American Government (2nd ed

American Government, 2nd Edition

Lesson Plan Overview

|Day(s) |Topic |Pages |Support Materials |Bible Integration |

|Chapter 1: The Only Sure Foundation |

|1 |The Necessity of |1–6 | |General Objectives #1, 2, 6, and 10 |

| |Government | | |Chapter Motivation |

| | | | |The Bible and Government |

| | | | |Memory verse: II Sam. 23:3–4 |

| | | | |Government in the Bible |

| | | | |Mark 12:13-17 |

| | | | |Christianity and Culture |

| | | | |Spheres of Authority |

| | | | |Human Depravity |

| | | | |Fear of God |

| | | | |Highlight |

| | | | |The Trinity |

| | | | |Mankind Before the Fall |

| | | | |Bible Study |

| | | | |Dominion and Government |

| | | | |The Nature of God and His World |

| | | | |The Problem of Human Depravity |

| | | | |Creation Mandate |

| | | | |Herod the Great |

| | | | |Section Review |

|2 |The Obligations of |6–9 | |Memory Verse: Rom. 13:1–4 and I Pet. 2:13–14 |

| |Government | | |Reward Righteousness |

| | | | |Vanity of Accomplishing Great Works Apart from God |

| | | | |Bible Integration Discussion on Rom. 13:1–7 |

| | | | |Whose Morality Is Being Legislated? |

| | | | |Punish Unrighteousness |

| | | | |Section Review |

| | | | |Righteousness—God and His Ways |

|3 |The Obligations of the |9–14 |Activity 3: Do You Remember? |Submission |

| |Governed | | |Paul’s Political Environment |

| | | | |Government Officials as Ministers of God |

| | | | |Case Study |

| | | | |Breaking God’s Laws |

| | | | |Ungodly Governments |

| | | | |Interaction |

| | | | |Prayer Project |

| | | | |The Highest Authority |

| | | | |The Herods |

| | | | |Paul’s Example |

| | | | |True Patriotism |

| | | | |John 18 |

| | | | |Normandy Memorial |

| | | | |Section Review |

|4 |Chapter 1 Review |Chapter Review |

|5 |Chapter 1 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 2: Christian Beginnings in America |

|6 |Settlement |17–21 |Activity 1: Mayflower Compact, |Chapter Motivation |

| | | |1620 |In God We Trust |

| | | | |Impact of Christianity |

| | | | |“Christian Heritage” |

| | | | |Worship and Evangelism |

| | | | |Early American Education |

| | | | |Divine Right of Kings |

| | | | |Local Christian Politician |

| | | | |Enormous Influence |

|7 |Revolution |21–25 |Activity 2: Christianity’s |Revival |

| | | |Influence |Historical Perspective |

| | | | |Christianity’s Influence |

|8 |Conclusion |26–30 |Activity 3: People, Documents, and|Compartmentalizing Christianity |

| | | |Events |Bible Integration Study |

| | | | |Gospel’s Social Influence |

| | | | |Section Review |

| | | | |Chapter Review |

|9 |Chapter 2 Review |

|10 |Chapter 2 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 3: Forms of Government |

|11 |Types of Government |32–37 |Activity 1: Systems of Government |Is the Majority Always Right? |

| | | | |Sin, the Source of Oppression and Vice |

| | | | |Biblical View of Anarchy |

| | | | |Memory Verse: Jer. 17:9 |

| | | | |Absolute Authority |

|12 |American Government |38–42 |Activity 2: What About Your State?|Memory Verse: Isa. 33:22 |

| | | | |Large or Small |

| | | | |Chapter Review Application Question #1: Man’s Deceitful|

| | | | |Heart |

|13 |Chapter 3 Review |

|14 |Chapter 3 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 4: The Meaning of Democracy |

|15–16 |History of Democracy |44–53 |Activity 1: Impact of English Bill|Popular Government in the Bible |

| | | |of Rights |Perspective |

| | | | |Memory Verse: Prov. 29:2 |

| | | | |God Was in Control |

| | | | |The Monarchy |

| | | | |Man’s Sinful Nature |

|17 |Characteristics of |53–57 |Activity 3: Electoral Systems |Minority Rights |

| |Democracy | | |Ultimate Purpose |

| | | | |Necessity of Compromise |

| | | | |Individual Worth |

|18 |Conditions for Democracy |58–62 |Activity 4: Understanding |Constructing a Biblical Welfare System |

