Solomon Asks for Wisdom

1 Kings 2:1-4; 3:3-28

C hildren this age are excited about school. Some have started kindergarten. Others learn kindergarten concepts at home, while anticipating the day they’ll start formal

schooling. Starting school is a rite of passage for kids. Build on children’s enthusiasm for learning as you teach this lesson. Help kids understand that God has some important lessons to teach. If a grown-up king like Solomon could benefit from God’s wisdom, little children can, too.


|1 |Welcoming Song |signal, CD player | |

|Getting |Sing or listen to a |Teacher Pack: CD | |

|Started |song about friendship. | | |

|about 10 min. | | | |

|2 |Your Whole Heart |Bible, scissors, |Create a heart-shaped puzzle |

|Key Verse |Try to put together a |marker, poster board |with one piece for each child. |

|Activity |puzzle of a heart. | | |

|about 10 min. | | | |

|3 |Theo’s News |Surprise Box (any box |Put the toy crown inside the |

|Bible |Find out what a |will do), Theo puppet, toy|Surprise Box, and hide the box |

|Exploration |crown has to do with |crown (actual or a |where it’s easily accessible. |

|about 15 min. |today’s Scripture. |drawing), CD player, | |

| | |Teacher Pack: CD | |

| |Bible Time: Solomon |Bible, 1 copy for | |

| |Asks for Wisdom |every 2 children of | |

| |Learn how God gave |the “Baby” picture (at | |

| |Solomon wisdom. |the end of the lesson) | |

|Lesson 5 |47 |

►Bible Point

God teaches us.

Key Verse

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart” (Proverbs 3:5).

Weaving Faith Into Life

Children will trust God to teach them wisdom.

Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6 Lesson 5 Fall Quarter



|4 |Center 1: Solomon’s |My Bible Playground, |Remove the Lesson 5 |

|Weaving |Wisdom |scissors, tape |pages from each My Bible |

|Faith |Help Solomon decide | |Playground student book. |

|Into Life |which woman is the | | |

|about 20 min. |baby’s mother. | | |

|(Choose 2 centers.) | | | |

| |Center 2: Wisdom Trail |1 paper cup or bowl | |

| |Mix |and 1 plastic spoon | |

| |Identify items that would |per child, cereal, | |

| |taste good in a trail mix, |banana chips, raisins, | |

| |and reject ones that would |mini-pretzels, onions, | |

| |taste bad. |pepper, mustard, | |

| | |antibacterial gel | |

| | |(optional) | |

| |Center 3: Catch the |Teacher Pack: loop | |

| |Crown |saucer | |

| |Play a flying disk game, | | |

| |and tell what they’d like to | | |

| |learn from God. | | |

| |Center 4: Wisdom |1 sheet of card | |

| |Memory Book |stock, 5 sheets of | |

| |Make a book to record |plain paper, and one | |

| |ways that God teaches |12-inch piece of yarn | |

| |them. |per child; hole punch; | |

| | |markers; glitter; glue; | |

| | |stickers | |

|5 |Be a FaithWeaver |My Bible Playground | |

|Lasting |Choose a Daily Challenge | | |

|Impressions |to apply God’s Word. | | |

|about 10 min. | | | |

| |Wisdom Prayer | | |

| |Say an active prayer | | |

| |thanking God for teaching | | |

| |them. | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |Talk about how to share | | |

| |what they learned with | | |

| |their families. | | |

Fall Quarter Lesson 5 Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6


Solomon Asks for Wisdom

1 Kings 2:1-4; 3:3-28



Solomon Succeeds David

David’s charge to Solomon in 1 Kings 2:2-4 echoes the words of Deuteronomy 11. Apart from his sin with Bathsheba, David had consistently been obedient

to God throughout his life, and he advised his son to do the same. God had promised David that his descendants would remain on the throne as long as they honored God. David’s wish was for Solomon as well as for himself.

Solomon’s Request

Once established on the throne, Solomon sought to follow the Lord. His habit of offering sacrifices at the “high places” (1 Kings 3:3) was questionable, however. The high places were altars left from the pagan worship prevalent in Canaan before the Israelites took over the land. Even though the law of Moses demanded that the Israelites not use pagan altars for worshipping God, it appears that this was a common practice in Solomon’s time. After all, there was not yet a temple at which to worship. Gibeon was an important place of worship because the tabernacle and the bronze altar were kept there (1 Chronicles 21:29; 2 Chronicles 1:2-6). God must have honored Solomon’s worship and sacrifices there to some degree because God appeared to Solomon there and offered Solomon whatever he wanted.

