) points out, taking intersections leads to the prediction that if something is not a D, then it is not a D-which-is-a-C. But subjects tend to deny that a screwdriver is a weapon, but in general affirm that a screwdriver is a weapon-which-is-a-tool.

Also the traditional form of prototype theory has problems explaining combinations of concepts. An early proposal was to use fuzzy set theory to compute the prototype of a combination of concepts from the prototypes of its constituents. However, Osherson and Smith (1981) demonstrate that this approach results in incorrect results for many types of combinations. Kamp and Partee (1995) try to circumvent these problems for the prototype theory by applying the notion of “supervaluations.” But a straightforward application of their theory cannot handle examples like striped apple and porcelain cat.

In the literature there are still other attempts to model concept combination (some of which will be presented in section 5). However, all of them seem to have problems with many everyday examples like stone lion. In this paper, I will propose a geometrical model of concept combination that is based on conceptual spaces. The following section will introduce the notion of a conceptual space that I have proposed in earlier work. In section 3, it is then outlined how conceptual spaces can be used to model properties and concepts. In section 4, I suggest a first analysis of concept combination, which is thencompared to some other theories in section 5. By taking into account the effect of “contrast classes” and dynamic properties of concepts, the first proposal is then amended in sections 6 and 7.

2. Conceptual spaces as a representational framework

As a framework for representing the knowledge structure used in cognitive semantics, I have proposed the notion of a conceptual space (Gärdenfors 1990a, 1990b, 1992, 1996b, to appear). A conceptual space consists of a number of quality dimensions. Examples of such dimensions are: color, pitch, temperature, weight, and the three ordinary spatial dimensions. These dimensions are closely connected to what is produced by our sensory receptors (Schiffman 1982). However, there are also quality dimensions that are of an abstract non-sensory character.

The primary function of the quality dimensions is to represent various “qualities” of objects in different domains. Since the notion of a domain is central to my analysis, it should be given a more precise meaning. To do this, I will rely on the notions of separable and integral dimensions taken from cognitive psychology (Garner 1974, Maddox 1992, Melara 1992). Certain quality dimensions are integral in the sense that one cannot assign an object a value on one dimension without giving it a value on the other. For example, an object cannot be given a hue, without also giving it a brightness value. Or the pitch of a sound always goes along with a certain loudness. Dimensions which are not integral are said to be separable, as for example the size and hue dimensions. Using this distinction, the notion of a domain can now be defined as a set of integral dimensions that are separable from all other dimensions.

The domains form the framework used to assign properties to objects and to specify relations between them. The dimensions are taken to be independent of symbolic representations in the sense that we can represent the qualities of objects without presuming an “internal” language in which these qualities are expressed.

The notion of a dimension should be understood literally. It is assumed that each of the quality dimensions is endowed with certain topological or geometric structures. As a first example, take the dimension of time. In science, time is a one-dimensional structure which is isomorphic to the line of real numbers. If now is seen as the zero point on the line, the future corresponds to the infinite positive real line and the past to the infinite negative line.

If it is assumed that the dimensions have a metric, one can talk about distances in the conceptual space. Such distances represent degrees of similarity between the objects represented in the space. Thus conceptual spaces are suitable for representing different kinds of similarity relations.

It is important to introduce a distinction between a psychological and a scientific interpretation of quality dimensions. The psychological interpretation concerns how humans structure their perceptions. The scientific interpretation, on the other hand, deals with how different dimensions are presented within a scientific theory. The distinction is relevant when the dimensions are seen as cognitive entities, in which case their structure should not be determined by scientific theories which attempt to give a “realistic” description of the world, but by psychophysical measurements which determine how our perceptions are represented.

A psychologically interesting example of a domain involves color perception. In brief, our cognitive representation of color can be described by three dimensions. The first dimension is hue, which is represented by the familiar color circle. The topological structure of this dimension is thus different from the quality dimensions representing time or weight which are isomorphic to the real line.

The second psychological dimension of color is saturation which ranges from grey (zero color intensity) to increasingly greater intensities. This dimension is isomorphic to an interval of the real line. The third dimension is brightness which varies from white to black and is thus a linear dimension with end points. Together, these three dimensions, one with circular structure and two with linear, constitute the color domain which is a subspace of our perceptual conceptual space.

This domain is often illustrated by the so-called color spindle (see figure 1). Brightness is shown on the vertical axis. Saturation is represented as the distance from the center of the spindle. Hue, finally, is represented by the positions along the perimeter of the central circle.