| | | |Democracy |Christian University Educator |

| | | | |Moral Responsibility |

| | | | |Chapter Review |

|19 |Chapter 4 Review |

|20 |Chapter 4 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 5: Constitutional Beginnings |

|21–22 |Confederation Crises |66–78 |Activity 1: Declaration and |Geographic Providence |

| | | |Resolves |Natural Law |

| | | | |Christian Principles and Deism |

| | | | |Jefferson’s Beliefs |

| | | | |Foundational Beliefs |

| | | | |Scripture and Government |

| | | | |Neighboring States |

| | | | |Section Review Question #4: Christian Influence on the |

| | | | |Declaration of Independence |

|23 |Constitutional Convention |78–85 |Activity 4: “Compact Together” |Compromise? |

| | | | |Franklin on Prayer |

| | | | |Character Counts |

| | | | |Roger Sherman: Uncompromising Compromiser |

| | | | |Compromise and the Christian |

|24 |Ratification Controversy |86–92 |Activity 5: Do You Remember? |Powerful Ideas |

| | | | |The Finger of God |

| | | | |Inauguration Bibles |

| | | | |The Lord’s Direction |

| | | | |Chapter Review Application Question #3: When Compromise|

| | | | |is Detrimental |

|25 |Chapter 5 Review |

|26 |Chapter 5 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 6: The Constitutional Cornerstone |

|27 |Practical Characteristics |94–100 |Activity 1: Strict or Broad? |Chapter Motivation |

| | | | |Memory Verse: Prov. 13:14 |

| | | | |Constitutional Query |

| | | | |Antichrist’s Government |

| | | | |Section Review #1 |

|28 |Basic Principles |100–105 |Activity 2: Popular Sovereignty |Complete Sovereignty |

| | | | |Christian View of Popular Sovereignty |

| | | | |Scripture, Chief Source of Authority |

|29–30 |The United States |106–38 |Activity 3: Constitutional |Matt. 20:25–27 and Qualifications for Office |

| |Constitution | |Familiarity |Matt. 5:34 and “Swearing” |

| | | | |True Supremacy |

| | | | |Death Penalty |

| | | | |Billy Sunday |

| | | | |Chapter Review Application Question #1: Why Christians |

| | | | |should Study the Constitution |

|31 |Chapter 6 Review |

|32 |Chapter 6 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 7: Federalism |

|33 |The Partitions of Power |140–44 |Activity 1: Citizens Then |Memory Verse: Isa. 33:22 |

| | | | |Minimum Wage Laws |

| | | | |Christian Businessman |

| | | | |Law and Personal Liberty |

|34 |Interstate Relationships |144–47 |Activity 2: Your State |Basis for Opposing Homosexuality |

| | | |Constitution | |

|35 |Developments in Federalism|147–50 |Activity 3: Federalism’s | |

| | | |Development | |

|36 |Financing Federalism |150–52 | | |

|37 |The Problems of Federalism|152–56 |Activity 4: Federalism Review |Prov. 22:7 and Give-and-Take |

| | | | |Chapter Review Application Question #4: Sinful Nature |

| | | | |and the Federalist System |

|38 |Chapter 7 Review |

|39 |Chapter 7 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 8: The Party System |

|40 |Parties and Their Function|160–62 |Activity 1: Party Functions |Christian’s Role in Political System |

| | | | |Memory Verse: Ex. 23:2, and its Application to American|

| | | | |Politics Today |

|41–42 |The Two-Party System |162–73 |Activity 2: 1840 Platform Resolves| |

|43 |Third Parties |173–76 | | |

|44 |Party Organization |177–79 |Activity 4: Party Organization |Christian Involvement in Politics |

| | | | |Volunteers |

|45 |Party Decline |180–84 |Activity 5: Term Review |Interest Group Influence |

| | | | |Chapter Review Application Questions 2 and 4 |

|46 |Chapter 8 Review |

|47 |Chapter 8 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 9: Campaigns and Elections |

|48 |Candidate Nomination |186–90 |Activity 1: Becoming a Candidate |Christians as Campaign Workers |

