– Resourcing PWOCs Everywhere

Training Notes for PWOC Small Group Facilitator TrainingSet up:tables arranged in big square or circlesupplies need:dry erase board & markers & eraser & easelnametagsfolder per personpen per personhighlighter per personPost-It notes per personmy simple table decoration (flowers, vase, tablecloth)class photo collagecard with “James 3:1” – find someone to read it latercard with “1 Cor 15:58” - find someone to read it laterask someone to tell me when 1 hr is up so we can take a breakOpening:PrayPlease silence phonesgo around circle & intro self:1- name2- what class you’re facilitating3- what hope to get out of this/ why here (“she made me,” “free childcare”)4- pick 2 things from your purse that tell us more about you (reveals something about you)Glad you’re here- might feel overwhelmed with the though of being a small group leader, butGod has appointed each of you to these spots- read bumble bee devotion:“According to aeronautical science, the bumblebee can’t fly. Its body is too heavy, and its wings are too shallow. But the bumblebee doesn’t know it can’t fly. So it flies around doing what God chose for it to do, pollinating plants. It does so without considering its limitations.” Thelma WellsYou may feel like this task/job before you is more than you can handle, but we’re looking at this through human eyes, not God’s eyes, the Awesome Engineer who designed and created each of us. Also, as Henry Blackaby has said, God gives us God-sized tasks so that we will humbly seek Him to guide us and so that HE will receive the credit.Let’s begin by brainstorming- when you hear “TEACHER,” what does it mean, what attributes come to mind? (write ideas on the board) (After brainstorming, ask lady to read James 3:1)THEN write “FACILITATOR” & brainstorm what that means & what attributes come to mind (write ideas on board)This training will focus on PWOC small group leader whose role is mostly that of a facilitator. We have about 3 hours to cover 4 hours worth of material. So what we’re going to do is go through this entire folder, highlighting important points and pointing out things for you to read at home.Before going through folder, touch on the following items:1- One of the many great benefits of facilitating: you learn more as a teacher/facilitator than you do as a student2- Discuss different ways co-facilitators may choose to work together as a team3- Discuss affects of military rank within PWOC 4- Duplicable: Think as you go through the semester . . . Am I easy to duplicate? Am I setting a good example that would encourage others to do what I’m doing (to be a facilitator in the future)? Or are decorations, etc. too elaborate (makes it look like too much work)?5- Attire: how you dress sets the tone6- Copy machine- May use machine, but try not to wait until the day of PWOC to make copies (might be broken, watchcare usually needs it that morning, etc.). Chapel is usually open the day before from _______, but call first before going.7- Do each of you have a copy of the book/leader’s guide for your class this semester?8- Talk about facilitators introducing classes at kickoff by performing skits. 9- All facilitators wear ________ on first day (kickoff)10- Log your volunteer hours into VMIS11- Complete the “PWOC Facilitator P.A.L.S.” sheet & return to me today.(At the end of the meeting AFTER going over all the pages in the notebook, ask lady with 1 Cor 15:58 on card to read for encouragement and as a commissioning “send-off.” Then close with prayer.)T.E.A.M. TIMETrain, Encourage, Appreciate, Motivate 685800257175PWOC Facilitator GuidebookFort Polk, LASpring 20132057400300355What is T.E.A.M. All About Anyway?T.E.A.M. Time is a program specifically tailored for small group leaders within Protestant Women of the Chapel. It encompasses four areas of development:T- TrainingE- EncouragingA- AppreciatingM- MotivatingT.E.A.M. will meet for one training session before the PWOC semester begins and once during the semester on a Tuesday following a PWOC meeting.Spring 2013 Facilitator RosterPsalm 119:name, email, phonename, email, phoneOutrageous Olives:name, email, phonename, email, phoneJames: name, email, phoneOT Prophets: name, email, phoneAnswers in Genesis: name, email, phonename, email, phoneCreative Counterpart:name, email, phonename, email, phoneGrace Based Parenting 2:name, email, phonename, email, phoneCalm My Anxious Heart:name, email, phonename, email, phoneLunch Study:name, email, phonename, email, phoneWhat is a Care Group?The military lifestyle is transient. People come and people go and many people have a deep desire to be a part of a group but don’t know where or how to begin. They need a caring hand to draw them in. Every person has a need to be valued and included.Care groups are based on Hebrews 10:24, “And let us consider how we may spur (encourage) one another on toward love and good deeds.” Here is an aspect of encouragement and of service. Its purpose is to ensure that every woman feels a part of PWOC through the ministry of encouragement, prayer, and compassion. The desire is that the group move beyond organization to strengthening fellowship. Women will grow in their relationship with Jesus by experiencing His love in the care group.One of the reasons small groups are so effective is because when people are face-to-face, they can discuss and process information instead of merely listening passively. God’s truths are transforming only to the extent they are received and absorbed. Just as uneaten food cannot nourish, truth “out there”- either in a book or spoken by a teacher- cannot make a difference if it is undigested. Even if it is bitten off and chewed, it must be swallowed and made part of each cell to truly give life.Your care group Bible study is not a correspondence course. It’s a personal and group experience designed to help believers find a biblical approach to their spiritual lives that really works.The care group is first and