Becoming a Woman of - A Proverbs 31 Wife

 Becoming a Woman of Virtue in a Modern World

By: Anjanette Barr, Whitney Cornelison, Jennifer Fountain, Virginia George, Crystal Hatcher,

Sarah Nichols, Rachel Marie, Ashley Roe, Kendra Stamy, Danielle Tate & Karli Von Herbulis

Copyright ? 2014

All rights reserved.

No part of this document or related links may be reproduced or redistributed in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the authors.

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION? NIV? Copyright ? 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.?. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Design & formatting by Ashley Roe of Joyful Thrifty Home

Table of contents

Foreword..................................................................................................................6 Day 1 : An Introduction to Proverbs 31...................................................................9 Day 2 : Noble..........................................................................................................11 Day 3: Trustworthy................................................................................................13 Day 4: Honorable...................................................................................................15 Day 5: Willing.........................................................................................................17 Day 6: Resourceful.................................................................................................19 Day 7: Week One Review......................................................................................21 Day 8: Devoted.....................................................................................................22 Day 9: Good Steward.............................................................................................24 Day 10: Strong......................................................................................................26 Day 11: Diligent.....................................................................................................28 Day 12: Skillful......................................................................................................30 Day 13: Charitable.................................................................................................32 Day 14 : Week Two Review...................................................................................34 Day 15: Prepared...................................................................................................35 Day 16: Modest......................................................................................................37 Day 17: Supportive.................................................................................................39 Day 18: Industrious...............................................................................................41 Day 19: Confident.................................................................................................44 Day 20: Wise.........................................................................................................46

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Table of contents

Day 21: Week Three Review.................................................................................48 Day 22: Productive...............................................................................................49 Day 23: Blessed.....................................................................................................52 Day 24: Excellence................................................................................................54 Day 25: Fears the Lord.........................................................................................56 Day 26: Praiseworthy...........................................................................................58 Day 27 : Week Four Review..................................................................................60 Day 28 : Conclusion...............................................................................................61 About the Printables..............................................................................................63 Proverbs 31: Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman Bible Verse Cards................64 Proverbs 31:10-31 Printable..................................................................................68 Word Art Printable of Proverbs 31:10...................................................................69 Word Art Printable of Proverbs 31:25...................................................................70 Study Guide............................................................................................................71 About the Authors.................................................................................................90

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If you've been around women's Bible studies for long, you've likely heard of the Proverbs 31 woman. The Virtuous Woman is often considered the "gold standard" for womanhood in Christian circles.

I had heard of her, I read about her, and I knew I fell short. Very, very short.

Then a group of wonderful women and I decided we wanted to write a faith-based devotional on womanhood. There are lots of books out there about specific aspects of life (homemaking, cooking, parenting, etc) but we wanted to write an encouraging study on being a woman of God, and Proverbs 31 was a logical place to start.

To be honest, I was a little skeptical about choosing this topic. I mean, there have to be dozens of studies on Proverbs 31, how would ours be any different? And add the fact that I don't feel like this Virtuous Woman and I are even in the same league.

We went forward in prayer and the study before you was born. I'm intensely proud of it. Not because I have become the Virtuous Woman by being a part of this project, but because God has given me a new perspective.

He gave me a new perspective on the verses I wrote about. I found that the Lord spoke to me as I wrote my devotions. He showed me what I needed to learn from those verses, made them personal, and I'm so excited to share them with you. And that is consistent with the devotions from the other authors. Their words inspire me.

He showed me what He can accomplish when we work together in His will. This book came together very quickly and with amazing cooperation from 11 women. Who would ever guess that 11 women could work together in agreement and make something happen? That's a lot of opinions. But with the Lord as our center it happened, and it was beautiful.

He gave me a new perspective on the Proverbs 31 woman. I mentioned that I was skeptical about this study. Every time I hear the words "virtuous woman", my brain shuts off. "I'm not her, I'm not ever going to be her, so what's the point?" Even the words "virtuous woman" are intimidating. But I have gained perspective in how I relate to this Ideal Woman.

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I am learning that we aren't expected to be all these things all the time, and that's where I got caught up. I'm human, I fail. And I'm plain old bad at some of this stuff. My home is not organized, my schedule is erratic, and I am not very flexible.

But through this study I learned that it's okay to struggle, it's okay to fail, and it's okay if I'm not this perfect woman. I had a paradigm shift, and rather than being intimidated by this Ideal Woman, this Virtuous Woman, the Proverbs 31 Woman, I am going be inspired.

You Have Been Set Apart

What exactly does it mean to be set apart? That is the title of this book, after all. According to the MacMillan dictionary, "set apart" means:

to make someone or something different and special to keep something separate in order to use it for a particular purpose

In Leviticus 20:26 the Lord says to His people, "You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own."

The Lord says He set His people apart from the nations. He made them separate in order to be used for a particular purpose. He has made them different and special, and He has made you different and special. He has set you apart to be used for a particular purpose.

Using this Book

Over the next 28 days you'll find thought-provoking writing, prayers to get you started in your daily conversation with God, and some questions or tasks for you to work on each day. Along with the book a simple notebook will help you journal your thoughts and work on the questions and tasks. Alternatively we have included a study guide you can print out keep tucked in your Bible or with your e-reader so it is handy when you're having your devotion time.

The purpose of this is to guide you and spur you on to look toward Christ and examine your daily life. As you let Him change your heart and your mind and mold you into the virtuous woman He wants you to be, our prayer is that you find the virtuous woman to be your friend, not your enemy; your guide not your gold medal.

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We pray you won't be intimidated, but be inspired, and that through these lessons you'll find guidance to become set apart and the strength to become a virtuous woman in this modern world.

Written By: Virginia George

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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