Figure 1: The color spindle.

It is impossible to provide a complete list of the quality dimensions involved in the conceptual spaces of humans. Some of the dimensions seem to be innate and to some extent hardwired in our nervous system, as for example color, pitch, and probably also ordinary space. Other dimensions are presumably learned. Learning new concepts often involves expanding one's conceptual space with new quality dimensions. Functional properties used for describing artifacts may be an example here. Even if we do not know much about the geometrical structures of these dimensions, it is quite obvious that there is some such non-trivial structure. Still other dimensions may be culturally dependent. Finally, some quality dimensions are introduced by science.

3. Properties and concepts

The theory of conceptual spaces will first be used to provide a definition of a property. I propose the following criterion (Gärdenfors 1990b, 1992) where the geometrical characteristics of the quality dimensions are utilized to introduce a spatial structure for properties:

Criterion P: A natural property is a convex region in some domain.

The motivation for the criterion is that if some objects which are located at v1 and v2 in relation to some quality dimension (or several dimensions) are both examples of the property C, then any object that is located between v1 and v2 on the quality dimension(s) will also be an example of C. Criterion P presumes that the notion of betweenness is meaningful for the relevant quality dimensions. This is, however, a rather weak assumption which demands very little of the underlying geometrical structure.

Criterion P does not presume that one can identify sharp borders between properties; it can be applied also to fuzzy properties or properties that are defined by probabilistic criteria. What convexity requires is that if two object locations v1 and v2 both satisfy a certain membership criterion, e.g., has a certain degree or probability of membership, then all objects between v1 and v2 also satisfy the criterion.

Most properties expressed by simple words in natural languages seem to be natural properties in the sense specified here. For instance, I conjecture that all color terms in natural languages express natural properties with respect to the psychological representation of the three color dimensions. It is well-known that different languages carve up the color circle in different ways (Berlin and Kay 1969), but all carvings seems to be done in terms of convex sets (Sivik and Taft, 1994).

Properties, as defined by criterion P, form a special case of concepts. I define this distinction by saying that a property is based on a single domain, while a concept may be based on several domains.

The distinction between properties and concepts has been obliterated in the symbolic as well as connectionist representations that have dominated the discussion in the cognitive sciences. In particular, both properties and concepts are represented by predicates in first order languages. However, the predicates of a first order language correspond to several different grammatical categories in a natural language, most importantly those of adjectives, nouns and verbs. The main semantic difference between adjectives and nouns, on the one hand, is that adjectives like “red,” “tall,” and “round” normally refer to a single domain and thus represent properties, while nouns like “dog,” “apple” and “town” normally contain information about several domains and thus represent concepts. Verbs, on the other hand, are characterized by their temporal structure, i.e., they essentially involve the time dimension. Even though it is impossible to generalize completely, most basic verbs represent dynamic properties of domains.

Let us now focus on the differences between single-domain properties and multi-domain concepts. As a paradigm example of a concept that is represented in several domains, consider “apple” (compare Smith et al. 1988). The first problem when representing a concept is to decide which are the relevant domains. When we encounter apples as children, the first domains that we learn about are presumably color, shape, texture and taste. Later, we learn about apples as (biological) fruits, about their nutritional value, and possibly about some further dimensions. It should be noted that I do not require that a concept should be associated with a closed set of domains. On the contrary, this set may be expanded as one learns about further aspects of a concept. The addition of new domains is often connected with new forms of actions that require attention to previously unnoticed aspects of a concept.

The next problem is to determine the geometrical structure of the domains. Taste space can presumably be represented by the four dimensions sweet, sour, salty and bitter (Schiffman 1982, chapter 9) and the color domain by hue, saturation and brightness. Other domains are trickier: it is difficult to say much about, e.g., the topological structure of “fruit space.” Some ideas about how “shape space” should be modelled have been discussed in, for example, Marr and Nishihara (1978), Biederman (1987), Gärdenfors (1990b, 1992). Textures could possibly be modelled using fractal theory (Pentland 1986). Instead of giving a detailed presentation of the geometrical structures of the different domains, let me represent the “apple” regions verbally as follows:

Domain Region

Color Red-yellow-green

Shape Roundish (cycloid)

Texture Smooth

Taste Regions of the sweet and sour dimensions

Fruit Specification of seed structure, flesh and peel type, etc., according to principles of pomology

Nutrition Values of sugar content, vitamins, fibres, etc

When several domains are involved in a representation, some principle for how the different domains are to be weighed together must be assumed. The relative weight of the domains is dependent on the context in which the concept is used. Hence, I assume that in addition to the regions associated with each domain, the concept representation contains information about the prominence of the different domains. The prominence of different domains determine which associations can be made and thus which inferences can be triggered by a particular use of a concept (see Gärdenfors 1996a). The prominence values can change with the context, and with the knowledge and interests of the user. For example, if you are eating an apple, its taste will be more prominent than if you are using an apple as a ball when playing with an infant, which would make the shape domain particularly prominent.