foremost a Bible study. God’s Word is alive and powerful and it is through the study of the Bible that lives are changed; however, one of the aims of PWOC is to equip women for service (see below). Each individual brings to the group unique gifts and talents that can be used to strengthen the body. It is within the care group that these talents may be encouraged, nurtured, and developed. Through prayer, the sharing of concerns, and the ministry of care and encouragement, lives will be blessed.457200059055Adapted from Resource Guide for Women’s MinistriesPWOC AIMSTo LEAD women to accept Christ as personal Savior and Lord.To TEACH women the history, beliefs, and programs of the church, all built on a solid foundation of worship and Bible study.To DEVELOP in women the skills of prayer, evangelism, stewardship, and social service, against a background of personal spiritual development.To INVOLVE women in the work of the Chapel, in keeping with their abilities and interests.4343400-403860Allowing Others to Share THEIR GiftsEmpowering Others = Giving Opportunities to Serve (= Help for YOU)A facilitator is responsible for asking the Lord in prayer to give her the eyes of Christ to literally allow her to see women as He sees them and to encourage them in their gifts. More women can be involved by asking for help in keeping attendance (administrative gifts), providing decorations and food (service gifts), and fulfilling other needs for the group (see Opportunities for Service list). Our goal as leaders is to empower others by giving them opportunities to serve. This aids women in developing and using their God-given gifts in service. The secular world will test a person’s worth and then allow him/her to serve, but we in the Kingdom of Christ must first allow women to serve and then we will see their worth in Christ.Also, some facilitators may feel it is THEIR responsibility to do all of the jobs for the class. That is not the case. If you are doing it all, not only are you over-burdening yourself, you are also robbing others of the opportunity to serve and use their God-given gifts. Service leads to personal and spiritual growth and joy. Allow others to experience that growth and joy.254001905Sharing YOURSELF While Sharing Your GiftThere are small group leaders who simply lead their group through the session, respond to questions, say a prayer, and go home. And then there are leaders who impart themselves- their failures, successes, heartaches, their own spiritual journeys. They share part of their soul, nurturing the group down the path to growth and to becoming “family.”What will you do? Will you just share your gift, or will you share your gift AND share yourself? Will you fill a serving role or will you impart your life?Gifts- The Joy of Serving God, p. 34Overcome the Need to be PERFECT“God is not looking for people with exceptional ability,but those who will be available for His work.” Bill BrightYou may have accepted God’s call to lead a small group but still harbor doubt that you aren’t “good enough” as a Christian and/or teacher. The best small group leaders are those who are transparent. This transparency allows you to openly recognize your own faults with the knowledge that God has redeemed you and is working a new life deep within. Your desire to share Christ and disciple women is your primary goal. By setting aside the worry about being perfect, you’ll create an atmosphere ready for true growth.Also, small group leaders do not stand before their class and dispense a head full of knowledge to their class members. The do NOT need a head full of knowledge, but they DO need a willing heart.Remember . . . Model a surrendered heart. Be authentic, be yourself!Have a surrendered, humble attitude.When we are weak, God is strong. He uses our weaknesses to display His ability and strength, and HE receives the glory.Know your strengths and weaknesses.Be patient (even with yourself!), prayerful, and prepared.20574005461048006000Nuts-n-Bolts of an EffectiveSmall-Group LeaderThe most exciting outcome of your group is not the development of your ability to lead- it is that God’s Word is being studied, discussed, and applied. God is using each discussion you lead to proclaim His Word. Your goal is for lives to be changed!Nurture your OWN walk. Maintain a right relationship with God through the study of His Word, prayer, and regular church attendance. When our relationship with Christ is active and thriving, all other relationships will fall into place.Pray faithfully for the women in your group. Read what God has to say in Ephesians 3:14-19 and Colossians 1:9-12.Do your homework. This seems like it should be a given, but you cannot teach what you do not know.Start and end on time. Don’t wait until “everyone is there” to begin. The stragglers will catch on that your time together is valuable and most will learn to make it on time.Enrich the discussion with outside resources. Try to find books, stories, articles, or video clips that relate to the weekly lesson. Check out and good study tools. It is important to dig deep into the Word. Use tools like a concordance, dictionary, commentaries, and Hebrew and Greek word study books. These tools are available free online- check out , , , and how to deal with different personality types. It takes a little bit of “know-how,” to draw out the quiet members and guide the discussion back on track when someone takes it on a rabbit trail.Facilitate positive, productive discussions. Ensure the discussions stay within the context of the study and that God is glorified.Leave your pride at the door. It is easy for a leader to base their sense of worth on how successful the class is. The leader with two women in her study is just as accountable before the Lord as the leader who has two hundred.Leadership Pitfalls & How to Avoid ThemLosing sight of your objective. Your objective is to not only facilitate a Bible study but also facilitate the formation of a