| | | | |Candidate Characteristics |

| | | | |“Salt and Separation”–Involvement or Separation from |

| | | | |Politics? |

|49 |The Campaign Trail |190–93 |Activity 2: Campaign Tools | |

|50 |Elections and Voting |193–97 |Activity 3: State Election Laws | |

|51 |Campaign Finance |197–202 |Activity 5: Do You Remember? |I Tim. 2:1–2 and Christian Involvement in Campaigns and|

| | | | |Elections |

|52 |Chapter 9 Review |

|53 |Chapter 9 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 10: Public Policy and Politics |

|54 |Government and the Public |204–6 | |Memory Verse: Prov. 25:15 |

|55 |Public Policy |206–8 |Activity 1: Today’s Opinions |Matt. 6 and Ultimate Hope |

| | | | |Today’s Opinions |

|56 |Public Opinion |208–12 |Activity 2: Opinions about Public |Memory Verse: Prov. 29:25 |

| | | |Opinion |Origins of Opinion |

| | | | |Changed Lives |

| | | | |Fickle Public |

| | | | |Public Opinion and Scriptural Convictions |

| | | | |Section Review #1: Rom. 12:2 and Developing Opinions |

|57 |Interest Groups |212–16 |Activity 3: Lobby Letter |Interest Groups: Biblical Examples and Christian |

| | | | |Participation |

| | | | |Christian Involvement |

| | | | |Anti-Christian Organizations |

|58 |Mass Media |217–24 |Activity 4: Mass Media Cartoon |Telegenic Qualities |

|59 |Conclusion |225 | |Christians and Propaganda |

|60 |Chapter 10 Review |

|61 |Chapter 10 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 11: The Structure of Congress |

|62–63 |Constitutional Framework |242–53 |Activity 1: Tocqueville on |Memory Verse: Col. 1:16 |

| | | |Legislative Powers |Rom. 13:4 and Government’s Purpose |

| | | | |Separation of Church and State Blurred |

| | | | |State Legislature Officials |

|64–65 |Legislative Workings |253–60 |Activity 2: Which Committees? |Isaiah 40 and Government |

| | | | |Power and Money |

|66 |Chapter 11 Review |

|67 |Chapter 11 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 12: The Powers of Congress |

|68 |Enumerated Powers |262–70 |Activity 1: War Powers Resolution |Memory Verse: Gal. 3:24 |

| | | | |Taxes and the New Testament |

| | | | |Rom. 13 and Government’s Powers |

| | | | |Immigration |

| | | | |Jubilee |

| | | | |Patents and Copyrights |

| | | | |Section Review #4 and # 7: Rom. 13 and Government |

| | | | |Bible and Immigration |

|69 |Implied Powers |270–71 | | |

|70 |Nonlegislative Powers |271–73 | | |

|71 |Powers Denied Congress |273–74 | |Principles of Stewardship |

|72 |Congressional Criticism |274–76 |Activity 3: Pork Political Cartoon|Section Review #1: Standard for Judging |

| | | | |Reflection of a Nation’s Character Flaws |

| | | | |Christian Attorney |

| | | | |Chapter Review Application Question #3: Principles of |

| | | | |Stewardship and Bible’s Affect on Congressional Choices|

|73 |Chapter 12 Review |

|74 |Chapter 12 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 13: The Presidency—Road to the White House |

|75 |Presidential Qualities |280–82 | | |

|76 |Nomination |283–93 |Activity 1: National Convention | |

| | | |Cartoon | |

|77 |Election |293–98 |Activity 2: Undecided Voter | |

| | | |Cartoon | |

|78 |Inauguration |298–304 |Activity 4: Chapter Review |Chapter Review Application Question #4 |

|79 |Chapter 13 Review |

|80 |Chapter 13 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 14: The Presidency—America’s Highest Office |

|81–82 |Presidential Powers |306–24 |Activity 1: President vs. King |Memory Verse: Prov. 16:12 |

| | | | |Presidential Legislation |

| | | | |A Presidential Address |

|83 |Executive Organization |324–27 | | |

|84 |Pitfalls and Greatness |328–30 |Activity 4: Biblical Leadership |I Sam. 15:17 and Presidential Pitfalls |

| | | | |I Tim. 2:1–2 and Submission to Authority |

| | | | |Biblical Leadership |

| | | | |TE Note on Matt. 20:26-27 |

| | | | |Matt. 20:26–27 and Popularity |

| | | | |Chapter Review Application Question #3 |

|85 |Chapter 14 Review |

|86 |Chapter 14 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 15: The Federal Bureaucracy |