Concepts are not just bundles of properties. The proposed representation for a concept also includes an account of the correlations between the regions from different domains that are associated with the concept. In the “apple” example there is a very strong (positive) correlation between the sweetness in the taste domain and the sugar content in the nutrition domain and a weaker correlation between the color red and a sweet taste.

These considerations of prominence and correlations motivate the following definition of concept representation:

Criterion C: A natural concept is represented as a set of convex regions in a number of domains together with a prominence assignment to the domains and information about how the regions in different domains are correlated.

In this analysis of concepts, I have tried to bring in elements from other theories in psychology and linguistics. The kind of representation proposed in Criterion C is on the surface similar to frames with slots for different features that have been very popular within cognitive science as well as linguistics and computer science. My definition is richer since a representation based on conceptual spaces will allow me to talk about concepts being close to each other and about objects being more or less central representatives of a concept. My model can be seen as combining frames with prototype theory, although the geometry of the domains will make possible predictions that cannot be made in either frame theory or prototype theory. (see Gärdenfors 1990b).

The main difference between the earlier theories and the one presented here is that I put greater emphasis on the geometrical structure of the concept representations. For example, features in frames are often represented in a symbolic form. As will be seen in the following sections, the geometrical structures are essential for the modelling of concept combination.

The notion of a concept defined here has several similarities with the image schemas as studied in cognitive linguistics by Lakoff (1987), Langacker (1987) and others. Even though their representations are often pictorial, they are, in general, not careful to specify the geometrical structures of the domains that underlie the image schemas. Holmqvist (1993) has developed a computational-friendly representation which combines image schemas with some aspects of conceptual spaces.

4. Modelling concept combinations

In this section, I want to show that Criterion C has the potential to handle combinations of concepts. Suppose one wants to form the combination XY of two concepts X and Y, where each concept is represented as a set of regions in a number of domains together with a prominence assignment to the domains according to the proposal in the previous section. Note that in the linguistic expressions for the combination, the order of X and Y is important: in English the word for X is taken to be a modifier of Y. Thus red brick is a kind of brick, while brick red denotes a particular shade of red.

The most common case of concept combination is when X is a property (normally expressed by an adjective) and Y is a concept (expressed by a noun). But there are also cases where both concepts are multi-domain concepts, normally expressed by nouns, for example, iron cast which can be contrasted with cast iron. Noun-noun combinations have been studied in some detail by, among others, Murphy (1988, 1990) and Wiesnevski (1996).

As a first approximation, the general rule for the combination XY of two concepts X and Y that I propose is that the region for some domain of the modifier X replaces the corresponding region for Y. However, it will turn out to be necessary to account for further factors governing concept formation. Consequently, this rule will be amended below.

Let us first look at how the proposed rule applies to property-concept combinations and save the more complicated concept-concept combinations until later. To give a paradigmatic example, green apple denotes the concept where the color region of apple (which was illustrated as “red-yellow-green” in the frame above) is replaced by the more specific green region. In some cases Y does not specify any value for the domain of X, in which case the X-region is simply added to the corresponding domain of Y. For example, the representation of book may not include any specified region of the color domain, so in yellow book the yellow region of the color domain is added to book.

If the region of X is compatible with the corresponding region of Y, like in the two examples above, the result of combining X and Y can be described as the intersection of the concepts, as was proposed for the classical logical theory. However, if the regions are incompatible, as in pink elephant, the region for X overrules that of Y (which, in the case of elephant, presumably is the grey region of the color domain). In such a case, X “revises” Y and XY cannot be described in terms of intersections. Such revisions will result in non-monotonic effects of the contents of the concepts (see Gärdenfors 1996a).