caring care group. Lack of prayer, personally and within your group. Only the Holy Spirit can enable you and your group members. A lack of prayer indicates a lack of dependence on God. “He must become greater, I must become less” (John 3:30). Schedule personal time to pray yourself. Also include times of praying together during your group meeting (one-on-one, small groups, big group). Group prayer-time will be discussed in detail shortly.Little personal involvement with members. Plan social times, too! Solicit a volunteer to organize socials for your class.Leading a poor discussion time. Good preparation of the material before class time gives the greatest benefits.Allow others the opportunity to share and ask questions. Members will feel valued and included. Dominating leadership quenches discovery.Ask effective questions, not just “yes/no” questions (more about this later).See next section for how to handle other “group pitfalls” during discussion times.Always doing everything the same way. Every group has a tendency to fall into a routine. Spontaneity helps keep people alert and learning. Mix things up; add variety; allow other to participate in different ways.205740097155Adapted from Five Steps to Making Disciples (Bill Bright)Group Pitfalls & How to Handle ThemControlling TalkersCalling on others in the group can help. “What do the rest of you think?” You can also call on specific people that you are sure wouldn’t mind.Sit next to chronic talkers; less eye contact from you will help curb their answers.Handling SilenceIf you give people time to think, they will ask good questions as the discussion continues. Be patient and the silence will break.Allow group members time to respond to questions. Silence while waiting for ladies to respond is ok- use the 10-second rule. ?Some need more time to process what they want to say or work up the courage to speak. ?You don't need to jump in and say something just to fill the silence.Encourage the group by saying, “Take a moment to think. I know you can answer this.”Encourage quiet, reserved ladies to share by gently asking them personally if they would like to share or give input to a specific question.Keeping on TrackRecognize the need verbally. “This is interesting. However, we’ve left our topic. Perhaps we could discuss this further after we finish our topic.” Or suggest tabling the idea until after the study, when those who want to discuss further can.Handling Wrong AnswersAfter a lady has answered a question, avoid responding with the words, “You’re wrong.” Try directing the question to others in the group. For example, “Ok, what do others think?” or “Does anyone know some other Scripture which may help us here?”Restate your original question if needed to clarify or stimulate further thought.Always keep others from getting embarrassed by a wrong answer.Handling Difficult QuestionsIt’s OK to say, “I don’t know.” Rely on others in the group. Be willing to research questions later if necessary. Keep in mind that a good Bible study will often stimulate more questions than answers.Encouraging ApplicationRemember this is the purpose of the Word of God.Ask effective application questions: “What does this mean to you?” or “Is there anything you can do about this today?”Learn how to share your own applications with honesty and humility. Openness on your part will create openness on theirs..-228600-685800..-457200-457200-457200-228600.Are There Any Questions?As the class facilitator, you will be asking questions based on the weekly study, but not necessarily following the way the questions are presented in the study or your leader’s guide. Base your sessions on the needs of individual members of your group. It is acceptable to not cover all the material and questions provided each week. Additionally, there may be a few times when the material is so relevant to your group members that every question seems to fit. The purpose of your study is life-change in women, not timely book completion.Guidelines for QuestionsGood questions are clear, relevant, and stimulate discussion.Use open-ended questions: what, why, and how.Use questions that deal with feelings as well as facts. Facts tell what a person knows. Feelings tell how she really feels about it.Be prepared to wait for an answer.People need time to formulate their answers.Some questions may need restating.People may not be able to clearly communicate on their first attempt. It is common for people to think of what they should have said. Be alert to this and ask, “Do you have any more thought on that?” or “Would you like to add anything else?”Listen attentively. Maintain eye contact with the person.434340020955Use caution in asking direct questions.Direct: What do you think, Mary?Indirect: What does the Bible say about this?4 Different Types/Levels of Questions1. Observation questionsThey aim at the basic content of the section.“What does the passage say?”2. Interpretation questionsThey serve as follow up to observations and help to understand more fully what is being said.“What does the verse mean?”3. Correlation questionsThey help tie separate ideas into a usable whole and aid in aiming discussion in a particular direction.“How do these verses or ideas relate to each other?”“How does this verse relate to the rest of the Bible?”4. Application questionsThey draw out specific acts or attitudes which the passage implies or commands.