|87 |Bureaucratic Development |332–37 | |Exod. 18 and Delegation |

| | | | |Biblical Civil Servants |

| | | | |Biblical Example |

|88 |Bureaucratic Structure |337–49 |Activity 1: The Cabinet |Matt. 12:34 and Integrity of Advice |

| | | | |Commerce Inscriptions |

| | | | |Bible Bureaucratic Positions |

| | | | |Need for Regulation |

|89 |Bureaucratic Realities |349–55 |Activity 3: Bureaucracy Cartoon |Prov. 10:19 and Bureaucratic Language |

| | | | |Chapter Review Content Question #1: Biblical Precedent |

| | | | |for Bureaucracy |

| | | | |Application Question #3 |

|90 |Chapter 15 Review |

|91 |Chapter 15 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 16: Foreign Policy |

|92 |Foreign Policy Goals |356–59 |Activity 1: Goal Achievement |Chapter Motivation |

| | | | |Biblical Justification for Government |

| | | | |Memory Verse: Prov. 21:31 |

| | | | |Lasting Peace in Jesus |

| | | | |Loving Neighboring Nations |

|93 |The Progress of Policy |359–63 |Activity 2: Foreign Policy | |

| | | |Development | |

|94 |Policymakers |363–69 | |Making Enemies |

| | | | |Num. 13 and Intelligence Gathering |

|95 |Policy Methods |369–74 |Activity 3: Who’s Who at the UN |God’s Word and Military Action |

|96 |Challenges Abroad |375–80 |Activity 5: Foreign Policy Review |James 4:1 and Reason for Wars |

| | | | |The Evil of War |

| | | | |The Possibilities of Globalization |

| | | | |Cultural Influence |

| | | | |Cultural Relativity |

| | | | |Fear Not, No fear, Fear and Uncertainty |

| | | | |Section Review #5 |

| | | | |Chapter Review Content Question #5: United Nations and |

| | | | |Peace |

|97 |Chapter 16 Review |

|98 |Chapter 16 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 17: The Judiciary |

|99 |Sources of American Law |384–89 |Activity 1: The Law of the Lord |Chapter Motivation |

| | | | |Sources of American Law, Scriptural Foundation |

| | | | |Memory Verse: Prov. 17:15 |

| | | | |Divine Law |

| | | | |The Law of the Lord |

| | | | |Natural, Revealed, and Common Law |

| | | | |Section Review #1: Standard for Judging a Judicial |

| | | | |System |

| | | | |Section Review #4: William Blackstone’s Commentaries |

| | | | |Section Review #5: God’s Law |

|100 |Structure of the Courts |389–95 |Activity 2: Supreme Court |Recent Decisions |

| | | |Political Cartoon | |

|101 |Selection of Judges |396–99 |Activity 3: Supreme Court Justice |Israel’s Judges |

|102 |Constitutional and Legal |399–402 |Activity 4: Reviewing the |Higher Law and Justice |

| |Change | |Judiciary |Chapter Review Content Question #1: Micah 6:8 and |

| | | | |Justice |

| | | | |Chapter Review Application Question #1 |

|103 |Chapter 17 Review |

|104 |Chapter 17 Test |

| | |

|Chapter 18: Civil Rights and Civil Responsibilities |

|105–106 |Civil Liberties |404–11 |Activity 1: Freedom of the Press |Liberties, Man in God’s Image |

| | | | |Priesthood of the Believer |

| | | | |Prayer |

| | | | |Public School Prayer |

| | | | |Civil Disobedience and the Bible |

|107 |Civil Rights |411–18 |Activity 3: Right to Bear Arms |Right of Privacy |

| | | |Cartoon |What does the Bible say about Capital Punishment? |

|108 |Civil Responsibilities |418–20 |Activity 5: Reviewing Rights and |Christians’ Responsibilities |

| | | |Responsibilities |Rights Redefined |

| | | | |Chapter Review Content Question #3: Prayer and Bible |

| | | | |Reading in Public Schools |

| | | | |Chapter Review Content Question #6: False Understanding|

| | | | |of Civil Rights |

| | | | |Chapter Review Application Questions #1, 2, 3, and 5 |

| | | | |Epilogue: A Call for Christian Leaders |

|109 |Chapter 18 Review |

|110 |Chapter 18 Test |

| | |


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