Even if the region for X is not strictly incompatible with the region of Y, modifying Y by X may still lead to revisions of Y because of the correlations between domains that are also part of the concept representation proposed in the previous section. For example, in brown apple, modifying the color domain to the brown region may lead to a modification of the texture domain from smooth to shriveled (Smith et al. 1988, p. 523) since there is a strong correlation among apples between being brown and being shriveled. Similarly, in wooden spoon, the size region of the spoon will be changed from small to large when the material of the spoon is specified as wood (Medin and Shoben 1988).

Applying the proposed rule becomes more complicated for concept-concept constructions, because then both concepts have values in several domains which leads to more difficult choices of which regions of X will overrule the corresponding regions in Y. To borrow an example from Hampton (1997, p. 146), in pet bird the “habitat” domain for pet is “domestic” while it is “in the wild” for bird. Here, pet bird inherits the region from pet. In contrast, the typical region in the “covering” domain for bird is “feathered” while it is “furry” for pet. In this case, pet bird inherits the region from bird. The general principle seems to be that if there is a conflict between two regions for the same domain, it is the region with the highest degree of prominence that takes precedence.

In some cases, the regions of X may block some of the most prominent domains of Y, leading to rather drastic changes of the concept Y. For example in stone lion, the representation of  stone includes the property “non-living” which is presumed by many of the domains of lion. These domains, like color, sound, habitat, behavior, etc., can thus not be assigned any region at all. By large, the only domain of lion that is compatible with stone is the shape domain. Consequently, the meaning of stone lion is an object made of stone that has the shape of a lion.

Modifying a concept Y by another concept X can not always be analysed as a function of the representations of X and Y alone. Sometimes the modifier X functions almost like a metonymical construction, i.e., an abbreviation of a longer phrase. For example, a criminal lawyer is normally not analysed by taking the intersection of criminals and lawyers, but it is a lawyer who works with criminal cases (Hampton 1997, p. 137). An almost bizarre example is Fillmore's topless district. Here it is not the district that is topless, nor the bars in the district, nor the waitresses that work in the bars, but the dresses that the waitresses wear.

Wisniewski (1996) performed some empirical studies of how subjects interpret noun-noun combinations. He distinguishes between property mapping, where a property of the modifier X is assigned to the concept Y; and relation linking where the combination is viewed as involving a relation between the two nouns. For noun-noun combinations, property mapping seems to b compatible with what is predicted by the model proposed here.

Examples of relation linkings are honey bee where the bee is the maker of the honey and electric shock where the electricity causes the shock (Wisniewski 1996, p. 435). Wisniewski showed in one of his studies that when the two nouns represent similar concepts, then they are much more likely to use property mapping. Relational linking seems to be based on the kind of metonymical construction noted above, where the modifier noun functions as an abbreviation for the relation holding between the two nouns in the combination (Wisniewski 1996, p. 441).

Conceptual spaces have mainly been developed for domains based on perceptual dimensions. Hence, it is not easy to see how the functional relations involved in relation linking could be analysed with the aid of the model presented here. Gärdenfors (to appear) presents some ideas about how conceptual spaces could also cover functional and relational concepts. It should be admitted, however, that the theory is not very well developed in these areas and it is therefore difficult, at this stage, to give an adequate account of relational linkings between concepts.

5. Comparisons with other theories

Smith et al. (1988) propose a frame-based model of concept combination that has many features in common with the one developed here. They distinguish a number of “attributes” (domains) for each concept and for each attribute a number of “values” (properties), where each value, like red or green, can have “salience values” (which generate a fuzzy membership in regions of the domain). Each attribute is also assigned a “diagnosticity” value which corresponds to the prominence of the model presented in the previous section, even though Smith et al. don't emphasize the context sensitivity of the diagnosticity value.

Their model can explain a number of the examples discussed above. However, since they have no representation of the geometrical structure of the domains, my model will have greater explanatory power. For example, there is no mechanism in the model of Smith et al. that can handle the stone lion example above. On the other hand, they extend their model to cover concept combinations that include adverbs, which I am not treating here.

Holland et al. (1995, chapter 4.2) present a computer program for concept formation called PI and give some examples of how the program handles concept combination. Even though the system is rule-based, and thus essentially a symbolic system, it uses a frame structure with different “slots” (domains). Since representation is based on (default or absolute) rules, it is difficult to see how a geometrical structure could be modelled. The program will also have problems in situations when the rules defining the concepts to be combined are in conflict with one another as in the stone lion example or in cases like giant midget and midget giant (Kamp and Partee 1995, p. 159). However, an advantage of their approach is that the rule-generating mechanisms take into account expectations about the variability of concepts.