“What does God want you to do about this?”Transferring the study from the head to the heart should be emphasized throughout the Bible study, not just at the end.5029200-228600Ways to Pray with Your GroupRound the GroupOn days when you have enough time, go around the room/table and have each person voice her prayer request. While sharing, the class prayer coordinator would record the requests in the prayer journal. After class she would email the requests to all class members (may want to divide the prayer requests into different days of the week).Sign-In Prayer RequestsIf your time is limited, a sign-in system can help the group spend less time explaining prayer needs and more time praying. Have a sheet of paper or the prayer journal or index cards ready and ask people to write down their requests as they arrive or before the meeting begins. During prayer time, read each item aloud and ask someone to pray about it or you pray through the list. After class, the class prayer coordinator would email the requests to all class members (again, may want to divide the prayer requests into different days of the week).Prayer ShuffleHave members write requests on index cards. If you have many needs to pray for, divide the ladies into groups of three. Shuffle the cards and hand out a few to each group. Each group prays right them for those requests. If the needs are few (not many cards turned in), you could pray through all of them aloud during class prayer time. Class prayer coordinator would collect all cards and email requests to all members after class (again, may want to divide the prayer requests into different days of the week).Prayer Card ExchangeGive everyone an index card to write down her prayer concerns for the week and have them exchange cards with another member of the group. For the following week you will pray for the specific requests on your card.Pair UpAssign prayer partners for a month (draw names out of a bag, etc.). When Mary shares a request, she knows her prayer partner for the month, Amy, will be praying for her in the days ahead.Calendar PrayerAt the beginning of the month, pass around a master calendar on which group members can write down important events (birthdays, anniversaries, tests, doctor appointments, etc.). Make copies of the calendars for everyone in the group so they can pray for these events on the appropriate day. You can also ask members to write their names on any day of the month and you (or all group members) could remember to pray for each by name on the assigned day in your own personal quiet time. VERY IMPORTANT: Prayer requests need to remain confidential!! What is shared within your group needs to stay within your group, including prayer requests. Do not email prayer requests unless the person making the request says it’s ok. Also, do NOT forward class email prayer requests to others outside of the class unless everyone who has made a request on that list says it’s ok. Be sure to communicate this to your class members!! PWOC Mornings: Schedule & Tasks____________ Opening Session____________ Food/Fellowship____________ Small GroupsPlease arrive no later than 8:30am to ensure that your room is set up properly and any equipment that you will be using is working properly.Make your meeting place as warm and inviting as possible. Solicit a volunteer to help- it might be a spiritual gift of someone if your group! Feel free to use quilts, table linens, candles (note- do not leave lit candles unattended), candy, chocolates, etc. to let the ladies in your group know that their time with you is special. Consider using a few items related to your study as a centerpiece to keep your group focused during your time together. For example, a study about military marriages may want to use an Army helmet.Before class begins, make sure you have your class tray with the following items: basket for returning name tags; candy bowl; pens; folder with attendance sheets & other forms; and clear plastic holder with greeting/birthday cards, index cards, and gift bag.Bible studies begin at ______ & finish at ______. BEGIN AND END ON TIME!Solicit ladies to help with different tasks after class (see “Opportunities for Service” page): put room back to standard arrangementfold chairs and place against the wallerase all chalk & dry erase boardstake trash to kitchen & put in new trash bag (in supply closet across from the Funds Office)sweep (if needed)collect name tags, pens, etc.- return class tray & supplies to our PWOC Participation Ministry Team Leader.After class, record your volunteer hours at . If you need to sign up or have issues with the system, check with our PWOC Administrative Coordinator. You should record any time you spend preparing for your class, making phone calls, sending emails, attending training luncheons, and planning meetings as well as actual time at PWOC on Tuesdays (including travel time to & from).For Your Group Members . . . Make a simple schedule of your specific group’s weekly activities to give to each lady in your group. If a lady misses a class, she will know what chapters/videos she missed and what to have prepared for the next meeting. Indicate dates your class will be providing SOS and events that affect all PWOC ladies (see below). ALSO INCLUDE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION. Schedules may be typed (or written) on ?-sheet of paper or made into a bookmark. Copies may be made at the chapel.Semester Schedule- Spring 2013DatePWOC ActivityYour Class’ ActivitySOS ClassJan 15Kick off ProgramNONENONEJan 22Small Group 1mixer, profile, guidelines, covenant, give booksNONE (Board does)Jan 29Small Group 2Feb 5Small Group 3Feb 12EVENING PROGRAMNONENONEFeb 19Small Group 4Feb 26Small Group 5March 5Small Group 6March 12Small Group 7March 19WORKSHOP DAYNONENONEMarch 26NO PWOC-Spring BreakNONENONEApril 2Small Group 8April 9Small Group 9April 16PROGRAM DAY ?NONE ?NONE ?April 23Small Group 10April 30 Small Group 11May 7Small Group 12May 14CLOSING PROGRAMNONENONE-2286002078So Much to Do . . . So Little TimeRemember, you may have to adapt your weekly material because of time considerations. It is very hard to discuss every topic in a given session in detail. You may also only have a limited time because of the nature of your group. The purpose isn’t to cover every question exhaustively but to get the main point across in each session. Think of the primary focus of the week’s study and what you want the women to take away with them for the coming week.4800600119380One Final