Solomon’s request for wisdom pleased God. Solomon could have asked for power, riches, or fame; instead he unselfishly asked for what would help him best rule God’s people. God honored Solomon’s unselfishness by granting his wish and giving him power, riches, and fame as well. Solomon’s response was to return to Jerusalem and again offer sacrifices to God.

Solomon Practices Wisdom

The best-known example of Solomon’s wisdom is related in 1 Kings 3:16-28. This story dramatically

illustrates the creative wisdom God bestowed upon Solomon. The final verse of this passage relates the people’s wonder when they witnessed their king’s wisdom. Solomon had asked God for discernment in ruling God’s people, and there was no doubt that his prayer was answered.

The Jesus Connection

Jesus doesn’t expect us to have all the answers. All we need to be wise is a willingness to constantly turn to Jesus, asking him for direction—just as Solomon turned to God.

Reread 1 Kings 3:16-28. Solomon needed wisdom to rule God’s people well. What do you need wisdom for?

In which areas of your life are you struggling for answers?

James 1:5 says that God generously gives wisdom to people who ask him for it. Take a minute and ask for wisdom right now. You can write your prayer here.

Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6 Lesson 5 Fall Quarter


Welcoming Song


signal CD player

Teacher Pack

CD: “We Have a Friend” (track 4)

Your Whole Heart


Bible scissors marker poster board

Your Whole Heart

Easy Prep

Create a heart-shaped puzzle with one piece for each child.



Welcoming Song

Tip Consistently use the same signal to announce a transition to the

next activity. You could flip the lights off and on, use a train whistle, have a puppet rustling inside a bag, or sing cleanup songs. Keep it simple, consistent, and fun.

What You’ll Do

As the children arrive, greet each one with a smile. When it’s time to begin, use your signal to gather the children together in a circle on the floor. Encourage the kids to join you in singing “We Have a Friend” (track 4 on the CD) to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”

[pic] We have a friend whose name is [first child’s name]. We have a friend whose name is [second child’s name]. We have a friend whose name is [third child’s name].

We’re so glad you’re here today.

(Repeat 2x.)

Repeat the song until all the children have been mentioned.

Say: I’m so glad you’re all here today and I’m so glad that Jesus is a friend to each of us. Today we’ll learn all sorts of things because ►GOD TEACHES US.



Your Whole Heart

What You’ll Do

Have the children form a circle and sit down. Open your Bible to Proverbs 3:5, and show children the words.

Say: Our Key Verse from the Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” This means we lean on God instead of trying to do things on our own. Let’s say our verse together. Lead the children in repeating the Key Verse with you: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” (Proverbs 3:5).

Fall Quarter Lesson 5 Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6


Give each child a piece of the puzzle heart. Have children come to the center of the circle one at a time and place their puzzle piece in the correct spot. When they put their puzzle piece where it goes, encourage them to say a way they can trust God. When the puzzle is complete, congratulate them for making a whole heart and remind them that we can trust in the Lord with all our heart.

Talk With Kids


▪ What do you think it means to trust God with all our heart?

▪ What would it look like if we gave God only one piece of our heart?

Say: When we trust God with all our heart, ►GOD TEACHES US and helps us know what to do. Lead the children in repeating the Key Verse with you: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” (Proverbs 3:5).



Theo’s News

What You’ll Do

Say: Friends, it’s time for Theo’s News!

Have the children sit in a circle, and then play “Here, Theo” (track 2 on the CD). When the CD segment ends, bring out the Surprise Box, and put Theophilus the FaithRetriever puppet on your hand. Then follow along with the script.

Theo: Hi, everybody!

Teacher: Hello, Theo! Tell us what interesting news you’ve dug up about the Bible today. Theo: I hid it in the Surprise Box.

Teacher: Let’s look inside to see what Theo dug up for us today.

(Choose a child to open the Surprise Box, and have the kids pass the crown around the circle so everyone can see it up close. Give the children time to guess what they’ll learn about in the Bible today.)

Teacher: Theo, why did you hide this crown in the Surprise Box? Theo: Well, in the Bible today someone wears a crown.

Teacher: Friends, would a person wearing a crown need to ask God for wisdom? Why or why not?

(Pause for kids to answer your question.)

Theo: Today we’ll learn about a king who asked God for wisdom. And God taught him many things. ►GOD TEACHES US, too.

Teacher: Friends, let’s learn what happened! Theo: Have fun, boys and girls!

Teacher: Say goodbye to Theo.

Theo’s News


Surprise Box (any box will do)

Theo puppet

toy crown (actual or a drawing)

CD player

Teacher Pack:

CD: “Here, Theo” (track 2)

Theo’s News

Easy Prep

Put the toy crown inside the Surprise Box, and hide the box where it’s easily accessible.

Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6 Lesson 5 Fall Quarter


Bible Time: Solomon

Asks for Wisdom



1 copy for every 2

children of the “Baby” picture (at the end of the lesson)

Encourage the children to wave or say goodbye to Theo. Then put Theo away in a safe place for next week’s use.

Bible Time: Solomon Asks for Wisdom

What You’ll Do

Have children sit in a circle. Open your Bible to 1 Kings, and show the children the words.

Say: I’m going to tell you about King Solomon. Listen closely and when you hear the word wisdom, say “God teaches us.” Ready?

When King David died, his son Solomon became the new king. Solomon knew that his father had been a very good king, and he wanted to be a good king, too. One night King Solomon had a dream. God said he would give Solomon anything he wanted. So Solomon prayed and asked God to give him wisdom (pause) to be a good king. God was very pleased that Solomon didn’t ask for selfish things like a long life or lots of money. So God gave Solomon great wisdom (pause)—and God also gave Solomon money and a long life. Solomon soon had a chance to show everyone the wisdom (pause) he had received from God.

Pass out the pictures to the children, knowing that not every child will get one.

Say: Oops! I don’t have enough for everyone.


▪ What do you think I should do?

Have children form pairs so that each pair has one picture.

Say: In the Bible, two women brought a problem to Solomon one day. The women were fighting over one baby! Each woman said the baby was hers. Have partners pretend to fight over the baby pictures. Then have children place the pictures on the floor in front of them. Solomon said, “I’ll solve this problem. Each of you can have half of the baby.”


▪ Do you think that was a good idea? Why or why not?

Say: When Solomon said that each woman could have half of the baby, the first woman told Solomon to go ahead. Have one of the partners pretend that they’re going to tear the picture in half. But the second woman cried out, “No! Please keep the baby in one piece. Let the other woman have him.” Have the child holding the picture give it to the other child in the pair. Solomon wouldn’t really have split the baby in half to give to the two women. He only said that to find out which one of the women was the baby’s real mother.

Fall Quarter Lesson 5 Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6


▪ Which woman do you think was the baby’s real mother? Why?

Say: King Solomon knew that the baby belonged to the woman who loved the baby and didn’t want him to be hurt. Only the true mother was willing to give the baby away to keep him from getting hurt, so King Solomon gave the mother her baby.

Talk With Kids


▪ How can you tell that God taught Solomon wisdom?

▪ What would you like God to teach you?

Say: Solomon was wise because God gave him wisdom. God will give us wisdom, too, if we ask him, because ►GOD TEACHES US many things. Because Solomon loved and worshipped God, Solomon asked God for wisdom. We can be like Solomon and ask God for wisdom, too!



Choose at least two of the learning centers to help reinforce today’s Bible lesson. Gather the needed materials, and put the supplies in an out-of-sight area until you’re ready for them. Allow the children to choose which center they’d like to explore first. Then circulate among the children as they create and explore. Encourage them to make connections between their activities and the Bible by asking them the questions included with each description.


Solomon’s Wisdom

What You’ll Do

Distribute the My Bible Playground pages, and have kids write their names on their papers. Have kids each cut out the picture of the baby on their student page.

Say: Solomon had a tough choice to make. He had to decide which woman was the baby’s mother. Look at the picture, and imagine that Solomon has just told the women that they would each get half of the baby.


▪ Which woman in the picture is the baby’s real mother?

Say: Solomon knew that the woman who asked him not to hurt the baby was the baby’s mother. Direct kids to tape the baby to the arms of the woman who they think is the baby’s mother.


Center 1: Solomon’s



My Bible Playground scissors


Center 1: Solomon’s


Easy Prep

Remove the Lesson 5 pages from each My Bible Playground student book.

Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6 Lesson 5 Fall Quarter


Center 2: Wisdom Trail



1 paper cup or bowl and 1 plastic spoon per child

cereal banana chips raisins mini-pretzels onions pepper mustard

antibacterial gel (optional)


Center 3: Catch the



Teacher Pack loop saucer

Talk With Kids


▪ Have you ever had trouble knowing what to do?

▪ What can you do to get wisdom from God this week?

Say: ►GOD TEACHES US. When we have a problem to solve, we can ask God for help. God will help us know what to do.


Wisdom Trail Mix

What You’ll Do

Say: I’ll teach you how to make Wisdom Trail Mix and then let you make a snack. If you’re not sure what to do, you may ask, and I’ll help you. Right now, being wise will mean making a snack that tastes good.