Kamp and Partee (1995) try to circumvent the problems for prototype theory presented by Osherson and Smith (1981) by applying the notion of “supervaluations” (van Fraassen 1969). But a straightforward application of the theory cannot handle the striped apple example, let alone stone lion. They “diagnose the case as crucially involving the dynamics of context dependence, and argue that once the linguistic and non-linguistic factors that affect the dynamic ‘recalibration’ of predicates in context have places for them in a enriched framework, the supervaluation approach can survive” (Kamp and Partee 1995, p. 131). They propose that certain semantic processes involve the operation of several “modules” (1995, p. 181), which in their description play the role of the domains of the theory presented in this chapter. However, their amendment of the supervaluation method does not exploit any geometrical structures, so, again, the model proposed here is richer in structure.

Holmqvist (1993) develops a theory which has many similarities to the one presented here. However, his analyses has much greater scope than just covering concept combination since his goal is to develop a model of natural language processing. Nevertheless, the structures he presents for representing concepts and the corresponding mechanisms for combining concept are, in general, closely related to those proposed here. Like the other theories, he puts less emphasis on the geometrical structures of the concept representations than I do.

6. The effect of contrast classes

To further motivate the geometric approach to concept combination, I next turn to a kind of combinations that cannot be handled properly by any of the theories considered in the previous section. The starting point is that, for some concepts, the meaning of the concept is often determined by the context in which it occurs. Since these phenomena are not accounted for by the general rule for concept combination that was proposed in section 4, this rule must be amended.

A typical example of context effects is that some properties cannot be defined independently of other properties. One simple example is the property of being tall. This property is connected to the height dimension, but cannot be identified with a region in this dimension. To see the difficulty, note that a chichuahua is a dog, but a tall chichuahua is not a tall dog. Thus “tall” cannot be identified with a set of tall objects. This property presumes some contrast class given by some other property, since things are not tall in themselves but only in relation to some given class of things. Tallness itself is determined with the aid of the height dimension. For a given contrast class Y, say the class of dogs, the region H(Y) of possible heights of the objects in Y can be determined. An object can then be said to be a tall Y if it belongs to the “upper” part of the region H(Y). Technically, the property “tall” can be defined as a class of regions: for each contrast class Y to which the height dimension is applicable, “tall” corresponds to the region of the height dimension which is the upper part of H(Y).

The same mechanism can be applied to a number of other properties. It can sometimes result in rather odd effects. For example, the same stream of tap water (with a given temperature x) can be described as “hot” if seen as water in general, but as “cold” if seen as bath water. The reason is that in the first case the region to which “hot” is applied is the full range of water temperatures, while in the latter case it is only the limited interval of bath water temperatures (see figure 2).


Figure 2. The meaning of “hot” in two different contrast classes.

The effects of contrast classes also appear in many other situations. Consider the seemingly innocent concept red (Halff, Ortony and Anderson 1976). In the Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, it is defined as “of the colour of fresh blood, rubies, human lips, the tongue, maple leaves in the autumn, post-office pillar boxes in Gt. Brit.” This definition fits very well with letting red correspond to the standard region of the color space. Now consider red in the following combinations:

• Red book

• Red wine

• Red hair

• Red skin

• Red soil

• Redwood

In the first example, red corresponds to the dictionary definition, and it can be combined with book in a straightforward extensional way that is expressed by a conjunction of predicates in first order logic (i.e., intersecting the extensions). In contrast, red would denote purple when predicated of wine, copper when used about hair, tawny when of skin, ochre when of soil and pinkish brown when of wood. How can we then explain that the same word is used in so many different contexts?


Figure 3: The subspace of skin colors embedded in the full color spindle.

I don't see how this phenomenon can be analysed in a uniform way using a frame-based model or any of the other models discussed in the previous section and I would challenge proponents of these theories to come up with a solution. Here I want to show how the idea that a contrast class determines a domain can quite easily be given a general interpretation with the aid of conceptual spaces. For each contrast class, for example skin color, one can map out the possible colors on the color spindle. This mapping will determine a subset of the full color space. Now, if the subset is completed to a space with the same geometry as the full color space, one obtains a picture that looks like figure 3.

In this smaller spindle, the color words are then used in the same way as in the full space, even if the hues of the color in the smaller space don't match the hues of the complete space. Thus, “white” is used about the lightest forms of skin, even though white skin is pinkish, “black” refers to the darkest form of skin, even though black skin is brown, etc. Note that the set of possible skin colors will not cover all of the small spindle, but certain skin color regions will be empty. There are for example no green people (but one can become green of envy or of sickness).