Note . . .All small groups need a leader. While it is easy to see that a group discussion would get off track without a facilitator, you also hold an appointment from God. Your Bible study series is about spiritual growth, about Christ being formed in each of us. One of the greatest gifts you can give another person is to pay attention to her spiritual life. As a leader, you will serve your group members by observing their lives and trying to hear, in the questions they ask and the answers they give, where they are in their spiritual development. Your observations are an invaluable contribution to their spiritual progress. That attention, prayer, and insight is an extremely rare gift- but it is revolutionary for those blessed enough to have such a person in their lives. You are that person. You give that gift. You can bring that blessing. Gifts- The Joy of Serving God, p. 132Contact Margaret Bartlebaugh if you have any questions or concerns about your small group (group members, extra material, difficult discussions, etc.):Cell phone: 803-414-1337 (texting available)Email: m.bart@136 James Dr.Leesville, LA 71446First Day with Your Small Group045720First Day with Your Small GroupDON’T START THE STUDY AT THE FIRST MEETING!!!The point of this day is for ladies to: get to know each other (if they feel welcome & make some connections, they will want to come back!), establish group guidelines, give out books, and explain class time & homework.1- As ladies enter the room, ask them to please complete the Small Group Participation Profile Sheet. Collect as ladies complete them. At the end of the semester, you shred all of these.2- Do a fun group mixer (“break the ice”) game. Descriptions of game ideas are included, plus many game ideas are on the Internet.3- Explain your vision of what God will do in the group. Be enthusiastic!!4- Give ladies the opportunity to express what they want to get out of the group.5- Go over together Small Group Guidelines. Ladies take this home & keep it.Remember: The purposes of this are to prevent issues/problems by addressing them BEFORE they occur and to convey expectations AT THE BEGINNING in order to get started off on the right foot. 6- Go over together Our Small Group Covenant. Ladies sign & return it to you when they feel ready & comfortable. At the end of the semester, you shred all of these.7- Give group members their books! Enjoy exploring the book together with your group! Explain the basic layout of the book and point out any special features (ie: symbols, study guide in the back, helpful info in the beginning, etc.). Ask ladies to not write in the books for the first couple of weeks in case they decide the class isn’t for them.NOTE ABOUT BOOKS & SWITCHING SMALL GROUPS:A lady is welcome to switch Bible study groups if she feels that another study better fits her needs at this time. All we ask is that she return the book from the first study. (We are not encouraging ladies to switch classes for the purpose of collecting books.) Hopefully any & all switching will only occur during the first few weeks of the semester in order to form & maintain relationships within small groups.Contribution note inside books: Please emphasize to your ladies that ALL BOOKS ARE FREE and no lady should feel obligated to pay for her book. If she would like to pay for her book as a way to financially support PWOC, she is welcome to do that. The note inside each book tells how much PWOC (through chapel funds) paid for each book. Ladies must put their donations in the offering baskets or give them to Erin during opening time. Do not collect any money. If a lady forgot during the opening hour, ask her to hold onto it until opening time next week.8- Pass out the paper/bookmark you made that lays out the weekly assignments/activities for your specific group. Use that paper and their books to explain what your usual small group time will be like on Tuesday mornings and what members will need to do for homework between each session. S.O.S. Schedule: As you go over your group’s activities, tell the ladies your group’s S.O.S. (Serving Our Sister’s) schedule. Briefly explain to them that on those days your group will be serving their sisters-in-Christ by bringing snacks to share with all PWOC ladies that day and will be helping with clean up after PWOC is over that morning (11:30). Also, if any childcare needs arise (regular paid childcare worker is absent, more kids came & we don’t have enough workers, etc.), the leadership will ask ladies from your group to please help watch children that morning.9- Pass around the “Opportunities for Service” sign-up sheet. Encourage ladies to help with the group by signing up for different areas of service.10- It’s not 11:30 yet? Still have more small-group time? Then spend that time getting to know each other. Maybe do another “mixer” game OR break ladies into groups of 2-3 & give them 3 specific things to share with each other OR . . . be creative! Small Group Participant Profile SheetName: __________________________________________________________________Address: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________Home Phone: (_______)__________________________Cell Phone: (________)__________________ Can you receive text messages? Yes / NoEmail: _________________________________________________________________Birthday: __________________________Anniversary: ________________________Are you on Facebook? Yes / NoThe above information will be placed on a class roster. May I give your information to the entire class? Yes / NoChildren: Yes / NoIf yes, names and ages:Married: Yes / NoHusband’s Name:Is your husband currently deployed? Yes / No If yes, expected return: _____________Would you be interested in getting together outside of class? Yes / NoWhat time/day(s) work best for you?lunch right after class morning at a parkgirls’ night outWhat is the most pressing problem/challenge in your life right now?Where are you on your spiritual journey?012345678910What is a stalewishy/washygrowingspiritual journey?