Managing our Homes - Amazon S3

Managing our Homes with Excellence

“She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness”

Proverbs 31:27

Introduction: Why learn to manage our homes with excellence?

A. Embracing a Biblical Motivation for Home Management

1. Worldly motivations

a. Convenience -

b. Control -

c. Compliments -

2. Biblical motivations

a. Stewardship (Proverbs 31; Matthew 5:21).

b. Submissive Obedience (Titus 2:3-5; James 1:22).

c. Sacrificial Love (Philippians 2 & I Corinthians 13).

B. Understanding the Biblical Mandate for Home Management

1. Proverbs 31:10-31 – a skilled manager in a variety of areas.

a. Resources –

b. Relationships _

2. Titus 2:3-5 – a worker at home (Greek = “oikouros”).

a. Oikos

b. Ergon

3. I Timothy 5:14 – manage the house.

4. Management principles are found throughout scripture (for example,

stewardship and time management).

C. Implementing Effective Methods of Home Management

1. Pray for Prudence (Prov. 8:12) – Prudence applies to both our character and everyday practices.

a. Prudence defined (Proverbs 8:11-14).

b. What does it mean to be a prudent woman (Proverbs 19:14)?

c. Study the Proverbs to identify principles for home management.

2. Prepare by Planning (Prov. 16:3-4) - Planning means preparation, scheduling,


a. Take time to plan.

b. Organize yourself before organizing your family.

c. Anticipate family needs.

d. Plan realistically.

e. Develop a personal planning style.

Resource: Make your own household notebook/planning sheets .

3. Proceed with “Putting things in Order” (Prov. 14:23) – Organize means “put in order”, arrange, straighten up, sort out, or categorize.

a. Organize (manage/supervise) your family and household.

i. Family Master Calendar (work, school, church/ ministry, doctors, family celebrations, and other unique family obligations)

Resource: printable calendar pages, , .

ii. Meals and Menu Plans (weekly menu and shopping plan).

Resource: - menu planner and recipes, , Sample Menu plan in Chapter Seven of Becoming A Woman Who Pleases God.

iii. Financial Records (a simple budget, filing system and bill payment system).

Resources: budget worksheets – Chapter Six, Becoming a Woman Who Pleases God, ; .

iv. Household Cleaning (cleaning schedule).

Resource: cleaning guides, , see also Chapter Four in Becoming a Woman Who Pleases God.

b. Organize (categorize) your Goals (Psalm 20:4) - Set Realistic Goals.

i. What is a goal?

ii. Remember S-M-A-C when setting goals.

c. Organize (sort out) your Priorities (Matt. 22:37-39) – Remember there are only two primary priorities for believers.

i. What is a priority? Write a mission statement.

ii. Reflect on your unique God-given boundaries - marital status, health, husband’s preferences and/or job requirements, special needs of children, etc.

iii. Say “no” when appropriate.

4. Prefer People (Phil. 2:1-4) - Good managers intentionally plan for people.

a. Home management is a tool to be used to free us up, not consume us.

a. People are more important than projects. Consider the needs of your family first – if married, don’t’ forget to consult your husband.

b. Practice Hospitality (Romans 12:13)– serve others in your church and community.

A final thought:

A significant area of responsibility for women is the management of their home. Proverbs 31:27 says “she looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” To manage a household with excellence requires diligence, hard work, and training. Older women are encouraged to help the younger women learn how to manage their homes (Titus 2:3-5). While the world often does not value the sacrifice of women who choose to be workers at home, scripture is clear, it is a wise woman who has a proper motivation for her management, understands the biblical mandate for management and then follows through prudent management practices. It is both a joy and a privilege to serve our families and friends in our homes.


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