Have the children wash their hands (or use antibacterial gel). Give each child a paper cup or bowl and a plastic spoon. Show the children the ingredients, and explain what each one is. Show them how they may add two spoonfuls of any item they think would be wise (taste good) to put into their trail mix. Make sure they understand that they may ask for help at any time. Watch for those who try to add the “bad” items to their mix. Caution them to think again and to be wise.

Say: You were careful to follow what I taught you and to ask for help when you didn’t know what to do. You all chose good things to add to your Wisdom Trail Mix.

Talk With Kids


▪ What wise choices did you make as you created your Wisdom Trail Mix?

▪ Talk about when you needed to ask for help.

Say: ►GOD TEACHES US and promises to give us wisdom when we ask him.


Catch the Crown

What You’ll Do

Have the children stand in a circle. Toss the loop saucer to one child. Have the child who catches the saucer wear it like a crown and tell something he or she would like to learn from God. Then have that child toss the saucer to another child. Continue until each child has had a turn to catch the saucer and share something he or she wants to learn from God.

Fall Quarter Lesson 5 Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6

Talk With Kids


▪ Why do you think God wants to teach us and make us wise?

▪ Why should we ask God for wisdom?

Say: God wants to teach us lots of things. Sometimes ►GOD TEACHES US through other people like our parents or teachers. Sometimes ►GOD TEACHES US through the Bible. If we’ll let him, he’ll give us wisdom the way he gave Solomon wisdom. All we have to do is ask God.


Wisdom Memory Book

What You’ll Do

Give each child the supplies. Instruct the kids to fold the card stock and paper in half to make a book, and then punch two holes along the folded edge. Tie the yarn through the holes to hold the book together. Encourage the kids to decorate the covers of their “Wisdom Memory Books” with markers, glitter, and stickers.

Say: Every day ►GOD TEACHES US many things. God gives us wisdom as we remember what he teaches us and as we follow his ways.

Talk With Kids

Discuss with children things that God has taught them. Then encourage children to fill in one or two of their pages with something God has taught them. If your 5- and 6-year-olds have a hard time thinking of ways God teaches them, explain that he often uses parents, teachers, and other grown-ups to teach them. Suggest they draw a picture of themselves learning to share, putting some coins in the offering, helping their parents, or worshipping at church.

Say: Take your Wisdom Memory Book home, and continue to draw pictures of good things ►GOD TEACHES YOU.



Be a FaithWeaver

What You’ll Do

After the children have cleaned up their centers, bring everyone back to a circle area on the floor. Review the lesson activities and the Bible Point, and then encourage the children to share what they remember about the Bible today.


Center 4: Wisdom

Memory Book


1 sheet of card stock, 5 sheets of plain paper, and one 12-inch piece of yarn per child

hole punch markers glitter stickers

Be a FaithWeaver


My Bible Playground

Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6 Lesson 5 Fall Quarter


Also use this time to challenge kids in their faith. Encourage them to choose a Daily Challenge for applying today’s lesson to their lives this week. Use this challenge for encouraging your children’s growing relationships with Jesus.

Talk With Kids

Say: Today we learned that ►GOD TEACHES US. I’d like each of you to choose a way you can trust God to teach you this week.

Give kids these three ideas to choose from:

▪ Have your mom or dad help you learn to read a new book.

▪ Take a walk with your dad or mom, and ask him or her a question about something you find on your walk.

▪ In the morning, pray and ask God to help you learn something new that day.

Allow the kids to either choose from these three ideas or take a minute to think of a few new ideas together. Then have them tell which idea they’ve chosen. Make sure you choose a challenge as well and tell kids which challenge you chose. Your commitment will inspire children and will give them an opportunity to see God at work in your life as well as in theirs!

Wisdom Prayer

What You’ll Do

Lead children in the following active prayer to remind them to ask God for wisdom. Have them follow the motions in parentheses.

Dear God,

Please teach me every day (point to self)

The things that I should do and say. (hold hands out palms up, and then point to mouth)

Please help me to grow very wise. (point to side of head) Thank you for teaching (fold hands in prayer)

Someone my size. (put hand on top of head as if measuring height)

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Weaving Faith at Home

Have children take home their My Bible Playground pages whether they worked on them or not. Have the children tell their parents the challenge they committed to in the “Be

a FaithWeaver” activity. Encourage the parents to help their kids fulfill this commitment throughout the week. By working together and focusing on the same goals, you and parents can help children weave faith into their lives!

Talk to your Director about e-mailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Fall Quarter Lesson 5 Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6


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Pre-K & K/Ages 5 & 6 Lesson 5 Fall Quarter


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