(OVER) -------------------------How would you characterize your relationship with God at this time- vibrant? stale? solid? uncertain? exciting? routine? In what way would you like it to be different?List 3 things you expect from a women’s Bible study. 1.2.3.If you have ever been in a study group of any kind before, list 3 things you liked and/or disliked about your experience. 1.2.3.If you have ever been in a study group of any kind before, . . . . . . what motivated you to finish the class? . . . what caused you to drop out of the class?How can your small group leader(s) help you get the most out of this study?Would you be willing to be a substitute facilitator for this class? Yes / NoGroup Mixer Games“Interview & Introduce”Put ladies in groups of two (try to put each lady with another she does not already know). Hand them each a ?-sheet of paper with the following items listed: Name, Husband’s unit, Husband currently deployed?, Kids/pets, How long have you been at Ft. Polk?, Previous duty stations, Home of record, Is this your first PWOC?, Something you enjoy doing, and Something others probably don’t know about you (or something unusual about you). Have them interview each other by asking each other about the items listed. Each takes notes on the paper as the other speaks. Do this for a set amount of time. Gather the group back together. Each person introduces and shares information about the person she interviewed.“I Never”The group sits in a circle. In the center of the circle is a bowl or basket. Each person has a certain number (maybe 10) of the same small object (ex: 10 dried beans, 10 wads of crumpled paper, 10 marshmallows, etc.). In this case I’ll use beans as the object. The object of the game is to try to keep your beans. The person with the most # of beans is the winner. Each person takes a turn saying something about herself (something that she has done, experienced, owns, etc.) that others may have NOT done/had/owned/etc. People who have also done/owned/etc. like the person speaking, they get to KEEP one bean. People who have NOT toss one bean into the bowl/basket in the center of the circle. Go around the circle one time, allowing each person to say one thing about herself. If time permits (or the group is smaller), you can keep going a many times as you want. When someone is out of beans, she is out of the game, but the remaining players keep going until only 1 person is left with beans.“Mix Up Fruit Basket”Similar to musical chairs. Sit in a circle. You or someone (or ask for a volunteer) stand in the center of the circle. That person does NOT have an empty chair around the circle. The person in the middle says something about herself. Anyone in the circle who has also done/own/been, etc. what that person said, gets to remain in her own chair. Anyone who has NOT done/own/been, etc. what that person said must get out of her chair & move to an empty chair. While ladies are quickly getting up & trying to grab an empty chair, the person standing in the center tries to sit down in an empty chair as well. One person will be left without a chair. She is now the one in the center who says something about herself. The game continues until each person has had a chance in the middle or as long as time permits. “Going to Hawaii”Object: to learn and help remember the names of the ladies in your group. The group sits in a circle. One person begins by saying her name & that she is going to Hawaii & something she is going to take with her. The object that she is going to take must begin with the same letter as her name. For example, “My name is Carol, and I’m going to Hawaii, and I’m taking Cash.” Take turns going around the circle until each person has shared.Variation on this: Still do the same, but before each person shares, she must repeat the name & object of each & every person who spoke before her. “People Bingo” or “Find Someone Who . . . “Like we did at Kickoff. Put on the top of the page, “Find Someone Who . . . “ Ideas for squares: likes to bowl, speaks at least 3 languages (which ones?), is from a large family (how many brothers? how many sisters?), like to make crafts, likes to scrapbook, likes to decorate (or redecorate), likes to bake, is or has been a teacher (for how long?), is the newest mom (date of baby’s birth?), has lived the longest at Vilseck/Graf (how long?), is the tallest here (how tall?), likes to sleep late, plays an instrument (which one?), works or has worked at a bank (for how long?), likes to play volleyball, is the newest at Vilseck/Graf, likes to read (favorite author or type of book?), is or has been a nurse (for how long?), has the smallest feet (what size?), likes to shop (favorite shop?).“Two Truths & One Lie”On an index card, each person writes down 2 truths and 1 lie (in any order) about herself. Choose things about herself (past or present) that others probably do not know about you. A leader collects the cards & reads them one at a time. The group tries to figure out who wrote the card AND which 2 are the truths & which one is the lie. Variation: Each person can read her own card. The group still tries to figure out which 2 are the truths & which one is the lie.“Hidden Talent”On an index card, each person writes a hidden talent or interest she has. A leader collects all cards & reads them one at a time. The group tries to figure out who wrote the card.