Given this way of handling contrast classes, I can now formulate a more precise version of the general rule for concept combination that was proposed in section 4. The additional consideration is that the concept Y in the combination XY determines a contrast class. This contrast class may then modify the domains to which the concept X is applied as is illustrated in the examples above. The final proposal thus becomes:

The combination XY of two concepts X and Y is determined by letting the regions for the domains of X, confined to the contrast class defined by Y, replace the corresponding regions for Y.

7. Change in relative prominence

The main effect of applying a concept in a particular context is that certain domains of the concept are put into focus. In relation to the model of concepts presented in section 3, this means that the context determines the relative prominence of the domains. For example, in a context of moving furniture, the weight dimension becomes highly prominent. Hence, the concept piano may lead to an inference of heavy. In contrast, in a context of musical instruments, the weight dimension is much less prominent and an application of the concept piano will probably not become associated with heavy (Barclay et al. 1974).

Another effect of changes in context is that a change in prominence of certain domains may result in a shift of the borders between different concepts. Such changes of borders naturally lead to non-monotonic effects when the concepts are applied in different contexts (see Gärdenfors 1996a).

This kind of change can be modelled mathematically with the aid of so called Voronoi tessellations (for a presentation, see Gärdenfors 1992, to appear). When the distance between two points in a space is determined the relative scales of the dimensions are important. A change in the prominence of a dimension can be described as putting more weight on the distances between objects on that dimension, i.e., magnifying the scale of the dimension.

For example assume that that we have a domain with two dimensions x and y, and three prototypical points p1, p2 and p3, located as in figure 4a. Assume that distances are given by the Euclidean metric. The Voronoi tessellation that is generated from these three points can then be determined. Now if the relative prominence of the x-dimension is doubled, i.e. the scale of x is multiplied by two, the resulting Voronoi tessellation will change the categorization of some points in the space as is shown in figure 4b. For instance, the point q will belong to the category associated with p1 in the first case, but to the category associated with p3 in the second. Similar changes would occur if the city-block metric was adopted instead of the Euclidean.


Figure 4. Changes in Voronoi tessellation as a result of a change of the scale of the x-axis.

This phenomenon should be compared with Goldstone's (1994) findings concerning sensitization between dimensions. One of his results is that dimension x is more sensitized when categorization depends only on dimension x than when it depends on both dimensions x and y. The upshot is that categorization will, to some extent, be dependent on which dimensions are focused on in a particular context.

A final topic concerning changes of concepts, that will just be mentioned in passing here, is that within many areas there is a marked difference between how laymen apply concepts and how scientists treat them. For example, whales used to be classified as fish, while zoologists now tell us that whales are not fish but mammals. I believe that this can be analysed as a difference in the relative prominence of the domains involved in the whale concept. Formerly, the shape domain and maybe some of the behavioral dimensions of whales, like swimming in the sea, were more prominent than the physiological domain, which for the modern zoologist is the main reason for classifying whales among the mammals. This kind of change in prominence actually results in a recategorization of the class of animals.

In other words, one type of development of a scientific theory consists in realising that a particular domain of a concept is more important for a coherent categorization of a class of phenomena than the domains considered to be the most prominent by lay people, as exemplified by the recategorization of whales. For another example, this is what happened when Linneaus discovered that focusing on the number of pistils and stamina of flowers resulted in a more adequate categorization of flowers than by merely looking at the color, shape, and medical domains as was done in folk botany. In this kind of change of a theory, the underlying conceptual space remains fixed – it is just the relative prominence of the domains that is shifted.

8. Conclusion

In this article, I have presented a geometrical model of concept combination based on conceptual spaces. I have not strived at developing the model in a full formalism, mainly because for most natural concepts it is very difficult, at this stage, to identify the relevant geometrical structures. The model should rather be seen as setting up a program for future analyses of concepts.

Nevertheless, my ambition has been to show that the proposed model can handle some of the cases that have been problematic for other models of concept combination. My model reminds of frames, but it strongly exploits the geometrical structure of concept representations. Among other things, this structure makes it possible to talk about relative distances between concepts and to account for the main features of prototype theory. And as is illustrated in section 6, the effect of contrast classes show that the geometrical structure is required to account for some important phenomena of concept combination.


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