“Spokes of a Wheel”This one is hard to describe; hope this makes sense . . .Ladies stand in a circle. Each lady puts her purse or book or something that she brought in front of her in the circle. A leader has a list of attributes or questions that she continues to ask (ex: do you have brown hair, do you have kids, is this your first duty station, etc.). If you can answer “yes” to the question, move one purse/book/object on the ground to your left. In other words, move behind the purse/book/object of the lady to your left. (Ladies will be moving clockwise around the circle.) If your answer is “no,” you stay in place behind your purse/book/object and other ladies will start forming a line behind you. As the game continues, lines (or spokes) will begin to form around the circle (or wheel). If you can answer “yes” to a question but there is a line to your left, you move to the end of that line & wait. Because if you are in line behind someone else, you cannot move to the left (even if you can answer “yes” to a question) until YOU are at the front of the line, standing with someone’s purse/book/etc. immediately in front of you. The winner is the first person who gets back to her original spot (in front of her own purse/book)..Welcome to PWOC!!NameHusband’s unitHusband currently deployed?Kids/petsHow long have you been at Ft. Polk?Previous duty stationsHome of recordIs this your first PWOC?Something you enjoy doingSomething others probably don’t know about you (or something unusual about you)Welcome to PWOC!!NameHusband’s unitHusband currently deployed?Kids/petsHow long have you been at Ft. Polk?Previous duty stationsHome of recordIs this your first PWOC?Something you enjoy doingSomething others probably don’t know about you (or something unusual about you)SMALL GROUP GUIDELINESCONFIDENTIALITY: Maintain absolute confidentiality. Whatever is shared remains private and is not to be discussed outside the group. Not even in the form of a prayer request. (See back for Scripture Verses.) Do not “forward” email prayer requests either.ATTENDANCE: Make a commitment to attend each week. We are building a close group, and it will be difficult for you to maintain your “connectedness” if you miss more than one session.TIMELINESS: Please be on time. If you enter after we have already started, it is disturbing.HOMEWORK: Make a commitment to complete each homework lesson. We recognize some lessons will be harder for you than others, but we want to encourage you to “stick with it.” This will help you be prepared for our discussions.CELL PHONES: Please turn off your phone or put it on vibrate and keep it in your pocket, just as you do in a movie theater. Please do not text during class as this is a distraction for others and it is impolite to carry on 2 conversations with different people at the same time, regardless of whether they are in the same room or MUNICATION GUIDELINES:Share- We encourage each person to share as much and as often as possible in order to get the most benefit from the group.Share the Floor- We ask you to share fully, but as briefly as possible in order to allow enough time for each person to share. Please don’t monopolize.Listen/ Don’t Interrupt- When one of us is sharing, the rest will remain silent and listen without interrupting.Stay on Topic- When sharing, ask yourself, “Does this pertain to the topic?” or “Did I make us change the topic before we were done with it?”No Advice/ Don’t Problem Solve- Do not offer advice or try to “fix” one another. Be Considerate- Do not make judgments of right or wrong, make accusations of others, or blame others. Contempt, hostile silence, or retreating is not good communication either. Also, remember that there are many different denominations represented here at PWOC. Please be considerate of the different faith backgrounds that may exist within our group.Speak the Truth IN LOVE- Gentle confrontation is encouraged, but go heavy on the LOVE! Refrain from words that hurt, judge, or tear down. We all need to know that we can share our deepest hurts and feelings without judgment or criticism.Permission from Spouse- Confer with your spouse BEFORE sharing with the group to see if it’s OK to share a topic that concerns him or your relationship.10 Reasons to Maintain Confidentiality1) Leviticus 19:16God specifically forbids gossip.2) Proverbs 11:13Gossips and trustworthy people work at opposite ends of the human spectrum. Trustworthy people build you up. Gossips are demolition experts, trying to tear you down.3) Romans 1:29God catalogs gossip with greed, hate, envy, and murder.4) 1 Timothy 5:13Gossiping often grows out of laziness. We have nothing better to do than sit around talking about other people, and we often wind up saying things we might later regret.5) Matthew 7:1Gossip puts us in the place of judging others. In a court of law rumors and opinions are not allowed because they might unjustly sway the opinion of the jury. Therefore, it is when we turn our living rooms into courtrooms where we sit as judge and allow rumor and opinion to color and often damage the reputation of others who have no chance to defend themselves.6) Proverbs 18:8Gossip hurts others. It also destroys your credibility if the gossip proves false.7) Matthew 7:12The Golden Rule can also be applied to our speech- “Talk about others in the same way you would like them to talk about you.”8) Ephesians 4:29If we focus on what is good and helpful, gossip will find no foothold in our hearts.9) Colossians 3:8-17If you think you may be about to gossip, ask yourself, “Does the person I’m talking to need to know this? Is it true, accurate, and helpful?”10) 1 Peter 3:10-12“If you want a happy life and good days, keep your tongue from speaking evil, and keep your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Work hard at living in peace with others. The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and His ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord turns His face against those who do evil.”Our Small Group CovenantBiblical BackgroundThe Bible reveals the covenant bond to be the highest personal relationship possible. In ancient times, covenants were solemn, binding agreements, supremely honored above all others. Making a covenant represented an unqualified, total commitment of one person to another- unconditionally, totally, and eternally.My Covenant I hereby pledge my covenant to this small group and promise not to reveal anything said in confidence in this group, to anyone who is not in this group and will not discuss other’s problems with anyone outside of this group, but keep total confidentiality. In this way, you, my sisters in Christ, will know that your weaknesses, sorrows, and privacy will not be public knowledge but will be placed in our hearts and in our prayers for the sole purpose of offering you support and love through our Savior, Jesus Christ.I agree to make attendance to all group sessions a top priority. I agree also to be on time for each session. I recognize that my lateness harms my learning and that of the other group members and is a distraction to all in the group. If I must miss a session, I will still do my assignment. I will try to let the teacher know beforehand when I will not be there.I agree to complete to the best of my ability the assignments between group sessions so that I can grow and have a meaningful interaction with our group. I do, however, understand that I am encouraged to attend even if I do not complete an assignment.Signed___________________________________________Date____________Class Opportunities for ServiceOpportunityNameCollect & send prayer requests weekly(pass the journal, etc. each week & send out weekly email of prayer requests)Take attendance for our class each weekType a roster of class membersMake photo collage of class membersTake garbage from our room to kitchen each week, put in new trash bag, & sweep floor (if needed)Fold chairs & stack against wall each weekPlan 1-2 outside social events this semester for our classOrganize our class’ SOS (see signup sheet for details) & send remindersOrganize meals if needed for class members who are sick, new moms, etc.Initiate signing cards of encouragement for class members when needed (especially for those who have missed)- cards & postage are providedInitiate signing birthday cards for class members- cards & postage are providedSubstitute facilitator- willing to cover for facilitator when she is absentBring decoration for table in classroom each weekPlay DVD each week (make sure set at correct staring point & return DVD to facilitator at end)Collect nametags, pens, and other class supplies at end of meeting- return tray & supplies to participation chairmanOutreach- organize a class service projectS.O.S- Serving Our SistersALL class members please sign up to bring a food dish. Need 7 class members to ALSO sign up for areas of service.Facilitators- Once completed, please make 5 copies of this and give one to each of the following board members: President, VP Spiritual Life, Hospitality, Treasurer, & PCOC.FOOD TO BRINGEgg/Meat casserole or dish:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Fruit/Veggies:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Bread/Pastries:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sweets (donuts, brownies, etc.): _____________________________ _____________________________Yogurt: _____________________________________ ____________________________________________Areas of Service:Help treasurer with offering (collect & count)- __________________________________________________Door greeter at glass doors- ____________________________________________________________Door greeter at ramp door- ____________________________________________________________Help with watchcare- 9:00- 10:15am 1) ____________________________________________________________2) ____________________________________________________________10:15- 11:30am 1) ____________________________________________________________2) ____________________________________________________________SOS ~ Serving Our Sisters ~ Class Responsibilities BEFORE OPENING:Have food on the tables in the Fellowship Hall by 8:50 am with serving utensils (located in PWOC cabinet in copier room). Please write your name on non-disposable serving dishes to ensure they are returned to you.Put out plates, cups, napkins, and plastic utensils if necessary (located in room 20). Help with coffee and water prep if necessary (ask hospitality team member). Set out coffee creamers and sweeteners (usually located in the kitchen cabinet, room 20- look at metal cabinet in the back facing the back wall, or PWOC cabinet). Greeters in place at back doors by 8:40 am. Greeter nametags will be on the welcome table.AFTER CLASS at 11:30am (Remember that kids must be picked up NO LATER than 11:45am): Fellowship Room clean up:Remove items from food tables and drink table/counter and wipe down the tables & counter. Return coffee creamers and sweeteners from same place found them that morning (either the kitchen cabinet, room 20- look at metal cabinet in the back facing the back wall, or PWOC cabinet in the copier room). Return unused plates, utensils, napkins, and cups to room 20.Stack chairs and put away tables, if required that week.Empty trashcans (bring to kitchen- see final bullet below) & put in new bags (in janitor closet, next to bathroom across from Funds Office). Kitchen clean up:PWOC dishcloths and dishtowels are located in the second PWOC cabinet (in the copier room). When finished, leave dirty dishcloths, towels, and tablecloths in the kitchen and hospitality will take them home to wash.Wash, dry, and put away any items used from the kitchen or PWOC cabinet. CHECK THE SERVING UTENSILS! Make sure the utensils that belong to PWOC go back into our cabinets. Your class may choose to wash your own serving dishes before going home or simply take them home dirty- your choice. Wipe down kitchen counters.Rinse out PWOC coffee air pots & percolator – DO NOT use soap in them- and dry them. Coffee air pots & percolator go in the second PWOC cabinet. Empty & dry water container(s). Return to same place where they were this morning (either PWOC cabinet, kitchen cabinet, or room 20).Take ALL garbage out to dumpster, including trash from Fellowship Hall and trash brought to kitchen by each class. ................

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